def dis_correct(data, asp, dis_map=None, ya_corr=None, q_corr=None, cut=False):
    if cut:
      ya_mask = data[:,4]>=2
      q_mask = data[:,5]>5
      data = data[ya_mask&q_mask]
    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    if dis_map is not None:
      low_mask = data[:,3]<16
      high_mask = data[:,3]>=16

      coo = data[low_mask, 6:8]
      data[low_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
      data[low_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

      coo = data[high_mask, 6:8]
      data[high_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
      data[high_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    if q_corr is not None:
      q_mask = data[:,5]<24
      data[q_mask,6] -= q_corr[data[q_mask,5].astype(int),-2]*36000*800*0.001666/2400.
      data[q_mask,7] -= q_corr[data[q_mask,5].astype(int),-1]*36000*800*0.001666/2400.

    if ya_corr is not None:
      data[:,6] -= ya_corr[data[:,4].astype(int)-2,-2]*36000*800*0.001666/2400.
      data[:,7] -= ya_corr[data[:,4].astype(int)-2,-1]*36000*800*0.001666/2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,6], data[:,7], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.array([ra,dec]).T, data[:,0]
def dis_correct(data, dis_map, asp, slope, inter):
    ya_mask = data[:, 2] >= 2
    q_mask = np.ones(data.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    #q_mask = data[:,3]>5
    data_new = data[ya_mask & q_mask]
    print data.shape
    ix = np.digitize(data_new[:, 0] / 1000., asp[:, 0]) - 1

    low_mask = data_new[:, 1] < 16
    high_mask = data_new[:, 1] >= 16

    coo = data_new[low_mask, 4:6]
    data_new[low_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data_new[low_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = data_new[high_mask, 4:6]
    data_new[high_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data_new[high_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    if slope is not None:
        data_new[:, 5] -= (slope * data_new[:, 2] +
                           inter) * 36000 * 800 * 0.001666 / 2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data_new[:, 4], data_new[:, 5], asp[ix, 1],
                                asp[ix, 2], -asp[ix, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
    return np.concatenate(
        [np.array([ra, dec]).T, data[ya_mask & q_mask, 0:6], asp[ix, 1:4]],
Beispiel #3
def dis_correct(data, asp, dis_map=None, slope=None, inter=None, cut=False):
    if cut:
        ya_mask = data[:, 2] >= 2
        q_mask = data[:, 3] > 5
        data = data[ya_mask & q_mask]
    ix = np.digitize(data[:, 0] / 1000., asp[:, 0]) - 1

    if dis_map is not None:
        low_mask = data[:, 1] < 16
        high_mask = data[:, 1] >= 16

        coo = data[low_mask, 4:6]
        data[low_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
        data[low_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

        coo = data[high_mask, 4:6]
        data[high_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
        data[high_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    if slope is not None:
        data[:, 5] -= (slope * data[:, 2] +
                       inter) * 36000 * 800 * 0.001666 / 2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:, 4], data[:, 5], asp[ix, 1], asp[ix, 2],
                                -asp[ix, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
    return np.array([ra, dec]).T
Beispiel #4
def dis_correct(data, asp, dis_map=None, ya_corr=None, q_corr=None, cut=False):
    if cut:
        ya_mask = data[:, 2] >= 2
        q_mask = data[:, 3] > 5
        data = data[ya_mask & q_mask]
    ix = np.digitize(data[:, 0] / 1000., asp[:, 0]) - 1

    if dis_map is not None:
        low_mask = data[:, 1] < 16
        high_mask = data[:, 1] >= 16

        coo = data[low_mask, 4:6]
        data[low_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
        data[low_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

        coo = data[high_mask, 4:6]
        data[high_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
        data[high_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    if q_corr is not None:
        q_mask = data[:, 3] < 24
        data[q_mask, 4] -= q_corr[data[q_mask, 3].astype(int),
                                  -2] * 36000 * 800 * 0.001666 / 2400.
        data[q_mask, 5] -= q_corr[data[q_mask, 3].astype(int),
                                  -1] * 36000 * 800 * 0.001666 / 2400.

