def edit_language(): """ Edit language file """ #app = get_app() lang = ("zh-tw",T("Mandarin")) args = ['devicedb','languages',lang[0]+'.py'] filename = '/'.join(args) response.title = args[-1] strings = read_dict(apath(filename, r=request)) if '__corrupted__' in strings: form = SPAN(strings['__corrupted__'], _class='error') return dict(filename=filename, form=form) keys = sorted(strings.keys(), lambda x, y: cmp( unicode(x, 'utf-8').lower(), unicode(y, 'utf-8').lower())) rows = [] rows.append(H2(T('Original/Translation'))) for key in keys: name = md5_hash(key) s = strings[key] (prefix, sep, key) = key.partition('\x01') if sep: prefix = SPAN(prefix + ': ', _class='tm_ftag') k = key else: (k, prefix) = (prefix, '') _class = 'untranslated' if k == s else 'translated' if len(s) <= 40: elem = INPUT(_type='text', _name=name, value=s, _size=70, _class=_class) else: elem = TEXTAREA(_name=name, value=s, _cols=70, _rows=5, _class=_class) # Making the short circuit compatible with <= python2.4 k = (s != k) and k or B(k) new_row = DIV( LABEL(prefix, k, _style="font-weight:normal;"), CAT(elem, '\n', TAG.BUTTON( T('delete'), _onclick='return delkey("%s")' % name, _class='btn' )), _id=name, _class='span6 well well-small') rows.append(DIV(new_row,_class="row-fluid")) rows.append(DIV(INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('update'), _class="btn btn-primary"), _class='controls')) form = FORM(*rows) if form.accepts(request.vars, keepvalues=True): strs = dict() for key in keys: name = md5_hash(key) if form.vars[name] == chr(127): continue strs[key] = form.vars[name] write_dict(apath(filename, r=request), strs) session.flash = T('saved on UTC') + request.utcnow.strftime(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M") redirect(URL(r=request, args=request.args)) return dict(app=args[0], filename=filename, form=form, lang=lang)
def __compute_mode( query, block_seconds=800, vertical_block_seconds=30, compare=False, use_cache=True): blocks_list = __get_blocks_scheduler (query, block_seconds, reset_cache=False) if (len(blocks_list) == 0): return {'data': [],'label':'No matches', 'id':'mode_%s' % block_seconds } key = 'mode_%s%s%s%s' % (block_seconds, vertical_block_seconds, compare, query) if len(key)>200: key = 'mode_%s' % md5_hash(key) # Cache the mode for each day, so we need to compute only the last day data = cache.ram( key, lambda: __wrapper_elaboration( blocks_list, __mode, block_seconds, vertical_block_seconds=vertical_block_seconds, compare=compare), time_expire=CACHE_TIME_EXPIRE) if compare: fdate = blocks_list[0][0][db.match.gathered_on_orig] label = fdate.strftime('%a %d, %b' ) else: label = "Mode (%ss)" % block_seconds return {'data': data,'label':label, 'id':'mode_%s' % block_seconds }
def mobile_prof_register(): email = password = request.vars.password firstname = request.vars.firstname middlename = request.vars.middlename lastname = request.vars.lastname country = rows = db( result = {} if len(rows) != 0: result['status'] = "exist" return response.json(result) return_result = TT.md5_hash(password) ret =, password=password, first_name=firstname, middle_name=middlename, last_name=lastname, md5=return_result, country=country) if ret.errors: result['status'] = "ERROR" return response.json(result) else: result['status'] = "success" result['result'] = return_result return response.json(result)
