def ComputeColor(obj, intersection, light_position):
    # intersection_position = intersection.position
    intersection_normal = intersection.surface_normal
    # light_direction = -light_position.normalize().xyz()
    light_direction = glm.normalize(light_position)
    albedo = obj.material.color.AsVec3()  # * obj.material.ambient
    dot_product = max(0.0,, intersection_normal))
    color = albedo * dot_product
    return color
Beispiel #2
	def check_in_frustum(self, chunk_pos):
		"""Frustum check of each chunk. If the chunk is not in the view frustum, it is discarded"""
		planes = (Frustum.left, Frustum.right, Frustum.bottom,, Frustum.near, Frustum.far)
		result = 2
		center = glm.vec3(chunk_pos * glm.ivec3(chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH, 0, chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH)
									+ glm.ivec3(chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, 
												chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2,
												chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2))

		for plane in planes:
			_in = 0
			_out = 0
			normal =
			w = plane.w
			if, center + glm.vec3(chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if, center + glm.vec3(-chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if, center + glm.vec3(chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if, center + glm.vec3(-chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if, center + glm.vec3(chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if, center + glm.vec3(-chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if, center + glm.vec3(chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if, center + glm.vec3(-chunk.CHUNK_WIDTH / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT / 2, -chunk.CHUNK_LENGTH / 2)) + w < 0:
				_out += 1
				_in += 1
			if not _in:
				return 0
			elif _out:
				result = 1
		return result
    def Intersect(self, ray):
        ray_origin = ray.origin
        ray_direction = ray.direction
        sphere_center = glm.vec3(self.position)
        oc = ray_origin - sphere_center

        a =, ray_direction)
        # b = 2.0 *, ray_direction)
        half_b =, ray_direction)
        c =, oc) - self.radius * self.radius
        # discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c
        discriminant = half_b * half_b - a * c

        if discriminant > 0:
            # ray_intersection_offset = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
            ray_intersection_offset = (-half_b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / a
            if ray_intersection_offset < ray.t_max and ray_intersection_offset > ray.t_min:
                intersection_point = ray.PointAtOffset(ray_intersection_offset)

                # surface_normal = glm.normalize(intersection_point - sphere_center)
                # if radius is negative then front-face is inside the sphere
                surface_normal = (intersection_point -
                                  sphere_center) / self.radius
                intersection_result = IntersectionResult(
                    self, intersection_point, ray_intersection_offset,
                return intersection_result

            # ray_intersection_offset = (-b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)
            ray_intersection_offset = (-half_b + math.sqrt(discriminant)) / a
            if ray_intersection_offset < ray.t_max and ray_intersection_offset > ray.t_min:
                intersection_point = ray.PointAtOffset(ray_intersection_offset)

                # surface_normal = glm.normalize(intersection_point - sphere_center)
                # if radius is negative then front-face is inside the sphere
                surface_normal = (intersection_point -
                                  sphere_center) / self.radius
                intersection_result = IntersectionResult(
                    self, intersection_point, ray_intersection_offset,
                return intersection_result

        return None
Beispiel #4
def refract(v, n, ni_over_nt, refracted):
    uv = glm.vec3(v / glm.length(v))
    dt =, n)
    discriminant = 1.0 - ni_over_nt * ni_over_nt * (1 - dt * dt)
    if (discriminant > 0):
        refracted = ni_over_nt * (uv - n * dt) - n * math.sqrt(discriminant)
        return (True, refracted)
        refracted = glm.vec3
        return (False, refracted)
    def Intersect(self, ray):
        ray_direction = ray.direction
        denominator =, ray_direction)
        # possible collision
        # plane normal and ray direction are not in the same direction
        if denominator < 0:
            plane_position = glm.vec3(self.position)
            ray_origin = ray.origin
            oc = ray_origin - plane_position
            ray_intersection_offset =, self.normal) / -denominator
            # ray_intersection_offset > ray.t_min plane is in front of the ray
            if ray_intersection_offset < ray.t_max and ray_intersection_offset > ray.t_min:
                intersection_point = ray.PointAtOffset(ray_intersection_offset)
                intersection_result = IntersectionResult(
                    self, intersection_point, ray_intersection_offset,
                return intersection_result