    if ya_corr is not None:
        data[:, 4] -= ya_corr[data[:, 2].astype(int) - 2,
                              -2] * 36000 * 800 * 0.001666 / 2400.
        data[:, 5] -= ya_corr[data[:, 2].astype(int) - 2,
                              -1] * 36000 * 800 * 0.001666 / 2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:, 4], data[:, 5], asp[ix, 1], asp[ix, 2],
                                -asp[ix, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
    return np.array([data[:, 0], ra, dec, data[:, 4], data[:, 5]]).T
def dis_correct(data, dis_map, asp):
    ix = np.digitize(data['time']/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    low_mask = data['xa']<16
    high_mask = data['xa']>=16

    coo = np.array([data['xi'][low_mask],data['eta'][low_mask]]).T
    data['xi'][low_mask] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data['eta'][low_mask] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = np.array([data['xi'][high_mask],data['eta'][high_mask]]).T
    data['xi'][high_mask] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data['eta'][high_mask] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data['xi'], data['eta'], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.array([ra,dec]).T
Beispiel #6
def dis_correct(data, dis_map, asp):
    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    low_mask = data[:,1]<16
    high_mask = data[:,1]>=16

    coo = data[low_mask, 3:5]
    data[low_mask, 3] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data[low_mask, 4] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = data[high_mask, 3:5]
    data[high_mask, 3] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data[high_mask, 4] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,3], data[:,4], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.array([ra,dec]).T
def no_dis(data, dis_map, asp):
    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    low_mask = data[:,3]<16
    high_mask = data[:,3]>=16

    coo = data[low_mask, 6:8]
    data[low_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data[low_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = data[high_mask, 6:8]
    data[high_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data[high_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,6], data[:,7], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.array([ra,dec]).T
def no_dis(data, dis_map, asp):
    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    low_mask = data[:,3]<16
    high_mask = data[:,3]>=16

    coo = data[low_mask, 6:8]
    data[low_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data[low_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = data[high_mask, 6:8]
    data[high_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data[high_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,6], data[:,7], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return data[:,8:10], data[:,3:6]#np.array([ra,dec]).T
def dis_correct(data, dis_map, asp):
    ix = np.digitize(data['time'] / 1000., asp[:, 0]) - 1

    low_mask = data['xa'] < 16
    high_mask = data['xa'] >= 16

    coo = np.array([data['xi'][low_mask], data['eta'][low_mask]]).T
    data['xi'][low_mask] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data['eta'][low_mask] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = np.array([data['xi'][high_mask], data['eta'][high_mask]]).T
    data['xi'][high_mask] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data['eta'][high_mask] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data['xi'], data['eta'], asp[ix, 1],
                                asp[ix, 2], -asp[ix, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
    return np.array([ra, dec]).T
def dis_correct(data, dis_map, asp):
    ya_mask = data[:,4]>=2
    data = data[ya_mask]

    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    low_mask = data[:,3]<16
    high_mask = data[:,3]>=16

    coo = data[low_mask, 6:8]
    data[low_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data[low_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = data[high_mask, 6:8]
    data[high_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data[high_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    data[:,7] -= (-0.0281724222131*data[:,4]+0.489247048825)*36000*800*0.001666/2400.
    #data[:,7] -= (-0.0426715749118*data[:,4]+0.714434337023)*36000*800*0.001666/2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,6], data[:,7], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.array([ra,dec]).T, data[:,3:6]
def dis_correct(data, dis_map, asp, slope, inter):
    ya_mask = data[:, 4] >= 2
    data = data[ya_mask]

    ix = np.digitize(data[:, 0] / 1000., asp[:, 0]) - 1

    low_mask = data[:, 3] < 16
    high_mask = data[:, 3] >= 16

    coo = data[low_mask, 6:8]
    data[low_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data[low_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = data[high_mask, 6:8]
    data[high_mask, 6] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data[high_mask, 7] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    data[:, 7] -= (slope * data[:, 4] + inter) * 36000 * 800 * 0.001666 / 2400.
    #data[:,7] -= (-0.0426715749118*data[:,4]+0.714434337023)*36000*800*0.001666/2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:, 6], data[:, 7], asp[ix, 1], asp[ix, 2],
                                -asp[ix, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
    return np.array([ra, dec]).T, data[:, 3:6]
def dis_correct(data, asp, dis_map=None, slope=None, inter=None, cut=False):
    if cut:    
      ya_mask = data[:,2]>=2
      q_mask = data[:,3]>5
      data = data[ya_mask&q_mask]
    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    if dis_map is not None:
      low_mask = data[:,1]<16
      high_mask = data[:,1]>=16