path = os.path.join(projroot, 'globaleaks', 'applications', 'globaleaks', 'errors') hashes = {} ### CONFIGURE HERE ALLOW_DUPLICATES = True ### END CONFIGURATION if settings.globals.debug_notification: for file in os.listdir(path): filename = os.path.join(path, file) if not ALLOW_DUPLICATES: file_data = open(filename, 'r').read() key = md5_hash(file_data) if key in hashes: continue hashes[key] = 1 error = RestrictedError() error.load(request, request.application, filename) logger.debug("REQUEST-APP: %s" % dir(request)) logger.debug("Sending email...") message = '<b>There has been an error on a node.</b><br>' message += '<h1>This is the trackback:</h1><br><pre>%s</pre><br><br><br>' % error.traceback message += "<h1>this is the environment:</h1><br>"
def test_md5_hash(self): """ Tests the md5_hash function """ data = md5_hash("web2py rocks") self.assertEqual(data, '79509f3246a2824dee64635303e99204')
pass # ## CONFIGURE HERE SLEEP_MINUTES = 5 ALLOW_DUPLICATES = False global_settings.slack_hook = global_settings.slack_hook or \ '' # ## END CONFIGURATION while 1: for file_name in os.listdir(path): if file_name == 'slack_errors.pickle': continue if not ALLOW_DUPLICATES: key = md5_hash(file_name) if key in hashes: continue hashes[key] = 1 error = RestrictedError() try: error.load(request, request.application, file_name) except Exception as _: continue # not an exception file? url = URL(a='admin', f='ticket', args=[request.application, file], scheme=True)
path = os.path.join(request.folder, 'errors') db = SQLDB(DB_URI) db.define_table('ticket', SQLField('app'), SQLField('name'), SQLField('date_saved', 'datetime'), SQLField('layer'), SQLField('traceback', 'text'), SQLField('code', 'text')) hashes = {} while 1: for file in os.listdir(path): filename = os.path.join(path, file) if not ALLOW_DUPLICATES: file_data = open(filename, 'r').read() key = md5_hash(file_data) if key in hashes: continue hashes[key] = 1 error = RestrictedError() error.load(request, request.application, filename) modified_time = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] modified_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(modified_time) db.ticket.insert(app=request.application, date_saved=modified_time, name=file,
def edit_language(): """ Edit language file, copied from admin/controllers/ """ import os import re import time from gluon.languages import (read_dict, write_dict, to_native) from gluon.utils import md5_hash if len(request.args) == 0: raise HTTP(400, "No language provided") if re.match(request.args[0], r'[^\w\.\-]') is None: filename = os.path.join(request.folder, "languages", request.args[0] + ".py") if os.path.isfile(filename): response.title = "OneZoom language strings for " + request.args[0] strings = read_dict(filename) if '__corrupted__' in strings: form = SPAN(strings['__corrupted__'], _class='error') return dict(filename=filename, form=form) keys = sorted(strings.keys(), key=lambda x: to_native(x).lower()) rows = [] rows.append(H2(T('Original/Translation'))) for key in keys: name = md5_hash(key) s = strings[key] (prefix, sep, key) = key.partition('\x01') if sep: prefix = SPAN(prefix + ': ', _class='tm_ftag') k = key else: (k, prefix) = (prefix, '') _class = 'untranslated' if k == s else 'translated' if len(s) <= 40 and '\n' not in s: elem = INPUT(_type='text', _name=name, value=s, _size=70, _class=_class) else: elem = TEXTAREA(_name=name, value="\n" + s, _cols=80, _rows=5, _class=_class) # Making the short circuit compatible with <= python2.4 k = (s != k) and k.replace('\n', '¶') or B(k.replace( '\n', '¶')) new_row = DIV( LABEL(prefix, k, _style="font-weight:normal; display:block;"), CAT( elem, '\n', TAG.BUTTON(IMG(_src=URL("static", "images", "close_red.png"), _width="20", _height="20"), XML(' '), T('Delete'), _onclick='return delkey("%s")' % name, _class='btn')), _id=name, _class='span6 well well-small') rows.append(DIV(new_row, _class="row-fluid")) rows.append( DIV(INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Update'), _class="btn btn-primary"), _class='controls')) form = FORM(*rows) if form.accepts(request.vars, keepvalues=True): strs = dict() for key in keys: name = md5_hash(key) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: try: if form.vars[name] == chr(127): continue except UnicodeWarning: if form.vars[name] == oldchr(127): continue strs[key] = form.vars[name] write_dict(filename, strs) session.flash = T('file saved on %(time)s', dict(time=time.ctime())) redirect(URL(r=request, args=request.args)) return dict(filename=filename, form=form)
