Beispiel #1
def CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, RevealShaderObjs_input, SideIntersectionSurface, Side_OriginPt, Side_Direction):
    #Test shading objects for their edge points
    Side_IntersectionCurve = []
    Side_IntersectionPoints = []
    for i in range(len(RevealShaderObjs_input)): #This is the list of shading objects to filter
        if ghc.BrepXBrep(RevealShaderObjs_input[i], SideIntersectionSurface).curves != None:
            Side_IntersectionCurve.append(ghc.BrepXBrep(RevealShaderObjs_input[i], SideIntersectionSurface).curves)
    for i in range(len(Side_IntersectionCurve)):
        for k in range(len(ghc.ControlPoints(Side_IntersectionCurve[i]).points)):
    #Find the top/closets point for each of the objects that could possibly shade
    Side_KeyPoints = []
    Side_Rays = []
    Side_Angles = []
    for i in range(len(Side_IntersectionPoints)):
        if Side_OriginPt != Side_IntersectionPoints[i]:
            Ray = ghc.Vector2Pt(Side_OriginPt, Side_IntersectionPoints[i], False).vector
            Angle = math.degrees(ghc.Angle(_phpp_window_obj.surface_normal, Ray).angle)
            if  Angle < 89.9:
    Side_KeyPoint = Side_KeyPoints[Side_Angles.index(min(Side_Angles))]
    Side_KeyRay = Side_Rays[Side_Angles.index(min(Side_Angles))]
    #use the Key point found to calculte the Distances for the PHPP Shading Calculator
    Side_Hypot = ghc.Length(ghc.Line(Side_OriginPt, Side_KeyPoint))
    Deg = (ghc.Angle(Side_Direction, Side_KeyRay).angle) #note this is in Radians
    Side_o_reveal =  math.sin(Deg) * Side_Hypot
    Side_d_reveal = math.sqrt(Side_Hypot**2 - Side_o_reveal**2)
    Side_CheckLine = ghc.Line(Side_OriginPt, Side_KeyPoint)
    return [Side_o_reveal, Side_d_reveal, Side_CheckLine]
def getWindowBasics(_in):
    with idf2ph_rhDoc():
        # Get the Window Geometry
        geom = rs.coercegeometry(_in)
        windowSurface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(geom)

        # Inset the window just slightly. If any windows touch one another or the zone edges
        # will failt to create a proper closed Brep. So shink them ever so slightly. Hopefully
        # not enough to affect the results.
        windowPerim = ghc.JoinCurves(ghc.DeconstructBrep(windowSurface).edges,
            windowPerim = ghc.OffsetonSrf(
                windowPerim, 0.004,
                windowSurface)  # 0.4mm so hopefully rounds down
            windowPerim = ghc.OffsetonSrf(windowPerim, -0.004, windowSurface)
        windowSurface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(windowPerim)

        # Pull in the Object Name from Rhino Scene
        windowName = None
            windowName = rs.ObjectName(_in)
            warning = "Can't get the Window name from Rhino for some reason?\n"\
            "If you are passing in Rhino Geometry, double check you have named all the surfaces?\n"\
            "If you are passing in Grasshopper geometry though, ignore this message."
                ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, warning)

        windowName = windowName if windowName != None else 'Unnamed_Window'
        windowName = cleanUpName(windowName)

        # Double check that the surface Normal didn't get flipped
        c1 = ghc.Area(geom).centroid
        n1 = rs.SurfaceNormal(geom, c1)

        c2 = ghc.Area(windowSurface).centroid
        n2 = rs.SurfaceNormal(windowSurface, c2)

        normAngleDifference = ghc.Degrees(ghc.Angle(n1, n2).angle)
        if round(normAngleDifference, 0) != 0:
            # Flip the surface if it doesn't match the source
            windowSurface = ghc.Flip(windowSurface).surface

