def make_model():

    start_time = datetime(2015, 5, 14, 0)
    model = Model(
        time_step=3600 * 24,  # one day
    model.cache_enabled = False
    model.uncertain = False

    # N = 10  # a line of ten points
    # line_pos = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    # line_pos[:, 0] = np.linspace(rel_start_pos[0], rel_end_pos[0], N)
    # line_pos[:, 1] = np.linspace(rel_start_pos[1], rel_end_pos[1], N)

    # start_pos = (-164.01696, 72.921024, 0)
    # model.spills += point_line_release_spill(1,
    #                                          start_position=start_pos,
    #                                          release_time=model.start_time,
    #                                          end_position=start_pos)

    # release = SpatialRelease(start_position=line_pos,
    #                          release_time=model.start_time)
    # model.spills += Spill(release)

    c_ice_mover = IceMover(curr_file, topology_file)
    model.movers += c_ice_mover

    model.outputters += IceImageOutput(c_ice_mover,
                                       viewport=((-175.0, 65.0), (-145.0,

    return model
def test_init_with_projection():
    'simple initialization passes'
    c_ice_mover = IceMover(curr_file, topology_file)
    o = IceImageOutput(c_ice_mover, projection=GeoProjection())

    assert o.ice_movers[0] is c_ice_mover

    assert not isinstance(o.map_canvas.projection, FlatEarthProjection)
    assert isinstance(o.map_canvas.projection, GeoProjection)
def test_init():
    'simple initialization passes'
    c_ice_mover = IceMover(curr_file, topology_file)
    o = IceImageOutput(c_ice_mover)

    assert o.ice_movers[0] is c_ice_mover

    assert isinstance(o.map_canvas.projection, FlatEarthProjection)
    assert o.map_canvas.viewport == ((-180, -90), (180, 90))
def test_serialize_deserialize():
    test to_dict function for Ice object
    create a new ice object and make sure it has same properties

    ice_grid = IceMover(ice_file, topology_file)
    serial = ice_grid.serialize()
    ice2 = IceMover.deserialize(serial)
    assert ice_grid == ice2
Beispiel #5
def test_serialize_deserialize():
    test to_dict function for Ice object
    create a new ice object and make sure it has same properties

    ice_grid = IceMover(ice_file, topology_file)
    serial = ice_grid.serialize('webapi')
    dict_ = IceMover.deserialize(serial)
    ice2 = IceMover.new_from_dict(dict_)
    assert ice_grid == ice2

    ice_grid.update_from_dict(dict_)  # tests no failures
Beispiel #6
def test_ice_fields():
    test that data is loaded
    checks there is non-zero motion.

    pSpill = sample_sc_release(num_le, start_pos, rel_time)
    ice_mover = IceMover(ice_file, topology_file)
    vels = ice_mover.get_ice_velocities(test_time)
    frac, thick = ice_mover.get_ice_fields(test_time)

    # fraction values between 0 and 1
    assert (np.all(frac[:] <= 1) and np.all(frac[:] >= 0) and not np.all(frac[:] == 0))

    # thickness >= 0, < 10 in this example...
    assert (np.all(thick[:] <= 10) and np.all(thick[:] >= 0) and not np.all(thick[:] == 0))
Beispiel #7
def test_loop():
    test one time step with no uncertainty on the spill
    checks there is non-zero motion.
    also checks the motion is same for all LEs

    pSpill = sample_sc_release(num_le, start_pos, rel_time)
    ice_mover = IceMover(ice_file, topology_file)
    delta = _certain_loop(pSpill, ice_mover)


    assert np.all(delta[:, 0] == delta[0, 0])  # lat move matches for all LEs
    assert np.all(delta[:, 1] == delta[0, 1])  # long move matches for all LEs
    assert np.all(delta[:, 2] == 0)  # 'z' is zeros

    return delta
Beispiel #8
def test_save_load_model(uncertain, zipsave, saveloc_):
    create a model, save it, then load it back up and check it is equal to
    original model
    model = make_model(uncertain)
    ice_mover = IceMover(testdata['IceMover']['ice_curr_curv'],
    model.movers += ice_mover
    model.outputters += IceJsonOutput([ice_mover])

    model.zipsave = zipsave

    print 'saving scenario to {}...'.format(saveloc_)
    _json_, savefile, _refs =

    print 'loading scenario ...'
    model2 = Model.load(savefile)

    assert model == model2
Beispiel #9
def test_save_load_model(uncertain, zipsave, saveloc_):
    create a model, save it, then load it back up and check it is equal to
    original model
    model = make_model(uncertain)
    ice_mover = IceMover(testdata['IceMover']['ice_curr_curv'],
    model.movers += ice_mover
    model.outputters += IceGeoJsonOutput([ice_mover])

    model.zipsave = zipsave

    print 'saving scenario ..'

