Beispiel #1
def sig_rz(z, zpars, tpars):
    # Mirror prior
    tparsu = abs(tpars)

    # dz = zpars[2]-zpars[1]
    # sig_Rz = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    # sig_Rz[0] = tparsu[0] * dz / 2.
    # for i in range(1,gp.nipol):
    #   sig_Rz[i] = sig_Rz[i-1] + tparsu[i] * dz
    # f = gp.ipol(zpars,sig_Rz,z)

    # Alternative here --> don't assume monotonic!
    f = gh.ipol(zpars, tparsu, z)
    return f
Beispiel #2
def sig_rz(z, zpars, tpars):
    # Mirror prior
    tparsu = abs(tpars)

    # dz = zpars[2]-zpars[1]
    # sig_Rz = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    # sig_Rz[0] = tparsu[0] * dz / 2.
    # for i in range(1,gp.nipol):
    #   sig_Rz[i] = sig_Rz[i-1] + tparsu[i] * dz
    # f = gp.ipol(zpars,sig_Rz,z)

    # Alternative here --> don't assume monotonic!
    f = gh.ipol(zpars, tparsu, z)
    return f
Beispiel #3
def rho_INTIPOL_Rho(r0, rho):
    # assume len(r) = 2*pnts, or at least pnts+4
    pnts = len(r0)-1 # start with one missing bin, s.t. interpolation on sub-bin possible
    Rho = np.zeros(pnts)
    for i in range(pnts):
        xint = r0[i:]                                      # [lunit]
        yint = np.zeros(len(xint))
        for j in range(i+1,len(xint)):
            yint[j] = r0[j] * rho[j]/np.sqrt(r0[j]**2-r0[i]**2) # [munit/lunit^3]
        # extrapolating with 1:3 is linear only! two points (1,2) to work with!
        yint[0] = gh.ipol(xint[1:3], yint[1:3], xint[0]) # linear extrapolation
        # yint[0] = gh.ipol(xipol[1:3], yipol[1:3], xint[0], smooth=0.1) # higher smooth means lower sigmalos
        # yint[0] = gh.ipollog(xipol[1:3], yipol[1:3], xint[0]) # too jumpy
        # yint[0] = gh.ipol(xipol[1:4], yipol[1:4], xint[0]) # increase, still missing at high radii
        # yint[0] = gh.ipol(xipol[1:3],yipol[1:3],xint[0]*1.1) # overall increase, kappa off @ 0 and max
        # yint[0] = gh.ipol(xipol[1:3],yipol[1:3],xint[0])*0.5 # overall increase, but too high @ center

        # use other interpolation scheme
        # igi = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(xint[1:5],yint[1:5])
        # yint[0] = igi(xint[0])

        # then fit polynomial on second half of radii
        ml = max(len(xint)/4,2)
        x = xint[-ml:]
        y = np.log(yint[-ml:])
        polyhilo = np.polyfit(x,y,1)

        # integrate polynomial from r0 (up to max(r_data)) to infinity
        intpoly = int_poly_inf(r0[-1],polyhilo)

        # attention: can be that intpoly is negative, if rho[i+1] > rho[i]
        # and even that integration + intpoly < 0 in the wash for Rho[i] for the last bin
        # circumvent that by requesting intpoly in [0,infty[
        if intpoly<0.: intpoly = 0.

        Rho[i]  = 2.*(simps(yint, xint, even=gp.even) + intpoly) # [munit/lunit^2]

    # better: extrapolation using polynomes
    # surfden = gh.ipollog(r_tot[1:-1],surfden[1:-1],r_tot)
    # Rho[0]  = gh.ipol(r0[1:3],Rho[1:3],[r0[0]]) # TODO: check that it's fine to disable

    # extrapolate to last 4 bins, which were neglected for sake of extrapolating yint[0]
    x = r0[-4:-1]                 # take values from half+some offset to last point known for Rho
    y = np.log(Rho[-3:])          # [log(munit/lunit^2)]
    polyhilo = np.polyfit(x,y,1)

    return np.hstack([Rho,np.exp(r0[-1:]*polyhilo[0]+polyhilo[1])])
Beispiel #4
def int_siglos2surf_old(pnts, r0, beta, nu, sigr2): 
    tmp = np.zeros(pnts)
    for i in range(pnts):
        xint = r0[i:]                   # [pc]
        yint = (1-beta[i:]*(r0[i]/r0[i:])**2) # [1]
        yint = yint * nu[i:] * sigr2[i:] * r0[i:]  # [munit/pc^2 (km/s)^2]
        yint = yint / np.sqrt(r0[i:]**2-r0[i]**2) # [munit/pc^3 (km/s)^2]

        yint[0] = gh.ipol(xint[1:3],yint[1:3],[xint[0]]) #-(xint[1]-xint[0]))        

        tmp[i] = 2. * simps(yint, xint, even=gp.even) # [munit/pc^2 (km/s)^2]

    # tmp[0] = tmp[1]    # crude approximation: first bin has same sigma_los2 as second bin
    # tmp[0] = gh.ipol(r_tot[1:],tmp[1:],r_tot[0])
    # tmp[0] = 2.0/surfden[0]*nu_tot[0:]*sigma_tot[0:]*r_tot[0:]/r_tot[:]*rmin

    return tmp                          # [munit/pc^2 (km/s)^2]
Beispiel #5
def ant_kaplos4surf(r0, beta, nu, kapr4):
    pnts = len(r0)-1
    tmp = np.zeros(pnts)

    for i in range(pnts):
        xint = r0[i:]                          # [pc]
        yint = g(r0[i:], r0[i], beta[i:])        # [1]
        yint = yint * nu[i:] * kapr4[i:] * r0[i:] # [munit/pc^2 (km/s)^4]
        yint = yint / np.sqrt(r0[i:]**2-r0[i]**2) # [munit/pc^3 (km/s)^4]

        # interpolate diverging bin, need 4 (sub)points to get 3rd order
        xipol = xint[0]+np.arange(4)*(xint[1]-xint[0])/4.
        dipol = beta[i]+np.arange(4)*(beta[i+1]-beta[i])/4.
        nuipol= nu[i]+np.arange(4)*(nu[i+1]-nu[i])/4.
        kapr4ipol = kapr4[i]+np.arange(4)*(kapr4[i+1]-kapr4[i])/4.

