Beispiel #1
def adam_lb_modified(params):
    Executes ADAM with modified Linearized Bregman thresholding   
        params (Params object): contains parameters for optimization
        results (Results object): contains the arrays 
                with the results of the optimization
    # ------ PARAMETERS ------
    m = params.m
    n = params.n
    num_samp = params.num_samp
    max_iter = params.max_iter

    lmbda = params.lmbda
    eta = params.eta
    epsilon = params.epsilon
    beta_1 = params.beta_1
    beta_2 = params.beta_2

    sparse = params.sparse
    noise = params.noise
    flipping = params.flipping
    # -----------------------
    # initializes the Ax = b problem
    problem = init.init_l1(m, n, num_samp, max_iter, sparse, noise)
    A = problem[0]
    x_true = problem[1]
    b = problem[2]

    # step sizes (component-wise array)
    tau = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # thresholder array
    z_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # the estimation of x_true
    x_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # the exponentially moving average of the gradient mean and variance
    m_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    v_k = np.zeros((n, 1))

    if (flipping):
        # will be used to flag the indices in z_k to apply new step size rule to
        m_flag = np.zeros((1, n), dtype=int)

    # creates a Results object to hold and update results
    results = get_results.Results(max_iter, n, x_true)

    for i in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        print("iteration: " + str(i))

        # ------ SAMPLING ------
        # chooses random rows
        idx = random.permutation(n)
        # gets corresponding rows of A and b
        A_sub = A[idx[:num_samp], :]
        b_sub = b[idx[:num_samp]]

        # ------ RESIDUAL AND GRADIENT ------
        # gets the residual ( Ax - b )
        residual =, x_k) - b_sub
        # gets the gradient ( A.T * residual )
        gradient =, residual)

        # ------ FLIPPING ------
        if (flipping):
            # finding the indices in m_flag that are zero
            ind_flag = np.argwhere(m_flag == 0)[:, 1]
            # finding the indices in the second column (modified) of z_lb
            # that are greater than the threshold
            ind_c = np.argwhere(np.absolute(z_k[ind_flag]) > lmbda)
            # flagging indices that are above the threshold
            # m_flag[ind_flag[ind_c]] = 1
            m_flag[0, ind_c] = 1

            # eliminate flipping depending on flag
            ind_elim = np.argwhere(m_flag == 1)[:, 1]
            ind_nelim = np.argwhere(m_flag == 0)[:, 1]

        # ------ UPDATING M AND V ------
        m_k = beta_1 * m_k + (1 - beta_1) * gradient
        v_k = beta_2 * v_k + (1 - beta_2) * gradient**2
        # bias correction
        m_hat = m_k / (1 - beta_1**i)
        v_hat = v_k / (1 - beta_2**i)

        # ------ STEP SIZE ------
        t_k = eta / (np.sqrt(v_hat) + epsilon)
        tau = tau + np.sign(-gradient)
        if (flipping):
            step_size_elim = (t_k[ind_elim] * np.absolute(tau[ind_elim]) / i)
            step_size = (t_k * np.absolute(tau) / i)

        # ------ UPDATING X AND Z------
        if (flipping):
            z_k[ind_elim] = z_k[ind_elim] - np.multiply(
                step_size_elim, m_hat[ind_elim])
            z_k[ind_nelim] = z_k[ind_nelim] - t_k[ind_nelim] * m_hat[ind_nelim]
            x_k = threshold(z_k, lmbda)
            z_k = z_k - np.multiply(step_size, m_hat)
            x_k = threshold(z_k, lmbda)

        # ------ RESULTS ------
        results.update(residual, b_sub, n, x_k, z_k, t_k, adaptive=True)

    return results
Beispiel #2
def adagrad(params):
    Executes ADAGRAD  
        params (Params object): contains parameters for optimization 
        results (array-like): a tuple containing the arrays 
                with the results of the optimization
    # ------ PARAMETERS ------
    m = params.m
    n = params.n
    num_samp = params.num_samp
    max_iter = params.max_iter

    eta = params.eta
    epsilon = params.epsilon

    sparse = params.sparse
    noise = params.noise
    # ------------------------
    # initializes the Ax = b problem
    problem = init.init_l1(m, n, num_samp, max_iter, sparse, noise)
    A = problem[0]
    x_true = problem[1]
    b = problem[2]

    # the cumulative sum of the squared gradient
    s_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # the step size ( eta/sqrt(s_k + epsilon) )
    t_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # the estimation of x_true
    x_k = np.zeros((n, 1))