        return None
Beispiel #6
 def heuristic_step_cost(self, n1, n2, goal):
     if n1 == n2:
         return 0
     d = self.nodes.distance(n1, n2)
     p1 = self.nodes.id_to_pos[n1]
     p2 = self.nodes.id_to_pos[n2]
     d += abs(p1[2] - p2[2]) * 5
     if 0:  # avoid towards goal
         dir1 = self.nodes.direction(n1, n2)
         dir2 = self.nodes.direction(n1, goal)
         return, dir2) * d
     return d
Beispiel #7
def build_view_matrix(position, look_at, up):
    forward = glm.normalize(position - look_at)
    right = glm.normalize(glm.cross(up, forward))
    up = glm.normalize(glm.cross(forward, right))

    mat = glm.mat4(1.0)
    mat[0][0] = right.x
    mat[1][0] = right.y
    mat[2][0] = right.z
    mat[0][1] = up.x
    mat[1][1] = up.y
    mat[2][1] = up.z
    mat[0][2] = forward.x
    mat[1][2] = forward.y
    mat[2][2] = forward.z

    mat[3][0] = -(, position))
    mat[3][1] = -(, position))
    mat[3][2] = -(, position))

    return mat
Beispiel #8
    def intersect(self, my_ray, inter_rec):
        eo = - my_ray.origin
        v =, my_ray.direction)
        disc = (self.radius * self.radius) - (, eo) - (v * v))

        if disc < 0.0:
            return False
            d = sqrt(disc)
            t1 = v - d
            t2 = v + d

        if t1 > 0.00001:
            inter_rec.t = t1
            inter_rec.t = t2

        inter_rec.position = my_ray.origin + inter_rec.t * my_ray.direction
        inter_rec.normal = glm.normalize(inter_rec.position -
        inter_rec.material = self.material

        return True
Beispiel #9
    def shade(self, ray, pos, normal, light):
        output = glm.vec3(0.0)

        nlightDirection, lightColor = light.getIllumination(pos)
        nnormal = glm.normalize(normal)

        diffuseIntensity =, nlightDirection)
        output = output + self.diffuse * lightColor * glm.clamp(
            diffuseIntensity, 0.0, 1.0)

        nview = glm.normalize(ray.origin - pos)
        nhalf = glm.normalize(nview + nlightDirection)

        specularIntensity = glm.pow(, nnormal), self.shininess)
        output = output + self.specular * lightColor * glm.clamp(
            specularIntensity, 0.0, 1.0)

        output = output + self.emission

        return glm.vec3(glm.clamp(output.x, 0.0, 1.0),
                        glm.clamp(output.y, 0.0, 1.0),
                        glm.clamp(output.z, 0.0, 1.0))
Beispiel #10
 def hit(self, r, t_min, t_max, rec):
     oc = glm.vec3(r.origin -
     a =, r.direction)
     b =, r.direction)
     c =, oc) - self.radius * self.radius
     discriminant = b * b - a * c
     if (discriminant > 0):
         temp = (-b - math.sqrt(b * b - a * c)) / a
         if (temp < t_max and temp > t_min):
             rec.t = temp
             rec.p = r.point_at_parameter(rec.t)
             rec.normal = (rec.p - / self.radius
             rec.mat_ptr = self.material
             return True
         temp = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b - a * c)) / a
         if (temp < t_max and temp > t_min):
             rec.t = temp
             rec.p = r.point_at_parameter(rec.t)
             rec.normal = (rec.p - / self.radius
             rec.mat_ptr = self.material
             return True
     return False
    def RayTriangleCollisionCheck(self, ray, a, b, c):
        ray_direction = ray.direction
        ray_origin = ray.origin