        return windowName, windowSurface
Beispiel #3
def find_overhang_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
    # Figure out the glass surface (inset a bit) and then
    # find the origin point for all the subsequent shading calcs (top, middle)
    glzgCenter = ghc.Area(_phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface).centroid
    glazingEdges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    glazingTopEdge = from_linesegment3d(glazingEdges.Top)
    ShadingOrigin = ghc.CurveMiddle(glazingTopEdge)
    # In order to also work for windows which are not vertical, find the 
    # 'direction' from the glazing origin and the top/middle ege point
    UpVector = ghc.Vector2Pt(glzgCenter, ShadingOrigin, True).vector
    # First, need to filter the scene to find the objects that are 'above'
    # the window. Create a 'test plane' that is _extents (99m) tall and 0.5m past the wall surface, test if
    # any objects intersect that plane. If so, add them to the set of things
    # test in the next step
    depth = float(_phpp_window_obj.install_depth) + 0.5
    edge1 = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    edge2 = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal, depth)
    intersectionTestPlane = ghc.SumSurface(edge1, edge2)
    OverhangShadingObjs = (x for x in _shadingGeom 
                    if ghc.BrepXBrep(intersectionTestPlane, x).curves != None)
    # Using the filtered set of shading objects, find the 'edges' of shading 
    # geom and then decide where the maximums shading point is
    # Create a new 'test' plane coming off the origin (99m in both directions this time).
    # Test to find any intersection shading objs and all their crvs/points with this plane
    HorizontalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal, _extents)
    VerticalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(HorizontalLine, VerticalLine)
    IntersectionCurves = (ghc.BrepXBrep(obj, IntersectionSurface).curves 
                            for obj in OverhangShadingObjs
                            if ghc.BrepXBrep(obj, IntersectionSurface).curves != None)
    IntersectionPointsList = (ghc.ControlPoints(crv).points for crv in IntersectionCurves)
    IntersectionPoints = (pt for list_of_pts in IntersectionPointsList for pt in list_of_pts)
    # If there are any intersection Points found, choose the right one to use to calc shading....
    # Find the top/closets point for each of the objects that could possibly shade
    smallest_angle_found = 2 * math.pi
    key_point = None
    for pt in IntersectionPoints:
        if pt == None:        
        # Protect against Zero-Length error
        ray = ghc.Vector2Pt(ShadingOrigin, pt, False).vector
        if ray.Length < 0.001:
        this_ray_angle = ghc.Angle(_phpp_window_obj.surface_normal , ray).angle
        if this_ray_angle < 0.001:
        if this_ray_angle <= smallest_angle_found:
            smallest_angle_found = this_ray_angle
            key_point = pt
    # Use the 'key point' found to deliver the Height and Distance for the PHPP Shading Calculator
    if not key_point:
        d_over = None
        o_over = None
        CheckLine = VerticalLine
        d_over = key_point.Z - ShadingOrigin.Z                              # Vertical distance
        Hypot = ghc.Length(ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, key_point))              # Hypot
        o_over = math.sqrt(Hypot**2 - d_over**2)                            # Horizontal distance
        CheckLine = ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, key_point)
    return d_over, o_over, CheckLine
Beispiel #4
def find_horizon_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
        _phpp_winddow_obj: The PHPP_Window object to calcualte the values for
        _shadingGeom: (list) A list of possible shading objects to test against
        _extents: (float) A number (m) to limit the shading search to. Default = 99m
        h_hori: Distance (m) out from the glazing surface of any horizontal shading objects found
        d_hori: Distance (m) up from the base of the window to the top of any horizontal shading objects found
    surface_normal = _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal

    # Find Starting Point
    glazingEdges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    glazingBottomEdge = glazingEdges.Bottom
    ShadingOrigin = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(glazingBottomEdge) )
    UpVector = ghc.VectorXYZ(0,0,1).vector
    # Find if there are any shading objects and if so put them in a list
    HorizonShading = []
    HorizontalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, surface_normal, _extents)
    VerticalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    for shadingObj in _shadingGeom:
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(shadingObj, HorizontalLine).points != None:
            HorizonShading.append( shadingObj )
    # Find any intersection Curves with the shading objects
    IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(HorizontalLine, VerticalLine)
    IntersectionCurve = []
    IntersectionPoints = []
    for shadingObj in HorizonShading:
        if ghc.BrepXBrep(shadingObj, IntersectionSurface).curves != None:
            IntersectionCurve.append(ghc.BrepXBrep(shadingObj, IntersectionSurface))
    for pnt in IntersectionCurve:
    # Run the "Top-Corner-Finder" if there are any intersecting objects...
    if len(IntersectionPoints) != 0:
        # Find the top/closets point for each of the objects that could possibly shade
        KeyPoints = []
        for pnt in IntersectionPoints:
            Rays = []
            Angles = []
            if pnt:
                for k in range(len(pnt)):
                    Rays.append(ghc.Vector2Pt(ShadingOrigin,pnt[k], False).vector)
                    Angles.append(ghc.Angle(surface_normal , Rays[k]).angle)
        # Find the relevant highest / closest point
        Rays = []
        Angles = []
        for i in range(len(KeyPoints)):
            Rays.append(ghc.Vector2Pt(surface_normal, KeyPoints[i], False).vector)
            Angles.append(ghc.Angle(surface_normal, Rays[i]).angle)
        KeyPoint = KeyPoints[Angles.index(max(Angles))]
        # Use the point it finds to deliver the Height and Distance for the PHPP Shading Calculator
        h_hori = KeyPoint.Z - ShadingOrigin.Z #Vertical distance
        Hypot = ghc.Length(ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, KeyPoint))
        d_hori = math.sqrt(Hypot**2 - h_hori**2)
        CheckLine = ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, KeyPoint)
        h_hori = None
        d_hori = None
        CheckLine = HorizontalLine
    return h_hori, d_hori, CheckLine
Beispiel #5
def fractal(depth, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, anglerec, angle, lvariation,
            aran, lran, anglerech, angleh, branches, gravity):

