Beispiel #1
def SetupWindowsCrossCompileToolchain(target_arch):
    # First retrieve various MSVC and Windows SDK paths.
    output = subprocess.check_output([
        os.path.join(CHROMIUM_ROOT_DIR, 'build', ''),

    new_args = [

        # Separate from optflags because configure strips it from msvc builds...

    if target_arch == 'ia32':
        new_args += ['--extra-cflags=-m32']
    if target_arch == 'ia32':
        target_arch = 'x86'

    # Turn this into a dictionary.
    win_dirs = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(output)

    # Use those paths with a second script which will tell us the proper include
    # and lib paths to specify for cflags and ldflags respectively.
    output = subprocess.check_output([
        os.path.join(CHROMIUM_ROOT_DIR, 'build', 'toolchain', 'win',
                     ''), win_dirs['vs_path'],
        win_dirs['sdk_path'], win_dirs['runtime_dirs'], 'win', target_arch,

    flags = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(output)
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    for cflag in flags['include_flags_imsvc'].split(' '):
        # Apparently setup_toolchain prefers relative include paths, which
        # may work for chrome, but it does not work for ffmpeg, so let's make
        # them asbolute again.
        cflag = cflag.strip('"')
        if cflag.startswith("-imsvc"):
            cflag = "-imsvc" + os.path.join(cwd, cflag[6:])
        new_args += ['--extra-cflags=' + cflag]

    # TODO(dalecurtis): Why isn't the ucrt path printed?
    flags['vc_lib_ucrt_path'] = flags['vc_lib_um_path'].replace(
        '/um/', '/ucrt/')

    # Unlike the cflags, the lib include paths are each in a separate variable.
    for k in flags:
        if 'lib' in k:
            new_args += ['--extra-ldflags=-libpath:' + flags[k]]
    return new_args
def SetupWindowsCrossCompileToolchain(target_arch):
    # First retrieve various MSVC and Windows SDK paths.
    output = subprocess.check_output([
        os.path.join(CHROMIUM_ROOT_DIR, 'build', ''),

    # Turn this into a dictionary.
    win_dirs = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(output)

    # Use those paths with a second script which will tell us the proper include
    # and lib paths to specify for cflags and ldflags respectively.
    output = subprocess.check_output([
        os.path.join(CHROMIUM_ROOT_DIR, 'build', 'toolchain', 'win',
                     ''), win_dirs['vs_path'],
        win_dirs['sdk_path'], win_dirs['runtime_dirs'], 'win', target_arch,

    flags = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(output)
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    target_env = os.environ

    # Each path is of the form:
    # "/I../depot_tools/win_toolchain/vs_files/20d5f2553f/Windows Kits/10/Include/10.0.19041.0/winrt"
    # Since there's a space in the include path, inputs are quoted in |flags|, we
    # can helpfully use shlex to split on spaces while preserving quoted strings.
    include_paths = []
    for include_path in shlex.split(flags['include_flags_I']):
        # Apparently setup_toolchain prefers relative include paths, which
        # may work for chrome, but it does not work for dav1d, so let's make
        # them asbolute again.
        include_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, include_path[2:]))

    # TODO(dalecurtis): Why isn't the ucrt path printed?
    flags['vc_lib_ucrt_path'] = flags['vc_lib_um_path'].replace(
        '/um/', '/ucrt/')

    # Unlike the cflags, the lib include paths are each in a separate variable.
    lib_paths = []
    for k in flags:
        # libpath_flags is like cflags. Since it is also redundant, skip it.
        if 'lib' in k and k != 'libpath_flags':

    target_env = os.environ
    target_env['INCLUDE'] = ';'.join(include_paths)
    target_env['LIB'] = ';'.join(lib_paths)
    return target_env
Beispiel #3
def SetupWindowsCrossCompileToolchain(target_arch):
    # First retrieve various MSVC and Windows SDK paths.
    output = subprocess.check_output([
        os.path.join(CHROMIUM_ROOT_DIR, 'build', ''),

