Beispiel #1
def test_cache_clear_on_delete():

    c1 = cache.ElementCache()
    d1 = c1._cache_dir
    c2 = cache.ElementCache()
    d2 = c2._cache_dir
    c3 = cache.ElementCache()
    d3 = c3._cache_dir
    c4 = cache.ElementCache()
    d4 = c4._cache_dir
    assert os.path.isdir(d1)
    assert os.path.isdir(d2)
    assert os.path.isdir(d3)
    assert os.path.isdir(d4)

    del c1
    assert not os.path.isdir(d1)

    del c2
    assert not os.path.isdir(d2)

    del c3
    assert not os.path.isdir(d3)

    del c4
    assert not os.path.isdir(d4)
Beispiel #2
def test_write_and_read_back_uncertain():
    write to cache and read back

    with uncertainty

    # create a cache object:

    c = cache.ElementCache()

    # create a spill_container to save:

    sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=10, start_pos=(3.14, 2.72, 1.2))
    u_sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=10, start_pos=(4.14, 3.72, 2.2),

    # put it in a SpillContainerPair

    scp = SpillContainerPairData(sc, u_sc)

    # make a copy of positons for later testing

    pos0 = sc['positions'].copy()
    u_pos0 = u_sc['positions'].copy()
    c.save_timestep(0, scp)

    # change things...

    sc['positions'] += 1.1
    u_sc['positions'] += 1.1
    pos1 = sc['positions'].copy()
    u_pos1 = u_sc['positions'].copy()
    c.save_timestep(1, scp)

    # change things...

    sc['positions'] *= 1.1
    pos2 = sc['positions'].copy()

    # save it:

    c.save_timestep(2, scp)

    # read them back

    sc2 = c.load_timestep(2)
    assert np.array_equal(sc2._spill_container['positions'], pos2)
    sc0 = c.load_timestep(0)
    assert np.array_equal(sc0._spill_container['positions'], pos0)
    assert np.array_equal(sc0._u_spill_container['positions'], u_pos0)
    sc1 = c.load_timestep(1)
    assert np.array_equal(sc1._spill_container['positions'], pos1)
    assert np.array_equal(sc1._u_spill_container['positions'], u_pos1)
    sc2 = c.load_timestep(2)
    assert np.array_equal(sc2._spill_container['positions'], pos2)
Beispiel #3
def test_cache_error():
    you should get an exception when you ask for somethign not there

    # create a cache object:

    c = cache.ElementCache()
    with pytest.raises(cache.CacheError):
Beispiel #4
def test_read_back_from_memory():
    test reading back the last item from the memory cache

    # create a cache object:

    c = cache.ElementCache()

    # create a spill_container to save:

    sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=10, start_pos=(3.14, 2.72, 1.2))

    # put it in a SpillContainerPair

    scp = SpillContainerPairData(sc)

    c.save_timestep(0, scp)

    # change things...

    sc['positions'] += 1.1
    c.save_timestep(1, scp)

    # clear the cache files (private API...)


    # with cache cleared, this shouldn't load

    with pytest.raises(cache.CacheError):

    # but this should

    scp1 = c.load_timestep(1)

    print scp1
    print scp1._spill_container._data_arrays
    assert np.array_equal(scp1._spill_container['positions'],
Beispiel #5
def test_write():

    # create a spill_container to save:

    sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=10, start_pos=(3.14, 2.72, 1.2))

    # add a timestamp:

    sc.current_time_stamp = dt

    # put it in a SpillContainerPair

    scp = SpillContainerPairData(sc)

    # create a cache object:

    c = cache.ElementCache()

    # save it:

    c.save_timestep(0, scp)
Beispiel #6
def test_rewind():
    test that the cache is cleared out after a rewind call

    # create a cache object:

    c = cache.ElementCache()

    # create a set of spill_container to save:

    sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=10, start_pos=(3.14, 2.72, 1.2))
    u_sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=10, start_pos=(4.14, 3.72, 2.2),

    # put it in a SpillContainerPair

    scp = SpillContainerPairData(sc, u_sc)

    # save it

    c.save_timestep(0, scp)

    # change things and save again

    sc['positions'] += 1.1
    u_sc['positions'] += 1.1
    pos1 = sc['positions'].copy()
    u_pos1 = u_sc['positions'].copy()
    c.save_timestep(1, scp)

    # change things and save again

    sc['positions'] *= 1.1
    pos2 = sc['positions'].copy()

    # save it:

    c.save_timestep(2, scp)

    # read them back, just to make sure

    sc2 = c.load_timestep(2)
    sc0 = c.load_timestep(0)
    sc1 = c.load_timestep(1)
    sc2 = c.load_timestep(2)

    # rewind


    # make sure nothing is there:

    with pytest.raises(cache.CacheError):
    with pytest.raises(cache.CacheError):
    with pytest.raises(cache.CacheError):

    # make sure it works again:

    c.save_timestep(0, scp)
Beispiel #7
def test_init():
    can we even create one?
    c = cache.ElementCache()
    assert True
Beispiel #8
def test_write_and_read_back():
    write to cahce an read back

    no uncertainty

    # create a cache object:

    c = cache.ElementCache()

    # create a spill_container to save:

    sc = sample_sc_release(num_elements=10, start_pos=(3.14, 2.72, 1.2))

    # add a timestamp:

    sc.current_time_stamp = dt

    # put it in a SpillContainerPair

    scp = SpillContainerPairData(sc)

    # make a copy of positons for later testing

    pos0 = sc['positions'].copy()
    c.save_timestep(0, scp)

    # change things...

    sc['positions'] += 1.1
    pos1 = sc['positions'].copy()

    # change time stamp

    sc.current_time_stamp = dt + tdelta
    c.save_timestep(1, scp)

    # change things...

    sc['positions'] *= 1.1
    pos2 = sc['positions'].copy()

    # change time stamp

    sc.current_time_stamp = dt + tdelta * 2

    # save it:

    c.save_timestep(2, scp)

    # read them back

    sc2 = c.load_timestep(2)
    assert np.array_equal(sc2._spill_container['positions'], pos2)
    assert sc2._spill_container.current_time_stamp == dt + tdelta * 2

    sc0 = c.load_timestep(0)
    assert np.array_equal(sc0._spill_container['positions'], pos0)
    assert sc0._spill_container.current_time_stamp == dt

    sc1 = c.load_timestep(1)
    assert np.array_equal(sc1._spill_container['positions'], pos1)
    assert sc1._spill_container.current_time_stamp == dt + tdelta

    sc2 = c.load_timestep(2)
    assert np.array_equal(sc2._spill_container['positions'], pos2)
    assert sc2._spill_container.current_time_stamp == dt + tdelta * 2