Beispiel #1
from getchallenge import challenge
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

clue = "hockey.html"

problem = challenge(clue)
Its in the air. Look at the letters if we look at the letters
that make up hockey they spell oxygen so lets try that one

clue2 = 'oxygen.html'

problem = challenge(clue2)
a png file, looks like image processing may be needed
so the image has a band of grey pixels this bad must be my encoded data
I need to figure out a way to read it.

clue3 = 'oxygen.png'
problem = challenge(clue3)

pic =
# loaded image into an image object , now the real work begins

data = [pic.getpixel((i, 45)) for i in range(0, pic.size[0], 7)]
ords = [r for r, g, b, a in data if r == g == b]
Beispiel #2
Based on the clue given it is either a zipfile or pythons zip function
When looking at the we ca return a file for download
The easy way to process this would be to download the file into our
directory by hand and process the data however this solution uses
requests to pull the file automatically

from zipfile import ZipFile
from getchallenge import challenge
from io import BytesIO
import re

data = challenge("")
zipped = BytesIO(data.content)   # takes the data in as bytestream data
# lets us work entirely in memory

zipped = ZipFile(zipped)
# | converts the zipfile into a dictionary using
# V the names as keys and the contents as values
stuff = {name:"utf-8") for name in zipped.namelist()}
stuff = stuff

def linkedPy(start, files):  # function to go through the dictionary
    text = str(files.get(start))
    pat ='[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*', text)
    if pat is None:
        return "not a file"
Beispiel #3
from getchallenge import challenge
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

clue = "hockey.html"

problem = challenge(clue)

Its in the air. Look at the letters if we look at the letters
that make up hockey they spell oxygen so lets try that one

clue2 = 'oxygen.html'

problem = challenge(clue2)

a png file, looks like image processing may be needed
so the image has a band of grey pixels this bad must be my encoded data
I need to figure out a way to read it.

clue3 = 'oxygen.png'
problem = challenge(clue3)

pic =
# loaded image into an image object , now the real work begins
Beispiel #4
Based on the clue given it is either a zipfile or pythons zip function
When looking at the we ca return a file for download
The easy way to process this would be to download the file into our
directory by hand and process the data however this solution uses
requests to pull the file automatically

from zipfile import ZipFile
from getchallenge import challenge
from io import BytesIO
import re

data = challenge("")
zipped = BytesIO(data.content)  # takes the data in as bytestream data
# lets us work entirely in memory

zipped = ZipFile(zipped)
# | converts the zipfile into a dictionary using
# V the names as keys and the contents as values
stuff = {name:"utf-8") for name in zipped.namelist()}
stuff = stuff

def linkedPy(start, files):  # function to go through the dictionary
    text = str(files.get(start))
    pat ='[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*', text)
    if pat is None:
        return "not a file"
        return  # returns a string result from