        yipol = g(xipol,r0[i],dipol)* nuipol\
                * kapr4ipol * xipol / np.sqrt(xipol**2-r0[i]**2)

        yint[0] = gh.ipol(xipol[1:4],yipol[1:4],xint[0])
        # yint[0] = gh.ipol(xint[1:3],yint[1:3],[xint[0]]) # -(xint[1]-xint[0]))
        # ^-- rather conservative, lower than above method by factor 0.6

        # then fit polynomial on second half of radii
        ml = max(len(xint)/2,2)
        x = xint[-ml:]
        y = np.log(yint[-ml:])
        polyhilo = np.polyfit(x,y, 1)

        # integrate polynomial from r0 (up to max(r_data)) to infinity
        intpoly = int_poly_inf(r0[-1],polyhilo)

        tmp[i] = 2. * (simps(yint, xint, even=gp.even) + intpoly) # [munit/pc^2 (km/s)^4]

    # extrapolate to last 4 bins
    x = r0[-4:-1] # take values from half+some offset to last point known for tmp
    y = np.log(tmp[-3:])
    polyhilo = np.polyfit(x,y,1)

    # [munit/pc^2 (km/s)^4]
    return np.hstack([tmp,np.exp(r0[-1:]*polyhilo[0]+polyhilo[1])])
Beispiel #6
def disc_sim():
    if not gp.investigate == 'sim':
        print('wrong file included')
    gp.zpmin = -1
    gp.zpmax = -1

    #import all data from files
    if gp.importdata:
        z_nu1_raw,nu1_dat_raw,nu1_dat_err_raw = gh.readcoln(gp.files.nufiles[0])
        z_sig1_raw,sig1_dat_raw,sig1_dat_err_raw = gh.readcoln(gp.files.sigfiles[0])
        #z_surf_raw,surftot_dat_raw,surftot_dat_err_raw = gh.readcoln(gp.files.surfdenfiles[0])
        z_surf_raw,surfbar_dat_raw,surfbar_dat_err_raw = gh.readcoln(gp.files.surfdenfiles[0])
        z_surf_raw,surfdm_dat_raw,surfdm_dat_err_raw = gh.readcoln(gp.files.surfdenfiles[1])
        selnu1  = (z_nu1_raw > 0)
        selsig1 = (z_sig1_raw > 0)
        selsurf = (z_surf_raw > 0)
        if gp.pops == 2:
            z_nu2_raw,nu2_dat_raw,nu2_dat_err_raw = gh.readcoln(gp.files.nufiles[1])
            z_sig2_raw,sig2_dat_raw,sig2_dat_err_raw = gh.readcoln(gp.files.sigfiles[2])
            selnu2 = (z_nu2_raw > 0)
            selsig2 = (z_sig2_raw > 0)  

        # baryonic surface density
        gp.dat.Mx   = z_surf_raw[selsurf]*1000.         # [pc]
        gp.dat.Mdat = surfbar_dat_raw[selsurf]          # [Msun/pc^2]
        gp.dat.Merr = surfbar_dat_err_raw[selsurf]      # [Msun/pc^2]
        # total surface density
        gp.Mmodel = surftot_dat_raw[selsusrf]           # [Msun/pc^2]
        Kz_zstar = -gp.Mmodel * (2.*np.pi*gp.G1)  
        # should be kappa data (not sure whether this is necessary)      
        gp.dat.densx     = z_surf_raw[selsusrf]*1000.         # [pc]
        gp.dat.densdat   = phys.kappa(gp.dat.densx, Kz_zstar)   #should be the total kappa, not sure about x array though
        gp.dat.denserr   = gp.dat.densdat  #not necessary for a certainty

        gp.dat.nux1 = z_nu1_raw[selnu1]*1000.   # [pc]
        gp.dat.nudat1 = nu1_dat_raw[selnu1]
        gp.dat.nuerr1 = nu1_dat_err_raw[selnu1]
        gp.dat.sigx1 = z_sig1_raw[selsig1]*1000.
        gp.dat.sigdat1 = sig1_dat_raw[selsig1]
        gp.dat.sigerr1 = sig1_dat_err_raw[selsig1]

        if gp.pops == 2:
            gp.dat.nux2 = z_nu2_raw[selnu2]*1000.
            gp.dat.nudat2 = nu2_dat_raw[selnu2]
            gp.dat.nuerr2 = nu2_dat_err_raw[selnu2]

            gp.dat.sigx2 = z_sig2_raw[selsig2]*1000.
            gp.dat.sigdat2 = z_sig2_raw[selsig2]
            gp.dat.sigerr2 = z_sig2_raw[selsig2]

        gp.dat.output()'pp') # pickle
        return gp.dat

        # import simulation datapoints and calculate nu, sig
        zmin = 100. ; zmax = 1300.          # [pc]
        zbinbndry = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, gp.nipol+1)   # [pc] assuming linear spacing of bins
        zbinmin = zbinbndry[:-1]                          # [pc]
        zbinmax = zbinbndry[1:]                           # [pc]
        gp.xipol= zbinmin + (zbinmax-zbinmin)/2.          # [pc]

        # Read in the data:
        mass, x_dat,y_dat,z_dat, vx_dat,vy_dat,vz_dat, pot_dat = gh.readcoln(gp.files.posvelfiles[0])
        # assume units: Msun, 3*kpc, 3*km/s, [pot] <= last one not needed
        # [Dave] v is in units [100 km/s] <= not possible?!
        if max(mass) != min(mass):
            print('**** Multimass data not yet supported ****')

        # change to [pc]
        x_dat *= 1000.;    y_dat *= 1000.;        z_dat *= 1000. # [pc]
        z_mean  = np.sum(mass*z_dat)/np.sum(mass)                  # [pc]
        vz_mean = np.sum(mass*vz_dat)/np.sum(mass)                 # [km/s]

