def __init__(self, vault=None): self.Glacier = Glacier(vault) self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title("Amazon Glacier - Support Tool") w, h = 640, 480 ws, hs = self.root.winfo_screenwidth(), self.root.winfo_screenheight() x = (ws/2) - (w/2) y = (hs/2) - (h/2) self.root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w,h,x,y) ) self.createUI() self.updateTick() self.root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.onDelete) self.Glacier.loadDefault() self.updateFileList() self.root.mainloop()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math from glacier import Glacier if __name__ == '__main__': resolution = 100 glacier_length = 100000 x = np.arange(start=0, stop=glacier_length + 1, step=resolution) glacier = Glacier(length=glacier_length, isostatic=True) densities = dict([ (3410, dict(linestyle='solid', color='black')), (3350, dict(linestyle='dotted', color='red')), (3270, dict(linestyle='dashed', color='blue')), ]) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) for density, line_style in densities.items(): glacier.mantel_density = density surface_height = [glacier.surface_height(value) for value in x] bed_depth = [glacier.bed_depth(value) for value in surface_height] plt.plot(x, surface_height, label='Density ' + str(density), **line_style)
# #TODO: However, it is more efficient to use an Amazon SNS # # notification to determine when a job is complete. # if (job.completed): # self.active_jobs.pop(i) # ret = self.glacier.get_job_output() # print(ret) class FullPath(argparse.Action): """Expand user- and relative-paths""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(values))) def is_dir(dirname): """Checks if a path is an actual directory""" if not os.path.isdir(dirname): msg = "{0} is not a directory".format(dirname) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) else: return dirname if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="description here") parser.add_argument("-d",help="Directory to be uploaded using Multipart",action=FullPath, type=is_dir) args = parser.parse_args() if (args.d == None): app = App() else: glacier = Glacier() glacier.loadDefault() glacier.uploadDirectory(args.d) glacier.closeDefault()
class App(): def __init__(self, vault=None): self.Glacier = Glacier(vault) self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title("Amazon Glacier - Support Tool") w, h = 640, 480 ws, hs = self.root.winfo_screenwidth(), self.root.winfo_screenheight() x = (ws/2) - (w/2) y = (hs/2) - (h/2) self.root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w,h,x,y) ) self.createUI() self.updateTick() self.root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.onDelete) self.Glacier.loadDefault() self.updateFileList() self.root.mainloop() def onDelete(self): self.Glacier.closeDefault() self.root.destroy() def createUI(self): # Add Labels about Vault tk.Label(self.root, text="Vault Name: " + self.Glacier.vault.vault_name).pack() tk.Label(self.root, text="Creation Date: " + self.Glacier.vault.creation_date).pack() tk.Label(self.root, text="# of Archives: " + str(self.Glacier.vault.number_of_archives)).pack() tk.Label(self.root, text="Size in bytes: " + str(self.Glacier.vault.size_in_bytes)).pack() # Add Main Buttons btnTop = tk.Frame(self.root) tk.Button(btnTop, text="List Vaults", command=self.listVaults).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(btnTop, text="Request List Files", command=self.listFiles).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(btnTop, text="Job Status", command=self.jobStatus).pack(side=tk.LEFT) btnTop.pack() # Add File Treeview cols = ["File","Size","Date"] self._files = ttk.Treeview(self.root, columns=cols, show="headings") for c in cols: self._files.heading(c,text=c) self._files.pack() # Add File Buttons btnBottom = tk.Frame(self.root) tk.Button(btnBottom, text="Upload Directory", command=self.uploadDirectory).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(btnBottom, text="Upload File", command=self.uploadFile).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(btnBottom, text="Multipart File Upload", command=self.uploadFileMP).