    #test if depth>0
    if depth:

        #defining random angle variation and length variation
        arn = random.uniform(-angle / 100 * aran, angle / 100 * aran)
        lrn = random.uniform(-length / 100 * lran, length / 100 * lran)

        #defining horizontal rotation angles
        ahor = random.sample(range(0, 360), branches)
        #removing numbers within tolerance
        ahr = rs.CullDuplicateNumbers(ahor, angleh)
        #in a 360 fashion
        if ahr[0]+360-angleh<ahr[-1]:
            del ahr[0]
        ahr = [0, 90, 270, 180]
        #previous branch vector

        vecst = rg.Point3d(x1, y1, z1)
        vecend = rg.Point3d(x2, y2, z2)

        movevec = ghc.Vector2Pt(vecst, vecend,
                                True)[0]  #returns vector and it's length

        #perpendicular vector rotation plane

        rotplane3 = ghc.PlaneNormal(
            vecend, movevec)  #creates plane perpendicular to vector
        plns = ghc.DeconstructPlane(rotplane3)  #origin, x, y, z
        rotplane = ghc.ConstructPlane(
            plns[0], plns[3], plns[2]
        )  #constructing new plane switching x and y planes to make perpendicular

        #generating perpendicular vector
        vecperp = ghc.Rotate(movevec, radians(90), rotplane)[0]

        #generating vector amplitudes
        leny = (length + lrn) * sin(radians(anglerec + arn))
        lenz = (length + lrn) * cos(radians(anglerec + arn))
        ampy = ghc.Amplitude(vecperp, leny)
        ampz = ghc.Amplitude(movevec, lenz)

        #changing branch length dependant on branch depth
        length = length * lvariation

        #building points
        endpoint1 = ghc.Move(
            vecend, ampz)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data
        endpoint = ghc.Move(
            endpoint1, ampy)[0]  #returns moved object and transformation data

        #rotating point in a cone fashion
        rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(
            endpoint, anglerech, vecend,
            movevec)[0]  #returns rotated geometry and transformation data

        #vertical branch angle
        angl1 = ghc.Angle(rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint), horizont,
                          verticalpln)[0]  #outputs angle and reflex
        angl = ghc.Degrees(angl1)


        #rotate depending on how horizontal branch is
        if angl > 0 and angl < 180:
            if angl < 89:
                grrot = ((30 / 100) * (100 - (angl * 0.9)) / 100) * gravity
            elif angl > 91:
                grrot = ((30 / 100) * (100 -
                                       ((180 - angl) * 0.9)) / 100) * gravity

            grrot == 0
            rotpoint = ghc.Rotate3D(rotpoint, grrot, vecend, verticalpln)[0]

        #building line between points
        linegeo = rg.Line(vecend, rotpoint)

        #setting coords for next branch
        x1 = x2
        y1 = y2
        z1 = z2

        #getting xyz from rotated point
        x2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[0]
        y2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[1]
        z2 = rg.Point3d(rotpoint)[2]

        #building a dict of lines with depth as key, and corresponding lines as values
        if depth not in treelin.keys():
            treelin[depth] = [linegeo]

        #calling function with different angle parameter for branch splitting
        #calling as many branches as spread within tolerance
        for aa in ahr:
            fractal(depth - 1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, length, angle, angle,
                    lvariation, aran, lran, aa, angleh, branches, gravity)