        # center on coordinate, if also negative z values read in
        if min(z_dat)<0:
            z_dat = z_dat - z_mean        # [pc]
            vz_dat = vz_dat - vz_mean     # [km/s]
        # Add errors:
        if gp.adderrors:
            # Assume normal errors for now: 
            xerrfac  = 10.0;  yerrfac = 10.0;  zerrfac = 10.0
            vxerrfac = 10.0; vyerrfac = 10.0; vzerrfac = 10.0
            x_dat_err = abs(x_dat/xerrfac)          # [pc]
            y_dat_err = abs(y_dat/yerrfac)          # [pc]
            z_dat_err = abs(z_dat/zerrfac)          # [pc]
            vx_dat_err = abs(vx_dat/vxerrfac)       # [km/s]
            vy_dat_err = abs(vy_dat/vyerrfac)       # [km/s]
            vz_dat_err = abs(vz_dat/vzerrfac)       # [km/s]
            x_dat = x_dat + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat)) * x_dat_err # [pc]
            y_dat = y_dat + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat)) * y_dat_err # [pc]
            z_dat = z_dat + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat)) * z_dat_err # [pc]
            vx_dat = vx_dat + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat)) * vx_dat_err # [km/s]
            vy_dat = vy_dat + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat)) * vy_dat_err # [km/s]
            vz_dat = vz_dat + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat)) * vz_dat_err # [km/s]

        # Cut on zmax, cut zero velocities  TODO: why not allowing zero velocities? could be temporarily...
        sel = (z_dat < zmax) * (abs(vz_dat) > 0.)   # [bool]
        z_dat  = z_dat[sel]               # [pc]
        vz_dat = vz_dat[sel]              # [km/s]
        # determine sigma_v
        sig_dat_bin = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        sig_dat_err_bin = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for i in range(gp.nipol):
            sel = (z_dat > zbinmin[i])*(z_dat < zbinmax[i])   # select bin
            vtemp = np.array(vz_dat[sel])                     # [km/s]
            sig_dat_bin[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean(vtemp**2) - np.mean(vtemp)**2) # [km/s]
            sig_dat_err_bin[i] = sig_dat_bin[i]/(1.*np.sum(sel))   # [km/s]

        nu_dat_bin = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        nu_dat_err_bin = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for i in range(gp.nipol):
            sel = (z_dat > zbinmin[i])*(z_dat < zbinmax[i])   # select bin
            nu_dat_bin[i] = 1.*np.sum(sel)/(1.*(zbinmax[i]-zbinmin[i])) # [1/tot. area/pc]
            nu_dat_err_bin[i] = nu_dat_bin[i] / np.sqrt(np.sum(sel)) # [1/tot. area/pc], Poisson distributed

        renorm = 1.*max(nu_dat_bin)       # [1/tot.area/pc]
        nu_dat_bin = nu_dat_bin / renorm  # [1]
        nu_dat_err_bin = nu_dat_err_bin / renorm   # [1]

        # [TODO]: downsampling if needed 
        if gp.pops == 2:
            mass2, x_dat2,y_dat2,z_dat2, vx_dat2,vy_dat2,vz_dat2, pot_dat2 = gh.readcoln(gp.files.posvelfiles[1])
            if max(mass2) > min(mass2):
                print('**** Multimass data not yet supported ****')

            # change to [pc]
            x_dat2 *= 1000.;    y_dat2 *= 1000.;        z_dat2 *= 1000. # [pc]
            z_mean2  = np.sum(mass2*z_dat2)/np.sum(mass2)                  # [pc]
            vz_mean2 = np.sum(mass2*vz_dat2)/np.sum(mass2)                 # [km/s]

            # center on coordinate, if also negative z values read in
            if min(z_dat2)<0:
                z_dat2 = z_dat2 - z_mean2        # [pc]
                vz_dat2 = vz_dat2 - vz_mean2     # [km/s]
            # Add errors:
            if gp.adderrors:
                # Assume normal errors for now: 
                x_dat_err2 = abs(x_dat2/xerrfac)          # [pc]
                y_dat_err2 = abs(y_dat2/yerrfac)          # [pc]
                z_dat_err2 = abs(z_dat2/zerrfac)          # [pc]
                vx_dat_err2 = abs(vx_dat2/vxerrfac)       # [km/s]
                vy_dat_err2 = abs(vy_dat2/vyerrfac)       # [km/s]
                vz_dat_err2 = abs(vz_dat2/vzerrfac)       # [km/s]
                x_dat2 = x_dat2 + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat2)) * x_dat_err2 # [pc]
                y_dat2 = y_dat2 + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat2)) * y_dat_err2 # [pc]
                z_dat2 = z_dat2 + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat2)) * z_dat_err2 # [pc]
                vx_dat2 = vx_dat2 + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat2)) * vx_dat_err2 # [km/s]
                vy_dat2 = vy_dat2 + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat2)) * vy_dat_err2 # [km/s]
                vz_dat2 = vz_dat2 + npr.normal(-1.,1.,len(z_dat2)) * vz_dat_err2 # [km/s]

            # Cut on zmax, cut zero velocities  TODO: why not allowing zero velocities? could be temporarily...
            sel = (z_dat2 < zmax) * (abs(vz_dat2) > 0.)   # [bool]
            z_dat2  = z_dat2[sel]               # [pc]
            vz_dat2 = vz_dat2[sel]              # [km/s]
            # determine sigma_v
            sig_dat_bin2 = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
            sig_dat_err_bin2 = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
            for i in range(gp.nipol):
                sel = (z_dat2 > zbinmin[i])*(z_dat2 < zbinmax[i])   # select bin
                vtemp = np.array(vz_dat2[sel])                     # [km/s]
                sig_dat_bin2[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean(vtemp**2) - np.mean(vtemp)**2) # [km/s]
                sig_dat_err_bin2[i] = sig_dat_bin2[i]/(1.*np.sum(sel))   # [km/s]

            nu_dat_bin2 = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
            nu_dat_err_bin2 = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
            for i in range(gp.nipol):
                sel = (z_dat2 > zbinmin[i])*(z_dat2 < zbinmax[i])   # select bin
                nu_dat_bin2[i] = 1.*np.sum(sel)/(1.*(zbinmax[i]-zbinmin[i])) # [1/tot. area/pc]
                nu_dat_err_bin2[i] = nu_dat_bin2[i] / np.sqrt(np.sum(sel)) # [1/tot. area/pc], Poisson distributed

            renorm = 1.*max(nu_dat_bin2)       # [1/tot.area/pc]
            nu_dat_bin2 /= renorm              # [1]
            nu_dat_err_bin2 /= renorm          # [1]