def __call__(self, value): if self.key: return (, value, sha512).hexdigest(), None) else: return (md5_hash(value), None)
pass # ## CONFIGURE HERE SLEEP_MINUTES = 5 ALLOW_DUPLICATES = False global_settings.slack_hook = global_settings.slack_hook or \ '' # ## END CONFIGURATION while 1: for file_name in os.listdir(path): if file_name == 'slack_errors.pickle': continue if not ALLOW_DUPLICATES: key = md5_hash(file_name) if key in hashes: continue hashes[key] = 1 error = RestrictedError() try: error.load(request, request.application, file_name) except Exception as _: continue # not an exception file? url = URL(a='admin', f='ticket', args=[request.application, file], scheme=True) payload = json.dumps(dict(text="Error in %(app)s.\n%(url)s" % dict(app=request.application, url=url)))
def edit(): """ File edit handler """ filename = '/'.join(request.args) # Try to discover the file type if filename[-3:] == '.py': filetype = 'python' elif filename[-5:] == '.html': filetype = 'html' elif filename[-4:] == '.css': filetype = 'css' elif filename[-3:] == '.js': filetype = 'js' else: filetype = 'text' # ## check if file is not there path = apath(filename) if request.vars.restore and os.path.exists(path + '.bak'): try: data = open(path + '.bak', 'r').read() data1 = open(path, 'r').read() except IOError: session.flash = 'Invalid action' redirect(URL(r=request, f='site')) file_hash = md5_hash(data) open(path, 'w').write(data) open(path + '.bak', 'w').write(data1) response.flash = T('file "%s" restored', filename) else: try: data = open(path, 'r').read() except IOError: session.flash = 'Invalid action' redirect(URL(r=request, f='site')) file_hash = md5_hash(data) if request.vars.file_hash and request.vars.file_hash != file_hash: session.flash = T('file changed on disk') data ='\r\n', '\n').strip() + '\n' open(path + '.1', 'w').write(data) redirect(URL(r=request, f='resolve', args=request.args)) elif open(path + '.bak', 'w').write(data) data ='\r\n', '\n').strip() + '\n' open(path, 'w').write(data) file_hash = md5_hash(data) response.flash = T('file saved on %(time)s', dict(time=time.ctime())) data_or_restore = ( or request.vars.restore) if data_or_restore and request.args[1] == 'modules': # Lets try to reload the modules try: mopath = '.'.join(request.args[2:])[:-3] exec 'import applications.%s.modules.%s' % (request.args[0], mopath) reload(sys.modules['applications.%s.modules.%s' % (request.args[0], mopath)]) except: response.flash = T('failed to reload module') edit_controller = None if filetype == 'html' and request.args >= 3: cfilename = os.path.join(request.args[0], 'controllers', request.args[2] + '.py') if os.path.exists(apath(cfilename)): edit_controller = URL(r=request, f='edit', args=[cfilename]) if len(request.args) > 2 and request.args[1] == 'controllers': controller = (request.args[2])[:-3] functions = regex_expose.findall(data) else: (controller, functions) = (None, None) return dict(app=request.args[0], filename=filename, filetype=filetype, data=data, edit_controller=edit_controller, file_hash=file_hash, controller=controller, functions=functions)
