Beispiel #1
    def get_all_existing_gmail_ids(self, pivot_dir = None, ignore_sub_dir = ['chats']): #pylint:disable=W0102
           get all existing gmail_ids from the database within the passed month 
           and all posterior months
        # first create a normal dir and sort it below with an OrderedDict
        # beware orderedDict preserve order by insertion and not by key order
        gmail_ids = {}
        if pivot_dir == None:
            #the_iter = gmvault_utils.dirwalk(self._db_dir, "*.meta")
            the_iter = gmvault_utils.ordered_dirwalk(self._db_dir, "*.meta", ignore_sub_dir)
            # get all yy-mm dirs to list
            dirs = gmvault_utils.get_all_dirs_posterior_to(pivot_dir, \
                   gmvault_utils.get_all_dirs_under(self._db_dir, ignore_sub_dir))
            #create all iterators and chain them to keep the same interface
            iter_dirs = [gmvault_utils.ordered_dirwalk('%s/%s' \
                        % (self._db_dir, the_dir), "*.meta", ignore_sub_dir) for the_dir in dirs]
            the_iter = itertools.chain.from_iterable(iter_dirs)
        #get all ids
        for filepath in the_iter:
            directory, fname = os.path.split(filepath)
            gmail_ids[long(os.path.splitext(fname)[0])] = os.path.basename(directory)

        #sort by key 
        #used own orderedDict to be compliant with version 2.5
        gmail_ids = collections_utils.OrderedDict(sorted(gmail_ids.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        return gmail_ids
Beispiel #2
    def get_recent_chat_ids(self, fromdatetime=None):
           Get only chats dirs
        # first create a normal dir and sort it below with an OrderedDict
        # beware orderedDict preserve order by insertion and not by key order
        gmail_ids = {}

        chat_dir = '%s/%s' % (self._db_dir, self.CHATS_AREA)
        if os.path.exists(chat_dir):
            the_iter = gmvault_utils.ordered_dirwalk(chat_dir, "*.meta")

            #get recent ids
            for filepath in the_iter:
                directory, fname = os.path.split(filepath)
                recent_dir = fromdatetime.strftime('%Y') + '-' + fromdatetime.strftime('%m')
                if recent_dir in directory:
                    if self.unbury_metadata(os.path.splitext(fname)[0])['internal_date'] > fromdatetime:
                        gmail_ids[long(os.path.splitext(fname)[0])] = os.path.basename(directory)

            #sort by key
            #used own orderedDict to be compliant with version 2.5
            gmail_ids = collections_utils.OrderedDict(
                sorted(gmail_ids.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))

        return gmail_ids
Beispiel #3
    def get_recent_gmail_ids(self, pivot_dir=None,
                                   ignore_sub_dir=('chats',), fromdatetime=None):
           get all existing gmail_ids from the database within the passed month
           and all posterior months
        # first create a normal dir and sort it below with an OrderedDict
        # beware orderedDict preserve order by insertion and not by key order
        gmail_ids = {}

        if pivot_dir is None:
            #the_iter = gmvault_utils.dirwalk(self._db_dir, "*.meta")
            the_iter = gmvault_utils.ordered_dirwalk(self._db_dir, "*.meta",

            # get all yy-mm dirs to list
            dirs = gmvault_utils.get_all_dirs_posterior_to(
                pivot_dir, gmvault_utils.get_all_dirs_under(self._db_dir,

            #create all iterators and chain them to keep the same interface
            iter_dirs = [gmvault_utils.ordered_dirwalk('%s/%s' %
                         (self._db_dir, the_dir), "*.meta", ignore_sub_dir)
                         for the_dir in dirs]

            the_iter = itertools.chain.from_iterable(iter_dirs)

        #get recent ids
        for filepath in the_iter:
            directory, fname = os.path.split(filepath)
            recent_dir = fromdatetime.strftime('%Y') + '-' + fromdatetime.strftime('%m')
            if recent_dir in directory:
                if self.unbury_metadata(os.path.splitext(fname)[0])['internal_date'] > fromdatetime:
                    gmail_ids[long(os.path.splitext(fname)[0])] = os.path.basename(directory)

        #sort by key
        #used own orderedDict to be compliant with version 2.5
        gmail_ids = collections_utils.OrderedDict(sorted(gmail_ids.items(),
                                                         key=lambda t: t[0]))

        return gmail_ids
Beispiel #4
 def ztest_ordered_os_walk(self):
        test ordered os walk
     import gmv.gmvault_utils as gmvu
     for vals in gmvu.ordered_dirwalk('/home/aubert/gmvault-db.old/db', a_wildcards="*.meta"):
         print("vals = %s\n" % (vals))
     import os
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/Users/gaubert/Dev/projects/gmvault/src/gmv/gmvault-db/db'):
         print("root: %s, sub-dirs : %s, files = %s" % (root, dirs, files))
Beispiel #5
 def ztest_ordered_os_walk(self):
        test ordered os walk
     import gmv.gmvault_utils as gmvu
     for vals in gmvu.ordered_dirwalk('/home/aubert/gmvault-db.old/db', a_wildcards="*.meta"):
         print("vals = %s\n" % (vals))
     import os
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/Users/gaubert/Dev/projects/gmvault/src/gmv/gmvault-db/db'):
         print("root: %s, sub-dirs : %s, files = %s" % (root, dirs, files))
Beispiel #6
    def get_all_chats_gmail_ids(self):
           Get only chats dirs 
        # first create a normal dir and sort it below with an OrderedDict
        # beware orderedDict preserve order by insertion and not by key order
        gmail_ids = {}
        chat_dir = '%s/%s' % (self._db_dir, self.CHATS_AREA)
        if os.path.exists(chat_dir):
            the_iter = gmvault_utils.ordered_dirwalk(chat_dir, "*.meta")
            #get all ids
            for filepath in the_iter:
                directory, fname = os.path.split(filepath)
                gmail_ids[long(os.path.splitext(fname)[0])] = os.path.basename(directory)

            #sort by key 
            #used own orderedDict to be compliant with version 2.5
            gmail_ids = collections_utils.OrderedDict(sorted(gmail_ids.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        return gmail_ids