        # if gp.bprior:
        # Load the baryonic model:
        if gp.baryonmodel == 'silvia':
            zvis,sigexpvis,sigexpviserr,sigsecvis,sigsecviserr = gh.readcoln('/home/ast/user/jread/Data/Local_dm/Vis/Sigma_MM.txt') # [kpc, Msun/pc^2, Msun/pc^2, Msun/pc^2, Msun/pc^2]
            sigusevis    = sigsecvis      # [Msun/pc^2]
            siguseviserr = sigsecviserr   # [Msun/pc^2]
        elif gp.baryonmodel == 'sim':
            zvis, sigusevis, siguseviserr = gh.readcol3(gp.files.surfdenfiles[0])
            # [kpc, Msun/pc^2, Msun/pc^2]
            zvis *= 1000.                     # [pc]
            sigusevis    = gh.ipol(zvis, sigusevis, gp.xipol)   # interpolate to xipol radius array
            siguseviserr = gh.ipol(zvis, siguseviserr, gp.xipol)
            zvis = gp.xipol                          # [pc]

            # read in DM surface density
            zdm, sigusedm, sigusedmerr = gh.readcol3(gp.files.surfdenfiles[1])
            # [kpc, Msun/pc^2, Msun/pc^2]
            zdm *= 1000.                                # [pc]
            sigusedm = gh.ipol(zdm, sigusedm, gp.xipol)   # interpolate to xipol radius array
            sigusedmerr = gh.ipol(zdm, sigusedmerr, gp.xipol)
            zdm = gp.xipol                    # [pc]
        elif gp.baryonmodel == 'simple':
            zvis = gp.xipol                               # [pc]
            D = 250.                                  # [pc]
            K = 1.65                                  # [TODO]
            sigusevis = K*zvis/sqrt(zvis**2.+D**2.) / (2.0*np.pi*G1) # [TODO]
            siguseviserr = sigusevis*0.01                            # [TODO]

        # baryonic surface density, really a Sigma
        gp.dat.Mx   = gp.xipol                # [pc]
        gp.dat.Mdat = sigusevis               # [Msun/pc^2]
        gp.dat.Merr = siguseviserr            # [Msun/pc^2]

        # total surface density (same z array as baryonic)
        gp.Mmodel = sigusevis + sigusedm                   # [Msun/pc^2]
        Kz_zstar = -gp.Mmodel * (2.*np.pi*gp.G1)           # [1000/pc (km/s)^2]
        # should be kappa data (not sure whether this is necessary)      
        gp.dat.densx     = gp.xipol                       # [pc]
        gp.dat.densdat   = phys.kappa(gp.dat.densx, Kz_zstar)   # [TODO]
        gp.dat.denserr   = gp.dat.densdat/100.                  # [TODO]

        gp.dat.nux1   = gp.xipol          # [pc]
        gp.dat.nudat1 = nu_dat_bin        # [Msun/pc^3]
        gp.dat.nuerr1 = nu_dat_err_bin    # [Msun/pc^3]
        gp.dat.sigx1   = gp.xipol         # [pc]
        gp.dat.sigdat1 = sig_dat_bin      # [km/s]
        gp.dat.sigerr1 = sig_dat_err_bin  # [km/s]

        if gp.pops == 2:
            gp.dat.nux2 = gp.xipol               # [pc]
            gp.dat.nudat2 = nu_dat_bin2          # [Msun/pc^3]
            gp.dat.nuerr2 = nu_dat_err_bin2      # [Msun/pc^3]

            gp.dat.sigx2 = gp.xipol              # [pc]
            gp.dat.sigdat2 = sig_dat_bin2        # [km/s]
            gp.dat.sigerr2 = sig_dat_err_bin2    # [km/s]

        gp.dat.output()'pp') # pickle
        return gp.dat
Beispiel #7
def get_prof(prof, pop, gp):
    zmin = 100.                               # [pc], first bin center
    zmax = 1300.                              # [pc], last bin center
    # get Stuetzpunkte for theoretical profiles (not yet stars, finer spacing in real space)
    nth = gp.nipol                            # [1] number of bins
    zth = 1.* np.arange(nth) * (zmax-zmin)/(nth-1.) + zmin # [pc] bin centers
    z0  = 240.                                # [pc], scaleheight of first population
    z02 = 200.                                # [pc], scaleheight of second population
    D   = 250.                                # [pc], scaleheight of all stellar tracers
    K   = 1.65
    F   = 1.65e-4
    C   = 17.**2.                             # [km/s] integration constant in sig

    # Draw mock data from exponential disk:
    nu_zth = np.exp(-zth/z0)                                 # [nu0] = [Msun/A/pc] 3D tracer density
    if prof == 'nu' and pop==1:
        return zth, nu_zth
    Kz_zth = -(K*zth/np.sqrt(zth**2.+D**2.) + 2.0 * F * zth)

    if gp.adddarkdisc:
        DD = 600                                         # [pc] scaleheight of dark disc
        KD = 0.15 * 1.650
        Kz_zth = Kz_zth - KD*zth/np.sqrt(zth**2. + DD**2.)

    # calculate sig_z^2
    inti = np.zeros(nth)
    for i in range(1, nth):
        inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i]*nu_zth[:i], zth[:i])

    sigzth = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth)
    if prof == 'sig' and pop == 1:
        return zth, sigzth
    # project back to positions of stars
    ran = npr.uniform(size=int(gp.ntracer[1-1]))                 # [1]
    #zstar = -z0 * np.log(1.0 - ran)           # [pc] stellar positions, exponential falloff

    #sigzstar = gh.ipol(zth, sigzth, zstar)
    # > 0 ((IDL, Justin)) stellar velocity dispersion

    # assign [0,1] * maxsig
    ran2 = npr.normal(size=int(gp.ntracer[2-1]))  # [1]
    #vzstar = ran2 * sigzstar                      # [km/s]

