def run(self): port = None if self.use_unix_socket: socket_family = socket.AF_UNIX if self.lirc_file is not None: port = self.lirc_file else: socket_family = socket.AF_INET port = (socket.gethostname(), app.lirc_port) s = socket.socket(socket_family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) log("[LircServer] Using port " + str(port)) if self.use_unix_socket: if os.access(port, os.F_OK): try: os.remove(port) except OSError: self.mainapp.die("[LircServer] Can't delete file: " + app.lirc_file) return"[LircServer] LIRC Server Listening on " + str(port)) try: s.bind(port) if self.use_unix_socket: os.chmod(port, 0666) except Exception, e: self.mainapp.die("[LircServer] Can't bind socket: " + str(e[1])) return
def default(workout_id): api = shodan.Shodan(SHODAN_API_KEY) page_template = 'index.jinja' workout = ds_client.get(ds_client.key('cybergym-workout', workout_id)) if workout: if workout['type'] == 'shodan': if request.method == 'POST':'POST to /{workout_id}') try: query = request.form.get('shodan_query') page_num = request.form.get('page_number') result =, limit=10) result_count = api.count(query) print(result.keys()) return render_template( page_template, shodanResults=result, resultCount=result_count, query=query, page_num=page_num, workoutid=workout_id, ) except shodan.APIError as e: e_template = 'invalid_query.jinja' return render_template(e_template) return render_template(page_template) else: return redirect(f'/invalid/{workout_id}') else: return redirect(f'/invalid/{workout_id}')
def decorated(self, *args, **kwargs): if config().config.testing_mode: 'Skipping function "{}" - running in testing mode.'.format( func.__name__)) return return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
class BluetoothServer (threading.Thread, utils.NonBlockingThread): port = None queue = None mainapp = None def __init__(self, mainapp, queue): self.mainapp = mainapp self.queue = queue threading.Thread.__init__ (self) def run(self): log("[BluetoothServer] Initializing Bluetooth Server") stype = bluetooth.RFCOMM port = bluetooth.PORT_ANY server_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(stype) server_sock.bind(("", port)) server_sock.listen(5) try: bluetooth.advertise_service(server_sock, "Bluemote Service", globals.UUID) except bluetooth.BluetoothError, be: self.mainapp.die("[BluemoteServer] Can't advertise service. Are the drivers running? Is there a bluetooth device?: " + str(be)) return server_sock.settimeout(2) while True: # main accept() loop if not break"[BluetoothServer] Waiting for bluetooth connections...") client_sock = None while client_sock == None: if not break try: client_sock, address = server_sock.accept() except: pass if client_sock == None: continue"[BluetoothServer] Accepted connection from " + str(address)) t = BluetoothClientHandle(client_sock, self) t.start() server_sock.close() log("[BluetoothServer] Bye bye.") return True
def test():'Testing mode') from sys import argv argv = argv[1:] args = {'all': False, 'color': False, 'num_answers': 1, 'pos': 1, 'query': argv} result = howdoi_call(args) print(' ') print(result)
def is_due(self): """See :meth:`~celery.schedule.schedule.is_due`.""" due = self.schedule.is_due(self.last_run_at) logger.debug('task {0} due : {1}'.format(, due)) if not self.enabled:'task {0} is disabled. not triggered.'.format( # if the task is disabled, we always return false, but the time that # it is next due is returned as usual return celery.schedules.schedstate(is_due=False, next=due[1]) return due
def loader(workout_id): key = ds_client.key('cybergym-workout', workout_id) workout = ds_client.get(key) if workout: if workout['type'] == 'shodan': data = populate_datastore(workout_id=workout_id) return redirect(f'/shodan_lite/{workout_id}') else: return redirect(f'/shodan_lite/invalid/{workout_id}') else: return redirect(f'/shodan_lite/invalid/{workout_id}')
def main(): # Get the dispatcher to register handlers bot = telepot.DelegatorBot(token, [ (per_inline_from_id(), create_open(HowDoIBot, timeout=30)), (per_chat_id(), create_open(HowDoIBot, timeout=10)), ])'Starting bot') # bot.message_loop({'inline_query': on_inline_query, # 'chosen_inline_result': on_chosen_inline_result, # 'chat': on_chat_message}, # run_forever='Listening ...') bot.message_loop(run_forever='Listening ...')
