def rename_prefixe_lib(root): """ Rename automatically the generated .so files to be consistent. :param root: :return: """ files = listfiles(root, patterns=[".so"]) files = [(file, "{}/{}.so".format(parent(file), name(name(file)))) for file in files] for (file_before, file_after) in files: command = "mv {} {}".format(file_before, file_after) print(command) os.system(command)
def __init__(self, lib_root, version, logo_img=""): os.environ["ASPHINX_LIBROOT"] = lib_root os.environ["ASPHINX_NAMELIB"] = name(lib_root) os.environ["ASPHINX_VERSION"] = version os.environ["ASPHINX_LOGO"] = logo_img os.environ[ "PATH"] = f"{parent(os.sys.executable)}:{os.environ['PATH']}" self._name_lib = name(lib_root) self._lib_root = lib_root self._parent_lib_root = f"{parent(self._lib_root)}/" self._version = version self._current_dir = parent(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self._module = None self._name_class = None self._name_function = None
def ext_modules(root, remove_c=True, filter_key=""): """ Clean up the modules by removing undesired extensions default is ["c", "o", "pyc", "pyx"] Return a list if extension to use in :param root: :param remove_c: default True :return list: """ from distutils.extension import Extension py_files = listfiles(root, patterns=[".py"], excludes=["/", ".pyc"]) modules_dict = {} proot = parent(root) for file in py_files: file = file.replace(proot, "")[1:] parent_modules = ".".join(parent(file).replace( "/", ".").split(".")).replace("-", "_") key = "{parent_modules}.{leaf_module}".format( parent_modules=parent_modules, leaf_module=name(file)) if key.__contains__(filter_key): try: modules_dict[key].append(file) except: modules_dict[key] = [file] print(modules_dict) return [Extension(key, value) for key, value in list(modules_dict.items())]
def generate_rst(self, pkg): """ Scan a package and generate automatically a rst string to save as a rst file for documentation. :param root: package root :param package: package or module to generate the rst file :return string: """ #Set the variables package = f"{self._lib_root}/{pkg.replace('.', '/')}" files = os.listdir(package) pyfiles = [f"{package}/{f}" for f in files if f[-3:] == ".py"] pyscripts = [PyscriptParser(file) for file in pyfiles] [ s.update({ "currentmodule": self.get_current_module(s._file), "currentfile": name(s._file) }) for s in pyscripts ] self.__output = f"{pyscripts[0]['currentmodule']}\n==============================================================\n\n" # Process each module sequentially [self.read_member_class(pyscript) for pyscript in pyscripts] [self.read_functions(pyscript) for pyscript in pyscripts] # Write the result print( f"{self.__output}\n============================================================================\n" ) with open(f"{self._current_dir}/{self._name_lib}.{pkg}.rst", "w") as f: f.write(self.__output)
def __init__(self, root, setup, version="1.0a28"): self.root = root self.setup = setup self.lib_name = name(root) self.curdir = parent(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.version = version self.exe = os.path.sys.executable os.environ["VERSION"] = self.version self.clean()
def export(self, img, plyfile): # Load the files setmesh = NMesh(self.files['model']) setmesh.set_color([0, 200, 200]) # Set the color deg = int(name(img).split("_")[0]) theta = (deg/360)*2*pi setmesh.rotate(axis_rotation=2, theta=theta) setmesh.export(plyfile)
def reload_annotations(dir, imgs, ann_file='annotation.txt'): try: assert os.path.exists(ann_file) my_case = name(dir) lines = open(ann_file, 'r').readlines()[::-1] lines = [line.split('\n')[0] for line in lines] for line in lines: case, img = line.split(",") if case==my_case: return int(np.argwhere(imgs==img).reshape(-1, )[0]), True return 0, False
def __init__(self, root): super(ImageGenerator, self).__init__() def add_text(string, img): font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # org org = (50, 50) # fontScale fontScale = 1 # Blue color in BGR color = (255, 255, 255) # Line thickness of 2 px thickness = 2 # Using cv2.putText() method return cv2.putText(img, string, org, font, fontScale, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA) # Load the files self.files = dict([(name(file), file) for file in listfiles(root)]) setmesh = NMesh(self.files['model']) # Set the color setmesh.set_color([0, 200, 200]) _img0 = setmesh.shot() setmesh.rotate(axis_rotation=0, theta=pi) _img1 = setmesh.shot() _img1 = cv2.flip(_img1, 0) img_master0 = np.zeros((800, 800, 3), np.uint8) img_master0[200:-200, 200:-200] = 255 - _img0 img_master1 = np.zeros((800, 800, 3), np.uint8) img_master1[200:-200, 200:-200] = 255 - _img1 for theta in np.arange(0, 2*pi, 2*pi / 360): deg = int((theta / pi) * 180) img0 = self.rotateImage(img_master0, deg) img0 = add_text(name(root), img0) img1 = self.rotateImage(img_master1, deg) img = np.zeros((800, 1600, 3), np.uint8) img[:, :800] = img0 img[:, 800:] = img1 self.setdefault('{root}/{deg}_None.None'.format(root=root, deg=str(deg).zfill(3)), img)