    # Add second population [thick-disc like]:
    if gp.pops == 2:
        nu_zth2 = gp.ntracer[2-1]/gp.ntracer[1-1]*np.exp(-zth/z02)
        if prof == 'nu' and pop == 2:
            return zth, nu_zth2
        # [nu0,2] = [Msun/A/pc], 3D tracer density, exponentially falling
        # no normalization to 1 done here
        inti    = np.zeros(nth)
        for i in range(1, nth):
            inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i]*nu_zth2[:i], zth[:i])
        sigzth2 = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth2) # same integration constant
        if prof == 'sig' and pop == 2:
            return zth, sigzth2
        ran = npr.uniform(-1., 1., gp.ntracer[2-1])            # [1]
        zstar2 = -z02 * np.log(1.0 - ran)                      # [pc]
        #zstarobs = np.hstack([zstar, zstar2]) # concat pop1, pop2 for all stars
        sigzstar2 = gh.ipol(zth, sigzth2, zstar2)
        ran2 = npr.normal(-1., 1, gp.ntracer[2-1])        # [1]
        vzstar2 = ran2 * sigzstar2                        # [(km/2)^2]
Beispiel #8
def sigmaz(zp, kzpars, nupars, norm, tpars, tparsR):
    # calculate density and Kz force:
    nu_z = nupars / np.max(nupars)  # normalized to 1
    # kz_z = kz(zp,zp,kzpars,blow,quadratic) # TODO: reenable
    kz_z = kzpars

    # add tilt correction [if required]:
    if gp.deltaprior:
        Rsun = tparsR[0]
        hr = tparsR[1]
        hsig = tparsR[2]
        tc = sigma_rz(zp, zp, tpars)
        tc = tc * (1.0 / Rsun - 1.0 / hr - 1.0 / hsig)
        # flag when the tilt becomes significant:
        if abs(np.sum(tc)) / abs(np.sum(kz_z)) > 0.1:
            print "Tilt > 10%!", abs(np.sum(tc)), abs(np.sum(kz_z))
        kz_z = kz_z - tc

    # do exact integral
    if not gp.quadratic:
        # linear interpolation here:
        sigint = np.zeros(len(zp))
        for i in range(1, len(zp)):
            zl = zp[i - 1]
            zr = zp[i]
            zz = zr - zl
            b = nu_z[i - 1]
            a = nu_z[i]
            q = kz_z[i - 1]
            p = kz_z[i]

            intbit = (
                (a - b) * (p - q) / (3.0 * zz ** 2.0) * (zr ** 3.0 - zl ** 3.0)
                + ((a - b) / (2.0 * zz) * (q - (p - q) * zl / zz) + (p - q) / (2.0 * zz) * (b - (a - b) * zl / zz))
                * (zr ** 2.0 - zl ** 2.0)
                + (b - (a - b) * zl / zz) * (q - (p - q) * zl / zz) * zz

            if i == 0:
                sigint[0] = intbit
                sigint[i] = sigint[i - 1] + intbit
        # quadratic interpolation
        sigint = np.zeros(len(zp))
        for i in range(1, len(zp) - 1):
            z0 = zp[i - 1]
            z1 = zp[i]
            z2 = zp[i + 1]
            f0 = nu_z[i - 1]
            f1 = nu_z[i]
            f2 = nu_z[i + 1]
            fd0 = kz_z[i - 1]
            fd1 = kz_z[i]
            fd2 = kz_z[i + 1]
            h = z2 - z1
            a = f0
            b = (f1 - a) / h
            c = (f2 - 2.0 * b * h - a) / 2.0 / h ** 2.0
            ad = fd0
            bd = (fd1 - ad) / h
            cd = (fd2 - 2.0 * bd * h - ad) / 2.0 / h ** 2.0
            AA = a * bd + ad * b
            BB = c * ad + cd * a
            CC = b * cd + bd * c
            z1d = z1 - z0
            z2d = z1 ** 2.0 - z0 ** 2.0
            z3d = z1 ** 3.0 - z0 ** 3.0
            z4d = z1 ** 4.0 - z0 ** 4.0
            z5d = z1 ** 5.0 - z0 ** 5.0
            intbit = (
                z1d * (a * ad - z0 * (AA - BB * z1) + z0 ** 2.0 * (b * bd - CC * z1) + c * cd * z0 ** 2.0 * z1 ** 2.0)
                + z2d
                * (
                    0.5 * (AA - BB * z1)
                    - z0 * (b * bd - CC * z1)
                    - z0 / 2.0 * BB
                    + z0 ** 2.0 / 2.0 * CC
                    - (z0 * z1 ** 2.0 + z0 ** 2.0 * z1) * c * cd
                + z3d
                * (
                    1.0 / 3.0 * (b * bd - CC * z1)
                    + 1.0 / 3.0 * BB
                    - 2.0 / 3.0 * z0 * CC
                    + 1.0 / 3.0 * c * cd * (z1 ** 2.0 + z0 ** 2.0 + 4.0 * z0 * z1)
                + z4d * (1.0 / 4.0 * CC - c * cd / 2.0 * (z1 + z0))
                + z5d * c * cd / 5.0

            sigint[i] = sigint[i - 1] + intbit
            if i == len(zp) - 2:
                # Deal with very last bin:
                z1d = z2 - z1
                z2d = z2 ** 2.0 - z1 ** 2.0
                z3d = z2 ** 3.0 - z1 ** 3.0
                z4d = z2 ** 4.0 - z1 ** 4.0
                z5d = z2 ** 5.0 - z1 ** 5.0
                intbit = (
                    * (a * ad - z0 * (AA - BB * z1) + z0 ** 2.0 * (b * bd - CC * z1) + c * cd * z0 ** 2.0 * z1 ** 2.0)
                    + z2d
                    * (
                        0.5 * (AA - BB * z1)
                        - z0 * (b * bd - CC * z1)
                        - z0 / 2.0 * BB
                        + z0 ** 2.0 / 2.0 * CC
                        - (z0 * z1 ** 2.0 + z0 ** 2.0 * z1) * c * cd
                    + z3d
                    * (
                        1.0 / 3.0 * (b * bd - CC * z1)
                        + 1.0 / 3.0 * BB
                        - 2.0 / 3.0 * z0 * CC
                        + 1.0 / 3.0 * c * cd * (z1 ** 2.0 + z0 ** 2.0 + 4.0 * z0 * z1)
                    + z4d * (1.0 / 4.0 * CC - c * cd / 2.0 * (z1 + z0))
                    + z5d * c * cd / 5.0

                sigint[i + 1] = sigint[i] + intbit

    if gp.qtest:
        nu_z = nupars
        pnts = 5000
        zmin = min(zp)
        zmax = max(zp)
        z = dindgen(pnts) * (zmax - zmin) / double(pnts - 1) + zmin
        # kz_z = kz(z,zp,kzpars,blow)

        sigint_th = np.zeros(pnts)
        for i in range(1, pnts):
            sigint_th[i] = simps(Kz_z[:i] * nu_z[:i], z[:i])
        if gp.quadratic:
            # TODO: quadratic
            test = gh.ipol(zp, sigint, z)
            test = gh.ipol(zp, sigint, z)

        gpl.plot(z, sigint_th)
        gpl.plot(zp, sigint, color=2)
        gpl.plot(z, test, color=4)

    sig_z_t2 = 1.0 / nu_z * (sigint + norm)  # TODO: try to fit without..

