Beispiel #1
def findNeighbors(_srfcList):
    """ Takes in a list of surfaces. tests against others in the

    set to see if they are touching. Adds a 'Neighbor' marker if so"""

    for i, srfc in enumerate(_srfcList):

        for k in range(0, len(_srfcList)):

            #print 'Surface: {} looking at Surface: {}...'.format(i, k)

            vertsI = ghc.DeconstructBrep(_srfcList[i].Surface).vertices

            vertsK = ghc.DeconstructBrep(_srfcList[k].Surface).vertices

            if ghc.BrepXBrep(_srfcList[i].Surface,

                if _srfcList[i].Neighbors != None:

                    matchSetID = _srfcList[i].Neighbors

                elif _srfcList[k].Neighbors != None:

                    matchSetID = _srfcList[k].Neighbors


                    matchSetID = i

                _srfcList[i].addNeighbor(matchSetID)  #branch[k].ID)

                _srfcList[k].addNeighbor(matchSetID)  #branch[i].ID)

    return _srfcList
Beispiel #2
def brep_polyloops(brep):
    """ Returns the polyloop of all faces for a brep"""
    faces = ghc.DeconstructBrep(brep)[0]
    polyloops = []
    for face in faces:
        edges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(face)[1]
        polyline = ghc.JoinCurves(edges, False)
        vertices = ghc.Explode(polyline, recursive=True)[1]
    return polyloops
def cleanSrfcInput(_srfcsInput):
    """If Brep or Polysrfc are input, explode them"""

    outputSrfcs = []

    with idf2ph_rhDoc():

        for inputObj in _srfcsInput:

            if isinstance(rs.coercesurface(inputObj), Rhino.Geometry.BrepFace):

                # Catches Bare surfaces


            elif isinstance(rs.coercebrep(inputObj), Rhino.Geometry.Brep):

                # Catches Polysurfaces / Extrusions or other Masses

                faces = ghc.DeconstructBrep(rs.coercebrep(inputObj)).faces

                if isinstance(faces, list):

                    for face in faces:


            elif isinstance(rs.coercegeometry(inputObj),

                # Catches PolylineCurves

                if not rs.coercegeometry(inputObj).IsClosed:

                    warn = 'Non-Closed Polyline Curves found. Make sure all curves are closed.'

                        ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, warn)


                    faces = ghc.DeconstructBrep(

                    if isinstance(faces, list):

                        for face in faces:




        return outputSrfcs
Beispiel #4
 def depth(self):
     '''Used for non-res lighting evaluation. The room depth(m) from the main window wall '''
     if self._depth:
         return self._depth
     worldXplane = ghc.XYPlane( Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0,0,0) )
     # Find the 'short' edge and the 'long' egde of the srfc geometry
     srfcEdges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(self.surface).edges
     segLengths = ghc.SegmentLengths(srfcEdges).longest_length
     srfcEdges_sorted = ghc.SortList(segLengths, srfcEdges).values_a
     endPoints = ghc.EndPoints(srfcEdges_sorted[-1])
     longEdgeVector = ghc.Vector2Pt(endPoints.start, endPoints.end, False).vector
     shortEdgeVector = ghc.Rotate(longEdgeVector, ghc.Radians(90), worldXplane).geometry
     # Use the edges to find the orientation and dimensions of the room
     srfcAligedPlane = ghc.ConstructPlane(ghc.Area(self.surface).centroid, longEdgeVector, shortEdgeVector)
     srfcAlignedWorld = ghc.Orient(self.surface, srfcAligedPlane, worldXplane).geometry
     dims = ghc.BoxProperties( srfcAlignedWorld ).diagonal
     dims = [dims.X, dims.Y]
     width = min(dims)
     depth = max(dims)
     return depth
Beispiel #5
    def _get_edges_in_order(self, analysis_surface=None):
        """Sort the surface edges using the Degree about center as the Key
        Ordering yields edges in the order Bottom / Left / Top / Right
        repackege them unto L/R/B/T for output

