def ItemsFromEnum(cb, enm): nms = [] typ = type(enm) nnm = typ.__name__ + "N" # common convention of using the type name + N for last item in list for en in typ: if != nnm: nms.append( cb.ItemsFromStringList(go.Slice_string(nms), False, 0) cb.SetCurVal(
def mainrun(): width = 1024 height = 768 # turn these on to see a traces of various stages of processing.. # gi.Update2DTrace = True # gi.Render2DTrace = True # gi.Layout2DTrace = True # ki.SignalTrace = True gi.SetAppName("widgets") gi.SetAppAbout( 'This is a demo of the main widgets and general functionality of the <b>GoGi</b> graphical interface system, within the <b>GoKi</b> tree framework. See <a href="">GoKi on GitHub</a>. <p>The <a href="">README</a> page for this example app has lots of further info.</p>' ) win = gi.NewWindow2D("gogi-widgets-demo", "GoGi Widgets Demo", width, height, True) # True = pixel sizes icnm = "wedge-down" vp = win.WinViewport2D() updt = vp.UpdateStart() # style sheet css = ki.Props() bg = ki.Props() ki.SetPropStr(bg, "background-color", "#FFF0F0FF") ki.SetSubProps(css, "button", bg) cmbo = ki.Props() ki.SetPropStr(cmbo, "background-color", "#F0FFF0FF") ki.SetSubProps(css, "#combo", cmbo) hsld = ki.Props() ki.SetPropStr(hsld, "background-color", "#F0E0FFFF"), ki.SetSubProps(css, ".hslides", hsld) kbd = ki.Props() ki.SetPropStr(kbd, "color", "blue") ki.SetSubProps(css, "kbd", kbd) vp.CSS = css mfr = win.SetMainFrame() mfr.SetPropStr("spacing", "1ex") # mfr.SetProp("background-color", "linear-gradient(to top, red, lighter-80)") # mfr.SetProp("background-color", "linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)") # mfr.SetProp("background-color", "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,0,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,1))") # mfr.SetProp("background-color", "radial-gradient(red, lighter-80)") trow = gi.AddNewLayout(mfr, "trow", gi.LayoutHoriz) trow.SetStretchMaxWidth() # giedsc = gi.ActiveKeyMap().ChordForFun(gi.KeyFunGoGiEditor()) # prsc = gi.ActiveKeyMap().ChordForFun(gi.KeyFunPrefs()) giedsc = "Ctrl+Alt+I" prsc = "Alt+P" title = gi.AddNewLabel( trow, "title", 'This is a <b>demonstration</b> of the <span style="color:red">various</span> <a href="">GoGi</a> <i>Widgets</i><br> <large>Shortcuts: <kbd>' + prsc + '</kbd> = Preferences, <kbd>' + giedsc + '</kbd> = Editor, <kbd>Ctrl/Cmd +/-</kbd> = zoom</large><br> See <a href="">README</a> for detailed info and things to try.' ) title.SetPropStr("white-space", "normal") # wrap title.SetPropStr( "text-align", "center" ) # note: this also sets horizontal-align, which controls the "box" that the text is rendered in.. title.SetPropStr("vertical-align", "center") title.SetPropStr("font-family", "Times New Roman, serif") title.SetPropStr("font-size", "x-large") # # title.SetProp("letter-spacing", 2) # title.SetProp("line-height", 1.5) title.SetStretchMaxWidth() title.SetStretchMaxHeight() # Buttons gi.AddNewSpace(mfr, "blspc") blrow = gi.AddNewLayout(mfr, "blrow", gi.LayoutHoriz) blab = gi.AddNewLabel(blrow, "blab", "Buttons:") blab.Selectable = True brow = gi.AddNewLayout(mfr, "brow", gi.LayoutHoriz) brow.SetPropStr("spacing", "2ex") brow.SetPropStr("horizontal-align", "left") # brow.SetProp("horizontal-align", gi.AlignJustify) brow.SetStretchMaxWidth() button1 = gi.AddNewButton(brow, "button1") # button1.SetProp("#icon", ki.Props{ # note: must come before SetIcon # "width": units.NewValue(1.5, units.Em), # "height": units.NewValue(1.5, units.Em), # }) button1.Tooltip = "press this <i>button</i> to pop up a dialog box" button1.SetIcon(icnm) button1.ButtonSig.Connect(win.This(), button1cb) button2 = gi.AddNewButton(brow, "button2") button2.SetText("Open GoGiEditor") # # button2.SetProp("background-color", "#EDF") button2.Tooltip = "This button will open the GoGi GUI editor where you can edit this very GUI and see it update dynamically as you change things" button2.ButtonSig.Connect(win.This(), button2cb) checkbox = gi.AddNewCheckBox(brow, "checkbox") checkbox.Text = "Toggle" # # note: receiver for menu items with shortcuts must be a Node2D or Window mb1 = gi.AddNewMenuButton(brow, "menubutton1") mb1.SetText("Menu Button") mb1.Menu.AddAction( gi.ActOpts(Label="Menu Item 1", Shortcut="Shift+Control+1", Data=1), win.This(), menu1cb) mi2 = mb1.Menu.AddAction(gi.ActOpts(Label="Menu Item 2", Data=2), go.nil, go.nil) mi2.Menu.AddAction(gi.ActOpts(Label="Sub Menu Item 2", Data=2.1), win.This(), menu1cb) mb1.Menu.AddSeparator("sep1") mb1.Menu.AddAction( gi.ActOpts(Label="Menu Item 3", Shortcut="Control+3", Data=3), win.This(), menu1cb) # ////////////////////////////////////////// # Sliders gi.AddNewSpace(mfr, "slspc") slrow = gi.AddNewLayout(mfr, "slrow", gi.LayoutHoriz) slab = gi.AddNewLabel(slrow, "slab", "Sliders:") srow = gi.AddNewLayout(mfr, "srow", gi.LayoutHoriz) srow.SetPropStr("spacing", "2ex") srow.SetPropStr("horizontal-align", "left") srow.SetStretchMaxWidth() slider1 = gi.AddNewSlider(srow, "slider1") slider1.Dim = gi.X slider1.Class = "hslides" slider1.Defaults() slider1.SetMinPrefWidth(units.NewValue(20, units.Em)) slider1.SetMinPrefHeight(units.NewValue(2, units.Em)) slider1.SetValue(0.5) slider1.Snap = True slider1.Tracking = True slider1.Icon = "widget-circlebutton-on" slider2 = gi.AddNewSlider(srow, "slider2") slider2.Dim = gi.Y slider2.Defaults() slider2.SetMinPrefHeight(units.NewValue(10, units.Em)) slider2.SetMinPrefWidth(units.NewValue(1, units.Em)) slider2.SetStretchMaxHeight() slider2.SetValue(0.5) slider1.SliderSig.Connect(win.This(), slidercb) slider2.SliderSig.Connect(win.This(), slidercb) scrollbar1 = gi.AddNewScrollBar(srow, "scrollbar1") scrollbar1.Dim = gi.X scrollbar1.Class = "hslides" scrollbar1.Defaults() scrollbar1.SetMinPrefWidth(units.NewValue(20, units.Em)) scrollbar1.SetMinPrefHeight(units.NewValue(1, units.Em)) scrollbar1.SetThumbValue(0.25) scrollbar1.SetValue(0.25) scrollbar1.Snap = True scrollbar1.Tracking = True scrollbar1.SliderSig.Connect(win.This(), scrollcb) scrollbar2 = gi.AddNewScrollBar(srow, "scrollbar2") scrollbar2.Dim = gi.Y scrollbar2.Defaults() scrollbar2.SetMinPrefHeight(units.NewValue(10, units.Em)) scrollbar2.SetMinPrefWidth(units.NewValue(1, units.Em)) scrollbar2.SetStretchMaxHeight() scrollbar2.SetThumbValue(0.1) scrollbar2.SetValue(0.5) scrollbar2.SliderSig.Connect(win.This(), scrollcb) # ////////////////////////////////////////// # # Text