    return np.sqrt(sig_z_t2)
Beispiel #9
def kz(z_in, zpars, kzpars, blow):
    # Mirror prior # TODO: baryon minimum prior [blow]:
    # kzparsu = abs(kzpars)

    # Assume here interpolation between dens "grid points",
    # [linear or quadratic]. The grid points are stored
    # in kzpars and give the *differential* increase in
    # dens(z) towards small z [monotonic dens-prior]:
    # denarr = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    # denarr[0] = kzparsu[0]
    # for i in range(1,len(kzparsu)):
    #    denarr[i] = denarr[i-1] + kzparsu[i]
    # denarr = denarr[::-1]

    # override previous statements: use dens parameter directly, so denarr is really given by
    denarr = kzpars

    # Solve interpolated integral for Kz:
    if not gp.quadratic:
        # Linear interpolation here:
        kz_z = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for i in range(1, gp.nipol):
            zl = zpars[i - 1]
            zr = zpars[i]
            zz = zr - zl
            b = denarr[i - 1]
            a = denarr[i]
            kz_z[i] = kz_z[i - 1] + (a - b) / 2.0 / zz * (zr ** 2.0 - zl ** 2.0) + b * zr - a * zl
        # Quadratic interpolation here:
        kz_z = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
        for i in range(1, gp.nipol - 1):
            z0 = zpars[i - 1]
            z1 = zpars[i]
            z2 = zpars[i + 1]
            f0 = denarr[i - 1]
            f1 = denarr[i]
            f2 = denarr[i + 1]
            h = z2 - z1
            a = f0
            b = (f1 - a) / h
            c = (f2 - 2.0 * b * h - a) / 2.0 / h ** 2.0
            z1d = z1 - z0
            z2d = z1 ** 2.0 - z0 ** 2.0
            z3d = z1 ** 3.0 - z0 ** 3.0
            intbit = (a - b * z0 + c * z0 * z1) * z1d + (b / 2.0 - c / 2.0 * (z0 + z1)) * z2d + c / 3.0 * z3d
            kz_z[i] = kz_z[i - 1] + intbit
            if i == n_elements(zpars) - 2:
                # Deal with very last bin:
                z1d = z2 - z1
                z2d = z2 ** 2.0 - z1 ** 2.0
                z3d = z2 ** 3.0 - z1 ** 3.0

                intbit = (a - b * z0 + c * z0 * z1) * z1d + (b / 2.0 - c / 2.0 * (z0 + z1)) * z2d + c / 3.0 * z3d
                kz_z[i + 1] = kz_z[i] + intbit

    if gp.qtest:
        pnts = 5000
        zmin = min(zpars)
        zmax = max(zpars)
        z = np.arange(pnts) * (zmax - zmin) / (pnts - 1.0) + zmin
        if not gp.quadratic:
            denarr_z = gh.ipol(zpars, denarr, z)  #             # TODO: assure linear interpolation? see IDL help
            denarr_z = gh.ipol(zpars, denarr, z)  #             # TODO: assure only quadratic interpolation

        kz_th = np.zeros(pnts)
        for i in range(1, pnts):
            kz_th[i] = simps(denarr_z[:i], z[:i])

        if gp.quadratic:
            test = gh.ipol(zpars, kz_z, z)  #             # TODO: assure quadratic interpolation
            test = gh.ipol(zpars, kz_z, z)

        testsimp = np.zeros(len(zpars))
        delta_z = zpars[2] - zpars[1]
        for i in range(1, len(zpars)):
            testsimp[i] = testsimp[i - 1] + denarr[i] * delta_z

        gpl.plot(z, kz_th)
        gpl.plot(zpars, kz_z)
        gpl.plot(z, test)
        gpl.plot(zpars, testsimp)

    kz_out = kz_z  # + blow # let blow alone, take overall Kz

    # Then interpolate back to the input array:
    # if not gp.quadratic:
    #    kz_out = gh.ipol(zpars,kz_z,z_in) #         # TODO: assure linear interpolation
    # else:
    #    kz_out = gh.ipol(zpars,kz_z,z_in) #         # TODO: quadratic!

    # Error checking. Sometimes when kz_z(0) << kz_z(1),
    # the interpolant can go negative. This just means that
    # we have resolved what should be kz_z(0) = 0. A simple
    # fix should suffice:
    for jj in range(0, len(kz_out)):
        if kz_out[jj] < 0:
            kz_out[jj] = 0.0

    return kz_out
Beispiel #10
def nu_decrease(z, zpars, pars):
    parsu = abs(pars)  #     # Mirror prior

    if gp.monotonic:
        rnuz_z = np.zeros(len(zpars))
        rnuz_z[0] = parsu[0]
        for i in range(1, len(rnuz_z)):
            rnuz_z[i] = rnuz_z[i - 1] + parsu[i]
        fun = rnuz_z[::-1]
        # Alternative here --> don't assume monotonic!
        fun = parsu

    # Normalise:
    if not gp.quadratic:
        # Exact linear interpolation integral:
        norm_nu = 0.0
        for i in range(len(zpars) - 1):
            zl = zpars[i]
            zr = zpars[i + 1]
            zz = zr - zl
            b = fun[i]
            a = fun[i + 1]
            norm_nu = norm_nu + (a - b) / 2.0 / zz * (zr ** 2.0 - zl ** 2.0) + b * zr - a * zl
        if gp.qtest:
            gpl.plot(zpars, pars)
            test = gh.ipol(zpars, pars, z)
            gpl.plot(z, test, psym=3, color=2)