        edge1 = b - a
        edge2 = c - a
        normal = glm.cross(edge1, edge2)
        det =, normal)
        invertDet = 1.0 / det
        AO = ray_origin - a
        DAO = glm.cross(AO, ray_direction)
        u =, DAO) * invertDet
        v =, DAO) * invertDet
        ray_intersection_offset =, normal) * invertDet
        if det >= 1e-6 and ray_intersection_offset >= 0.0 and u >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0 and (
                u + v) <= 1.0:
            intersection_point = ray.PointAtOffset(ray_intersection_offset)
            normal = glm.normalize(normal)
            intersection_result = IntersectionResult(self, intersection_point,
            return intersection_result
        return None
    def world_to_screen(self, world_pos: vec3) -> Union[vec2, None]:
        Convert a world 3D position to a screen 2D position.
        Returns None if the position is not in the screen

        rel = world_pos - self.position
        # distance along the screen's z axis
        dist = dot(rel, self.direction)

        if dist < 10:
            return None

        absolute_y = dot(rel, self.up)
        absolute_x = dot(rel, self.horizontal)

        pos = (vec2(
            absolute_x / dist * self.screen_dist,
            absolute_y / dist * self.screen_dist,
        ) + self.screen_size / 2)

        pos.y = self.screen_size.y - pos.y

        return pos
Beispiel #13
    def intersect(self, my_ray, inter_rec):
        a = self.vertex1.x - self.vertex2.x
        b = self.vertex1.y - self.vertex2.y
        c = self.vertex1.z - self.vertex2.z
        d = self.vertex1.x - self.vertex3.x
        e = self.vertex1.y - self.vertex3.y
        f = self.vertex1.z - self.vertex3.z
        g = my_ray.direction.x
        h = my_ray.direction.y
        i = my_ray.direction.z
        j = self.vertex1.x - my_ray.origin.x
        k = self.vertex1.y - my_ray.origin.y
        l = self.vertex1.z - my_ray.origin.z

        ei_minus_hf = float(e * i - h * f)
        gf_minus_di = float(g * f - d * i)
        dh_minus_eg = float(d * h - e * g)
        ak_minus_jb = float(a * k - j * b)
        jc_minus_al = float(j * c - a * l)
        bl_minus_kc = float(b * l - k * c)

        M = a * (ei_minus_hf) + b * (gf_minus_di) + c * (dh_minus_eg)

        t = -(f * (ak_minus_jb) + e * (jc_minus_al) + d * (bl_minus_kc)) / M

        if t < 0.0:
            return False

        gamma = (i * (ak_minus_jb) + h * (jc_minus_al) + g * (bl_minus_kc)) / M

        if gamma < 0.0 or gamma > 1.0:
            return False

        beta = (j * (ei_minus_hf) + k * (gf_minus_di) + l * (dh_minus_eg)) / M

        if beta < 0.0 or beta > 1.0 - gamma:
            return False

        inter_rec.t = t
        inter_rec.position = my_ray.origin + inter_rec.t * my_ray.direction
        inter_rec.normal = glm.normalize(
            glm.cross(self.vertex2 - self.vertex1,
                      self.vertex3 - self.vertex1))
        if, my_ray.direction) > 0:
            inter_rec.normal = -inter_rec.normal
        inter_rec.material = self.material

