Beispiel #1
def query():
    if file_access(GAME_RESULTS_PATH) and file_access(TEST_GAMES_PATH):
        with open(GAME_RESULTS_PATH) as file:
            games = json.load(file)
        with open(TEST_GAMES_PATH) as file:
            test_games = json.load(file)
        return games, test_games

    games = []
    for year in years:
        for week in weeks:
            headers = {
                'accept': 'application/json',

            params = (
                ('year', str(year)),
                ('week', str(week)),
                ('seasonType', 'regular'),

            response = requests.get('', headers=headers, params=params)
            game = response.json()

    test_games = []
    if test_year != 0:
        for week in weeks:
            headers = {
                'accept': 'application/json',

            params = (
                ('year', str(test_year)),
                ('week', str(week)),
                ('seasonType', 'regular'),

            response = requests.get('', headers=headers, params=params)
            game = response.json()

        with open(TEST_GAMES_PATH, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(test_games, f)

    with open(GAME_RESULTS_PATH, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(games, f)

    return games, test_games
def stat_files_exist():
    for statistic in statistics:
        for year in years:
            stat_file = STAT_PATH + statistic + str(year) + ".json"
            if not file_access(stat_file):
                return False
    return True
Beispiel #3
def main():
    if file_access(GAME_DATA_PATH) and file_access(TEST_GAME_DATA_PATH):
        print("Loading existing game data")
        game_data = load(GAME_DATA_PATH)
        test_game_data = load(TEST_GAME_DATA_PATH)
        print("Running queries to download game data...")
        os.makedirs("data", exist_ok=True)
        print("Loading all games in the specified range...")
        games, test_games = games_query.query()
        # talent = talent_query.query()
        print("Finding dates of games...")
        dates_to_games = retreive_all_dates(games)
        print("Loading historical polls...")
        ap_polls, coaches_polls, pred_polls = polls_query.query(dates_to_games)
        print("Loading historical statistics...")
        print("Combining and normalizing game data...")
        game_data = combine_game_data(dates_to_games, ap_polls, coaches_polls, pred_polls)
        game_data = normalize(game_data)
        print("Saving data to", GAME_DATA_PATH)
        save(game_data, GAME_DATA_PATH)

        # Repeat all that for test seasons
        print("Doing that all again for test seasons...")
        dates_to_games = retreive_all_dates(test_games)
        ap_polls, coaches_polls, pred_polls = polls_query.query(dates_to_games, append=True)
        stats_query.query(dates_to_games, append=True)
        test_game_data = combine_game_data(dates_to_games, ap_polls, coaches_polls, pred_polls)
        test_game_data = normalize(test_game_data)
        save(test_game_data, TEST_GAME_DATA_PATH)

    # game_data = game_data[:1000]
    all_inputs, all_outputs = create_netdata_from_gamedata(game_data)
    test_inputs, test_outputs = create_netdata_from_gamedata(test_game_data)
    # train_neat(all_inputs, all_outputs)
    print("Doing NN stuff...")

#   scikit_net(all_inputs, all_outputs, test_inputs, test_outputs)

    tf_net(all_inputs, all_outputs, test_inputs, test_outputs)
def query(dates_to_games, append=False):
    for statistic in statistics:
        game_years = set(
            [year_from_date(date) for date in dates_to_games.keys()])
        for year in game_years:
            stat_file = STAT_PATH + statistic + str(year) + ".json"
            if append == True or not file_access(stat_file):
                stats = {}
                games_in_year = [(date, dates_to_games[date])
                                 for date in dates_to_games.keys()
                                 if year_from_date(date) == str(year)]
                for date, games in games_in_year:
                    teams = teams_in_games(games)
                    stats = update_stats(stats, statistic, date, teams)

                stat_file = STAT_PATH + statistic + str(year) + ".json"
                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(stat_file), exist_ok=True)
                with open(stat_file, 'w+') as f:
                    json.dump(stats, f)
Beispiel #5
def train_net(inputs, outputs, test_inputs, test_outputs, load=False):
    inputs = np.asarray(inputs)
    outputs = np.asarray(outputs)
    test_inputs = np.asarray(test_inputs)

    if load and file_access(KERAS_MODEL_PATH):
        print("Loading model from", KERAS_MODEL_PATH)
        model = load_model(KERAS_MODEL_PATH)
        model = create_uniform_model(inputs.shape[1])
        # early_stopping = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss',
        #                                                min_delta=5 * 10 ** -6, patience=20,
        #                                                verbose=0, mode='auto',
        #                                                baseline=None,
        #                                                restore_best_weights=True)

        #, y=outputs,
        #           validation_data=(val_in, val_out),
        #           epochs=1000, callbacks=[early_stopping], verbose=1)
        print(model.summary()), y=outputs, epochs=1000, verbose=1)
    return model, model.predict(x=test_inputs)
def query(dates_to_games, append=False):
    Query online historical poll data to build a database of team ranking history
    :param dates_to_games: dictionary using a date as keys to all games played on that date
    :param append: Add to exiting data?
    :return: Three dictionaries: ap_polls, coaches_polls, pred_polls
    # Check if we already have all the poll data
    if append == False and file_access(PATH_AP_JSON) and file_access(
            PATH_COACHES_JSON) and file_access(PATH_ALL_JSON):
        with open(PATH_AP_JSON) as file:
            ap_polls = json.load(file)
        with open(PATH_COACHES_JSON) as file:
            coaches_polls = json.load(file)
        with open(PATH_ALL_JSON) as file:
            pred_polls = json.load(file)
        return ap_polls, coaches_polls, pred_polls

    ap_polls = {}
    coaches_polls = {}
    pred_polls = {}
    game_years = set([year_from_date(date) for date in dates_to_games.keys()])
    for year in game_years:
        for week in weeks:
            # Query for ap and coaches poll data from
            headers = {
                'accept': 'application/json',

            params = (('year', str(year)), ('week', str(week)))
            response = requests.get(
            ap_poll_query = response.json()[0]['polls'][1]['ranks']
            coaches_poll_query = response.json()[0]['polls'][0]['ranks']
            ap_poll = {}
            coaches_poll = {}

            for pos in ap_poll_query:
                team_name = pos['school']
                rank = pos['rank']
                ap_poll[team_name] = rank

            for pos in coaches_poll_query:
                team_name = pos['school']
                rank = pos['rank']
                coaches_poll[team_name] = rank

            # Store the polls for every date a game was played
            ap_polls[str(year) + "," + str(week)] = ap_poll
            coaches_polls[str(year) + "," + str(week)] = coaches_poll

    for date, games in dates_to_games.items():
        teams = teams_in_games(games)
        pred_polls = update_pred_polls(pred_polls, date, teams)

    if append:
        write = "w+"
        write = "w"

    with open(PATH_AP_JSON, write) as f:
        json.dump(ap_polls, f)

    with open(PATH_COACHES_JSON, write) as f:
        json.dump(coaches_polls, f)

    with open(PATH_ALL_JSON, write) as f:
        json.dump(pred_polls, f)

    return ap_polls, coaches_polls, pred_polls