        # Exact quadratic interpolation:
        norm_nu = 0.0
        for i in range(1, len(zpars) - 1):
            z0 = zpars[i - 1]
            z1 = zpars[i]
            z2 = zpars[i + 1]
            f0 = fun[i - 1]
            f1 = fun[i]
            f2 = fun[i + 1]
            h = z2 - z1
            a = f0
            b = (f1 - a) / h
            c = (f2 - 2.0 * b * h - a) / 2.0 / h ** 2.0
            z1d = z1 - z0
            z2d = z1 ** 2.0 - z0 ** 2.0
            z3d = z1 ** 3.0 - z0 ** 3.0

            if i == len(zpars) - 2:
                # Last bin integrate from z0 --> z2:
                z1d = z2 - z0
                z2d = z2 ** 2.0 - z0 ** 2.0
                z3d = z2 ** 3.0 - z0 ** 3.0

            intquad = (a - b * z0 + c * z0 * z1) * z1d + (b / 2.0 - c / 2.0 * (z0 + z1)) * z2d + c / 3.0 * z3d
            norm_nu = norm_nu + intquad

            if gp.qtest:
                print i, h, intquad
                testy = a + b * (z - z0) + c * (z - z0) * (z - z1)
                if i != len(zpars) - 3:
                    sel = z > z0 and z < z1
                    zcut = z[sel]
                    tcut = testy[sel]
                sel = z > z0 and z < z2
                zcut = z[sel]
                tcut = testy[sel]

        if gp.qtest:
            gpl.plot(zcut, tcut, psym=3, color=4)
            print "qtest: will stop"
            print simps(test, z), norm_nu

    fun /= norm_nu

    # Interpolate to input z:
    if not gp.quadratic:
        f = gh.ipol(zpars, fun, z)
        f = gh.ipol(zpars, fun, z)  # TODO: assure quadratic interpolation

    # Check for negative density:
    sel = f > 0
    small = min(f[sel])
    for jj in range(len(f)):
        if f[jj] < 0:
            f[jj] = small
    return f
Beispiel #11
def get_prof(prof, pop, gp):
    zmin = 100.  # [pc], first bin center
    zmax = 1300.  # [pc], last bin center
    # get Stuetzpunkte for theoretical profiles (not yet stars, finer spacing in real space)
    nth = gp.nipol  # [1] number of bins
    zth = 1. * np.arange(nth) * (zmax - zmin) / (nth -
                                                 1.) + zmin  # [pc] bin centers
    z0 = 240.  # [pc], scaleheight of first population
    z02 = 200.  # [pc], scaleheight of second population
    D = 250.  # [pc], scaleheight of all stellar tracers
    K = 1.65
    F = 1.65e-4
    C = 17.**2.  # [km/s] integration constant in sig

    # Draw mock data from exponential disk:
    nu_zth = np.exp(-zth / z0)  # [nu0] = [Msun/A/pc] 3D tracer density
    if prof == 'nu' and pop == 1:
        return zth, nu_zth
    Kz_zth = -(K * zth / np.sqrt(zth**2. + D**2.) + 2.0 * F * zth)

    if gp.adddarkdisc:
        DD = 600  # [pc] scaleheight of dark disc
        KD = 0.15 * 1.650
        Kz_zth = Kz_zth - KD * zth / np.sqrt(zth**2. + DD**2.)

    # calculate sig_z^2
    inti = np.zeros(nth)
    for i in range(1, nth):
        inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i] * nu_zth[:i], zth[:i])

    sigzth = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth)
    if prof == 'sig' and pop == 1:
        return zth, sigzth
    # project back to positions of stars
    ran = npr.uniform(size=int(gp.ntracer[1 - 1]))  # [1]
    #zstar = -z0 * np.log(1.0 - ran)           # [pc] stellar positions, exponential falloff

    #sigzstar = gh.ipol(zth, sigzth, zstar)
    # > 0 ((IDL, Justin)) stellar velocity dispersion

    # assign [0,1] * maxsig
    ran2 = npr.normal(size=int(gp.ntracer[2 - 1]))  # [1]
    #vzstar = ran2 * sigzstar                      # [km/s]

    # Add second population [thick-disc like]:
    if gp.pops == 2:
        nu_zth2 = gp.ntracer[2 - 1] / gp.ntracer[1 - 1] * np.exp(-zth / z02)
        if prof == 'nu' and pop == 2:
            return zth, nu_zth2
        # [nu0,2] = [Msun/A/pc], 3D tracer density, exponentially falling
        # no normalization to 1 done here
        inti = np.zeros(nth)
        for i in range(1, nth):
            inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i] * nu_zth2[:i], zth[:i])
        sigzth2 = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth2)  # same integration constant
        if prof == 'sig' and pop == 2:
            return zth, sigzth2
        ran = npr.uniform(-1., 1., gp.ntracer[2 - 1])  # [1]
        zstar2 = -z02 * np.log(1.0 - ran)  # [pc]
        #zstarobs = np.hstack([zstar, zstar2]) # concat pop1, pop2 for all stars
        sigzstar2 = gh.ipol(zth, sigzth2, zstar2)
        ran2 = npr.normal(-1., 1, gp.ntracer[2 - 1])  # [1]
        vzstar2 = ran2 * sigzstar2  # [(km/2)^2]
Beispiel #12
def disc_simple():
    # trick to speed up things considerably, after first data generated, if zpnts > 50 (or other low number)
    # gp.dat.load(gp.files.dir+'pp')
    # return gp.dat

    # Draw mock data: 
    nu_zth = np.exp(-zth/z0)              # [1]
    Kz_zth = -(K*zth/np.sqrt(zth**2.+D**2.) + 2.0 * F * zth)   # [TODO]

    if gp.adddarkdisc: # False
        DD = 600       # [pc]
        KD = 0.15 * 1.650                                # [TODO]
        Kz_zth = Kz_zth - KD*zth/np.sqrt(zth**2.+DD**2.) # [TODO]

    inti = np.zeros(zpnts) 
    for i in range(1,zpnts):
        inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i]*nu_zth[:i],zth[:i])
    sigzth = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth)
    nstars = 10000.                                # [1]
    ran = npr.uniform(size=int(nstars))           # [1]
    zstar = -z0 * np.log(1.0 - ran)               # [pc]
    sigzstar = gh.ipol(zth,sigzth,zstar) # > 0 #selection? no, IDL GT means ">", so perhaps '>' is a shift
    ran2 = npr.normal(size=int(nstars))  # [1]
    vzstar = ran2 * sigzstar             # [TODO]