        return True
Beispiel #14
 def cull(self, C, cull_planes):
     if len(cull_planes) > 0:
         # Recalculate center and radius based on scene graph traversal
         center = glm.vec3(C * glm.vec4(, 1))
         radius = self.radius * glm.length(
             C * glm.vec4(1, 1, 1, 0)) / glm.sqrt(3)
         for point, normal in cull_planes:
             dist = - point, normal)
             if dist > radius:
                 # Cull if beyond plane
                 if == None:
                         'name:{} point:{!r} norm:{!r} dist:{} r:{} center:{!r} prev_center:{!r}'
                         .format(, point, normal, dist, radius,
                 return True
         return False
Beispiel #15
    def get_vect_step(self):
        # Get the vector to move by between pixels
        n = maths.unit(self.goal - self.point)  # Normal to plane
        center = self.point + n * self.fl  # center of the ccd
        d =, n)  # dot of the plane
        upish = n + self.up  # Up on the plane
        a = self.point  # Makes it look nicer
        up_point = a + upish * (d -
                                (a[0] * n[0] + a[1] * n[1] + a[2] * n[2])) / (
                                    upish[0] * n[0] + upish[1] * n[1] +
                                    upish[2] * n[2])
        upstep = maths.unit(up_point - center) * (
            self.ccd_size[1] / self.res[1])  # Step for up pixels
        sidestep = maths.unit(glm.cross(
            n, upstep)) * (self.ccd_size[0] / self.res[0])

        return upstep, sidestep, center
Beispiel #16
    def update(self, dt):
        d = min(1, dt * 5)

        # gravity
        if 1:
            newpos = self.position + d * glm.vec3(0, 0, -3)
            if int(newpos.z) >= 1:
                if self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x), int(newpos.y),
                                    int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0:
                    self.position = newpos
            t, hit = self.chunk.cast_voxel_ray(self.position + (0, 0, 0),
                                               (0, 0, -1))
            if hit:
                self.position.z -= t
                self.sposition.z -= t

        # advance spos to pos
        move = (self.position - self.sposition) + self.velocity
        if 0:
            newpos = self.sposition + d * move
            if self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x), int(newpos.y),
                                int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0:
                self.sposition = newpos
            nextpos = glm.vec3(self.sposition)
            for i, ax in enumerate(((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1))):
                newpos = self.sposition + d * move * ax
                if self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x-.2), int(newpos.y-.2), int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0\
                    and self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x+.2), int(newpos.y-.2), int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0\
                    and self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x-.2), int(newpos.y+.2), int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0\
                    and self.chunk.block(int(newpos.x+.2), int(newpos.y+.2), int(newpos.z)).space_type == 0:
                    nextpos[i] = newpos[i]
            self.sposition = nextpos

        self.velocity -= self.velocity * d * .5

        amt =, move)
        if amt > .1:
            self.anim_stage += dt * 7.
            if self.anim_stage > 3.:
                self.anim_stage = 1.
            self.anim_stage = 0.
Beispiel #17
    def find_aim(self):
        # Find closest enemy
        dist = float("inf")
        closest = None
        for e in self.scene.iter_entities(Enemy):
            if not e.alive or e.position.z > self.position.z:

            dir = e.position - self.position
            v = vec3(self.velocity.xy * 10, self.velocity.z)
            d = vec3(dir.xy * 10, dir.z)
            if abs(dot(normalize(v), normalize(d))) < 0.9:
                # Angles are too different

            d = length(e.position - self.position)
            if 200 < d < dist:
                dist = d
                closest = e
        return closest
Beispiel #18
    def CheckDirection(target):
        compass = [
            glm.vec2(0.0, 1.0),
            glm.vec2(1.0, 0.0),
            glm.vec2(0.0, -1.0),
            glm.vec2(-1.0, 0.0)
        direction = ["UP", "RIGHT", "DOWN", "LEFT"]

        maxVal = 0.0
        bestVal = -1
        index = 0

        for value in compass:
            dotProduct =, value)

            if dotProduct > maxVal:
                maxVal = dotProduct
                bestVal = index

            index = index + 1

        return direction[bestVal]
Beispiel #19
    def collide_static(self, other):
        collision_info = self.collide(other)
        if collision_info:
            # started colliding in 2D
            top = other.get_top(self.pos.xz)
            step_top = top - self.step_height
            if other.get_y() - self.get_height(None) < self.pos.y < step_top:
                # colliding in 3D
                hit_point, normal_vector, radius = collision_info

                new_pos = hit_point + normal_vector * (other.radius +
                                                       self.radius + .01)
                self.pos.x, self.pos.z = new_pos
                # force = glm.reflect(self.vel.xz, -normal_vector)
                force = normal_vector * max(
                    0,, normal_vector))

                self.force.x += force.x * self.bounciness
                self.force.z += force.y * self.bounciness