            analysis_surface (Brep): A rectangular Rino surface to perform the analysis on
        if not analysis_surface:
            analysis_surface = self.rh_surface

        srfcPlane = self._get_plane_aligned_to_surface( analysis_surface )
        vectorList = self._get_vector_from_center_to_edge( analysis_surface, srfcPlane)
        edgeAngleDegrees = self._calc_edge_angle_about_center(vectorList)
        srfcEdges_Unordered = ghc.DeconstructBrep(analysis_surface).edges
        srfcEdges_Ordered = ghc.SortList( edgeAngleDegrees, srfcEdges_Unordered).values_a
        # Convert all the Rhino lines to Ladybug LineSegments before output
        _bottom, _left, _top, _right = srfcEdges_Ordered

        _left = self._my_lb_line_constructor(_left)
        _right = self._my_lb_line_constructor(_right)
        _bottom = self._my_lb_line_constructor(_bottom)
        _top = self._my_lb_line_constructor(_top)

        output = self.Output(_left, _right, _bottom, _top)
        return output
Beispiel #6
    def _get_verts(obj):
        brp_edges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(obj).edges
        brp_perim = ghc.JoinCurves(brp_edges, True)
        brp_verts = ghc.ControlPoints(brp_perim).points
        brpC = ghc.CullDuplicates(brp_verts, 0.0).points
        verts = (ev.from_Rh_points(vert) for vert in brpC)  #brp_verts

        return list(verts)
Beispiel #7
def _get_vertsFloor(obj):
    #brp_edges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(obj).edges
    #brp_perim = ghc.JoinCurves(brp_edges, True)
    #brp_verts = ghc.ControlPoints(brp_perim).points
    #brpC =  ghc.CullDuplicates(brp_verts, 0.0).points
    brp = ghc.DeconstructBrep(obj).vertices
    #brpC = ghc.ReverseList(brp)
    verts = [ev.from_Rh_points(point) for point in brp]

    return verts
Beispiel #8
def get_footprint(_surfaces):
    # Finds the 'footprint' of the building for 'Primary Energy Renewable' reference
    # 1) Re-build the Opaque Surfaces
    # 2) Join all the surface Breps into a single brep
    # 3) Find the 'box' for the single joined brep
    # 4) Find the lowest Z points on the box, offset another 10 units 'down'
    # 5) Make a new Plane at this new location
    # 6) Projects the brep edges onto the new Plane
    # 7) Split a surface using the edges, combine back into a single surface

    Footprint = namedtuple('Footprint',
                           ['Footprint_surface', 'Footprint_area'])

    #----- Build brep
    surfaces = (from_face3d(surface.Srfc) for surface in _surfaces)
    bldg_mass = ghc.BrepJoin(surfaces).breps
    bldg_mass = ghc.BoundaryVolume(bldg_mass)
    if not bldg_mass:
        return Footprint(None, None)

    #------- Find Corners, Find 'bottom' (lowest Z)
    bldg_mass_corners = [v for v in ghc.BoxCorners(bldg_mass)]
    bldg_mass_corners.sort(reverse=False, key=lambda point3D: point3D.Z)
    rect_pts = bldg_mass_corners[0:3]

    #------- Projection Plane
    projection_plane1 = ghc.Plane3Pt(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1], rect_pts[2])
    projection_plane2 = ghc.Move(projection_plane1, ghc.UnitZ(-10)).geometry
    matrix = rs.XformPlanarProjection(projection_plane2)

    #------- Project Edges onto Projection Plane
    projected_edges = []
    for edge in ghc.DeconstructBrep(bldg_mass).edges:
        projected_edges.append(ghc.Transform(edge, matrix))

    #------- Split the projection surface using the curves
    l1 = ghc.Line(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1])
    l2 = ghc.Line(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[2])
    max_length = max(ghc.Length(l1), ghc.Length(l2))

    projection_surface = ghc.Polygon(projection_plane2, max_length * 100, 4,
    projected_surfaces = ghc.SurfaceSplit(projection_surface, projected_edges)

    #------- Remove the biggest surface from the set(the background srfc)
    projected_surfaces.sort(key=lambda x: x.GetArea())

