Beispiel #1
def loadPlugins(plugins, root, appconf, apiRoot=None, curConfig=None):
    Loads a set of plugins into the application. The list passed in should not
    already contain dependency information; dependent plugins will be loaded

    :param plugins: The set of plugins to load, by directory name.
    :type plugins: list
    :param root: The root node of the server tree.
    :param appconf: The server's cherrypy configuration object.
    :type appconf: dict
    :returns: A list of plugins that were actually loaded, once dependencies
              were resolved and topological sort was performed.
    # Register a pseudo-package for the root of all plugins. This must be
    # present in the system module list in order to avoid import warnings.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()
    if 'plugins' in curConfig and 'plugin_directory' in curConfig['plugins']:
        pluginDir = curConfig['plugins']['plugin_directory']
    elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, 'plugins')):
        pluginDir = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, 'plugins')
        pluginDir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'plugins')

    if ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE not in sys.modules:
        sys.modules[ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE] = type(
            '', (), {
                '__path__': pluginDir,
                '__package__': ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE,
                '__name__': ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE

    print'Resolving plugin dependencies...')

    filteredDepGraph = {
        pluginName: info['dependencies']
        for pluginName, info in findAllPlugins(curConfig).iteritems()
        if pluginName in plugins

    for pset in toposort(filteredDepGraph):
        for plugin in pset:
                root, appconf, apiRoot = loadPlugin(plugin,
                print TerminalColor.success(
                    'Loaded plugin "{}"'.format(plugin))
            except Exception:
                print TerminalColor.error(
                    'ERROR: Failed to load plugin "{}":'.format(plugin))

    return root, appconf, apiRoot
Beispiel #2
def loadPlugins(plugins, root, appconf, apiRoot=None, curConfig=None):
    Loads a set of plugins into the application. The list passed in should not
    already contain dependency information; dependent plugins will be loaded

    :param plugins: The set of plugins to load, by directory name.
    :type plugins: list
    :param root: The root node of the server tree.
    :param appconf: The server's cherrypy configuration object.
    :type appconf: dict
    :returns: A list of plugins that were actually loaded, once dependencies
              were resolved and topological sort was performed.
    # Register a pseudo-package for the root of all plugins. This must be
    # present in the system module list in order to avoid import warnings.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()
    if 'plugins' in curConfig and 'plugin_directory' in curConfig['plugins']:
        pluginDir = curConfig['plugins']['plugin_directory']
    elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, 'plugins')):
        pluginDir = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, 'plugins')
        pluginDir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'plugins')

    if ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE not in sys.modules:
        sys.modules[ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE] = type('', (), {
            '__path__': pluginDir,
            '__package__': ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE,
            '__name__': ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE

    print'Resolving plugin dependencies...')

    filteredDepGraph = {
        pluginName: info['dependencies']
        for pluginName, info in findAllPlugins(curConfig).iteritems()
        if pluginName in plugins

    for pset in toposort(filteredDepGraph):
        for plugin in pset:
                root, appconf, apiRoot = loadPlugin(
                    plugin, root, appconf, apiRoot, curConfig=curConfig)
                print TerminalColor.success('Loaded plugin "{}"'
            except Exception:
                print TerminalColor.error(
                    'ERROR: Failed to load plugin "{}":'.format(plugin))

    return root, appconf, apiRoot
Beispiel #3
def getDbConnection(uri=None, replicaSet=None):
    Get a MongoClient object that is connected to the configured database.
    We lazy-instantiate a module-level singleton, the MongoClient objects
    manage their own connection pools internally.

    :param uri: if specified, connect to this mongo db rather than the one in
                the config.
    :param replicaSet: if uri is specified, use this replica set.
    global _dbClients

    origKey = (uri, replicaSet)
    if origKey in _dbClients:
        return _dbClients[origKey]

    if uri is None or uri == '':
        dbConf = getDbConfig()
        uri = dbConf.get('uri')
        replicaSet = dbConf.get('replica_set')
    clientOptions = {
        'connectTimeoutMS': 15000,
        # This is the maximum time between when we fetch data from a cursor.
        # If it times out, the cursor is lost and we can't reconnect.  If it
        # isn't set, we have issues with replica sets when the primary goes
        # down.  This value can be overridden in the mongodb uri connection
        # string with the socketTimeoutMS.
        'socketTimeoutMS': 60000,
    if uri is None:
        dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://*****:*****@')
        if len(parts) == 2:
            dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://' + parts[1]
            dbUriRedacted = uri