                # self.vel.x, self.vel.z = new_vel * self.bounciness

                self.on_collision(other, hit_point, normal_vector, radius)

                return True

                # not colliding in 3D
                if step_top < self.pos.y < top:
                    # stepped on the object

                    self.pos.y = top

                    return True
 def distance(self, world_pos):
     """Distance from the camera along the `direction` axis"""
     return dot(world_pos - self.position, self.direction)
def refract(uv, n, etaI_over_etaT):
    cos_theta =, n)
    r_out_parallel =  etaI_over_etaT * (uv + cos_theta * n)
    r_out_perp = n * (-math.sqrt(1.0 - glm.length2(r_out_parallel)))
    return r_out_parallel + r_out_perp
Beispiel #22
def reflect(v, n):
    return (v - 2 *, n) * n)
Beispiel #23
def random_in_unit_disk():
    p = 2.0 * glm.vec3(ran(), ran(), 0.0) - glm.vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    while (, p) >= 1.0):
        p = 2.0 * glm.vec3(ran(), ran(), 0.0) - glm.vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    return p
Beispiel #24
 def multiply(self, matrix4):
     self.__matrix =, self.__matrix)
Beispiel #25
    def MoveCursorTo(self, cursor_pos):

        view_changed = False

        # get view matrix and  viewport rectangle
        view, inv_view = self.ViewMat()
        view_rect = self.VpRect()

        if self.__pan:

            # get drag start and end
            wnd_from = self.__pan_start
            wnd_to = glm.vec3(*cursor_pos, self.__pan_start[2])
            self.__pan_start = wnd_to

            # get projection and window matrix
            proj, inv_proj = self.ProjectionMat()
            wnd, inv_wnd = self.WindowMat()

            # calculate drag start and world coordinates
            pt_h_world = [
                inv_view * inv_proj * inv_wnd * glm.vec4(*pt, 1)
                for pt in [wnd_from, wnd_to]
            pt_world = [glm.vec3(pt_h) / pt_h.w for pt_h in pt_h_world]

            # calculate drag world translation
            world_vec = pt_world[1] - pt_world[0]

            # translate view position and update view matrix
            inv_view = glm.translate(glm.mat4(1), world_vec * -1) * inv_view
            view = glm.inverse(inv_view)
            view_changed = True

        elif self.__orbit == self.ORBIT:

            # get the drag start and end
            wnd_from = self.__orbit_start
            wnd_to = glm.vec3(*cursor_pos, self.__orbit_start[2])
            self.__orbit_start = wnd_to

            # calculate the pivot, rotation axis and angle
            pivot = glm.vec3(view * glm.vec4(*self.__pivot_world, 1))
            orbit_dir = wnd_to - wnd_from
            axis = glm.vec3(-orbit_dir.y, orbit_dir.x, 0)
            angle = glm.length(
                glm.vec2(orbit_dir.x /
                         (view_rect[2] - view_rect[0]), orbit_dir.y /
                         (view_rect[3] - view_rect[1]))) * math.pi

            # calculate the rotation matrix and the rotation around the pivot
            rot_mat = glm.rotate(glm.mat4(1), angle, axis)
            rot_pivot = glm.translate(glm.mat4(1),
                                      pivot) * rot_mat * glm.translate(
                                          glm.mat4(1), -pivot)

            #transform and update view matrix
            view = rot_pivot * view
            view_changed = True

        elif self.__orbit == self.ROTATE:

            # get the drag start and end
            wnd_from = self.__orbit_start
            wnd_to = glm.vec3(*cursor_pos, self.__orbit_start[2])
            self.__orbit_start = wnd_to

            # calculate the pivot, rotation axis and angle
            pivot_view = glm.vec3(view * glm.vec4(*self.__pivot_world, 1))
            orbit_dir = wnd_to - wnd_from

