Beispiel #1
"Simple __slots__ test"

import gnosis.xml.pickle as xml_pickle
import funcs


class foo(object):
    __slots__ = ('a', 'b')


f = foo()
f.a = 1
f.b = 2
#print f.a, f.b

s = xml_pickle.dumps(f)
#print s

g = xml_pickle.loads(s)
#print g.a, g.b

if g.__class__ != foo or g.a != f.a or g.b != f.b:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

print "** OK **"
Beispiel #2

### we print type+value to make sure unpickling really worked
##def printfoo(obj):
##	  print type(obj.s1), obj.s1
##	  print type(obj.s2), obj.s2
##	  print type(obj.f), obj.f
##	  print type(obj.i), obj.i, type(obj.i2), obj.i2
##	  print type(,
##	  print type(obj.j), obj.j
##	  print type(obj.n), obj.n
##	  print type(obj.d), obj.d['One'], obj.d['Two'], obj.d['Three']
##	  print type(obj.l), obj.l[0], obj.l[1], obj.l[2]
##	  print type(obj.tup), obj.tup[0], obj.tup[1], obj.tup[2]

xml_pickle.setParanoia(0)  # allow it to use our namespace

foo = foo_class()

# try putting numeric content in body (doesn't matter which
# numeric type)
setInBody(ComplexType, 1)

# test both code paths

# path 1 - non-nested ('attr' nodes)
foo.s1 = "this is a \" string with a ' in it"
foo.s2 = 'this is a \' string with a " in it'
foo.f = 123.456
foo.i = 789
foo.i2 = 0  # zero was a bug in 1.0.1
Beispiel #3
turned into more of a test of pickling self-referencing objects (toplevels are
still tested, however). --fpm"""

import gnosis.xml.pickle as xml_pickle
import random, re, sys
from gnosis.xml.pickle.ext import XMLP_Mutator, XMLP_Mutated
import gnosis.xml.pickle.ext as mutate
from UserList import UserList
import funcs

class foo: pass

# so we can unpickle foo

# test the obvious self-refs
l = [1,2]
#print l
x = xml_pickle.dumps(l)
#print x
g = xml_pickle.loads(x)
#print g
# check values & ref
if g[0] != l[0] or g[1] != l[1] or id(g[2]) != id(g):
    raise "ERROR(1)"

d = {'a':1}
d['b'] = d
Beispiel #4
    # OTOH, we want all mutated objects that match our tag
    # ('userlist'), so do nothing for 'wants_mutated()'

    def mutate(self,obj):
        return XMLP_Mutated(,

    def unmutate(self,mobj):
        p = mobj.extra.split('.')
        klass = util.get_class_from_name(p[1],p[0],
        return klass(mobj.obj)

print "*** TEST 4 ***"

xml_pickle.setParanoia(0) # let xml_pickle use our namespace

my1 = mutate_userlist()

class mylist(UserList):pass
class zlist(mylist): pass

class foo:pass
f = foo()

f.u = UserList([1,2,3,4])
f.m = mylist([5,6,7,8])
f.z = zlist([9,10,11,12])

print f.u.__class__, f.u
Beispiel #5
            raise "ERROR(1)"
### we print type+value to make sure unpickling really worked
##def printfoo(obj):
##	  print type(obj.s1), obj.s1
##	  print type(obj.s2), obj.s2
##	  print type(obj.f), obj.f
##	  print type(obj.i), obj.i, type(obj.i2), obj.i2
##	  print type(,
##	  print type(obj.j), obj.j
##	  print type(obj.n), obj.n
##	  print type(obj.d), obj.d['One'], obj.d['Two'], obj.d['Three']
##	  print type(obj.l), obj.l[0], obj.l[1], obj.l[2]
##	  print type(obj.tup), obj.tup[0], obj.tup[1], obj.tup[2]

xml_pickle.setParanoia(0)  # allow it to use our namespace

foo = foo_class()

# try putting numeric content in body (doesn't matter which
# numeric type)

# test both code paths

# path 1 - non-nested ('attr' nodes)
foo.s1 = "this is a \" string with a ' in it"
foo.s2 = 'this is a \' string with a " in it'
foo.f = 123.456
foo.i = 789
foo.i2 = 0 # zero was a bug in 1.0.1