Beispiel #1
class ProjectLawyerMatchEmailTest(PyQueryMixin, TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(ProjectLawyerMatchEmailTest, self).setUp()

        client = mommy.prepare(
            "auth.User", username="******", email="*****@*****.**", first_name="Bob", last_name="McGee"
        lawyers = [mommy.prepare("lawyer.Lawyer"), mommy.prepare("lawyer.Lawyer")]

        form = AdminMatchingEmailCustomContentForm(
            {"intro": "Hi there and welcome, here are some lawyers that may match"}
        )  # Custom intro value
        self.assertTrue(form.is_valid())  # must call this to init cleaned_fields on form

        self.subject = ProjectAdmin(Project, AdminSite())
        self.subject.send_matches(request={}, obj={}, client=client, lawyers=lawyers, form=form) = mail.outbox[0]

    def test_email_in_outbox(self):
        Test the email that gets sent in the admin
        for Project Lawyer Matches
        self.assertEquals(len(mail.outbox), 1)

    def test_email_values(self):
        self.assertEquals(, ["*****@*****.**"])
        self.assertEquals(, ['"Bob McGee" <*****@*****.**>'])
        self.assertEquals(, "Choose an attorney")

    def test_email_body(self):
        body =[0][0]
        context = self.pq(body)

        intro_content = context("#intro_content h2")
        self.assertEquals(intro_content.text(), "Hi there and welcome, here are some lawyers that may match")

        lawyers = context("table#lawyers tr")
        self.assertEquals(len(lawyers), 2)

        avatars = context("table#lawyers td.avatar-cell img.avatar")
        self.assertEquals(len(avatars), 2)

        for a in avatars:
            self.assertEquals(a.attrib["src"], "")
Beispiel #2
    def setUp(self):
        super(ProjectLawyerMatchEmailTest, self).setUp()

        client = mommy.prepare(
            "auth.User", username="******", email="*****@*****.**", first_name="Bob", last_name="McGee"
        lawyers = [mommy.prepare("lawyer.Lawyer"), mommy.prepare("lawyer.Lawyer")]

        form = AdminMatchingEmailCustomContentForm(
            {"intro": "Hi there and welcome, here are some lawyers that may match"}
        )  # Custom intro value
        self.assertTrue(form.is_valid())  # must call this to init cleaned_fields on form

        self.subject = ProjectAdmin(Project, AdminSite())
        self.subject.send_matches(request={}, obj={}, client=client, lawyers=lawyers, form=form) = mail.outbox[0]