def plotpe(ax): global profit, hs300 daterange = pd.date_range('01/01/2012', end='03/03/2017', freq='B') #daterange = pd.date_range('03/01/2014', end = '05/20/2014', freq='B') convertrange = daterange.to_pydatetime() sz50code, namedf, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume() epsall = getdata.GetProfit('eps') peseries = Series() validpe = Series() for date in convertrange: if date not in price.index: continue combinepe = 0 for code in hs300.index: weight = hs300['weight'][code] eps = epsall.ix[code] quarter = date.month / 4 + 1 if date.year == 2012: earning = eps[20124] elif date.year > 2016: earning = eps[20163] + eps[20154] - eps[20153] else: if quarter == 1: earning = eps[(date.year - 1) * 10 + 4] else: earning = eps[date.year * 10 + quarter - 1] + eps[ (date.year - 1) * 10 + 4] - eps[(date.year - 1) * 10 + quarter - 1] temppe = float(price[code][date]) / earning if not isnan(temppe): validpe[code] = temppe if isnan(temppe) and code in validpe.index: temppe = validpe[code] if (not isnan(temppe)) and temppe > 0: combinepe = combinepe + weight * temppe #print combinepe #if date.year == 2014 and date.month==4 and == 3 and temppe < 0: # print date, code, temppe, earning peseries[date] = combinepe print date, combinepe #normalizedpe = (peseries - peseries.min()) / (peseries.max() - peseries.min()) ax.set_title("hs300PE") peseries.plot(ax=ax)
volume1 = volume1.apply(lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x))) volume_ma = pd.rolling_mean(volume1, window=30) #price_ma = pd.rolling_mean(price1, window = 30) #ss = getdata.GetWindowCorr(price_ma[code1], volume_ma[code1], 90) #price_ma[code1].plot(color='r') price1.plot(label="PE") #volume_ma[code1].plot(color='y') #ss.plot(color='b') if __name__ == "__main__": global profit, hs300, roe, growth_mbrg, growth_nprg, growth_nav profit = getdata.GetProfit('net_profits') basic = getdata.GetBasic()['totals'] roe = getdata.GetProfit('roe') growth_mbrg = getdata.GetGrowth('mbrg') growth_nprg = getdata.GetGrowth('nprg') #growth_nav = getdata.GetGrowth('nav') hs300 = getdata.GetHs300() zz500 = getdata.GetZz500() #retpearray = Series() #retpbarray = Series() #plotcorrelation() #plot use subplot
ratio.plot(ax=ax) def calcdivratio(code): global divi, hs300, eps zzidx = [2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016] codelist = [ '600015', '601166', '000001', '600000', '600036', '600016', '601818', '601998' ] ret = DataFrame(index=codelist, columns=zzidx) #print divi.ix[code] #print eps.ix[code] for code in ret.index: for year in zzidx: ret[year][code] = divi[year][code] / eps[year * 10 + 3][code] * 10 print hs300['name'][code].decode('UTF-8'), ret.ix[code] if __name__ == "__main__": global divi, hs300, eps divi = getdata.GetDiv('divi') eps = getdata.GetProfit('eps') #print divi hs300 = getdata.GetHs300() #plotdivratio('601166') calcdivratio('601166')