            # get the projection of the up vector to the view port
            # TODO

            # calculate the rotation components for the rotation around the view space x axis and the world up vector
            orbit_dir_x = glm.vec2(0, 1)
            orbit_vec_x = glm.vec2(0, orbit_dir.y)
            orbit_dir_up = glm.vec2(1, 0)
            orbit_vec_up = glm.vec2(orbit_dir.x, 0)

            # calculate the rotation matrix around the view space x axis through the pivot
            rot_pivot_x = glm.mat4(1)
            if glm.length(orbit_vec_x) > 0.5:
                axis_x = glm.vec3(-1, 0, 0)
                angle_x =
                    glm.vec2(orbit_vec_x.x /
                             (view_rect[2] - view_rect[0]), orbit_vec_x.y /
                             (view_rect[3] - view_rect[1]))) * math.pi
                rot_mat_x = glm.rotate(glm.mat4(1), angle_x, axis_x)
                rot_pivot_x = glm.translate(
                    glm.mat4(1), pivot_view) * rot_mat_x * glm.translate(
                        glm.mat4(1), -pivot_view)

            # calculate the rotation matrix around the world space up vector through the pivot
            rot_pivot_up = glm.mat4(1)
            if glm.length(orbit_vec_up) > 0.5:
                axis_up = glm.vec3(0, 0, 1)
                angle_up =
                    glm.vec2(orbit_vec_up.x /
                             (view_rect[2] - view_rect[0]), orbit_vec_up.y /
                             (view_rect[3] - view_rect[1]))) * math.pi
                rot_mat_up = glm.rotate(glm.mat4(1), angle_up, axis_up)
                rot_pivot_up = glm.translate(
                    self.__pivot_world) * rot_mat_up * glm.translate(
                        glm.mat4(1), -self.__pivot_world)

            #transform and update view matrix
            view = rot_pivot_x * view * rot_pivot_up
            view_changed = True

        # return the view matrix
        return view, view_changed
Beispiel #26
def _angle_between(v1, v2):
    v1_u = glm.normalize(v1)
    v2_u = glm.normalize(v2)
    return glm.acos(np.clip(, v2_u), -1.0, 1.0))
Beispiel #27
    def __init__(self, engine, sx, sy, length, height, seed):
        self.size = glm.vec3(sx * length, height, sy * length)
        self.tex_size = glm.vec2(sx, sy)

        self.texture ='dirt')

        self.collider = physics_objects.Box((0, 0, 0),
        self.collider.get_height = self.get_height


        self.positions = np.empty((sx * sy, 3), np.float32)
        normals = np.empty((sx * sy, 3), np.float32)
        texcoords = np.empty((sx * sy, 2), np.float32)
        colors = np.empty((sx * sy, 3), np.float32)
        indices = np.empty(6 * (sx - 1) * (sy - 1), np.uint32)

        # self.image ='L', (sx, sy), 'black')

        h = hash(seed)
        sample = glm.vec2(h, hash(h))

        # Generate vertex positions
        for x in range(0, sx):
            for y in range(0, sy):
                pos = glm.vec3(x / float(sx), 0.0, y / float(sy))

                for i in range(0, 4):
                    pos.y += pow(1.0, -i) * noise2(pos.x + sample.x,
                                                   pos.z + sample.y, i + 1)

                pos.y /= 4.0
                pos.y = 0.5 * pos.y + 0.5
                pos.y *= abs(pos.x-.5) + abs(pos.z-.5)
                # self.image.putpixel((x, y), int(pos.y * 255))

                # pos.y = pos.x

                self.positions[y * sx + x] = list(pos)
                texcoords[y * sx + x] = [pos.x, pos.z]