    print 'loading scenario ..'
    model2 = load(zipname(saveloc_, model))

    assert model == model2
def test_ice_image_mid_run():
        Test image outputter with a model
        NOTE: could it be tested with just a mover, and not a full model?
          -- that gets tricky with the cache and timesteps...
    start_time = datetime(2015, 5, 14, 0)
    model = Model(
        time_step=3600 * 24,  # one day
    model.cache_enabled = False
    model.uncertain = False

    c_ice_mover = IceMover(curr_file, topology_file)
    model.movers += c_ice_mover

    # run the model a couple steps
    step = model.step()
    step = model.step()

    # now add the outputter
    model.outputters += IceImageOutput(c_ice_mover,
                                       viewport=((-175.0, 65.0), (-145.0,

    # and run some more:
    step = model.step()
    step = model.step()

    # and check the output
    ice_output = step['IceImageOutput']

    for key in ('time_stamp', 'thickness_image', 'concentration_image',
                'bounding_box', 'projection'):
        assert key in ice_output

        print 'thickness img size:', len(ice_output['thickness_image'])
        print 'concentration img size:', len(ice_output['concentration_image'])
def test_init_with_viewport():
    'simple initialization passes'
    c_ice_mover = IceMover(curr_file, topology_file)
    o = IceImageOutput(c_ice_mover, viewport=((-90, -90), (90, 90)))

    assert o.map_canvas.viewport == ((-90, -90), (90, 90))
def test_init_with_image_size():
    'simple initialization passes'
    c_ice_mover = IceMover(curr_file, topology_file)
    o = IceImageOutput(c_ice_mover, image_size=(1000, 1000))

    assert o.map_canvas.image_size == (1000, 1000)
Beispiel #13
#     """
#     delta = test_loop()
#     u_delta = test_uncertain_loop()
#     print
#     print delta
#     print u_delta
#     assert np.all(delta[:, :2] != u_delta[:, :2])
#     assert np.all(delta[:, 2] == u_delta[:, 2])
#     uncertain_time_delay = 3
#     u_delta = test_uncertain_loop(uncertain_time_delay)
#     print u_delta
#     assert np.all(delta[:, :2] == u_delta[:, :2])

ice_grid = IceMover(ice_file, topology_file)

# def test_default_props():
#     """
#     test default properties
#     """
#     assert ice_grid.current_scale == 1
#     assert ice_grid.uncertain_time_delay == 0
#     assert ice_grid.uncertain_duration == 24
#     assert ice_grid.uncertain_cross == .25
#     assert ice_grid.uncertain_along == .5
#     assert ice_grid.extrapolate == False
#     assert ice_grid.time_offset == 0
Beispiel #14
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):
    print 'initializing the model'

    # set up the modeling environment
    start_time = datetime(2016, 9, 23, 0, 0)
    model = Model(start_time=start_time,
                  time_step=30 * 60,

    print 'adding the map' = GnomeMap()  # this is a "water world -- no land anywhere"

    # renderere is only top-down view on 2d -- but it's something
    renderer = Renderer(
        size=(1024, 768),
    renderer.viewport = ((196.14, 71.89), (196.18, 71.93))

    print 'adding outputters'
    model.outputters += renderer

    # Also going to write the results out to a netcdf file
    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, '')

    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(
        # output most of the data associated with the elements

    print "adding Horizontal and Vertical diffusion"

    # Horizontal Diffusion
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=500)
    # vertical diffusion (different above and below the mixed layer)
    model.movers += RandomVerticalMover(vertical_diffusion_coef_above_ml=5,

    print 'adding Rise Velocity'
    # droplets rise as a function of their density and radius
    model.movers += TamocRiseVelocityMover()

    print 'adding a circular current and eastward current'
    fn = ''
    fn_ice = ''
    import pysgrid
    import netCDF4 as nc
    df = nc.Dataset(fn)
    lon = df['lon'][:]
    lat = df['lat'][:]
    grd = pysgrid.SGrid(node_lon=np.repeat(lon.reshape(1, -1),
                        node_lat=np.repeat(lat.reshape(-1, 1),
    gc = GridCurrent.from_netCDF(fn, units='m/s', grid=grd)

    model.movers += IceMover(fn_ice)
    model.movers += GridCurrentMover(fn)
    model.movers += SimpleMover(velocity=(0., 0., 0.))
    model.movers += constant_wind_mover(20, 315, units='knots')

