def SvcDoRun(self): import time global httpd global port"service is run....") WebAPI.recordLog("Service start") while print ("PC Health "+ gl.getvalue('version') + "serving http on port {0}...".format(str(port))) WebAPI.recordLog("PC Health "+ gl.getvalue('version') + ' '+ WebAPI.get_time_stamp() + "serving http on port {0}...".format(str(port))) try: httpd.serve_forever() except Exception as err: WebAPI.recordLog(str(err)) WebAPI.recordLog('http server error!')
def sysInfo(): info = {} line = {} line.setdefault('CPU核心', str(psutil.cpu_count())) line.setdefault('CPU利用率', str(int(psutil.cpu_percent())) + '%') info['CPU'] = line line = {} line.setdefault( '空闲内存G', str(round(psutil.virtual_memory().free / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0), 2))) line.setdefault( '总内存G', str( int( round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0))))) line.setdefault( '内存利用率', str( int((psutil.virtual_memory().total - psutil.virtual_memory().free) / float(psutil.virtual_memory().total) * 100)) + '%') info['Memory'] = line line = {} io = psutil.disk_partitions() j = 0 for i in io: diskstr = [] try: o = psutil.disk_usage(i.device) except Exception as err: logFile = open(r'web.log', 'a') logFile.write(get_time_stamp() + ' ') #写入日志 logFile.write(str(err) + '\n') #写入日志 logFile.close() j += 1 continue disk = io[j][0].strip(r':\\') diskstr.append(str(int( / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0))) + "G") diskstr.append(str(int( / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0))) + "G") line.setdefault(disk, diskstr) del (diskstr) j += 1 info['Disk'] = line try: info.setdefault('version', gl.getvalue('version')) except Exception as err: recordLog("version write err") return info
def SvcDoRun(self): tools.recordLog("Service start") time2 = 0 timeCha = 0 #执行扫描的时间差 mingzhongtime = '' while tools.recordLog("Server status " + gl.getvalue('version') + ' is running at ' + tools.get_time_stamp()) tools.recordLog("这是服务器启动后的开始") #gl.setvalue('count','0') sleepsecond = configRead.readConfig('parameter', 'sleepsecond') runtime = configRead.readConfig('parameter', 'runtime') print(sleepsecond) print(runtime) tools.recordLog(str(sleepsecond)) tools.recordLog(str(runtime)) currentTime = tools.get_hour() tools.recordLog(str(currentTime)) #开始按计划扫描后,plan=0,以错过本次的周期扫描。当plan还=1时,按定时间隔扫描。 plan = 1 time1 = tools.get_hour() for i in runtime: tools.recordLog(str(tools.time_cmp(currentTime, i))) tools.recordLog(str(i)) print("计划扫描时间" + i) print('时间差1:' + str(timeCha)) if tools.time_cmp(currentTime, i) < (int(sleepsecond) + int(timeCha)): tools.recordLog("计划扫描命中:" + i) print("计划扫描命中:" + i) print("上次命中计划:" + mingzhongtime) if i != mingzhongtime: print('currentTime=' + currentTime) print("上次命中计划:" + mingzhongtime) # 1 参数为计划扫描 plan = 0 mingzhongtime = i if plan == 1: print("周期扫描命中" + currentTime) tools.recordLog("周期扫描命中" + currentTime) # 0 参数为周期扫描 time2 = tools.get_hour() timeCha = tools.time_cmp(time1, time2) print('时间差2:' + str(timeCha)) time.sleep(int(sleepsecond))
def sendAlarm(msgDict, plan): #第一个body 是纯消息,不带链接 #body = {"msgtype": "text","text": {"content": "测试"},"at": {"atMobiles": ["18678966660"], "isAtAll": "false"}} sendgroup = configRead.readConfig('dingding', 'sendgroup') #count判断频率使用 count = int(gl.getvalue('count')) + 1 gl.setvalue('count', str(count)) print('count=' + str(count)) tools.recordLog('count=' + str(count)) for mydict in sendgroup.keys(): # (count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4]))==0 是执行频率 ,例如运维群每5分钟通知一次,那sendgroup[mydict][4]=5就好 print(mydict + ' 频率: ' + sendgroup[mydict][4]) if timeCheck(sendgroup, mydict) == False: continue print(mydict + ' 尝试' + 'plan=' + str(plan)) print('count=' + str(count) + '余数:' + str((count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4])))) #以下判断,当plan=1时,无条件执行扫描 if ((sendgroup[mydict][0].upper() == 'ON') and ((count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4])) == 0)) or ( (sendgroup[mydict][0].upper() == 'ON') and (plan == 1)): print(mydict + ' 命中: ' + 'plan=' + str(plan) + '\n') tools.recordLog(mydict + ' 命中: ' + 'plan=' + str(plan)) tools.recordLog('count=' + str(count) + ' 命中' + str((count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4])))) if sendgroup[mydict][1].upper() == 'SERVERHEALTH': msg = msgDict['ServerHealth'] elif sendgroup[mydict][1].upper() == 'SEVICEHEALTH': msg = msgDict['SeviceHealth'] elif sendgroup[mydict][1].upper() == 'ECSHEALTH': msg = msgDict['ECSHealth'] msg = msgPlan(msg, plan, sendgroup[mydict][1].upper()) sendMsgtoDingDing(mydict, sendgroup, msg)