    #------- Join the new srfcs back together into a single one
    unioned_NURB = ghc.RegionUnion(projected_surfaces)
    unioned_surface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(unioned_NURB)

    return Footprint(unioned_surface, unioned_surface.GetArea())
def getWindowBasics(_in):
    with idf2ph_rhDoc():
        # Get the Window Geometry
        geom = rs.coercegeometry(_in)
        windowSurface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(geom)

        # Inset the window just slightly. If any windows touch one another or the zone edges
        # will failt to create a proper closed Brep. So shink them ever so slightly. Hopefully
        # not enough to affect the results.
        windowPerim = ghc.JoinCurves(ghc.DeconstructBrep(windowSurface).edges,
            windowPerim = ghc.OffsetonSrf(
                windowPerim, 0.004,
                windowSurface)  # 0.4mm so hopefully rounds down
            windowPerim = ghc.OffsetonSrf(windowPerim, -0.004, windowSurface)
        windowSurface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(windowPerim)

        # Pull in the Object Name from Rhino Scene
        windowName = None
            windowName = rs.ObjectName(_in)
            warning = "Can't get the Window name from Rhino for some reason?\n"\
            "If you are passing in Rhino Geometry, double check you have named all the surfaces?\n"\
            "If you are passing in Grasshopper geometry though, ignore this message."
                ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, warning)

        windowName = windowName if windowName != None else 'Unnamed_Window'
        windowName = cleanUpName(windowName)

        # Double check that the surface Normal didn't get flipped
        c1 = ghc.Area(geom).centroid
        n1 = rs.SurfaceNormal(geom, c1)

        c2 = ghc.Area(windowSurface).centroid
        n2 = rs.SurfaceNormal(windowSurface, c2)

        normAngleDifference = ghc.Degrees(ghc.Angle(n1, n2).angle)
        if round(normAngleDifference, 0) != 0:
            # Flip the surface if it doesn't match the source
            windowSurface = ghc.Flip(windowSurface).surface

        return windowName, windowSurface
Beispiel #10
 def _get_vector_from_center_to_edge(_surface, _surface_plane):
     """ Find a Vector from center of surface to mid-point on each edge.
         _surface: The Rhino surface to analyze.
         _surface_plane: A Plane aligned to the surface.
         edgeVectors: (List) Vector3D for mid-point on each edge
     worldOrigin = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0,0,0)
     worldXYPlane = ghc.XYPlane(worldOrigin)
     geomAtWorldZero = ghc.Orient(_surface, _surface_plane, worldXYPlane).geometry
     edges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(geomAtWorldZero).edges
     # Find the mid-point for each edge and create a vector to that midpoint
     crvMidPoints = [ ghc.CurveMiddle(edge) for edge in edges ]
     edgeVectors = [ ghc.Vector2Pt(midPt, worldOrigin, False).vector for midPt in crvMidPoints ]
     return edgeVectors
def inset_rhino_surface(_srfc, _inset_dist=0.001, _srfc_name=""):
    """ Insets/shrinks a Rhino Brep some dimension 
        _srfc: A Rhino Brep
        _inset_dist: float: Default=0.001m
        _srfc_name: str: The name of the surface, used for error messages
        new_srfc: A new Rhino surface, shrunk/inset by the specified amount

    # Get all the surface params needed
    srfc_Center = ghc.Area(_srfc).centroid
    srfc_normal_vector = brep_avg_surface_normal(_srfc)
    srfc_edges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(_srfc).edges
    srfc_perimeter = ghc.JoinCurves(srfc_edges, False)

    # Try to inset the perimeter Curve
    inset_curve = rs.OffsetCurve(srfc_perimeter, srfc_Center, _inset_dist, srfc_normal_vector, 0)