      coo = data[low_mask, 4:6]
      data[low_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
      data[low_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

      coo = data[high_mask, 4:6]
      data[high_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
      data[high_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    if slope is not None:
      data[:,5] -= (slope*data[:,2]+inter)*36000*800*0.001666/2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,4], data[:,5], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.array([ra,dec]).T
def dis_correct(data, dis_map, asp, slope, inter):
    ya_mask = data[:,2]>=2
    q_mask = np.ones(data.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    #q_mask = data[:,3]>5
    data = data[ya_mask&q_mask]
    print data.shape
    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    low_mask = data[:,1]<16
    high_mask = data[:,1]>=16

    coo = data[low_mask, 4:6]
    data[low_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_l'](coo)
    data[low_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_l'](coo)

    coo = data[high_mask, 4:6]
    data[high_mask, 4] -= dis_map['xi_h'](coo)
    data[high_mask, 5] -= dis_map['eta_h'](coo)

    if slope is not None:
        data[:,5] -= (slope*data[:,2]+inter)*36000*800*0.001666/2400.

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,4], data[:,5], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.concatenate([np.array([ra,dec]).T, data[:,0:6], asp[ix,1:4]], axis=1)
def run_one_r_sec(pid, scan_name, step, start, end, return_dict):

    print('run one r sec')
    pixsz = 0.000416666666666667
    #skypos_count = [5.,-9.5]
    #skyrange_count = [2., 3.]
    #tranges_count = [[0,0]]
    #imsz_count = imsz = imagetools.deg2pix_g(skypos_count, skyrange_count, pixsz)
    #wcs_count = imagetools.define_wcs_g(skypos_count,skyrange_count,width=False,height=False,verbose=0,pixsz=pixsz)
    #count = np.zeros(imsz_count)

    num_co = int(1 / step)

    hdulist ='../AIS_GAL_SCAN/asprta/%s-asprta.fits' % scan_name)
    co_data = hdulist[1].data
    length = co_data.shape[0]

    #cal_initial = int((co_data[1][0]-0.5)*1000)
    #offsets = np.load('../data/%s/cata/offsets_inter_half_sec.npy'%scan_name)

    angle_list = [0.]

    print length
    for initial_sec in range(start, end):
        print 'time:%d' % initial_sec
        file_path = '../data/%s/cata/centroids_sec%d.npy' % (scan_name,
      if os.path.exists(file_path):
        print 'skip:%d'%initial_sec
        intitial_asp = co_data[initial_sec]
        rot = intitial_asp[3]
        center = np.array([intitial_asp[1], intitial_asp[2]])
        #use the first order calibrated asp instead of the original one
        #center = cal_asp_r(offsets, cal_initial, intitial_asp[0]*1000, intitial_asp[1:3], 200)


        skypos = [0.0, 0.0]
        skyrange = [0.2, 0.2]

        wcs = imagetools.define_wcs(skypos,

        initial_time = intitial_asp[0] - 0.5

        tranges = []

        for sec in range(num_co):
                [initial_time + step * sec, initial_time + step * (sec + 1)])
        print tranges

        #data = get_data_cal(tranges, scan_name, cal_initial, offsets)
        data = get_data(tranges, scan_name)
        print len(data)

        output = "../data/%s/cata/%s.csv" % (scan_name, scan_name)
        dir = os.path.dirname(output)
        if not os.path.exists(dir):
        centroids = []
        for sec in range(num_co):
            if len(data[sec]) == 0:
                centroid = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
                print centroid
            coo1 = np.array(data[sec], dtype='float64')[:, -3:-1]
            coo2 = catalog_fits.get_catalog(center, 0.69)

            coo1 = angle_filter(coo1, center, 0.5)
            coo2 = angle_filter(coo2, center, 0.5)

            xi, eta = gn.gnomfwd_simple(coo1[:, 0], coo1[:, 1], center[0],
                                        center[1], -rot, 1 / 36000., 0.0)

