Beispiel #1
    def test_parse_date(self):
        # parse_date(from_timestamp()) must return the tuple unchanged
        for timestamp, offset in (1522827734, -7200), (1522827734, 0), (1522827734, +3600):
            self.assertEqual(parse_date(from_timestamp(timestamp, offset)), (timestamp, offset))

        # test all supported formats
        def assert_rval(rval, veri_time, offset=0):
            self.assertEqual(len(rval), 2)
            self.assertIsInstance(rval[0], int)
            self.assertIsInstance(rval[1], int)
            self.assertEqual(rval[0], veri_time)
            self.assertEqual(rval[1], offset)

            # now that we are here, test our conversion functions as well
            utctz = altz_to_utctz_str(offset)
            self.assertIsInstance(utctz, str)
            self.assertEqual(utctz_to_altz(verify_utctz(utctz)), offset)
        # END assert rval utility

        rfc = ("Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:11 +0000", 0)
        iso = ("2005-04-07T22:13:11 -0200", 7200)
        iso2 = ("2005-04-07 22:13:11 +0400", -14400)
        iso3 = ("2005.04.07 22:13:11 -0000", 0)
        alt = ("04/07/2005 22:13:11", 0)
        alt2 = ("07.04.2005 22:13:11", 0)
        veri_time_utc = 1112911991      # the time this represents, in time since epoch, UTC
        for date, offset in (rfc, iso, iso2, iso3, alt, alt2):
            assert_rval(parse_date(date), veri_time_utc, offset)
        # END for each date type

        # and failure
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_date,  # non-aware datetime
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_date, 'invalid format')
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_date, '123456789 -02000')
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_date, ' 123456789 -0200')
Beispiel #2
    def from_line(cls, line):
        """:return: New RefLogEntry instance from the given revlog line.
        :param line: line bytes without trailing newline
        :raise ValueError: If line could not be parsed"""
        line = line.decode(defenc)
        fields = line.split('\t', 1)
        if len(fields) == 1:
            info, msg = fields[0], None
        elif len(fields) == 2:
            info, msg = fields
            raise ValueError("Line must have up to two TAB-separated fields."
                             " Got %s" % repr(line))
        # END handle first split

        oldhexsha = info[:40]
        newhexsha = info[41:81]
        for hexsha in (oldhexsha, newhexsha):
            if not cls._re_hexsha_only.match(hexsha):
                raise ValueError("Invalid hexsha: %r" % (hexsha,))
            # END if hexsha re doesn't match
        # END for each hexsha

        email_end = info.find('>', 82)
        if email_end == -1:
            raise ValueError("Missing token: >")
        # END handle missing end brace

        actor = Actor._from_string(info[82:email_end + 1])
        time, tz_offset = parse_date(info[email_end + 2:])

        return RefLogEntry((oldhexsha, newhexsha, actor, (time, tz_offset), msg))
Beispiel #3
    def from_line(cls, line):
        """:return: New RefLogEntry instance from the given revlog line.
        :param line: line without trailing newline
        :raise ValueError: If line could not be parsed"""
            info, msg = line.split('\t', 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("line is missing tab separator")
        #END handle first plit
        oldhexsha = info[:40]
        newhexsha = info[41:81]
        for hexsha in (oldhexsha, newhexsha):
            if not cls._re_hexsha_only.match(hexsha):
                raise ValueError("Invalid hexsha: %s" % hexsha)
            # END if hexsha re doesn't match
        #END for each hexsha

        email_end = info.find('>', 82)
        if email_end == -1:
            raise ValueError("Missing token: >")
        #END handle missing end brace

        actor = Actor._from_string(info[82:email_end + 1])
        time, tz_offset = parse_date(info[email_end + 2:])

        return RefLogEntry(
            (oldhexsha, newhexsha, actor, (time, tz_offset), msg))
Beispiel #4
    def test_parse_date(self):
        # test all supported formats
        def assert_rval(rval, veri_time, offset=0):
            self.assertEqual(len(rval), 2)
            self.assertIsInstance(rval[0], int)
            self.assertIsInstance(rval[1], int)
            self.assertEqual(rval[0], veri_time)
            self.assertEqual(rval[1], offset)

            # now that we are here, test our conversion functions as well
            utctz = altz_to_utctz_str(offset)
            self.assertIsInstance(utctz, string_types)
            self.assertEqual(utctz_to_altz(verify_utctz(utctz)), offset)
        # END assert rval utility

        rfc = ("Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:11 +0000", 0)
        iso = ("2005-04-07T22:13:11 -0200", 7200)
        iso2 = ("2005-04-07 22:13:11 +0400", -14400)
        iso3 = ("2005.04.07 22:13:11 -0000", 0)
        alt = ("04/07/2005 22:13:11", 0)
        alt2 = ("07.04.2005 22:13:11", 0)
        veri_time_utc = 1112911991      # the time this represents, in time since epoch, UTC
        for date, offset in (rfc, iso, iso2, iso3, alt, alt2):
            assert_rval(parse_date(date), veri_time_utc, offset)
        # END for each date type

        # and failure
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, 'invalid format')
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, '123456789 -02000')
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, ' 123456789 -0200')
Beispiel #5
    def from_line(cls, line):
        """:return: New RefLogEntry instance from the given revlog line.
        :param line: line without trailing newline
        :raise ValueError: If line could not be parsed"""
            info, msg = line.split('\t', 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("line is missing tab separator")
        # END handle first plit
        oldhexsha = info[:40]
        newhexsha = info[41:81]
        for hexsha in (oldhexsha, newhexsha):
            if not cls._re_hexsha_only.match(hexsha):
                raise ValueError("Invalid hexsha: %s" % hexsha)
            # END if hexsha re doesn't match
        # END for each hexsha

        email_end = info.find('>', 82)
        if email_end == -1:
            raise ValueError("Missing token: >")
        # END handle missing end brace

        actor = Actor._from_string(info[82:email_end + 1])
        time, tz_offset = parse_date(info[email_end + 2:])

        return RefLogEntry((oldhexsha, newhexsha, actor, (time, tz_offset), msg))
Beispiel #6
    def test_parse_date(self):
        # test all supported formats
        def assert_rval(rval, veri_time, offset=0):
            assert len(rval) == 2
            assert isinstance(rval[0], int) and isinstance(rval[1], int)
            assert rval[0] == veri_time
            assert rval[1] == offset

            # now that we are here, test our conversion functions as well
            utctz = altz_to_utctz_str(offset)
            assert isinstance(utctz, string_types)
            assert utctz_to_altz(verify_utctz(utctz)) == offset

        # END assert rval utility

        rfc = ("Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:11 +0000", 0)
        iso = ("2005-04-07T22:13:11 -0200", 7200)
        iso2 = ("2005-04-07 22:13:11 +0400", -14400)
        iso3 = ("2005.04.07 22:13:11 -0000", 0)
        alt = ("04/07/2005 22:13:11", 0)
        alt2 = ("07.04.2005 22:13:11", 0)
        veri_time_utc = 1112911991  # the time this represents, in time since epoch, UTC
        for date, offset in (rfc, iso, iso2, iso3, alt, alt2):
            assert_rval(parse_date(date), veri_time_utc, offset)
        # END for each date type

        # and failure
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, 'invalid format')
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, '123456789 -02000')
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, ' 123456789 -0200')