Beispiel #1
    def reload(self):
        Reload and re-apply configuration settings

        Existing child processes are sent a SIGHUP signal
        and will exit after completing existing requests.
        New child processes, which will have the updated
        configuration, are spawned. This allows preventing
        interruption to the service.
        def _has_changed(old, new, param):
            old = old.get(param)
            new = getattr(new, param)
            return (new != old)

        old_conf = utils.stash_conf_values()
        has_changed = functools.partial(_has_changed, old_conf, CONF)
        os.killpg(self.pgid, signal.SIGHUP)
        self.stale_children = self.children
        self.children = set()

        # Ensure any logging config changes are picked up
        logging.setup(CONF, 'glance')

        self.configure(old_conf, has_changed)
Beispiel #2
    def reload(self):
        Reload and re-apply configuration settings

        Existing child processes are sent a SIGHUP signal
        and will exit after completing existing requests.
        New child processes, which will have the updated
        configuration, are spawned. This allows preventing
        interruption to the service.
        def _has_changed(old, new, param):
            old = old.get(param)
            new = getattr(new, param)
            return (new != old)

        old_conf = utils.stash_conf_values()
        has_changed = functools.partial(_has_changed, old_conf, CONF)
        os.killpg(self.pgid, signal.SIGHUP)
        self.stale_children = self.children
        self.children = set()

        # Ensure any logging config changes are picked up
        logging.setup(CONF, 'glance')

        self.configure(old_conf, has_changed)