Beispiel #1
    def apply_labels_to(self, imap_ids, labels):
           apply one labels to x emails
        # go to All Mail folder
        LOG.debug("Applying labels %s" % (labels))
        the_timer = gmvault_utils.Timer()

        #utf7 the labels as they should be
        labels = [ utf7_encode(label) for label in labels ]

        labels_str = self._build_labels_str(labels) # create labels str
        if labels_str:  
            #has labels so update email  
            #LOG.debug("Before to store labels %s" % (labels_str))
            id_list = ",".join(map(str, imap_ids))
            #+X-GM-LABELS.SILENT to have not returned data
            ret_code, data = self.server._imap.uid('STORE', id_list, '+X-GM-LABELS.SILENT', labels_str) #pylint: disable=W0212

            #ret_code, data = self.server._imap.uid('COPY', id_list, labels[0])
            LOG.debug("After storing labels %s. Operation time = %s s.\nret = %s\ndata=%s" \
                      % (labels_str, the_timer.elapsed_ms(),ret_code, data))

            # check if it is ok otherwise exception
            if ret_code != 'OK':
                # Try again to code the error message (do not use .SILENT)
                ret_code, data = self.server._imap.uid('STORE', id_list, '+X-GM-LABELS', labels_str) #pylint: disable=W0212
                if ret_code != 'OK':
                    raise PushEmailError("Cannot add Labels %s to emails with uids %d. Error:%s" % (labels_str, imap_ids, data))
                LOG.debug("Stored Labels %s for gm_ids %s" % (labels_str, imap_ids))
    def push_data(self, a_folder, a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time):
           Push the data
        # protection against myself
        if self.login == '*****@*****.**':
            raise Exception("Cannot push to this account")

        the_timer = gmvault_utils.Timer()
        LOG.debug("Before to Append email contents")
        #import sys  #to print the msg in stdout
        #import codecs
        #sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.__stdout__)
        #msg = "a_folder = %s, a_flags = %s" % (a_folder.encode('utf-8'), a_flags)
        #msg = "a_folder = %s" % (a_folder.encode('utf-8'))
        #msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
        res = None
            #a_body = self._clean_email_body(a_body)
            res = self.server.append(a_folder, a_body, a_flags,
        except imaplib.IMAP4.abort, err:
            # handle issue when there are invalid characters (This is do to the presence of null characters)
            if str(err).find("APPEND => Invalid character in literal") >= 0:
                    "Invalid character detected. Try to clean the email and reconnect."
                a_body = self._clean_email_body(a_body)
                res = self.server.append(a_folder, a_body, a_flags,
Beispiel #3
    def push_email(self, a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time, a_labels):
           Push a complete email body 
        #protection against myself
        if self.login == '*****@*****.**':
            raise Exception("Cannot push to this account")
        the_t = gmvault_utils.Timer()
        LOG.debug("Before to Append email contents")
        #res = self.server.append(self.current_folder, a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time)
        res = self.server.append(u'[Google Mail]/All Mail', a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time)
        LOG.debug("Appended data with flags %s and internal time %s. Operation time = %s.\nres = %s\n" \
                  % (a_flags, a_internal_time, the_t.elapsed_ms(), res))
        # check res otherwise Exception
        if '(Success)' not in res:
            raise PushEmailError("GIMAPFetcher cannot restore email in %s account." %(self.login))
        match = GIMAPFetcher.APPENDUID_RE.match(res)
        if match:
            result_uid = int(
            LOG.debug("result_uid = %s" %(result_uid))
            # do not quarantine it because it seems to be done by Google Mail to forbid data uploading.
            raise PushEmailError("No email id returned by IMAP APPEND command. Quarantine this email.", quarantined = True)
        labels_str = self._build_labels_str(a_labels)
        if labels_str:  
            #has labels so update email  
            LOG.debug("Before to store labels %s" % (labels_str))
            self.server.select_folder(u'[Google Mail]/All Mail', readonly = self.readonly_folder) # go to current folder
            LOG.debug("Changing folders. elapsed %s s\n" % (the_t.elapsed_ms()))
            ret_code, data = self.server._imap.uid('STORE', result_uid, '+X-GM-LABELS', labels_str) #pylint: disable=W0212
            #ret_code = self.server._store('+X-GM-LABELS', [result_uid],labels_str)
            LOG.debug("After storing labels %s. Operation time = %s s.\nret = %s\ndata=%s" \
                      % (labels_str, the_t.elapsed_ms(),ret_code, data))
            LOG.debug("Stored Labels %s in gm_id %s" % (labels_str, result_uid))

            self.server.select_folder(u'[Google Mail]/Drafts', readonly = self.readonly_folder) # go to current folder
            # check if it is ok otherwise exception
            if ret_code != 'OK':
                raise PushEmailError("Cannot add Labels %s to email with uid %d. Error:%s" % (labels_str, result_uid, data))
        return result_uid
    def apply_labels_to(self, imap_ids, labels):
           apply one labels to x emails
        # go to All Mail folder
        LOG.debug("Applying labels %s" % (labels))

        the_timer = gmvault_utils.Timer()