def site(): """ Site handler """ myversion = request.env.web2py_version # Shortcut to make the elif statements more # legible file_or_appurl = request.vars.has_key('file') or \ request.vars.has_key('appurl') if request.vars.filename and not request.vars.has_key('file'): try: appname = cleanpath(request.vars.filename).replace('.', '_') path = apath(appname) os.mkdir(path) untar('welcome.tar', path) response.flash = T('new application "%(appname)s" created', dict(appname=appname)) except Exception: response.flash = \ T('unable to create new application "%(appname)s"', dict(appname=request.vars.filename)) elif file_or_appurl and not request.vars.filename: msg = 'you must specify a name for the uploaded application' response.flash = T(msg) elif file_or_appurl and request.vars.filename: mkdir = False try: appname = cleanpath(request.vars.filename).replace('.', '_') tarname = apath('../deposit/%s.tar' % appname) if request.vars.appurl is not '': tarfile = urllib.urlopen(request.vars.appurl).read() elif request.vars.file is not '': tarfile = open(tarname, 'wb').write(tarfile) path = apath(appname) os.mkdir(path) mkdir = True untar(tarname, path) fix_newlines(path) msg = 'application %(appname)s installed with md5sum: %(digest)s' response.flash = T(msg, dict(appname=appname, digest=md5_hash(tarfile))) except Exception: if mkdir: shutil.rmtree(path) msg = 'unable to install application "%(appname)s"' response.flash = T(msg, dict(appname=request.vars.filename)) regex = re.compile('^\w+$') apps = sorted([(file.upper(), file) for file in os.listdir(apath()) if regex.match(file)]) apps = [item[1] for item in apps] return dict(app=None, apps=apps, myversion=myversion)
def edit_language(): """ Edit language file, copied from admin/controllers/ """ import os import re import time from gluon.languages import (read_dict, write_dict) from gluon.utils import md5_hash if len(request.args) == 0: raise HTTP(400 , "No language provided") if re.match(request.args[0], r'[^\w\.\-]') is None: filename = os.path.join(request.folder,"languages",request.args[0] + ".py") if os.path.isfile(filename): response.title = "OneZoom language strings for " + request.args[0] strings = read_dict(filename) if '__corrupted__' in strings: form = SPAN(strings['__corrupted__'], _class='error') return dict(filename=filename, form=form) keys = sorted(strings.keys(), lambda x, y: cmp( unicode(x, 'utf-8').lower(), unicode(y, 'utf-8').lower())) rows = [] rows.append(H2(T('Original/Translation'))) for key in keys: name = md5_hash(key) s = strings[key] (prefix, sep, key) = key.partition('\x01') if sep: prefix = SPAN(prefix + ': ', _class='tm_ftag') k = key else: (k, prefix) = (prefix, '') _class = 'untranslated' if k == s else 'translated' if len(s) <= 40 and '\n' not in s: elem = INPUT(_type='text', _name=name, value=s, _size=70, _class=_class) else: elem = TEXTAREA(_name=name, value="\n"+s, _cols=80, _rows=5, _class=_class) # Making the short circuit compatible with <= python2.4 k = (s != k) and k.replace('\n','¶') or B(k.replace('\n','¶')) new_row = DIV(LABEL(prefix, k, _style="font-weight:normal; display:block;"), CAT(elem, '\n', TAG.BUTTON( IMG(_src=URL("static","images","close_red.png"),_width="20",_height="20"), XML(' '), T('Delete'), _onclick='return delkey("%s")' % name, _class='btn')), _id=name, _class='span6 well well-small') rows.append(DIV(new_row, _class="row-fluid")) rows.append(DIV(INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Update'), _class="btn btn-primary"), _class='controls')) form = FORM(*rows) if form.accepts(request.vars, keepvalues=True): strs = dict() for key in keys: name = md5_hash(key) if form.vars[name] == chr(127): continue strs[key] = form.vars[name] write_dict(filename, strs) session.flash = T('file saved on %(time)s', dict(time=time.ctime())) redirect(URL(r=request, args=request.args)) return dict(filename=filename, form=form)