Beispiel #1
def mountServer(path, database=None, fuseOptions=None, quiet=False, plugins=None):
    Perform the mount.

    :param path: the mount location.
    :param database: a database connection URI, if it contains '://'.
        Otherwise, the default database is used.
    :param fuseOptions: a comma-separated string of options to pass to the FUSE
        mount.  A key without a value is taken as True.  Boolean values are
        case insensitive.  For instance, 'foreground' or 'foreground=True' will
        keep this program running until the SIGTERM or unmounted.
    :param quiet: if True, suppress Girder logs.
    :param plugins: an optional list of plugins to enable.  If None, use the
        plugins that are configured.
    if quiet:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()
        curConfig.setdefault('logging', {})['log_quiet'] = True
        curConfig.setdefault('logging', {})['log_level'] = 'FATAL'
    if database and '://' in database:
        cherrypy.config['database']['uri'] = database
    if plugins is not None:
        plugins = plugins.split(',')
    webroot, appconf = configureServer(plugins=plugins)

    opClass = ServerFuse(stat=os.stat(path))
    options = {
        # By default, we run in the background so the mount command returns
        # immediately.  If we run in the foreground, a SIGTERM will shut it
        # down
        'foreground': False,
        # Cache files if their size and timestamp haven't changed.
        # This lets the OS buffer files efficiently.
        'auto_cache': True,
        # We aren't specifying our own inos
        'use_ino': False,
        # read-only file system
        'ro': True,
    if sys.platform != 'darwin':
        # Automatically unmount when we try to mount again
        options['auto_unmount'] = True
    if fuseOptions:
        for opt in fuseOptions.split(','):
            if '=' in opt:
                key, value = opt.split('=', 1)
                value = (False if value.lower() == 'false' else
                         True if value.lower() == 'true' else value)
                key, value = opt, True
            if key in ('use_ino', 'ro', 'rw') and options.get(key) != value:
                logprint.warning('Ignoring the %s=%r option' % (key, value))
            options[key] = value
                  {'path': path, 'mounttime': time.time()})
    FUSELogError(opClass, path, **options)
Beispiel #2
def mountServer(path, database=None, fuseOptions=None, quiet=False, plugins=None):
    Perform the mount.

    :param path: the mount location.
    :param database: a database connection URI, if it contains '://'.
        Otherwise, the default database is used.
    :param fuseOptions: a comma-separated string of options to pass to the FUSE
        mount.  A key without a value is taken as True.  Boolean values are
        case insensitive.  For instance, 'foreground' or 'foreground=True' will
        keep this program running until the SIGTERM or unmounted.
    :param quiet: if True, suppress Girder logs.
    :param plugins: an optional list of plugins to enable.  If None, use the
        plugins that are configured.
    if quiet:
        curConfig = config.getConfig()
        curConfig.setdefault('logging', {})['log_quiet'] = True
        curConfig.setdefault('logging', {})['log_level'] = 'FATAL'
    if database and '://' in database:
        cherrypy.config['database']['uri'] = database
    if plugins is not None:
        plugins = plugins.split(',')
    webroot, appconf = configureServer(plugins=plugins)

    opClass = ServerFuse(stat=os.stat(path))
    options = {
        # By default, we run in the background so the mount command returns
        # immediately.  If we run in the foreground, a SIGTERM will shut it
        # down
        'foreground': False,
        # Cache files if their size and timestamp haven't changed.
        # This lets the OS buffer files efficiently.
        'auto_cache': True,
        # We aren't specifying our own inos
        'use_ino': False,
        # read-only file system
        'ro': True,
    if sys.platform != 'darwin':
        # Automatically unmount when we try to mount again
        options['auto_unmount'] = True
    if fuseOptions:
        for opt in fuseOptions.split(','):
            if '=' in opt:
                key, value = opt.split('=', 1)
                value = (False if value.lower() == 'false' else
                         True if value.lower() == 'true' else value)
                key, value = opt, True
            if key in ('use_ino', 'ro', 'rw') and options.get(key) != value:
                logprint.warning('Ignoring the %s=%r option' % (key, value))
            options[key] = value
                  {'path': path, 'mounttime': time.time()})
    FUSELogError(opClass, path, **options)
Beispiel #3
def main(plugins):
    if plugins is not None:
        plugins = plugins.split(',')

    webroot, appconf = configureServer(plugins=plugins)