        #utf7 the labels as they should be
        labels = [utf7_encode(label) for label in labels]

        labels_str = self._build_labels_str(labels)  # create labels str

        if labels_str:
            #has labels so update email
            LOG.debug("Before to store labels %s" % (labels_str))
            id_list = ",".join(map(str, imap_ids))
            #+X-GM-LABELS.SILENT to have not returned data
                ret_code, data = self.server._imap.uid('STORE', id_list,
                                                       labels_str)  #pylint: disable=W0212
            except imaplib.IMAP4.error, original_err:
      "Error in apply_labels_to. See exception traceback")
                # try to add labels to each individual ids
                faulty_ids = []
                for the_id in imap_ids:
                        ret_code, data = self.server._imap.uid(
                            'STORE', the_id, '+X-GM-LABELS.SILENT', labels_str)  #pylint: disable=W0212
                    except imaplib.IMAP4.error, store_err:
                            "Error when trying to apply labels %s to emails with imap_id %s. Error:%s"
                            % (labels_str, the_id, store_err))

                #raise an error to ignore faulty emails
                raise LabelError(
                    "Cannot add Labels %s to emails with uids %s. Error:%s" %
                    (labels_str, faulty_ids, original_err),
Beispiel #5
    def deprecated_push_email(self, a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time, a_labels):
           Push a complete email body 
        #protection against myself
        raise Exception("Cannot push to this account")
        the_t = gmvault_utils.Timer()
        LOG.debug("Before to Append email contents")

           res = self.server.append(u'[Google Mail]/All Mail', a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time)
        except imaplib.IMAP4.abort, err:
           # handle issue when there are invalid characters (This is do to the presence of null characters)
           if str(err).find("APPEND => Invalid character in literal") >= 0:
              a_body = self._clean_email_body(a_body)
              res    = self.server.append(u'[Google Mail]/All Mail', a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time)
Beispiel #6
    def push_data(self, a_folder, a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time):
           Push the data
        # protection against myself
        if self.login == '*****@*****.**':
            raise Exception("Cannot push to this account")

        the_timer = gmvault_utils.Timer()
        LOG.debug("Before to Append email contents")
        #import sys  #to print the msg in stdout
        #import codecs
        #sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.__stdout__)
        #msg = "a_folder = %s, a_flags = %s" % (a_folder.encode('utf-8'), a_flags)
        #msg = "a_folder = %s" % (a_folder.encode('utf-8'))
        #msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
        res = self.server.append(a_folder, a_body, a_flags, a_internal_time)

        LOG.debug("Appended data with flags %s and internal time %s. Operation time = %s.\nres = %s\n" \
                  % (a_flags, a_internal_time, the_timer.elapsed_ms(), res))

        # check res otherwise Exception
        if '(Success)' not in res:
            raise PushEmailError(
                "GIMAPFetcher cannot restore email in %s account." %

        match = GIMAPFetcher.APPENDUID_RE.match(res)
        if match:
            result_uid = int(
            LOG.debug("result_uid = %s" % (result_uid))
            # do not quarantine it because it seems to be done by Google Mail to forbid data uploading.
            raise PushEmailError(
                "No email id returned by IMAP APPEND command. Quarantine this email.",

        return result_uid
    def export_ids(self, kind, ids, default_folder, use_labels):
        """ export organised by ids """
        exported_labels = "default labels"
        if self.labels:
            exported_labels = "labels " + self.printable_label_list(self.labels)
        LOG.critical("Start %s export for %s." % (kind, exported_labels))

        timer = gmvault_utils.Timer()
        done = 0

        for a_id in ids:
            meta, msg = self.storer.unbury_email(a_id)

            folders = [default_folder]
            if use_labels:
                add_labels = meta[gmvault_db.GmailStorer.LABELS_K]
                if not add_labels:
                    add_labels = [GMVaultExporter.ARCHIVED_FOLDER]
            folders = [re.sub(r'^\\', '', f) for f in folders]
            folders = [f for f in folders if self.want_label(f)]

            LOG.debug("Processing id %s in labels %s." % \
                (a_id, self.printable_label_list(folders)))
            for folder in folders:
                self.mailbox.add(msg, folder, meta[gmvault_db.GmailStorer.FLAGS_K])

            done += 1
            left = len(ids) - done
            if done % self.PROGRESS_INTERVAL == 0 and left > 0:
                elapsed = timer.elapsed()
                LOG.critical("== Processed %d %s in %s, %d left (time estimate %s). ==\n" % \
                    (done, kind, timer.seconds_to_human_time(elapsed), \
                     left, timer.estimate_time_left(done, elapsed, left)))

        LOG.critical("Export completed in %s." % (timer.elapsed_human_time(),))