        # image.close()

        # Specify indices and normals
        i = 0
        for x in range(0, sx - 1):
            for y in range(0, sy - 1):
                indices[i] = y * sx + x
                indices[i + 1] = (y + 1) * sx + x
                indices[i + 2] = y * sx + x + 1

                v0 = self.positions[indices[i]]
                v1 = self.positions[indices[i + 1]]
                v2 = self.positions[indices[i + 2]]

                normal = np.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0)
                normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)

                normals[indices[i]] = normal
                normals[indices[i + 1]] = normal
                normals[indices[i + 2]] = normal

                i += 3

                indices[i] = y * sx + (x + 1)
                indices[i + 1] = (y + 1) * sx + x
                indices[i + 2] = (y + 1) * sx + (x + 1)

                v0 = self.positions[indices[i]]
                v1 = self.positions[indices[i + 1]]
                v2 = self.positions[indices[i + 2]]

                normal = np.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0)
                normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)

                normals[indices[i]] = normal
                normals[indices[i + 1]] = normal
                normals[indices[i + 2]] = normal

                i += 3

        GRASS = glm.vec3(0.35, 0.65, 0.25)
        SNOW = glm.vec3(0.925, 0.93, 0.95)

        for x in range(0, sx):
            for y in range(0, sy):
                i = y * sx + x
                p = self.positions[i]
                normal = glm.vec3(float(normals[i, 0]), float(normals[i, 1]), float(normals[i, 2]))
                angle = max(, glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), 0.0)
                h = float(p[1])
                color = glm.mix(GRASS, SNOW * h, pow(angle, 10.0))
                colors[i] = [color.x, color.y, color.z]

        self.mesh = mesh.Mesh(self.positions, normals,
                              colors, indices)
Beispiel #28
    def stepPG(self, a):
        if self.robotLibOn:
            if self.frame == 50:
            if self.frame == 199:
                forDebug = 0
            if self.frame == 200:
                forDebug = 0
            a = self.calculateAnalyticalActions(
                self.last_state) / self.actionsMult

        if not self.scene.multiplayer:  # if multiplayer, action first applied to all robots, then global step() called, then step() for all robots with the same actions

        state = self.calc_state()  # also calculates self.joints_at_limit

        alive_multiplier = 1.0
        alive = float(self.alive_bonus(state))
        if alive < 0 and self.frame == 0:
            print("bad transition")
        alive *= alive_multiplier

        #if alive<0:
        #    alive = -100.0

        done = alive < 0
        if not np.isfinite(state).all():
            print("~INF~", state)
            done = True

        potential_old = self.potential
        self.potential = self.calc_potential()
        progress = float(self.potential - potential_old)
        progressMultiplier = 2.0
        progress *= progressMultiplier

        progressDirMultiplier = 1.0  #10.0
        self.moveDirNormalizer = glm.normalize(self.movement_per_frame)
        progressDir =, self.movement_dir)
        progressDir *= progressDirMultiplier
        progress += progressDir

        progressDirMultiplier = 0.2  #10.0
        progressDir =, self.movement_dir)
        progressDir *= progressDirMultiplier
        progress += progressDir

        if progress<0:
            progress = -1.0
            progress = 1.0
        if self.walk_target_dist>0.1 and self.prev_body_xyz is not None:
            vecStep = [self.prev_body_xyz[0] - self.body_xyz[0],self.prev_body_xyz[1] - self.body_xyz[1]] #, self.prev_body_xyz[2] - self.body_xyz[2]]
            vecMovement = np.linalg.norm( vecStep )
            minSpeedToPunishPerSec = 0.01 # 1 cm
            minMovePerFrame = minSpeedToPunishPerSec/self.numStepsPerSecond
            if vecMovement<minMovePerFrame:
                progress = -1

        for i, f in enumerate(self.feet):
            contact_names = set( for x in f.contact_list())
            #print("CONTACT OF '%s' WITH %s" % (, ",".join(contact_names)) )
            self.feet_contact[i] = 1.0 if (self.foot_ground_object_names
                                           & contact_names) else 0.0