        if replicaSet:
            client = pymongo.MongoReplicaSetClient(
            client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, **clientOptions)
    client = MongoProxy(client, logger=logger)
    _dbClients[origKey] = _dbClients[(uri, replicaSet)] = client
    desc = ''
    if replicaSet:
        desc += ', replica set: %s' % replicaSet
    print('Connected to MongoDB: %s%s' %
                           (dbUriRedacted, desc)))
    return client
Beispiel #4
def loadPlugins(plugins, root, appconf, apiRoot=None, curConfig=None,
    Loads a set of plugins into the application.

    :param plugins: The set of plugins to load, by directory name.
    :type plugins: list
    :param root: The root node of the server tree.
    :type root: object
    :param appconf: The server's cherrypy configuration object.
    :type appconf: dict
    :param apiRoot: The cherrypy api root object.
    :type apiRoot: object or None
    :param curConfig: A girder config object to use.
    :type curConfig: dict or None
    :param buildDag: If the ``plugins`` parameter is already a topo-sorted list
        with all dependencies resolved, set this to False and it will skip
        rebuilding the DAG. Otherwise the dependency resolution and sorting
        will occur within this method.
    :type buildDag: bool
    :returns: A 3-tuple containing the modified root, config, and apiRoot
    :rtype tuple:
    # Register a pseudo-package for the root of all plugins. This must be
    # present in the system module list in order to avoid import warnings.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = _config.getConfig()

    if 'plugins' in curConfig and 'plugin_directory' in curConfig['plugins']:
            'Warning: the plugin_directory setting is deprecated. Please use '
            'the `girder-install plugin` command and remove this setting from '
            'your config file.'))

    if ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE not in sys.modules:
        module = imp.new_module(ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE)
        girder.plugins = module
        sys.modules[ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE] = module

    print('Resolving plugin dependencies...'))

    if buildDag:
        plugins = getToposortedPlugins(plugins, curConfig, ignoreMissing=True)

    for plugin in plugins:
            root, appconf, apiRoot = loadPlugin(
                plugin, root, appconf, apiRoot, curConfig=curConfig)
            print(TerminalColor.success('Loaded plugin "%s"' % plugin))
        except Exception:
                'ERROR: Failed to load plugin "%s":' % plugin))
            girder.logger.exception('Plugin load failure: %s' % plugin)

    return root, appconf, apiRoot
Beispiel #5
def getDbConnection(uri=None, replicaSet=None):
    Get a MongoClient object that is connected to the configured database.
    We lazy-instantiate a module-level singleton, the MongoClient objects
    manage their own connection pools internally.

    :param uri: if specified, connect to this mongo db rather than the one in
                the config.
    :param replicaSet: if uri is specified, use this replica set.
    global _dbClients

    origKey = (uri, replicaSet)
    if origKey in _dbClients:
        return _dbClients[origKey]

    if uri is None or uri == '':
        dbConf = getDbConfig()
        uri = dbConf.get('uri')
        replicaSet = dbConf.get('replica_set')
    clientOptions = {
        'connectTimeoutMS': 15000,
        # This is the maximum time between when we fetch data from a cursor.
        # If it times out, the cursor is lost and we can't reconnect.  If it
        # isn't set, we have issues with replica sets when the primary goes
        # down.  This value can be overridden in the mongodb uri connection
        # string with the socketTimeoutMS.
        'socketTimeoutMS': 60000,
    if uri is None:
        dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://*****:*****@')
        if len(parts) == 2:
            dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://' + parts[1]
            dbUriRedacted = uri

        if replicaSet:
            client = pymongo.MongoReplicaSetClient(
                uri, replicaSet=replicaSet,
            client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, **clientOptions)
    client = MongoProxy(client, logger=logger)
    _dbClients[origKey] = _dbClients[(uri, replicaSet)] = client
    desc = ''
    if replicaSet:
        desc += ', replica set: %s' % replicaSet
    print('Connected to MongoDB: %s%s' % (dbUriRedacted,
    return client
Beispiel #6
def loadPlugins(plugins, root):
    Loads a set of plugins into the application. The list passed in should not
    already contain dependency information; dependent plugins will be loaded