            max_now = -1000
            cent_now = []
            for angle in angle_list:
                     0], coo1[:,
                              1] = gn.gnomrev_simple(xi, eta, center[0],
                                                     center[1], -(rot + angle),
                                                     1 / 36000., 0.)
                centroid, max_value = get_corr_map(coo2, coo1, skypos,
                                                   skyrange, sec, 0.2, 0.004)
                if max_value > max_now:
                    max_now = max_value
                    cent_now = np.append(centroid,
                                         angle)  #centroid.append(angle)

        print centroids
            '../data/%s/cata/centroids_rot%d.npy' % (scan_name, initial_sec),
def dis_correct_non(data, dis_map, asp):
    ix = np.digitize(data[:,0]/1000., asp[:,0])-1

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:,6], data[:,7], asp[ix,1], asp[ix,2], -asp[ix,3],1/36000.,0.)
    return np.array([ra,dec]).T
        scst_time = scst_tmp['pktime']
        ix_tmp = np.digitize(asp_solution_tmp[:, 0], scst_time) - 1
        ix_mask = (ix_tmp >= 0) & (ix_tmp < scst_time.shape[0])

        ix_tmp = ix_tmp[ix_mask]
        asp_solution_tmp = asp_solution_tmp[ix_mask]
        hv = scst_tmp['hvnom_nuv']
        mask = hv[ix_tmp] > 0
        ix_tmp = ix_tmp[mask]
        asp_solution_tmp = asp_solution_tmp[mask]

        x = np.array([0, 0])
        y = np.array([0, 10000.])

        ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(x[0], y[0], asp_solution_tmp[:, 1],
                                    asp_solution_tmp[:, 2],
                                    -asp_solution_tmp[:, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
        sky_data = SkyCoord(np.array([ra, dec]).T,
        gal = sky_data.transform_to(Galactic)
        data0 = np.concatenate(
            (np.array([gal.l.deg]).T, np.array([gal.b.deg]).T), axis=1)

        ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(x[1], y[1], asp_solution_tmp[:, 1],
                                    asp_solution_tmp[:, 2],
                                    -asp_solution_tmp[:, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
        sky_data = SkyCoord(np.array([ra, dec]).T,
def run_one_r_sec(pid, scan_name, step, start, end, return_dict):

    print('run one r sec')
    pixsz = 0.000416666666666667
    #skypos_count = [5.,-9.5]
    #skyrange_count = [2., 3.]
    #tranges_count = [[0,0]]
    #imsz_count = imsz = imagetools.deg2pix_g(skypos_count, skyrange_count, pixsz)
    #wcs_count = imagetools.define_wcs_g(skypos_count,skyrange_count,width=False,height=False,verbose=0,pixsz=pixsz)
    #count = np.zeros(imsz_count)

    num_co = int(1/step)

    hdulist ='../AIS_GAL_SCAN/asprta/%s-asprta.fits'%scan_name)
    co_data = hdulist[1].data
    length = co_data.shape[0]

    #cal_initial = int((co_data[1][0]-0.5)*1000)
    #offsets = np.load('../data/%s/cata/offsets_inter_half_sec.npy'%scan_name)

    angle_list = [0.]

    print length
    for initial_sec in range(start, end):
      print 'time:%d'%initial_sec
      file_path = '../data/%s/cata/centroids_sec%d.npy'%(scan_name, initial_sec)
      if os.path.exists(file_path):
        print 'skip:%d'%initial_sec
      intitial_asp = co_data[initial_sec]
      rot = intitial_asp[3]
      center = np.array([intitial_asp[1], intitial_asp[2]])
      #use the first order calibrated asp instead of the original one
      #center = cal_asp_r(offsets, cal_initial, intitial_asp[0]*1000, intitial_asp[1:3], 200) 


      skypos = [0.0, 0.0]
      skyrange = [0.2, 0.2]

      wcs = imagetools.define_wcs(skypos,skyrange,width=False,height=False,verbose=0,pixsz=0.0001)

      initial_time = intitial_asp[0]-0.5

      tranges = []

      for sec in range(num_co):
        tranges.append([initial_time+step*sec, initial_time+step*(sec+1)])
      print tranges