        maxServoAnglePerFrame = self.max_servo_speed * self.physics_time_step
        angleDiffSpeed_cost_max = 0.0
        angleDiffSpeed_cost_min = 1.0
        angleDiffSpeed_cost_multiplier = -0.08
        for n, j in enumerate(self.ordered_joints):
            ratio = min(abs(j.targetAngleDelta), np.pi) / np.pi
            #ratio = min(abs(j.targetAngleDeltaFrame),maxServoAnglePerFrame)/maxServoAnglePerFrame
            ratio *= j.energy_cost
            ratio += (1.0 - j.newCurTargetReachable) * 0.6
            angleDiffSpeed_cost_min = min(ratio, angleDiffSpeed_cost_min)
            angleDiffSpeed_cost_max = max(ratio, angleDiffSpeed_cost_max)
        lerpFactor = 0.7
        angleDiffSpeed_cost = angleDiffSpeed_cost_min + lerpFactor * (
            angleDiffSpeed_cost_max - angleDiffSpeed_cost_min)
        angleDiffSpeed_cost *= angleDiffSpeed_cost_multiplier

        #energy cost for non contacted chain is better
        # use joint_to_foot


        self.rewards = [

        self.frame += 1
        rewardSummary = {}

        if (done and
                not self.done) or self.frame == self.spec.max_episode_steps:
            done = True

            reward_progress = np.sum(self.rewards_progress)
            reward_angleDiff = np.sum(self.reward_angleDiff)
            reward_alive = np.sum(self.reward_alive)
            rewardTotal = reward_progress + reward_angleDiff + reward_alive
            rewardSummary = {
                "alive": reward_alive,
                "progress": reward_progress,
                "servo": reward_angleDiff,
                "distToTarget": self.walk_target_dist,
                "episode_steps": self.frame,
                "episode_reward": rewardTotal

            if self.debugStats:
                print("Episode stats::")
                print("Reward_progress: ", reward_progress)
                print("Reward_angleDiff: ", reward_angleDiff)
                print("Reward_alive: ", reward_alive)
                print("Reward_total: ",
                      reward_alive + reward_progress + reward_angleDiff)
            #find projection to target vector to figureout dist walked
            #distWalked = np.linalg.norm( [self.body_xyz[1],self.body_xyz[0]])
            #print("Dist Walked: ",distWalked)
        self.done += done  # 2 == 1+True
        if bool(done) and self.frame == 1:
            print("First frame done - something bad happended")
        self.reward += sum(self.rewards)
        self.HUD(state, a, done)
        if done:
            debugBrek = 0
        return state, sum(self.rewards), bool(done), rewardSummary
Beispiel #29
glm_create_mat4 = lambda: glm.mat4()

numpy_create_mat4 = lambda: numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)

glm_v3 = glm.vec3()
numpy_v3 = numpy.array((0, 0, 0), dtype=numpy.float32)

glm_v4 = glm.vec4()
numpy_v4 = numpy.zeros(
    (4, ), dtype=numpy.float32)  #numpy.array((0,0,0,0), dtype=numpy.float32)

glm_m44 = glm.mat4()
numpy_m44 = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)

glm_dot = lambda:, glm_v3)
numpy_dot = lambda: numpy.vdot(numpy_v3, numpy_v3)

glm_transpose = lambda: glm.transpose(glm_m44)
numpy_transpose = lambda: numpy.transpose(numpy_m44)

glm_mul_v4_v4 = lambda: glm_v4 * glm_v4
numpy_mul_v4_v4 = lambda: numpy_v4 * numpy_v4

glm_mul_m44_v4 = lambda: glm_m44 * glm_v4
numpy_mul_m44_v4 = lambda: numpy_m44 * numpy_v4

glm_mat4_getitem = lambda: glm_m44[0]
numpy_mat4_getitem = lambda: numpy_m44[0]

print("How PyGLM's performance roughly compares to NumPy's performance:")
Beispiel #30
 def get_height(self, pos):
     # return self.collider.half_size.y
     return self.collider.half_size.y +
         self.pos.xz - pos, self.collider.forward) * -self.slope