    # Add second population [thick-disc like]: 
    fac2 = 1.
    if gp.pops == 2:
        nu_zth2 = fac2*np.exp(-zth/z02)
        inti    = np.zeros(zpnts)
        for i in range(1,zpnts):
            inti[i] = simps(Kz_zth[:i]*nu_zth2[:i],zth[:i])
        sigzth2 = np.sqrt((inti + C) / nu_zth2)
        nstars2 = nstars*fac2             # [1]
        ran = npr.uniform(-1.,1.,nstars2) # [1]
        zstar2 = -z02 * np.log(1.0 - ran) # [pc]
        # zstar = [zstar,zstar2]
        sigzstar2 = gh.ipol(zth,sigzth2,zstar2)   # TODO: > 0?
        ran2 = npr.normal(-1.,1,nstars2)          # [1]
        vzstar2 = ran2 * sigzstar2                # [(km/2)^2]

    # Cut on zmax:
    # z_dat = [zstar((zstar < zmax)),zstar2((zstar2 < zmax))] 
    # vz_dat = [vzstar((zstar < zmax)),vzstar2((zstar2 < zmax))]
    sel = (zstar < zmax)
    z_dat = zstar[sel];   vz_dat = vzstar[sel]
    # Cut zero velocities:
    sel = (abs(vz_dat) > 0)
    z_dat = z_dat[sel];   vz_dat = vz_dat[sel]
    # Calulate binned data (for plots/binned anal.): 
    index = np.argsort(z_dat)

    z_dat_bin, sig_dat_bin, count_bin = binsmoo(z_dat[index], vz_dat[index], zmin, zmax, gp.nipol, 0.)
    sig_dat_bin = np.sqrt(sig_dat_bin)
    sig_dat_err_bin = sig_dat_bin / np.sqrt(count_bin)

    z_dat_bin, nu_dat_bin, count_bin = bincou(z_dat[index], zmin, zmax, gp.nipol)
    nu_dat_err_bin = nu_dat_bin / np.sqrt(count_bin)
    renorm = max(nu_dat_bin)
    nu_dat_bin = nu_dat_bin / renorm
    nu_dat_err_bin = nu_dat_err_bin / renorm

    if gp.pops == 2:
        sel = (zstar2 < zmax)
        z_dat2  = zstar2[sel];       vz_dat2 = vzstar2[sel]
        # Cut zero velocities:
        sel = (abs(vz_dat2) > 0)
        z_dat2 = z_dat2[sel];        vz_dat2 = vz_dat2[sel]
        # Calulate binned data (for plots/binned anal.): 
        index2 = np.argsort(z_dat2)
        z_dat_bin2, sig_dat_bin2, count_bin2 = binsmoo(z_dat2[index2],vz_dat2[index2],zmin,zmax,gp.nipol,0.)
        sig_dat_bin2 = np.sqrt(sig_dat_bin2)
        sig_dat_err_bin2 = sig_dat_bin2 / np.sqrt(count_bin2)
        z_dat_bin2, nu_dat_bin2, count_bin2 = bincou(z_dat2[index2], zmin, zmax, gp.nipol)
        nu_dat_err_bin2 = nu_dat_bin2 / np.sqrt(count_bin2)
        renorm2 = max(nu_dat_bin2) # normalize by max density of first bin, rather
        nu_dat_bin2 = nu_dat_bin2 / renorm2
        nu_dat_err_bin2 = nu_dat_err_bin2 / renorm2

    if not gp.uselike:
        sel = (z_dat_bin>0)
        xip = z_dat_bin[sel]              # [pc]

        gp.dat.Mx = xip                   # [pc]
        gp.dat.Mdat = K*xip/np.sqrt(xip**2.+D**2.) / (2.0*np.pi*gp.G1)
        gp.dat.Merr      = gp.dat.Mdat*nu_dat_err_bin/nu_dat_bin

        gp.Mmodel = (K*xip/np.sqrt(xip**2.+D**2.)+2.*F*xip) / (2.0*np.pi*gp.G1)

        Kz_zstar = -(K*xip/np.sqrt(xip**2.+D**2.) + 2.0 * F * xip)
        if gp.adddarkdisc:
            DD = 0.6
            KD = 0.15 * 1.650
            Kz_zstar = Kz_zstar - KD*zstar/np.sqrt(xip**2.+DD**2.)   # [TODO]
        gp.dat.densx     = xip          # TODO: needed somewhere?
        gp.dat.densdat   = -Kz_zstar/(2.*np.pi*gp.G1) # TODO: stellar surface density, store elsewhere
        gp.dat.denserr   = gp.dat.densdat * nu_dat_err_bin/nu_dat_bin

        gp.dat.nux1 = xip
        gp.dat.nudat1 = nu_dat_bin[sel]
        gp.dat.nuerr1 = nu_dat_err_bin[sel]
        gp.dat.sigx1 = xip
        gp.dat.sigdat1 = sig_dat_bin[sel]
        gp.dat.sigerr1 = sig_dat_err_bin[sel]

        if gp.pops == 2:
            gp.dat.nux2 = xip
            gp.dat.nudat2 = nu_dat_bin2[sel]
            gp.dat.nuerr2 = nu_dat_err_bin2[sel]

            gp.dat.sigx2 = xip
            gp.dat.sigdat2 = sig_dat_bin2[sel]
            gp.dat.sigerr2 = sig_dat_err_bin2[sel]

        # gp.dat.output()'pp') # pickle
    return gp.dat
Beispiel #13
def get_kzpars():
    Kz_zthd = -2.0 * F * zth              # [with pc]
    Sigz_zth = abs(Kz_zthd) / (2.0*np.pi*gp.G1)
    denth = gh.derivcoarse(Sigz_zth,zth)
    kzpars = gh.ipol(zth,abs(denth),gp.xipol)*(2.0*np.pi*gp.G1)
    return kzpars