Beispiel #1
    def _append_array_types(self, array_types):
        append to self.array_types the input array_types.

        :param array_types: set of array_types to be appended
        :type array_types: set()

        The set contains either a name as a string, say: 'rise_vel'
        In this case, get the ArrayType from gnome.array_types.rise_vel
        Set elements could also be tuples, say: ('rise_vel': ArrayType())
        In this case the user name of the data_array and its array_type is
        specified by the tuple so append it.

        .. note:: If a tuple: ('name', ArrayType()), is given and an ArrayType
            with that name already exists in self._array_types, then it is
        for array in array_types:
            if isinstance(array, basestring):
                # allow user to override an array_type that might already exist
                # in self._array_types
                    array = getattr(gat, array)
                except AttributeError:
                    msg = ("Skipping {0} - not found in gnome.array_types;"
                           " and ArrayType is not provided.").format(array)
                    raise GnomeRuntimeError(msg)

            # must be an ArrayType of an object
            self._array_types[] = array
Beispiel #2
    def _set_init_relative_buoyancy(self, substance):
        set the initial relative buoyancy of oil wrt water
        use temperature of water to get oil density
        if relative_buoyancy < 0 raises a GnomeRuntimeError - particles will
        rho_h2o = self.water.get('density')
        rho_oil = substance.density_at_temp(self.water.get('temperature'))

        # maybe weathering_data should catch error below?
        # todo: write and raise appropriate exception
        if np.any(rho_h2o < rho_oil):
            msg = ("Found particles with relative_buoyancy < 0. "
                   "Oil is a sinker")
            raise GnomeRuntimeError(msg)

        self._init_relative_buoyancy = (rho_h2o - rho_oil) / rho_h2o