    # Now to add in the TAMOC "spill"
    print "Adding TAMOC spill"

    model.spills += tamoc_spill.TamocSpill(
        start_position=(196.16, 71.91, 40.0),
        end_release_time=start_time + timedelta(days=1),
        name='TAMOC plume',
        TAMOC_interval=None,  # how often to re-run TAMOC

    model.spills[0].data_sources['currents'] = gc

    return model
import numpy as np
import pytest

# from gnome.basic_types import oil_status
from gnome.utilities import time_utils

from gnome.spill import SpatialRelease, Spill, point_line_release_spill
from gnome.movers import IceMover
from gnome.outputters import IceGeoJsonOutput, IceJsonOutput

from ..conftest import testdata

curr_file = testdata['IceMover']['ice_curr_curv']
topology_file = testdata['IceMover']['ice_top_curv']
c_ice_mover = IceMover(curr_file, topology_file)

def model(sample_model, output_dir):
    model = sample_model['model']
    rel_start_pos = sample_model['release_start_pos']
    rel_end_pos = sample_model['release_end_pos']

    model.start_time = datetime(2015, 5, 14, 0)
    model.cache_enabled = True
    model.uncertain = True

    N = 10  # a line of ten points
    line_pos = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype=np.float64)
    line_pos[:, 0] = np.linspace(rel_start_pos[0], rel_end_pos[0], N)
Beispiel #16
def make_model(images_dir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'images')):
    print 'initializing the model'

    start_time = datetime(1985, 1, 1, 13, 31)

    # 1 day of data in file
    # 1/2 hr in seconds
    model = Model(start_time=start_time,

    mapfile = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, 'arctic_coast3.bna'))

    print 'adding the map' = MapFromBNA(mapfile, refloat_halflife=0.0)  # seconds
# = GnomeMap()

    print 'adding outputters'

    # draw_ontop can be 'uncertain' or 'forecast'
    # 'forecast' LEs are in black, and 'uncertain' are in red
    # default is 'forecast' LEs draw on top
#     renderer = Renderer(mapfile, images_dir, image_size=(1024, 768))
#     model.outputters += renderer
    netcdf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, '')

    model.outputters += NetCDFOutput(netcdf_file, which_data='all')

    print 'adding a spill'
    # for now subsurface spill stays on initial layer
    # - will need diffusion and rise velocity
    # - wind doesn't act
    # - start_position = (-76.126872, 37.680952, 5.0),
    spill1 = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=10000,
#     spill2 = point_line_release_spill(num_elements=5000,
#                                       start_position=(-163.75,
#                                                       69.5,
#                                                       0.0),
#                                       release_time=start_time)

    model.spills += spill1
#     model.spills += spill2

    print 'adding a RandomMover:'
    model.movers += RandomMover(diffusion_coef=1000)

    print 'adding a wind mover:'
     # winds from the ROMS Arctic run, provided by Walter Johnson
    wind_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'arctic_filelist.txt')
    print wind_file
    topology_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'arctic_subset_newtopo2.DAT')
    model.movers += IceWindMover(wind_file, topology_file)
    # model.movers += GridWindMover(wind_file, topology_file)
    # model.movers += GridWindMover(wind_file, topology_file)

    print 'adding an ice mover:'
  # ice from the ROMS Arctic run, provided by Walter Johnson
    ice_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'arctic_filelist.txt')
    topology_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'arctic_subset_newtopo2.DAT')
    model.movers += IceMover(ice_file, topology_file)
    # model.movers += IceMover(ice_file)
    print ice_file

    print 'adding a current mover:'
#     fn = ['N:\\Users\\Dylan.Righi\\OutBox\\ArcticROMS\\',
#                  'N:\\Users\\Dylan.Righi\\OutBox\\ArcticROMS\\']
#     gt = {'node_lon':'lon',
#           'node_lat':'lat'}
# #     fn=''
#     ice_aware_curr = IceAwareCurrent.from_netCDF(filename=fn,
#                                                  grid_topology=gt)
#     ice_aware_wind = IceAwareWind.from_netCDF(filename=fn,
#                                               grid = ice_aware_curr.grid,)
#     method = 'Trapezoid'
# #     i_c_mover = PyGridCurrentMover(current=ice_aware_curr)
# #     i_c_mover = PyGridCurrentMover(current=ice_aware_curr, default_num_method='Euler')
#     i_c_mover = PyGridCurrentMover(current=ice_aware_curr, default_num_method=method)
#     i_w_mover = PyWindMover(wind = ice_aware_wind, default_num_method=method)
#     ice_aware_curr.grid.node_lon = ice_aware_curr.grid.node_lon[:]-360
# #     ice_aware_curr.grid.build_celltree()
#     model.movers += i_c_mover
#     model.movers += i_w_mover
#     renderer.add_grid(ice_aware_curr.grid)
#     renderer.add_vec_prop(ice_aware_curr)

#     renderer.set_viewport(((-190.9, 60), (-72, 89)))
    # curr_file = get_datafile(os.path.join(base_dir, ''))
    # c_mover = GridCurrentMover(curr_file)
    # model.movers += c_mover'.')
    return model