def health(plan=1): infomationList = getServerinfo() #过滤服务器状态报警 dingdingAlarmDict = getAlarm.getAlarmDict(infomationList) dingdingAlarmDict.setdefault('ECSHealth', '') #收集阿里服务器到期日报警 #获取当前时间 # escAlarmTime = configRead.readConfig('aliyun', 'AlarmTime') currentTime = tools.get_hour() print(currentTime) print(escAlarmTime) if ((currentTime >= escAlarmTime[0]) and (currentTime <= escAlarmTime[1])): print('ECS报警时段命中') print('报警时段:' + escAlarmTime[0] + escAlarmTime[1]) currentDay = tools.get_day() print(currentDay) print(gl.getvalue('escSendday')) tools.recordLog('ECS报警时段命中') tools.recordLog(currentDay) tools.recordLog(gl.getvalue('escSendday')) if currentDay != gl.getvalue('escSendday'): print('ECS收集,天不同') tools.recordLog('ECS收集信息,一天只能一次') try: ecsAlarmList = alarmecs.getAlarmEcs() print(ecsAlarmList) numAlarm = len(ecsAlarmList) print('有' + str(numAlarm) + '台ECS将要到期') tools.recordLog('有' + str(numAlarm) + '台ECS将要到期') except Exception as err: tools.recordLog("alarmecs.getAlarmEcs err : " + str(err)) print(str(err)) if numAlarm > 0: print('ecs报警了') tools.recordLog('ecs>0报警了') gl.setvalue('escSendday', currentDay) dingdingAlarmDict['ECSHealth'] = '有' + str( numAlarm) + '台ECS将要到期' ecslists = ecslist.getEcslist() ecsfile = configRead.readConfig('aliyun', 'ecsfile') tools.writelisttohtml(ecslists, ecsfile) #print('打印MSG 字典') #print(dingdingAlarmDict) DingDingRobot.sendAlarm(dingdingAlarmDict, plan) tools.recordLog(str(dingdingAlarmDict)) #报警数据上色,生成html infomationList1 = htmlAlarm.color(infomationList, 0) #上色 htmlfile = configRead.readConfig('parameter', 'webfile') tools.writelisttohtml(infomationList1, htmlfile) #生成html infomationList2 = htmlAlarm.color(infomationList, 1) #上色,带升级链接 htmlfile = configRead.readConfig('parameter', 'webupdatefile') tools.writelisttohtml(infomationList2, htmlfile) #生成html getsqlServer() tools.recordLog('同步数据获取完毕') logging.debug('End of program'.center(30, '-'))
def sendAlarm(msgDict, plan): #第一个body 是纯消息,不带链接 #body = {"msgtype": "text","text": {"content": "测试"},"at": {"atMobiles": ["18678966660"], "isAtAll": "false"}} body = { "msgtype": "link", "link": { "text": "群机器人是钉钉群的高级扩展功能。", "title": "服务器状态信息", "picUrl": "", "messageUrl": "" } } headers = {'content-type': "application/json"} sendgroup = configRead.readConfig('dingding', 'sendgroup') count = int(gl.getvalue('count')) + 1 gl.setvalue('count', str(count)) print('count=' + str(count)) tools.recordLog('count=' + str(count)) for mydict in sendgroup.keys(): # (count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4]))==0 是执行频率 ,例如运维群每5分钟通知一次,那sendgroup[mydict][4]=5就好 print(mydict + ' 频率: ' + sendgroup[mydict][4]) runTime = sendgroup[mydict][5] print(runTime) currentTime = tools.get_hour() print(currentTime) #在允许的时间段内扫描 if (currentTime >= runTime[0]) and (currentTime <= runTime[1]): print("时间命中") tools.recordLog("时间命中") else: print("时间没命中") tools.recordLog("时间没有命中") tools.recordLog("runTime0" + runTime[0]) tools.recordLog("runTime1" + runTime[1]) print("runTime0" + runTime[0]) print("runTime1" + runTime[1]) continue print(mydict + ' 尝试' + 'plan=' + str(plan)) print('count=' + str(count) + '余数:' + str((count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4])))) #以下判断,当plan=1时,无条件执行扫描 if ((sendgroup[mydict][0].upper() == 'ON') and ((count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4])) == 0)) or ( (sendgroup[mydict][0].upper() == 'ON') and (plan == 1)): print(mydict + ' 命中: ' + 'plan=' + str(plan)) tools.recordLog(mydict + ' 命中: ' + 'plan=' + str(plan)) tools.recordLog('count=' + str(count) + ' 命中' + str((count % int(sendgroup[mydict][4])))) if sendgroup[mydict][1].upper() == 'SERVERHEALTH': msg = msgDict['ServerHealth'] else: msg = msgDict['SeviceHealth'] msg = msgPlan(msg, plan, sendgroup[mydict][1]) url = sendgroup[mydict][2] body['link']["text"] = msg body['link']["messageUrl"] = sendgroup[mydict][3] response =, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers) res = eval(response.text) # eval 转为字典,不能防注入 if (response.status_code == 200) and (res['errcode'] == 0): tools.recordLog('DingDingCode:' + mydict + ' ' + str(res['errcode']) + ':' + res['errmsg']) print(res['errmsg']) return 0 #发送成功 else: tools.recordLog('DingDingCode:' + mydict + ' ' + str(res['errcode']) + ':' + res['errmsg']) print(res['errmsg']) return int(res['errcode']) #未发送或发送失败