    # Turn this into a dictionary.
    win_dirs = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(output)

    # Use those paths with a second script which will tell us the proper include
    # and lib paths to specify for cflags and ldflags respectively.
    output = subprocess.check_output([
        os.path.join(CHROMIUM_ROOT_DIR, 'build', 'toolchain', 'win',
                     ''), win_dirs['vs_path'],
        win_dirs['sdk_path'], win_dirs['runtime_dirs'], 'win', target_arch,

    flags = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(output)
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    target_env = os.environ

    include_paths = []
    for cflag in flags['include_flags_imsvc'].split(' '):
        # Apparently setup_toolchain prefers relative include paths, which
        # may work for chrome, but it does not work for ffmpeg, so let's make
        # them asbolute again.
        include_path = cflag.strip('"')
        if include_path.startswith('-imsvc'):
            include_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, include_path[6:]))

    # TODO(dalecurtis): Why isn't the ucrt path printed?
    flags['vc_lib_ucrt_path'] = flags['vc_lib_um_path'].replace(
        '/um/', '/ucrt/')

    # Unlike the cflags, the lib include paths are each in a separate variable.
    lib_paths = []
    for k in flags:
        # libpath_flags is like cflags. Since it is also redundant, skip it.
        if 'lib' in k and k != 'libpath_flags':

    target_env = os.environ
    target_env['INCLUDE'] = ';'.join(include_paths)
    target_env['LIB'] = ';'.join(lib_paths)
    return target_env
Beispiel #4
    def GNArgs(self, vals):
        if vals['cros_passthrough']:
            if not 'GN_ARGS' in os.environ:
                raise MBErr('MB is expecting GN_ARGS to be in the environment')
            gn_args = os.environ['GN_ARGS']
            if not'target_os.*=.*"chromeos"', gn_args):
                raise MBErr(
                    'GN_ARGS is missing target_os = "chromeos": (GN_ARGS=%s)' %
            gn_args = vals['gn_args']

        if self.args.goma_dir:
            gn_args += ' goma_dir="%s"' % self.args.goma_dir

        android_version_code = self.args.android_version_code
        if android_version_code:
            gn_args += ' android_default_version_code="%s"' % android_version_code

        android_version_name = self.args.android_version_name
        if android_version_name:
            gn_args += ' android_default_version_name="%s"' % android_version_name

        # Canonicalize the arg string into a sorted, newline-separated list
        # of key-value pairs, and de-dup the keys if need be so that only
        # the last instance of each arg is listed.
        gn_args = gn_helpers.ToGNString(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(gn_args))

        args_file = vals.get('args_file', None)
        if args_file:
            gn_args = ('import("%s")\n' % vals['args_file']) + gn_args
        return gn_args
Beispiel #5
def _BuildWithChromium():
    """Returns value of gclient's |build_with_chromium|."""
    gni_path = os.path.join(_BUILD_DIR, 'config', 'gclient_args.gni')
    with open(gni_path) as f:
        data =
    args = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(data)
    return args['build_with_chromium']
Beispiel #6
  def GNArgs(self, vals, expand_imports=False):
    if vals['cros_passthrough']:
      if not 'GN_ARGS' in os.environ:
        raise MBErr('MB is expecting GN_ARGS to be in the environment')
      gn_args = os.environ['GN_ARGS']
      if not'target_os.*=.*"chromeos"', gn_args):
        raise MBErr('GN_ARGS is missing target_os = "chromeos": (GN_ARGS=%s)' %
      gn_args = vals['gn_args']

    if self.args.goma_dir:
      gn_args += ' goma_dir="%s"' % self.args.goma_dir

    android_version_code = self.args.android_version_code
    if android_version_code:
      gn_args += ' android_default_version_code="%s"' % android_version_code

    android_version_name = self.args.android_version_name
    if android_version_name:
      gn_args += ' android_default_version_name="%s"' % android_version_name

    args_gn_lines = []
    parsed_gn_args = {}

    args_file = vals.get('args_file', None)
    if args_file:
      if expand_imports:
        content = self.ReadFile(self.ToAbsPath(args_file))
        parsed_gn_args = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(content)
        args_gn_lines.append('import("%s")' % args_file)

    # Canonicalize the arg string into a sorted, newline-separated list
    # of key-value pairs, and de-dup the keys if need be so that only
    # the last instance of each arg is listed.

    return '\n'.join(args_gn_lines)
  def test_FromGNArgs(self):
    # Booleans and numbers should work; whitespace is allowed works.
    self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo = true\nbar = 1\n'),
                     {'foo': True, 'bar': 1})