    # creates a Results object to hold and update results
    results = get_results.Results(max_iter, n, x_true)

    for i in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        print("iteration: " + str(i))

        # ------ SAMPLING ------
        # chooses random rows
        idx = random.permutation(n)
        # gets corresponding rows of A and b
        A_sub = A[idx[:num_samp], :]
        b_sub = b[idx[:num_samp]]

        # ------ RESIDUAL AND GRADIENT ------
        # gets the residual ( Ax - b )
        residual =, x_k) - b_sub
        # gets the gradient ( A.T * residual )
        gradient =, residual)

        # ------ STEP SIZE ------
        s_k = s_k + np.multiply(gradient, gradient)
        t_k = eta / np.sqrt(s_k + epsilon)

        # ------ UPDATING X ------
        x_k = x_k - np.multiply(t_k, gradient)

        # ------ RESULTS ------
        results.update_residuals(residual, b_sub)
        results.update_moder(x_true, x_k)
        results.update_x_history(x_k, n)
                       np.zeros((n, 1)),

    return results
Beispiel #3
def lb_classic(params):
    Executes classic Linearized Bregman  
        params (Params object): contains parameters for optimization
        results (array-like): a tuple containing the arrays 
                with the results of the optimization
    # ------ PARAMETERS ------
    m = params.m
    n = params.n
    num_samp = params.num_samp
    max_iter = params.max_iter
    lmbda = params.lmbda

    sparse = params.sparse
    noise = params.noise
    # ------------------------
    # initializes the Ax = y problem
    problem = init.init_l1(m, n, num_samp, max_iter, sparse, noise)
    A = problem[0]
    x_true = problem[1]
    b = problem[2]

    # current values of x and z
    x_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    z_k = np.zeros((n, 1))

    # creates a Results object to hold and update results
    results = get_results.Results(max_iter, n, x_true)

    # ------ MAIN LOOP ------
    for i in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        print("iteration: " + str(i))

        # ------ SAMPLING ------
        # choosing random rows of A
        idx = random.permutation(n)

        # getting the corresponding rows of A and y
        A_sub = A[idx[:num_samp], :]
        b_sub = b[idx[:num_samp]]
        # TODO: FIX THIS LOL
        # y_sub = y[0, idx[:num_samp]]

        # ------ RESIDUAL AND GRADIENT ------
        # gets the residual ( Ax - b )
        residual =, x_k) - b_sub
        # gets the gradient ( A.T * residual )
        gradient =, residual)

        # ------ STEP SIZE ------
        # getting the step size
        t_k = la.norm(residual, 2)**2 / la.norm(gradient, 2)**2

        # ------ UPDATING X AND Z  ------
        z_k = z_k - t_k * gradient
        x_k = threshold(z_k, lmbda)

        # ------ RESULTS ------
        results.update(residual, b_sub, n, x_k, z_k, t_k, adaptive=False)
        # results.update_iteration()
        # results.update_residuals(residual, b_sub)
        # results.update_onenorm(x_k)
        # results.update_moder(x_true, x_k)
        # results.update_x_history(x_k, n)
        # results.update_z_history(z_k, n)
        # results.update_t_history(t_k, n, adaptive=False)