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(btnBottom, text="Delete File", command=self.deleteFile).pack(side=tk.LEFT) btnBottom.pack() def uploadDirectory(self): f = filedialog.askdirectory() if ( f != () and os.path.isdir(f) ): self.Glacier.uploadDirectory(f) def uploadFileMP(self): f = filedialog.askopenfilename() if ( f != () and os.path.isfile(f) ): request = messagebox.askyesno("Multipart Upload","Uploading file in Multiparts: " + f + " ?\nDepending of the size of the file and your bandwidth it may take some time.\nDo you want to continue?") if (request): self.Glacier.uploadFileMultiPart(f) def uploadFile(self): f = filedialog.askopenfilename() if ( f != () and os.path.isfile(f) ): request = messagebox.askyesno("Upload File","Uploading file: " + f + " ?\nDepending of the size of the file and your bandwidth it may take some time.\nDo you want to continue?") if (request): self.Glacier.uploadFile(f) aid, txtStatus, checksum, comcheck = self.updateFileList() # Show Window with Result top = tk.Toplevel() tk.Label(top, text=txtStatus, height=0, width=150).pack() tk.Label(top, text="ArchiveId: " + aid, height=0, width=150).pack() tk.Label(top, text=checksum, height=0, width=150).pack() tk.Label(top, text=comcheck, height=0, width=150).pack() def deleteFile(self): focus = self._files.focus() if (focus == ''): return # Get Row f = self._files.set(focus) # Get File ffile = self.Glacier.inventory.getFile(f["Size"], f["Date"], f["File"]) if (ffile.deleted): messagebox.showinfo("File can't be deleted", "File Already Removed from the Cloud") return # Check Interval d = dateutil.parser.parse(f["Date"]) d.replace(tzinfo=None) days = (d.replace(tzinfo=None)-datetime.datetime.utcnow()).days request = True if (days > -90): title = "Continue Deleting Archive?" msg = """This file was uploaded less than 90 days ago. This action will cost deletion fee. Do you want to continue?""" request = messagebox.askyesno(title,msg) # Delete? if (request and ffile.aid != None and ffile.deleted == False): self.Glacier.deleteFile(ffile) self.updateFileList() #TODO def jobStatus(self): jobs = self.Glacier.listJobs() top = tk.Toplevel() for job in jobs: tk.Label(top, text="Action: " + job["Action"] , height=0, width=50).pack() tk.Label(top, text="Status: " + job["StatusCode"] , height=0, width=50).pack() tk.Label(top, text="Creation Date: " + job["CreationDate"] , height=0, width=50).pack() if (job["StatusCode"] == "Succeeded"): tk.Label(top, text="Completion Date: " + job["CompletionDate"] , height=0, width=50).pack() self.updateFileList() def updateFileList(self): # Clear Tree self._files.delete(*self._files.get_children()) # Repopulate Tree if (self.Glacier.inventory != None): for f in self.Glacier.inventory.files: tags = () if (f.deleted): tags=("deleted",) elif (f.isNew): tags=("new",) self._files.insert("","end",values=[f.desc,f.size,], tags=tags) self._files.tag_configure("deleted", background="red") self._files.tag_configure("new", background="green") def listVaults(self): ret = self.Glacier.glacier.list_vaults() if ("VaultList" in ret): for i in ret["VaultList"]: print(i["VaultName"] + ": " + str(i["SizeInBytes"]) + " bytes") def listFiles(self): request = False # Inventory is only created around 1 day after first file is upload if (self.Glacier.vault.last_inventory_date == None): request = messagebox.askyesno("No Inventory Found","Request Inventory from AWS Glacier?\nJob will take around 4-5 hours to complete.") else: d = dateutil.parser.parse( self.Glacier.vault.last_inventory_date ) d.replace(tzinfo=None) days = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - d.replace(tzinfo=None)).days hours = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - d.replace(tzinfo=None)).seconds/3600.0 hours = floor(hours*100)/100; # Amazon Glacier prepares an inventory for each vault periodically, every 24 hours. # When you initiate a job for a vault inventory, Amazon Glacier returns the last # inventory for the vault. The inventory data you get might be up to a day or # two days old. # # - So, we only request a new list if our current list is more than 2 days older # TODO: Here we need to check if we already have a inventory_retrieval job if (days >= 2): request = messagebox.askyesno("Inventory is " + str(days) + " days old","Request Inventory from AWS Glacier?\nJob will take around 4-5 hours to complete.") else: request = messagebox.askyesno("Inventory is " + str(hours) + " hours old","Request Inventory from AWS Glacier?