Widgets gi.AddNewSpace(mfr, "tlspc") txlrow = gi.AddNewLayout(mfr, "txlrow", gi.LayoutHoriz) txlab = gi.AddNewLabel(txlrow, "txlab", "Text Widgets:") txrow = gi.AddNewLayout(mfr, "txrow", gi.LayoutHoriz) txrow.SetPropStr("spacing", "2ex") # # txrow.SetProp("horizontal-align", gi.AlignJustify) txrow.SetStretchMaxWidth() edit1 = gi.AddNewTextField(txrow, "edit1") edit1.Placeholder = "Enter text here..." # edit1.SetText("Edit this text") edit1.SetPropStr("min-width", "20em") # edit1.SetCompleter(edit1, Complete, CompleteEdit) # gets us word demo completion edit1.TextFieldSig.Connect(win.This(), textcb) # edit1.SetProp("inactive", True) sb = gi.AddNewSpinBox(txrow, "spin") sb.Defaults() sb.HasMin = True sb.Min = 0.0 sb.SpinBoxSig.Connect(win.This(), spinboxcb) cb = gi.AddNewComboBox(txrow, "combo") cbitms = go.Slice_string(["Item1", "AnotherItem", "Item3"]) cb.ItemsFromStringList(cbitms, True, 50) cb.ComboSig.Connect(win.This(), combocb) # ////////////////////////////////////////// # # Main Menu appnm = gi.AppName() mmen = win.MainMenu mmen.ConfigMenus(go.Slice_string([appnm, "File", "Edit", "Window"])) amen = gi.Action(mmen.ChildByName(appnm, 0)) # amen.Menu = make(gi.Menu, 0, 10) amen.Menu.AddAppMenu(win) # note: use KeyFunMenu* for standard shortcuts # Command in shortcuts is automatically translated into Control for # Linux, Windows or Meta for MacOS fmen = gi.Action(win.MainMenu.ChildByName("File", 0)) fmen.Menu.AddAction(gi.ActOpts(Label="New", ShortcutKey=gi.KeyFunMenuNew), win.This(), menu1cb) fmen.Menu.AddAction( gi.ActOpts(Label="Open", ShortcutKey=gi.KeyFunMenuOpen), win.This(), menu1cb) fmen.Menu.AddAction( gi.ActOpts(Label="Save", ShortcutKey=gi.KeyFunMenuSave), win.This(), menu1cb) fmen.Menu.AddAction( gi.ActOpts(Label="Save As..", ShortcutKey=gi.KeyFunMenuSaveAs), win.This(), menu1cb) fmen.Menu.AddSeparator("csep") fmen.Menu.AddAction( gi.ActOpts(Label="Close Window", ShortcutKey=gi.KeyFunMenuClose), win.This(), winclosecb) emen = gi.Action(win.MainMenu.ChildByName("Edit", 1)) emen.Menu.AddCopyCutPaste(win) # inQuitPrompt = False # gi.SetQuitReqFunc(func() { # if inQuitPrompt { # return # } # inQuitPrompt = True # gi.PromptDialog(vp, gi.DlgOpts{Title: "Really Quit?", # Prompt: "Are you <i>sure</i> you want to quit?"}, True, True, # win.This(), func(recv, send ki.Ki, sig int64, data interface{}) { # if sig == int64(gi.DialogAccepted) { # gi.Quit() # } else { # inQuitPrompt = False # } # }) # }) # gi.SetQuitCleanFunc(func() { # print("Doing final Quit cleanup here..") # }) # inClosePrompt = False # win.SetCloseReqFunc(func(w gi.Window) { # if inClosePrompt { # return # } # inClosePrompt = True # gi.PromptDialog(vp, gi.DlgOpts{Title: "Really Close Window?", # Prompt: "Are you <i>sure</i> you want to close the window? This will Quit the App as well."}, True, True, # win.This(), func(recv, send ki.Ki, sig int64, data interface{}) { # if sig == int64(gi.DialogAccepted) { # gi.Quit() # } else { # inClosePrompt = False # } # }) # }) # win.SetCloseCleanFunc(func(w gi.Window) { # print("Doing final Close cleanup here..") # }) win.MainMenuUpdated() vp.UpdateEndNoSig(updt) win.GoStartEventLoop()