    :param plugins: The set of plugins to load, by directory name.
    :type plugins: list
    :param root: The root node of the server tree.
    :returns: A list of plugins that were actually loaded, once dependencies
              were resolved and topological sort was performed.
    # Register a pseudo-package for the root of all plugins. This must be
    # present in the system module list in order to avoid import warnings.
    if not ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE in sys.modules:
        sys.modules[ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE] = type(
                "__path__": os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "plugins"),
                "__package__": ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE,
                "__name__": ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE,

    print"Resolving plugin dependencies...")

    filteredDepGraph = {
        pluginName: info["dependencies"] for pluginName, info in findAllPlugins().iteritems() if pluginName in plugins

    for pset in toposort(filteredDepGraph):
        for plugin in pset:
                loadPlugin(plugin, root)
                print TerminalColor.success('Loaded plugin "{}"'.format(plugin))
                print TerminalColor.error('ERROR: Failed to load plugin "{}":'.format(plugin))
Beispiel #7
def loadPlugins(plugins, root, appconf, apiRoot=None, curConfig=None):
    Loads a set of plugins into the application. The list passed in should not
    already contain dependency information; dependent plugins will be loaded

    :param plugins: The set of plugins to load, by directory name.
    :type plugins: list
    :param root: The root node of the server tree.
    :param appconf: The server's cherrypy configuration object.
    :type appconf: dict
    :returns: A list of plugins that were actually loaded, once dependencies
              were resolved and topological sort was performed.
    # Register a pseudo-package for the root of all plugins. This must be
    # present in the system module list in order to avoid import warnings.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()

    if 'plugins' in curConfig and 'plugin_directory' in curConfig['plugins']:
            'Warning: the plugin_directory setting is deprecated. Please use '
            'the `girder-install plugin` command and remove this setting from '
            'your config file.'))

    if ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE not in sys.modules:
        module = imp.new_module(ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE)
        girder.plugins = module
        sys.modules[ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE] = module

    print('Resolving plugin dependencies...'))

    filteredDepGraph = {
        pluginName: info['dependencies']
        for pluginName, info in six.viewitems(findAllPlugins(curConfig))
        if pluginName in plugins

    for pset in toposort(filteredDepGraph):
        for plugin in pset:
                root, appconf, apiRoot = loadPlugin(
                    plugin, root, appconf, apiRoot, curConfig=curConfig)
                print(TerminalColor.success('Loaded plugin "{}"'
            except Exception:
                    'ERROR: Failed to load plugin "{}":'.format(plugin)))

    return root, appconf, apiRoot
Beispiel #8
def loadPlugins(plugins,
    Loads a set of plugins into the application.

    :param plugins: The set of plugins to load, by directory name.
    :type plugins: list
    :param root: The root node of the server tree.
    :type root: object
    :param appconf: The server's cherrypy configuration object.
    :type appconf: dict
    :param apiRoot: The cherrypy api root object.
    :type apiRoot: object or None
    :param curConfig: A girder config object to use.
    :type curConfig: dict or None
    :param buildDag: If the ``plugins`` parameter is already a topo-sorted list
        with all dependencies resolved, set this to False and it will skip
        rebuilding the DAG. Otherwise the dependency resolution and sorting
        will occur within this method.
    :type buildDag: bool
    :returns: A 3-tuple containing the modified root, config, and apiRoot
    :rtype tuple:
    # Register a pseudo-package for the root of all plugins. This must be
    # present in the system module list in order to avoid import warnings.
    if curConfig is None:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()

    if 'plugins' in curConfig and 'plugin_directory' in curConfig['plugins']:
                'Warning: the plugin_directory setting is deprecated. Please use '
                'the `girder-install plugin` command and remove this setting from '
                'your config file.'))

    if ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE not in sys.modules:
        module = imp.new_module(ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE)
        girder.plugins = module
        sys.modules[ROOT_PLUGINS_PACKAGE] = module

    print('Resolving plugin dependencies...'))

    if buildDag:
        plugins = getToposortedPlugins(plugins, curConfig, ignoreMissing=True)

    for plugin in plugins:
            root, appconf, apiRoot = loadPlugin(plugin,
            print(TerminalColor.success('Loaded plugin "%s"' % plugin))
        except Exception:
                TerminalColor.error('ERROR: Failed to load plugin "%s":' %
            girder.logger.exception('Plugin load failure: %s' % plugin)

    return root, appconf, apiRoot
Beispiel #9
def getDbConnection(uri=None, replicaSet=None, autoRetry=True, **kwargs):
    Get a MongoClient object that is connected to the configured database.
    We lazy-instantiate a module-level singleton, the MongoClient objects
    manage their own connection pools internally. Any extra kwargs you pass to
    this method will be passed through to the MongoClient.

