Beispiel #1
    def _image_meta_from_headers(self, headers):
        meta = {"properties": {}}
        safe_decode = strutils.safe_decode
        for key, value in six.iteritems(headers):
            value = safe_decode(value, incoming="utf-8")
            if key.startswith("x-image-meta-property-"):
                _key = safe_decode(key[22:], incoming="utf-8")
                meta["properties"][_key] = value
            elif key.startswith("x-image-meta-"):
                _key = safe_decode(key[13:], incoming="utf-8")
                meta[_key] = value

        for key in ["is_public", "protected", "deleted"]:
            if key in meta:
                meta[key] = strutils.bool_from_string(meta[key])

        return self._format_image_meta_for_user(meta)
    def _image_meta_from_headers(self, headers):
        meta = {'properties': {}}
        safe_decode = strutils.safe_decode
        for key, value in six.iteritems(headers):
            value = safe_decode(value, incoming='utf-8')
            if key.startswith('x-image-meta-property-'):
                _key = safe_decode(key[22:], incoming='utf-8')
                meta['properties'][_key] = value
            elif key.startswith('x-image-meta-'):
                _key = safe_decode(key[13:], incoming='utf-8')
                meta[_key] = value

        for key in ['is_public', 'protected', 'deleted']:
            if key in meta:
                meta[key] = strutils.bool_from_string(meta[key])

        return self._format_image_meta_for_user(meta)
Beispiel #3
    def _image_meta_from_headers(self, headers):
        meta = {'properties': {}}
        safe_decode = strutils.safe_decode
        for key, value in six.iteritems(headers):
            value = safe_decode(value, incoming='utf-8')
            if key.startswith('x-image-meta-property-'):
                _key = safe_decode(key[22:], incoming='utf-8')
                meta['properties'][_key] = value
            elif key.startswith('x-image-meta-'):
                _key = safe_decode(key[13:], incoming='utf-8')
                meta[_key] = value

        for key in ['is_public', 'protected', 'deleted']:
            if key in meta:
                meta[key] = strutils.bool_from_string(meta[key])

        return self._format_image_meta_for_user(meta)
def do_add(gc, args):
    """DEPRECATED! Use image-create instead."""
        fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args.fields)
    except RuntimeError as e:
        return FAILURE

    image_meta = {
        'is_public': strutils.bool_from_string(
            fields.pop('is_public', 'False')),
        'protected': strutils.bool_from_string(
            fields.pop('protected', 'False')),
        'min_disk': fields.pop('min_disk', 0),
        'min_ram': fields.pop('min_ram', 0),

    #NOTE(bcwaldon): Use certain properties only if they are explicitly set
    optional = ['id', 'name', 'disk_format', 'container_format']
    for field in optional:
        if field in fields:
            image_meta[field] = fields.pop(field)

    # Strip any args that are not supported
    unsupported_fields = ['status', 'size']
    for field in unsupported_fields:
        if field in fields.keys():
            print('Found non-settable field %s. Removing.' % field)

    # We need either a location or image data/stream to add...
    image_data = None
    if 'location' in fields.keys():
        image_meta['location'] = fields.pop('location')
        if 'checksum' in fields.keys():
            image_meta['checksum'] = fields.pop('checksum')
    elif 'copy_from' in fields.keys():
        image_meta['copy_from'] = fields.pop('copy_from')
        # Grab the image data stream from stdin or redirect,
        # otherwise error out
        image_data = sys.stdin

    image_meta['data'] = image_data

    # allow owner to be set when image is created
    if 'owner' in fields.keys():
        image_meta['owner'] = fields.pop('owner')

    # Add custom attributes, which are all the arguments remaining
    image_meta['properties'] = fields

    if not args.dry_run:
        image = gc.images.create(**image_meta)
        print("Added new image with ID: %s" %
        if args.verbose:
            print("Returned the following metadata for the new image:")
            for k, v in sorted(image.to_dict().items()):
                print(" %(k)30s => %(v)s" % {'k': k, 'v': v})
        print("Dry run. We would have done the following:")

        def _dump(dict):
            for k, v in sorted(dict.items()):
                print(" %(k)30s => %(v)s" % {'k': k, 'v': v})

        print("Add new image with metadata:")

    return SUCCESS
def do_add(gc, args):
    """DEPRECATED! Use image-create instead."""
        fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args.fields)
    except RuntimeError as e:
        return FAILURE

    image_meta = {
        strutils.bool_from_string(fields.pop('is_public', 'False')),
        strutils.bool_from_string(fields.pop('protected', 'False')),
        'min_disk': fields.pop('min_disk', 0),
        'min_ram': fields.pop('min_ram', 0),

    #NOTE(bcwaldon): Use certain properties only if they are explicitly set
    optional = ['id', 'name', 'disk_format', 'container_format']
    for field in optional:
        if field in fields:
            image_meta[field] = fields.pop(field)

    # Strip any args that are not supported
    unsupported_fields = ['status', 'size']
    for field in unsupported_fields:
        if field in fields.keys():
            print('Found non-settable field %s. Removing.' % field)

    # We need either a location or image data/stream to add...
    image_data = None
    if 'location' in fields.keys():
        image_meta['location'] = fields.pop('location')
        if 'checksum' in fields.keys():
            image_meta['checksum'] = fields.pop('checksum')
    elif 'copy_from' in fields.keys():
        image_meta['copy_from'] = fields.pop('copy_from')
        # Grab the image data stream from stdin or redirect,
        # otherwise error out
        image_data = sys.stdin

    image_meta['data'] = image_data

    # allow owner to be set when image is created
    if 'owner' in fields.keys():
        image_meta['owner'] = fields.pop('owner')

    # Add custom attributes, which are all the arguments remaining
    image_meta['properties'] = fields

    if not args.dry_run:
        image = gc.images.create(**image_meta)
        print("Added new image with ID: %s" %
        if args.verbose:
            print("Returned the following metadata for the new image:")
            for k, v in sorted(image.to_dict().items()):
                print(" %(k)30s => %(v)s" % {'k': k, 'v': v})
        print("Dry run. We would have done the following:")

        def _dump(dict):
            for k, v in sorted(dict.items()):
                print(" %(k)30s => %(v)s" % {'k': k, 'v': v})

        print("Add new image with metadata:")

    return SUCCESS