        'webroot': webroot,
        'appconf': appconf
Beispiel #4
def main(plugins, script, args):
    if plugins is not None:
        plugins = plugins.split(',')

    webroot, appconf = configureServer(plugins=plugins)

    if script is None:
            'webroot': webroot,
            'appconf': appconf
        globals_ = {k: v for k, v in six.viewitems(globals()) if k not in {'__file__', '__name__'}}
        sys.argv = [script] + list(args)
        six.exec_(open(script, 'rb').read(), dict(
            webroot=webroot, appconf=appconf, __name__='__main__',
            __file__=script, **globals_))
Beispiel #5
def main(plugins, script, args):
    if plugins is not None:
        plugins = plugins.split(',')

    webroot, appconf = configureServer(plugins=plugins)

    if script is None:
            'webroot': webroot,
            'appconf': appconf
        globals_ = {k: v for k, v in six.viewitems(globals()) if k not in {'__file__', '__name__'}}
        sys.argv = [script] + list(args)
        exec(open(script, 'rb').read(), dict(
            webroot=webroot, appconf=appconf, __name__='__main__',
            __file__=script, **globals_))
# This ensures that:
#  - Worker settings are correct
#  - there is at least one admin user
#  - there is a default task folder
#  - there is at least one assetstore

from girder.models.assetstore import Assetstore
from girder.models.collection import Collection
from girder.models.folder import Folder
from girder.models.setting import Setting
from girder.models.user import User
from girder.utility.server import configureServer

# This loads plugins, allowing setting validation

# Ensure worker settings are correct
Setting().set('', 'amqp://*****:*****@rabbitmq/')
Setting().set('worker.backend', 'rpc://*****:*****@rabbitmq/')
Setting().set('worker.api_url', 'http://*****:*****@nowhere.nil')
adminUser = User().findOne({'admin': True})
# Make sure we have an assetstore
if Assetstore().findOne() is None:
    Assetstore().createFilesystemAssetstore('Assetstore', '/assetstore')
# If we don't have a default task folder, make a task collection and folder
if not Setting().get('slicer_cli_web.task_folder'):
from girder.utility import server as girder_server
from girder.models.file import File  # noqa: E402, I100
from girder.models.folder import Folder  # noqa: E402
from girder.models.item import Item  # noqa: E402
from girder.plugins.isic_archive.models.dataset import Dataset  # noqa: E402

for dataset in Dataset().find():
    for registration in dataset['metadataFiles']:
        metadataFile = File().load(registration['fileId'], force=True)
        item = Item().load(metadataFile['itemId'], force=True)
        folder = Folder().load(item['folderId'], force=True)

        print(' ', metadataFile['name'])

        del metadataFile['itemId']
        metadataFile['attachedToType'] = ['dataset', 'isic_archive']
        metadataFile = File().save(metadataFile)

        File().propagateSizeChange(item, -metadataFile['size'])
Beispiel #8
def setup(config, store):
    config = {"server": {"api_root": "/plugin/girder/girder/api/v1",
                         "static_root": "/plugin/girder/girder/static"}}
    girder_app, config = configureServer(curConfig=config)

    return {"apps": [(girder_app, config, "girder")]}
Beispiel #9
import pprint
import re

from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from girder.utility import server as girder_server  # noqa

girder_server.configureServer()  # noqa
from girder.models.file import File  # noqa
from girder.models.item import Item  # noqa

from isic_archive.models.dataset import Dataset  # noqa: E402

for image in Item().find(
    {'baseParentId': ObjectId('55943cff9fc3c13155bcad5e')}
    dataset = Dataset().find({'_id': image['meta']['datasetId']})
    print(f'{image["name"]}, {image["_id"]}, {next(dataset)["name"]}')
    files = list(File().find({'itemId': image['_id']}))
    taken_file_ids = set()

    # already migrated
    if [f for f in files if 'imageRole' in f]:

    superpixel_file_ids = [
        for f in files
        if 'superpixels' in f['name']
        and f['size'] > 0
        and f['_id'] not in taken_file_ids
from girder.utility import server as girder_server
from girder.models.file import File  # noqa: E402, I100
from girder.models.folder import Folder  # noqa: E402
from girder.models.item import Item  # noqa: E402

from isic_archive.models.dataset import Dataset  # noqa: E402

for dataset in Dataset().find():
    for registration in dataset['metadataFiles']:
        metadataFile = File().load(registration['fileId'], force=True)
        item = Item().load(metadataFile['itemId'], force=True)
        folder = Folder().load(item['folderId'], force=True)

        print(' ', metadataFile['name'])

        del metadataFile['itemId']
        metadataFile['attachedToType'] = ['dataset', 'isic_archive']
        metadataFile = File().save(metadataFile)

        File().propagateSizeChange(item, -metadataFile['size'])