      #data = get_data_cal(tranges, scan_name, cal_initial, offsets)
      data = get_data(tranges, scan_name)
      print len(data)

      output = "../data/%s/cata/%s.csv"%(scan_name, scan_name)
      dir = os.path.dirname(output)
      if not os.path.exists(dir):
      centroids = []
      for sec in range(num_co):
        if len(data[sec]) ==0:
          centroid = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
          print centroid
        coo1 = np.array(data[sec], dtype='float64')[:,-3:-1]
        coo2 = catalog_fits.get_catalog(center, 0.69)

        coo1 = angle_filter(coo1, center, 0.5)
        coo2 = angle_filter(coo2, center, 0.5)

        xi, eta = gn.gnomfwd_simple(coo1[:,0], coo1[:,1], center[0], center[1], -rot, 1/36000., 0.0)

        max_now = -1000
        cent_now = []
        for angle in angle_list:
          coo1[:,0], coo1[:,1] = gn.gnomrev_simple(xi,eta,center[0],center[1],-(rot+angle),1/36000.,0.)
          centroid, max_value = get_corr_map(coo2, coo1, skypos, skyrange, sec, 0.2, 0.004)
          if max_value>max_now:
            max_now = max_value
            cent_now = np.append(centroid, angle) #centroid.append(angle)

      print centroids'../data/%s/cata/centroids_rot%d.npy'%(scan_name, initial_sec), centroids)
Beispiel #18
def run_one_r_sec(pid, scan_name, step, start, end, return_dict):

    pixsz = 0.000416666666666667
    skypos_count = [5.,-9.5]
    skyrange_count = [2., 3.]
    tranges_count = [[0,0]]
    imsz_count = imsz = imagetools.deg2pix_g(skypos_count, skyrange_count, pixsz)
    wcs_count = imagetools.define_wcs_g(skypos_count,skyrange_count,width=False,height=False,verbose=0,pixsz=pixsz)
    count = np.zeros(imsz_count)

    num_co = int(1/step)

    hdulist ='../AIS_GAL_SCAN/asprta/%s-asprta.fits'%scan_name)
    co_data = hdulist[1].data
    length = co_data.shape[0]

    cal_initial = int((co_data[1][0]-0.5)*1000)
    offsets = np.load('../data/%s/cata/offsets_inter_half_sec.npy'%scan_name)

    angle_list = [-0.035, -0.03, -0.025, -0.02, -0.015, -0.01, -0.005, 0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.03, 0.035]

    print length
    for initial_sec in range(start, end):
      print 'time:%d'%initial_sec
      file_path = '../data/%s/cata/centroids_sec%d.npy'%(scan_name, initial_sec)
      if os.path.exists(file_path):
        print 'skip:%d'%initial_sec
      intitial_asp = co_data[initial_sec]
      rot = intitial_asp[3]
      center = np.array([intitial_asp[1], intitial_asp[2]])
      #use the first order calibrated asp instead of the original one
      center = cal_asp_r(offsets, cal_initial, intitial_asp[0]*1000, intitial_asp[1:3], 200) 


      skypos = [0.0, 0.0]
      skyrange = [0.02, 0.02]

      wcs = imagetools.define_wcs(skypos,skyrange,width=False,height=False,verbose=0,pixsz=0.0001)

      initial_time = intitial_asp[0]-0.5

      tranges = []

      for sec in range(num_co):
        tranges.append([initial_time+step*sec, initial_time+step*(sec+1)])
      print tranges

      data = get_data_cal(tranges, scan_name, cal_initial, offsets)
      print len(data)

      output = "../data/%s/cata/%s.csv"%(scan_name, scan_name)
      dir = os.path.dirname(output)
      if not os.path.exists(dir):
      centroids = []
      for sec in range(num_co):
        if len(data[sec]) ==0:
          centroid = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
          print centroid
        coo1 = np.array(data[sec], dtype='float64')[:,-3:-1]
        coo2 = catalog_fits.get_catalog(center, 0.69)

        coo1 = angle_filter(coo1, center, 1.)
        coo2 = angle_filter(coo2, center, 1.)