    return results
Beispiel #4
def adam_lb_classic(params):
    Executes ADAM with classic Linearized Bregman thresholding   
        params (Params object): contains parameters for optimization
        results (array-like): a tuple containing the arrays 
                with the results of the optimization
    # ------ PARAMETERS ------
    m = params.m         
    n = params.n         
    num_samp = params.num_samp    
    max_iter = params.max_iter
    lmbda = params.lmbda 
    eta = params.eta
    epsilon = params.epsilon
    beta_1 = params.beta_1
    beta_2 = params.beta_2
    sparse = params.sparse 
    noise = params.noise
    # -----------------------
    # initializes the Ax = b problem 
    problem = init.init_l1(m, n, num_samp, max_iter, sparse, noise)
    A = problem[0]
    x_true = problem[1]
    b = problem[2]
    # the step size 
    t_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # thresholder array 
    z_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # the estimation of x_true 
    x_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # the exponentially moving average of the gradient mean and variance
    m_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    v_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    # creates a Results object to hold and update results 
    results = get_results.Results(max_iter, n, x_true)
    for i in range(1, max_iter+1):
        print("iteration: " + str(i))
        # ------ SAMPLING ------
        # chooses random rows
        idx = random.permutation(n)
        # gets corresponding rows of A and b 
        A_sub = A[idx[:num_samp], :]
        b_sub = b[idx[:num_samp]]
        # ------ RESIDUAL AND GRADIENT ------
        # gets the residual ( Ax - b )
        residual =, x_k) - b_sub
        # gets the gradient ( A.T * residual )
        gradient =, residual)
        # ------ UPDATING M AND V ------
        m_k = beta_1 * m_k + (1-beta_1) * gradient
        v_k = beta_2 * v_k + (1-beta_2) * gradient**2
        # bias correction 
        m_hat = m_k / (1-beta_1**i) 
        v_hat = v_k / (1-beta_2**i) 
        # ------ STEP SIZE ------
        t_k = eta / (np.sqrt(v_hat) + epsilon)
        # ------ UPDATING X AND Z------
        z_k = z_k - np.multiply(t_k, m_hat)
        x_k = threshold(z_k, lmbda)
        # ------ RESULTS ------
        results.update(residual, b_sub, n, x_k, z_k, t_k, adaptive=True)
    return results
Beispiel #5
def lb_modified(params):
    Executes modified Linearized Bregman  
        params (Params object): contains parameters for optimization
        results (array-like): a tuple containing the arrays 
                with the results of the optimization
    # ------ PARAMETERS ------
    m = params.m
    n = params.n
    num_samp = params.num_samp
    max_iter = params.max_iter

    lmbda = params.lmbda

    sparse = params.sparse
    noise = params.noise
    flipping = params.flipping
    # ------------------------
    # initializes the Ax = y problem
    problem = init.init_l1(m, n, num_samp, max_iter, sparse, noise)
    A = problem[0]
    x_true = problem[1]
    b = problem[2]

    # current values of x and z
    x_k = np.zeros((n, 1))
    z_k = np.zeros((n, 1))

    # step sizes (component-wise array)
    tau = np.zeros((n, 1))

    if (flipping):
        # will be used to flag the indices in z_k to apply new step size rule to
        m_flag = np.zeros((1, n), dtype=int)

    # creates a Results object to hold and update results
    results = get_results.Results(max_iter, n, x_true)

    # ------ MAIN LOOP ------
    for i in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        print("iteration: " + str(i))

        # ------ SAMPLING ------
        # choosing random rows of A
        idx = random.permutation(n)

        # getting the corresponding rows of A and y
        A_sub = A[idx[:num_samp], :]
        b_sub = b[idx[:num_samp]]
        # TODO: FIX THIS LOL
        # y_sub = y[0, idx[:num_samp]]

        # ------ RESIDUAL AND GRADIENT ------
        # gets the residual ( Ax - b )
        residual =, x_k) - b_sub
        # gets the gradient ( A.T * residual )
        gradient =, residual)

        # ------ THRESHOLDING ------
        if (flipping):
            # finding the indices in m_flag that are zero
            ind_flag = np.argwhere(m_flag == 0)[:, 1]
            # finding the indices in the second column (modified) of z_lb
            # that are greater than the threshold
            ind_c = np.argwhere(np.absolute(z_k[ind_flag]) > lmbda)
            # flagging indices that are above the threshold
            # m_flag[ind_flag[ind_c]] = 1
            m_flag[0, ind_c] = 1

            # eliminate flipping depending on flag
            ind_elim = np.argwhere(m_flag == 1)[:, 1]
            ind_nelim = np.argwhere(m_flag == 0)[:, 1]

        # ------ STEP SIZE ------
        t_k = la.norm(residual, 2)**2 / la.norm(gradient, 2)**2
        # getting the component-wise update
        tau = tau + np.sign(-gradient)
        # getting the step size
        if (flipping):
            step_size = (t_k * np.absolute(tau[ind_elim]) / i)
            step_size = (t_k * np.absolute(tau) / i)

        # ------ UPDATING X AND Z ------
        if (flipping):
            z_k[ind_elim] = z_k[ind_elim] - np.multiply(
                step_size, gradient[ind_elim])
            z_k[ind_nelim] = z_k[ind_nelim] - t_k * gradient[ind_nelim]
            x_k = threshold(z_k, lmbda)
            z_k = z_k - np.multiply(step_size, gradient)
            x_k = threshold(z_k, lmbda)

        # ------ RESULTS ------
        results.update(residual, b_sub, n, x_k, z_k, t_k, adaptive=False)

    return results