    # In case the new curve goes 'out' and the offset fails
    # Or is too small and results in multiple offset Curves
    if len(inset_curve)>1:
        warning = 'Error. The surface: "{}" is too small. The offset of {} m"\
            "can not be done. Check the offset size?'.format(_srfc_name, _inset_dist)
        inset_curve = rs.OffsetCurve(srfc_perimeter, srfc_Center, 0.001, srfc_normal_vector, 0)
        inset_curve = rs.coercecurve( inset_curve[0] )
        inset_curve = rs.coercecurve( inset_curve[0] )

    new_srfc = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(inset_curve)

    return new_srfc
Beispiel #12
            curve_point, _ = ghc.Move(curve_point, normal[0] * distance)
        return points
        segment.Domain = reparam
        normal = ghc.CrossProduct(tangents, global_Z, True)
        curve_point = ghc.EvaluateCurve(segment, 0.5)[0]
        curve_point, _ = ghc.Move(curve_point, normal[0][0] * distance)
        return [curve_point]

# Standardize surfaces
rooms = [standardize_surfaces(room) for room in rooms]

# Convert brep to polylines
room_segments = [ghc.DeconstructBrep(room)[1] for room in rooms]
room_polylines = [ghc.JoinCurves(segments, True) for segments in room_segments]

# Main script
for i, room_polyline in enumerate(room_polylines):
    connect = set()
    for segment in room_segments[i]:
        points = create_outside_points(segment)
        if type(points) in [list, tuple]:
            for p in points:
                for j, pl in enumerate(room_polylines):
                    if j not in connect:
                        relation, _ = ghc.PointInCurve(p, pl)
                        if relation > 0:
Beispiel #13
    def set_perim_edge_values(self, _crv_guids, _ud_psi):
        """Pulls Rhino Scene parameters for a list of Curve Objects
        Takes in a list of curve GUIDs and goes to Rhino. Looks in their
        UserText to get any user applied parameter data.
        Calculates the sum of all curve lengths (m) in the list, as well as
        the total Psi-Value * Length (W/m) of all curves in the list.
        Will return tuple(0, 0) on any trouble getting parameter values or any fails
            _perimCrvs (list): A list of Curve GUIDs to look at in the Rhino Scene
            totalLen, psiXlen (tuple): The total length of all curves in the list (m) and the total Psi*Len value (W/m)
        def _getLengthIfNumber(_in, _psi):
                length = float(_in)
                length = None

                psi = float(_psi)
                psi = self.default_perim_psi

            return length, psi

        if _crv_guids == None:
            return None

        if len(_crv_guids) == 0:
            return None

        psiXlen = 0
        totalLen = 0
        for crvGUID in _crv_guids:
            # See if its just Numbers passed in. If so, use them and break out
            length, crvPsiValue = _getLengthIfNumber(crvGUID, _ud_psi)
            if length and crvPsiValue:
                totalLen += length
                psiXlen += (length * crvPsiValue)

            isCrvGeom = rs.coercecurve(crvGUID)
            isBrepGeom = rs.coercebrep(crvGUID)

            if isCrvGeom:
                crvLen = ghc.Length(isCrvGeom)
                    crvPsiValue = float(_ud_psi)
                    crvPsiValue, warning = self._get_curve_psi_value(crvGUID)

                totalLen += crvLen
                psiXlen += (crvLen * crvPsiValue)
            elif isBrepGeom:
                srfcEdges = ghc.DeconstructBrep(isBrepGeom).edges
                srfcPerim = ghc.JoinCurves(srfcEdges, False)
                crvLen = ghc.Length(srfcPerim)

                    crvPsiValue = float(_ud_psi)
                    crvPsiValue = self.default_perim_psi  # Default 0.05 W/mk
                    warning = 'Note: You passed in a surface without any Psi-Values applied.\n'\
                    'I will apply a default {} W/mk Psi-Value to ALL the edges of the\n'\
                    'surface passed in.'.format( self.default_perim_psi )
                        ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning)

                totalLen += crvLen
                psiXlen += (crvLen * crvPsiValue)
                warning = 'Error in GROUND: Input into _exposedPerimCrvs is not a Curve or Surface?\n'\
                'Please ensure inputs are Curve / Polyline or Surface only.'
                    ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, warning)
        self.perim_len = totalLen
        self.perim_psi_X_len = psiXlen