    :param uri: if specified, connect to this mongo db rather than the one in
                the config.
    :param replicaSet: if uri is specified, use this replica set.
    :param autoRetry: if this connection should automatically retry operations
        in the event of an AutoReconnect exception. If you're testing the
        connection, set this to False. If disabled, this also will not cache
        the mongo client, so make sure to only disable if you're testing a
    :type autoRetry: bool
    global _dbClients

    origKey = (uri, replicaSet)
    if origKey in _dbClients:
        return _dbClients[origKey]

    if uri is None or uri == '':
        dbConf = getDbConfig()
        uri = dbConf.get('uri')
        replicaSet = dbConf.get('replica_set')
    clientOptions = {
        # This is the maximum time between when we fetch data from a cursor.
        # If it times out, the cursor is lost and we can't reconnect.  If it
        # isn't set, we have issues with replica sets when the primary goes
        # down.  This value can be overridden in the mongodb uri connection
        # string with the socketTimeoutMS.
        'socketTimeoutMS': 60000,
        'connectTimeoutMS': 20000,
        'serverSelectionTimeoutMS': 20000,
        'read_preference': ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED,
        'replicaSet': replicaSet

    if uri is None:
        dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://*****:*****@')
        if len(parts) == 2:
            dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://' + parts[1]
            dbUriRedacted = uri

        client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, **clientOptions)

    # Make sure we can connect to the mongo server at startup

    if autoRetry:
        client = MongoProxy(client, logger=logger)
        _dbClients[origKey] = _dbClients[(uri, replicaSet)] = client

    desc = ''
    if replicaSet:
        desc += ', replica set: %s' % replicaSet
    print('Connected to MongoDB: %s%s' %
                           (dbUriRedacted, desc)))
    return client
Beispiel #10
def getDbConnection(uri=None, replicaSet=None, autoRetry=True, **kwargs):
    Get a MongoClient object that is connected to the configured database.
    We lazy-instantiate a module-level singleton, the MongoClient objects
    manage their own connection pools internally. Any extra kwargs you pass to
    this method will be passed through to the MongoClient.

    :param uri: if specified, connect to this mongo db rather than the one in
                the config.
    :param replicaSet: if uri is specified, use this replica set.
    :param autoRetry: if this connection should automatically retry operations
        in the event of an AutoReconnect exception. If you're testing the
        connection, set this to False. If disabled, this also will not cache
        the mongo client, so make sure to only disable if you're testing a
    :type autoRetry: bool
    global _dbClients

    origKey = (uri, replicaSet)
    if origKey in _dbClients:
        return _dbClients[origKey]

    if uri is None or uri == '':
        dbConf = getDbConfig()
        uri = dbConf.get('uri')
        replicaSet = dbConf.get('replica_set')
    clientOptions = {
        # This is the maximum time between when we fetch data from a cursor.
        # If it times out, the cursor is lost and we can't reconnect.  If it
        # isn't set, we have issues with replica sets when the primary goes
        # down.  This value can be overridden in the mongodb uri connection
        # string with the socketTimeoutMS.
        'socketTimeoutMS': 60000,
        'connectTimeoutMS': 20000,
        'read_preference': ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED,
        'replicaSet': replicaSet

    if uri is None:
        dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://*****:*****@')
        if len(parts) == 2:
            dbUriRedacted = 'mongodb://' + parts[1]
            dbUriRedacted = uri

        client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, **clientOptions)

    if autoRetry:
        client = MongoProxy(client, logger=logger)
        _dbClients[origKey] = _dbClients[(uri, replicaSet)] = client

    desc = ''
    if replicaSet:
        desc += ', replica set: %s' % replicaSet
    print('Connected to MongoDB: %s%s' % (dbUriRedacted,
    return client