def on_chat_message(self, msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) if content_type != 'text':'{} message received'.format(content_type)) return command = msg['text'].strip().lower() if ('/start' in command): self.start(msg) elif ('/howdoi' in command): self.howdoi(msg) else: logger.critical(msg)
class BluetoothClientHandle(threading.Thread, utils.NonBlockingThread): def __init__(self, socket, srv): self.socket = socket self.srv = srv self.queue = srv.queue threading.Thread.__init__ (self) def run (self): log("[BluetoothClientHandle] Taking connection") while True: if not break log("[BluetoothClientHandle] waiting data...") try: buff = self.socket.recv(globals.MAX_MSG_SIZE) if not buff: break except bluetooth.BluetoothError, e: print "Error receiving: %s (%s)" % (e, self.socket) break log("[BluetoothClientHandle] got: " + buff) self.queue.addCommand(buff);"[BluetoothClientHandle] Connection finished") self.socket.close()
def data(workout_id): page_template = 'raw_data.jinja' workout = ds_client.get(ds_client.key('cybergym-workout', workout_id)) if workout: if workout['type'] == 'shodan': if request.method == "POST":"POSTING to /data/{workout_id}") return render_template(page_template, rawData=request.form.get('data'), workoutid=workout_id,) if request.method == "GET":'GET /data/{workout_id}') print(type(request.get_data())) else: return redirect(f'/invalid/{workout_id}') else: return redirect(f'/invalid/{workout_id}')
def on_inline_query(self, msg): query_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance( msg, flavor='inline_query')'Inline ping from {}'.format(from_id)) def compute_answer(): link_results = _get_links(msg['query']) results = [w.split('/')[-1].replace('-', ' ') for w in link_results] articles = [{'type': 'article', 'id': str(hex(getrandbits(64))[2:]), 'title': title, 'message_text': text} for title, text in zip(results, link_results)] return articles self.answerer.answer(msg, compute_answer)
def howdoi(self, msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) msg['text'] = ' '.join(msg['text'].split()[1:])"How do I received! [{}]".format(msg['text'])), 'typing') args = {'all': True, 'color': False, 'num_answers': 1, 'pos': 1, 'query': msg['text']} try: result = howdoi_call(args) # result = self.escape_markdown(result) except ReadTimeoutError: result = 'Timeout finding some answer, sorry :(' except Exception as e: logger.critical(e) # self.sender.sendMessage(result, chat_id=chat_id), result)
def sync(self): if not self.save_entry_back:'Without save entry back to redis...') return'Writing modified entries...') _tried = set() try: while self._dirty: name = self._dirty.pop() _tried.add(name) # Saving the entry back into Redis DB. try: self.rdb.set(name, self.schedule[name].jsondump()) except KeyError: logger.warning("rdb key %s may be already removed." % name) except Exception as exc: # retry later self._dirty |= _tried logger.error('Error while sync: %r', exc, exc_info=1)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(current_app.conf, 'CELERY_REDIS_SCHEDULER_URL'):'backend scheduler using %s', current_app.conf.CELERY_REDIS_SCHEDULER_URL) else:'backend scheduler using %s', current_app.conf.CELERY_REDIS_SCHEDULER_URL) self.update_interval = current_app.conf.get( 'UPDATE_INTERVAL') or timedelta(seconds=10) # how long we should hold on to the redis lock in seconds if 'CELERY_REDIS_SCHEDULER_LOCK_TTL' in current_app.conf: lock_ttl = current_app.conf.CELERY_REDIS_SCHEDULER_LOCK_TTL else: lock_ttl = 30 if lock_ttl < self.update_interval.seconds: lock_ttl = self.update_interval.seconds * 2 self.lock_ttl = lock_ttl # sync schedule to db when beat closed self.save_entry_back = current_app.conf.get("REDIS_SAVE_ENTRY_BACK", "True") # keeping modified