    # Whitespace is not required; strings should also work.
    self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo="bar baz"'),
                     {'foo': 'bar baz'})

    # Comments should work (and be ignored).
    gn_args_lines = [
        '# Top-level comment.',
        'foo = true',
        'bar = 1  # In-line comment.',
                     {'foo': True, 'bar': 1})

    # Lists should work.
    self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo=[1, 2, 3]'),
                     {'foo': [1, 2, 3]})

    # Empty strings should return an empty dict.
    self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(''), {})
    self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(' \n '), {})

    # Non-identifiers should raise an exception.
    with self.assertRaises(gn_helpers.GNException):
      gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('123 = true')

    # References to other variables should raise an exception.
    with self.assertRaises(gn_helpers.GNException):
      gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo = bar')

    # References to functions should raise an exception.
    with self.assertRaises(gn_helpers.GNException):
      gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo = exec_script("//build/")')

    # Underscores in identifiers should work.
    self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('_foo = true'),
                     {'_foo': True})
    self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo_bar = true'),
                     {'foo_bar': True})
                     {'foo_': True})
Beispiel #8
def main():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('--swarming-os', help='OS specifier for Swarming.')
  parser.add_argument('--target-os', default='detect', help='gn target_os')
  parser.add_argument('--arch', '-a', default='detect',
                      help='CPU architecture of the test binary.')
                      help='Build before isolating.')
                      help='Do not build, just isolate (default).')
  parser.add_argument('--isolate-map-file', '-i',
                      help='path to isolate map file if not using default')
  parser.add_argument('--copies', '-n', type=int, default=1,
                      help='Number of copies to spawn.')
      '--device-os', help='Run tests on the given version of Android.')
      help='device_type specifier for Swarming'
      ' from .')
                      help='Use the given swarming pool.')
  parser.add_argument('--results', '-r', default='results',
                      help='Directory in which to store results.')
      help='Deprecated. Pass as test runner arg instead, like \'-- '
      help='Deprecated. Pass as test runner arg instead, like \'-- '
      help='Shard index to run. Use with --test-launcher-total-shards.')
                      help='Number of shards to split the test into. Use with'
                      ' --test-launcher-shard-index.')
  parser.add_argument('--no-test-flags', action='store_true',
                      help='Do not add --test-launcher-summary-output and '
                           '--system-log-file flags to the comment.')
  parser.add_argument('out_dir', type=str, help='Build directory.')
  parser.add_argument('target_name', type=str, help='Name of target to run.')
      help='Arguments to pass to the test runner, e.g. gtest_filter and '

  args = parser.parse_intermixed_args()

  with open(os.path.join(args.out_dir, '')) as f:
    gn_args = gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(

  if args.target_os == 'detect':
    if 'target_os' in gn_args:
      args.target_os = gn_args['target_os'].strip('"')
      args.target_os = { 'darwin': 'mac', 'linux2': 'linux', 'win32': 'win' }[

  if args.swarming_os is None:
    args.swarming_os = {
      'mac': 'Mac',
      'win': 'Windows',
      'linux': 'Linux',
      'android': 'Android',
      'fuchsia': 'Linux'

  if args.target_os == 'win' and args.target_name.endswith('.exe'):
    # The machinery expects not to have a '.exe' suffix.
    args.target_name = os.path.splitext(args.target_name)[0]

  # Determine the CPU architecture of the test binary, if not specified.
  if args.arch == 'detect':
    if args.target_os not in ('android', 'mac', 'win'):
      executable_info = subprocess.check_output(
          ['file', os.path.join(args.out_dir, args.target_name)])
      if 'ARM aarch64' in executable_info:
        args.arch = 'arm64',
        args.arch = 'x86-64'
    elif args.target_os == 'android':
      args.arch = gn_args.get('target_cpu', 'detect')