\nJob will take around 4-5 hours to complete.") if (request): self.Glacier.initListFiles() #TODO: Add Message/Feedback else: # Use old data #TODO: Here, update self.inventory with archives information # Havent find a way to get old inventory data yet.. so will keep it locally print(self.Glacier.vault.number_of_archives) print(self.Glacier.vault.size_in_bytes) def updateTick(self): print("tum tum")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from glacier import Glacier if __name__ == '__main__': ela_elevations = np.arange(4000, 5100, 100) ela_changes = np.arange(100, 510, 100) slopes = np.arange(0.05, 0.30, 0.05) glacier = Glacier(max_bed_height=5500) fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4), (ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(14, 10)) # Length change with varying ELA for slope in slopes: glacier.slope = slope length_change = [ glacier.linear_equilibrium_length(elevation) for elevation in ela_elevations ] ax1.plot(ela_elevations, length_change, label=slope.round(2)) ax1.set_title('Length change with varying ELA') ax1.legend(title='Slope') # Change of length over change of ELA for slope in slopes: lengths = [ glacier.length_change(ela_change, slope)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--blockpull', help= 'Perform a blockpull prior to uploading, so that the resulting disk image is independent of prior snapshots.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--connection', help='Specify qemu:///system or qemu:///session', action='store') args = parser.parse_args() from glacier import Glacier if __name__ == '__main__': glacier = Glacier(access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY_ID, secret_access_key=SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, region_name=REGION_NAME) try: logging.debug("Connecting to libvirt") virsh = vault = glacier.create_vault() for domain in virsh.listAllDomains( flags=libvirt.VIR_CONNECT_LIST_DOMAINS_ACTIVE): logging.debug("Parsing XML for: %s" % domXML = domain.XMLDesc() logging.debug(domXML) tree = ElementTree.fromstring(domXML) disks = tree.findall('./devices/disk[@type="file"]/source/[@file]')
# t_0: 0 to 90, change ELA every 10 years # ELA = 2900, 3100, 2800, 2700, 3000, 2800, 3400, 3300, 3200, 3500 # Get to steady state length for ELA at 3500 # - How long is the glacier (length) # - How long does it take to get there (time) import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from glacier import Glacier if __name__ == '__main__': initial_length = 22000 glacier = Glacier(max_bed_height=3900, length=initial_length, slope=0.1) elas = [2900, 3100, 2800, 2700, 3000, 2800, 3400, 3300, 3200, 3500] time = np.arange(0, 501, step=1) lengths = [] ela_index = 0 time_delta = 1 e_folding = 1 / math.e e_year = None e_length = None for year in time: lengths.append(glacier.length_over_time(time_delta, elas[ela_index])) glacier.length = lengths[-1] if 1 < year < 99 and (year % 10 == 9):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from glacier import Glacier if __name__ == '__main__': resolution = 100 glacier_length = 100000 x = np.arange(start=0, stop=glacier_length + 1, step=resolution) glacier = Glacier(length=glacier_length) y = [glacier.surface_height(value) for value in x] glacier.isostatic = True y_isostatic = [glacier.surface_height(value) for value in x] y_isostatic_b = [glacier.bed_depth(value) for value in y_isostatic] plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='solid') plt.plot(x, y_isostatic, linestyle='dashed', label='isostatic', color='orange') plt.plot(x, y_isostatic_b, linestyle='dashed', color='orange') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Length of Glacier') plt.ylabel('Thickness of the Glacier')
'West': { 'bed_height': 1127, 'mean_ice_thickness': 2101, 'max_surface': 3041, 'min_surface': 0, 'length_of_segment': 380000, }, } def calc_slope(min_surface, max_surface, length): return (max_surface - min_surface) / length if __name__ == '__main__': glacier = Glacier() measured_length = [] linear_equilibrium_length = [] max_surfaces = [] ela = [] critical_ela = [] measured_thickness = [] mean_thickness = [] static_thickness = [] for basin, data in BASINS.items(): glacier.max_bed_height = data['bed_height'] glacier.length = data['length_of_segment']