entries by name for sync later on self._dirty = set() self._schedule = {} # keeping dynamic schedule from redis DB here # is used for statically configured schedule self.schedule_url = current_app.conf.CELERY_REDIS_SCHEDULER_URL self.rdb = StrictRedis.from_url(self.schedule_url) self._last_updated = None self._lock_acquired = False self._lock = self.rdb.lock('celery:beat:task_lock', timeout=self.lock_ttl) self._lock_acquired = self._lock.acquire(blocking=False) self.Entry.scheduler = self self.old_task_dict = {} self.heap_to_none = False # This will launch setup_schedule if not lazy super(RedisScheduler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def init(self): self.initlog()"[MainAppServer] Welcome to btlirc Server 0.1") lircServer = LircServer(self) queue = CommandQueue(self, lircServer) queue.start() lircServer.start() # start bluetooth server btServer = BluetoothServer(self, queue) btServer.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *args: self.exit()) while True: if self._exit: break try: sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "[MainAppServer] ** Got KeyboardInterrupt **" break log("[MainAppServer] Shutting down btlirc server.") #lircServer.join() self.killthread(btServer, "Bluetooth Server") self.killthread(queue, "Command Queue") self.killthread(lircServer, "LIRC Server") if self._errors:"[MainAppServer] ** Exit with error: " + self._errmsg)"[MainAppServer] Bye bye.")
def init(self): self.initlog();"[MainAppServer] Welcome to btlirc Server 0.1") lircServer = LircServer(self); queue = CommandQueue(self, lircServer) queue.start() lircServer.start() # start bluetooth server btServer = BluetoothServer(self, queue) btServer.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *args: self.exit()) while True: if self._exit: break try: sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "[MainAppServer] ** Got KeyboardInterrupt **" break log("[MainAppServer] Shutting down btlirc server.") #lircServer.join() self.killthread(btServer, "Bluetooth Server") self.killthread(queue, "Command Queue") self.killthread(lircServer, "LIRC Server") if self._errors:"[MainAppServer] ** Exit with error: " + self._errmsg)"[MainAppServer] Bye bye.")
class LircServer(threading.Thread, utils.NonBlockingThread): use_unix_socket = False clients = [] lirc_file = None def __init__(self, mainapp): self.lirc_file = app.lirc_file self.mainapp = mainapp self.clients = [] if platform.system() == 'Linux': self.use_unix_socket = True threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): port = None if self.use_unix_socket: socket_family = socket.AF_UNIX if self.lirc_file is not None: port = self.lirc_file else: socket_family = socket.AF_INET port = (socket.gethostname(), app.lirc_port) s = socket.socket(socket_family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) log("[LircServer] Using port " + str(port)) if self.use_unix_socket: if os.access(port, os.F_OK): try: os.remove(port) except OSError: self.mainapp.die("[LircServer] Can't delete file: " + app.lirc_file) return"[LircServer] LIRC Server Listening on " + str(port)) try: s.bind(port) if self.use_unix_socket: os.chmod(port, 0666) except Exception, e: self.mainapp.die("[LircServer] Can't bind socket: " + str(e[1])) return s.listen(15) s.settimeout(2) while True: if not break log("[LircServer] Waiting for connections...") conn = None while conn == None: if not break try: conn, addr = s.accept() except socket.timeout, err: pass if conn == None: continue"[LircServer] Connection received..." + str(addr) + " - " + str(conn)) self.handleClient(conn)
def __init__(self): self.database_connection = MySQLdb.connect(address, username, password, db_name) self.cursor = self.database_connection.cursor()"Database initialized")