  # TODO( Use sys.executable and remove os-specific logic
  # once is in python3
  mb_cmd = ['tools/mb/mb', 'isolate']
  if not
  if args.isolate_map_file:
    mb_cmd += ['--isolate-map-file', args.isolate_map_file]
  mb_cmd += ['//' + args.out_dir, args.target_name]
  subprocess.check_call(mb_cmd, == 'nt')

  print('If you get authentication errors, follow:')

  print('Uploading to isolate server, this can take a while...')
  isolate = os.path.join(args.out_dir, args.target_name + '.isolate')
  archive_json = os.path.join(args.out_dir, args.target_name + '.archive.json')
      'tools/luci-go/isolate', 'archive', '-cas-instance', 'chromium-swarm',
      '-isolate', isolate, '-dump-json', archive_json
  with open(archive_json) as f:
    cas_digest = json.load(f).get(args.target_name)

  # TODO( Use sys.executable and remove os-specific logic
  # once is in python3
  mb_cmd = ['tools/mb/mb', 'get-swarming-command', '--as-list']
  if not
  if args.isolate_map_file:
    mb_cmd += ['--isolate-map-file', args.isolate_map_file]
  mb_cmd += ['//' + args.out_dir, args.target_name]
  mb_output = subprocess.check_output(mb_cmd, == 'nt')
  swarming_cmd = json.loads(mb_output)

  if os.path.isdir(args.results):

    print('Triggering %d tasks...' % args.copies)
    # Use dummy since threadpools give better exception messages
    # than process pools do, and threads work fine for what we're doing.
    pool = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool()
    spawn_args = [(i, args, cas_digest, swarming_cmd)
                  for i in range(args.copies)]
    spawn_results = pool.imap_unordered(_Spawn, spawn_args)

    exit_codes = []
    collect_results = pool.imap_unordered(_Collect, spawn_results)
    for result in collect_results:
      successes = sum(1 for x in exit_codes if x == 0)
      errors = sum(1 for x in exit_codes if x == INTERNAL_ERROR_EXIT_CODE)
      failures = len(exit_codes) - successes - errors
      clear_to_eol = '\033[K'
          '\r[%d/%d] collected: '
          '%d successes, %d failures, %d bot errors...%s' %
          (len(exit_codes), args.copies, successes, failures, errors,
          end=' ')

    print('Results logs collected into', os.path.abspath(args.results) + '.')
  return 0
    def test_FromGNArgs(self):
        # Booleans and numbers should work; whitespace is allowed works.
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo = true\nbar = 1\n'), {
            'foo': True,
            'bar': 1

        # Whitespace is not required; strings should also work.
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo="bar baz"'),
                         {'foo': 'bar baz'})

        # Comments should work (and be ignored).
        gn_args_lines = [
            '# Top-level comment.',
            'foo = true',
            'bar = 1  # In-line comment followed by whitespace.',
            ' ',
            'baz = false',
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('\n'.join(gn_args_lines)), {
            'foo': True,
            'bar': 1,
            'baz': False

        # Lists should work.
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo=[1, 2, 3]'),
                         {'foo': [1, 2, 3]})

        # Empty strings should return an empty dict.
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(''), {})
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs(' \n '), {})

        # Comments should work everywhere (and be ignored).
        gn_args_lines = [
            '# Top-level comment.',
            '# Variable comment.',
            'foo = true',
            'bar = [',
            '    # Value comment in list.',
            '    1,',
            '    2,',
            'baz # Comment anywhere, really',
            '  = # also here',
            '    4',
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('\n'.join(gn_args_lines)), {
            'foo': True,
            'bar': [1, 2],
            'baz': 4

        # Scope should be parsed, even empty ones.
        gn_args_lines = [
            'foo = {',
            '  a = 1',
            '  b = [',
            '    { },',
            '    {',
            '      c = 1',
            '    },',
            '  ]',
                         {'foo': {
                             'a': 1,
                             'b': [
                                     'c': 1,

        # Non-identifiers should raise an exception.
        with self.assertRaises(gn_helpers.GNError):
            gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('123 = true')

        # References to other variables should raise an exception.
        with self.assertRaises(gn_helpers.GNError):
            gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo = bar')

        # References to functions should raise an exception.
        with self.assertRaises(gn_helpers.GNError):
            gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo = exec_script("//build/")')

        # Underscores in identifiers should work.
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('_foo = true'), {'_foo': True})
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo_bar = true'),
                         {'foo_bar': True})
        self.assertEqual(gn_helpers.FromGNArgs('foo_=true'), {'foo_': True})