        xi, eta = gn.gnomfwd_simple(coo1[:,0], coo1[:,1], center[0], center[1], -rot, 1/36000., 0.0)

        max_now = -1000
        cent_now = []
        for angle in angle_list:
          coo1[:,0], coo1[:,1] = gn.gnomrev_simple(xi,eta,center[0],center[1],-(rot+angle),1/36000.,0.)
          centroid, max_value = get_corr_map(coo2, coo1, skypos, skyrange, sec, 0.02, 0.004)
          if max_value>max_now:
            max_now = max_value
            cent_now = np.append(centroid, angle) #centroid.append(angle)

        coo1[:,0], coo1[:,1] = gn.gnomrev_simple(xi,eta,center[0]-cent_now[0],center[1]-cent_now[1],-(rot+cent_now[2]),1/36000.,0.)
        sky_data = SkyCoord(coo1, unit='deg', frame=FK5, equinox='J2000.0')
        gal = sky_data.transform_to(Galactic)
        data_count = np.concatenate((np.array([gal.l.deg]).T, np.array([gal.b.deg]).T), axis=1) 
        H = hist_g(data_count, wcs_count, imsz_count)
        count += H
        sky_data=gal=data_count=H = None

        #xi2, eta2 = gn.gnomfwd_simple(coo2[:,0], coo2[:,1], center[0], center[1], -rot, 1/36000., 0.0)

        #r, phi = cart2pol(xi, eta)
        #r2, phi2 = cart2pol(xi2, eta2)

        #coo1 = np.array([r,phi]).T
        #coo2 = np.array([r2,phi2]).T

        #get_corr_map(coo2, coo1, skypos, skyrange, sec, 0.05, 0.0015)  

        print cent_now
      print centroids'../data/%s/cata/centroids_rot%d.npy'%(scan_name, initial_sec), centroids)
    hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(count)
    hdu = imagetools.fits_header('NUV', skypos_count, tranges_count, skyrange_count, hdu=hdu, wcs=wcs_count)
    hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])
    hdulist.writeto('../fits/count_map_%s_gal_sec_rot_count.fits'%(scan_name), clobber=False)
        scst_tmp ='{0}/{1}-scst.fits'.format(scst, name))[1].data
        scst_time = scst_tmp['pktime']
        ix_tmp = np.digitize(asp_solution_tmp[:,0], scst_time)-1
        ix_mask = (ix_tmp>=0) & (ix_tmp<scst_time.shape[0])

        ix_tmp = ix_tmp[ix_mask]
        asp_solution_tmp = asp_solution_tmp[ix_mask]
        hv = scst_tmp['hvnom_nuv']
        mask = hv[ix_tmp]>0
        ix_tmp = ix_tmp[mask]
        asp_solution_tmp = asp_solution_tmp[mask]

        x = np.array([0,0])
        y = np.array([0,10000.])

        ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(x[0], y[0], asp_solution_tmp[:,1], asp_solution_tmp[:,2], -asp_solution_tmp[:,3],1/36000.,0.)
        sky_data = SkyCoord(np.array([ra,dec]).T, unit='deg', frame=FK5, equinox='J2000.0')
        gal = sky_data.transform_to(Galactic)
        data0 = np.concatenate((np.array([gal.l.deg]).T, np.array([gal.b.deg]).T), axis=1)

        ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(x[1], y[1], asp_solution_tmp[:,1], asp_solution_tmp[:,2], -asp_solution_tmp[:,3],1/36000.,0.)
        sky_data = SkyCoord(np.array([ra,dec]).T, unit='deg', frame=FK5, equinox='J2000.0')
        gal = sky_data.transform_to(Galactic)
        data1 = np.concatenate((np.array([gal.l.deg]).T, np.array([gal.b.deg]).T), axis=1)
        up = np.array([0,1.])
        vector = ((data1-data0).T/np.linalg.norm((data1-data0),axis=1)).T
        angle = [ang(vector[i],up) for i in range(vector.shape[0])]

        plt.plot(angle, label=re.split('_',name)[3]+re.split('_',name)[4])
def dis_correct_non(data, dis_map, asp):
    ix = np.digitize(data[:, 0] / 1000., asp[:, 0]) - 1

    ra, dec = gn.gnomrev_simple(data[:, 6], data[:, 7], asp[ix, 1], asp[ix, 2],
                                -asp[ix, 3], 1 / 36000., 0.)
    return np.array([ra, dec]).T