def up_down_selection(): while True: dir = os.path.join(args.root, cases[k]) result, img = process_dir(dir, ImageGenerator(dir)) if result == __PREVIOUS_CASE__: k=k-1 if k<0: k = len(cases)-1 elif result==__NEXT_CASE__: k = k + 1 # if k == len(cases): # print('finished') # break else: with open('annotation.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(",".join([name(parent(img)), img]) + '\n') print(img,' is validated') k = k + 1 if k == len(cases): k = 0
def click_and_crop(event, x, y, flags, param): global refPt, croping # grab references to the global variables # if the left mouse button was clicked, record the starting # (x, y) coordinates and indicate that cropping is being # performed if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: refPt = [(x, y)] cropping = True # check to see if the left mouse button was released elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: # record the ending (x, y) coordinates and indicate that # the cropping operation is finished refPt.append((x, y)) cropping = False with open('annotations.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('{name_file}\t{pts}\n'.format(name_file=name( parent(file)), pts=refPt)) # draw a rectangle around the region of interest cv2.rectangle(image, refPt[0], refPt[1], (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow("image", image)
k = k + 1 # if k == len(cases): # print('finished') # break else: with open('annotation.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(",".join([name(parent(img)), img]) + '\n') print(img,' is validated') k = k + 1 if k == len(cases): k = 0 if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Annotate 3d files from 2d projected volumes') parser.add_argument('--root', default='samples') args = parser.parse_args() cases = set(os.listdir(args.root)) cases_processed = set([line.split(",")[0] for line in open("annotation.txt", "r").readlines()]) cases = cases.difference(cases_processed) cases = list(cases) k=0 for k in tqdm(range(len(cases)), total=len(cases)): dir = os.path.join(args.root, cases[k]) image_generator = ImageGenerator(dir) result, img = process_dir(dir, image_generator) assert result==__VALIDATE_IMG__ with open('annotation.txt', 'a') as f: image_generator.export(img, "samples/{name}.ply".format(name=name(parent(img)))) f.write(",".join([name(parent(img)), img]) + '\n')
import sys import subprocess from gnutools.utils import listfiles, name import random argslist = list(sys.argv)[1:] root_manifest = argslist[argslist.index('--root-manifest') + 1] manifests = list( set([ name(manifest).replace('train_', '').replace('val_', '') for manifest in listfiles(root_manifest, ['.json']) ])) random.shuffle(manifests) for manifest in manifests: argslist_k = argslist + ['--manifest', name(manifest), '--epochs', '1'] print(argslist_k) p = subprocess.Popen([str(sys.executable)] + [''] + argslist_k) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=p.returncode, cmd=p.args)
def generate_rst(root, package): """ Scan a package and generate automatically a rst string to save as a rst file for documentation. :param root: package root :param package: package or module to generate the rst file :return string: """ root = os.path.realpath(root) package = os.path.realpath(package) proot = parent(root) + "/" modules = np.unique([ file.replace(proot, "").replace("/", ".").replace("py", "")[:-1] for file in listfiles(package, level=1, patterns=[".py"]) ]) module_name = package.replace(proot, "").replace("/", ".").replace(".py", "") output = "{}\n==============================================================\n\n".format( module_name) for module in modules: splits = module.split("__init__") if len(splits) == 2: path = "{}{}".format(proot, splits[0].replace(".", "/")) else: path = "{}{}.py".format(proot, module.replace(".", "/")) with open(path, "r") as f: modules_dict = {} modules_dict[name(path)] = [] members_class = {} functions = [] lines = f.readlines() last = "" for line in lines: if ((line[:8] == " def ") | (line[:6] == "class ")): if line.__contains__("class "): name_class = line.split("class ")[1].replace( ":\n", "").split("(")[0].split("\n")[0] modules_dict[name_class] = module members_class[name_class] = [] last = "class" else: name_member_class = line.split(" def ")[1].split( "(")[0] if not name_member_class.__contains__("__"): if last == "class": members_class[name_class].append( name_member_class) last = "class" elif line[:4] == "def ": name_function = line.split("def ")[1].split("(")[0] modules_dict[name_function] = module functions.append(name_function) last = "function" for name_class, class_value in members_class.items(): output += ".. currentmodule:: {}\n\n".format(module_name) output += \ "{}\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n" \ ".. autoclass:: {}\n" \ " :members: {}\n" \ " :special-members:\n\n".format(name_class, name_class, ", ".join(class_value)) if len(functions) > 0: if not ext(module) == "__init__": output += ".. currentmodule:: {}\n\n".format(module_name) output += "{}\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n".format( ext(module)) else: output += ".. currentmodule:: {}\n\n".format(module_name) for function in functions: output += \ ".. autofunction:: {}\n".format(function) output += "\n" print( "{}\n============================================================================\n" .format(output)) return output