def main(): # Get arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Starts a game of go in the terminal.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', type=int, default=19, help='size of board') args = parser.parse_args() if args.size < 7 or args.size > 19: sys.stdout.write('Board size must be between 7 and 19!\n') sys.exit(0) # Initialize board and view board = Board(args.size) view = View(board) err = None # User actions def move(): """ Makes a move at the current position of the cursor for the current turn. """ board.move(*view.cursor) view.redraw() def undo(): """ Undoes the last move. """ board.undo() view.redraw() def redo(): """ Redoes an undone move. """ board.redo() view.redraw() def exit(): """ Exits the game. """ sys.exit(0) # Action keymap KEYS = { 'w': view.cursor_up, 's': view.cursor_down, 'a': view.cursor_left, 'd': view.cursor_right, ' ': move, 'u': undo, 'r': redo, '\x1b': exit, } # Main loop while True: # Print board clear() sys.stdout.write('{0}\n'.format(view)) sys.stdout.write('Black: {black} <===> White: {white}\n'.format(**board.score)) sys.stdout.write('{0}\'s move... '.format(board.turn)) if err: sys.stdout.write('\n' + err + '\n') err = None # Get action key c = getch() try: # Execute selected action KEYS[c]() except BoardError as be: # Board error (move on top of other piece, suicidal move, etc.) err = be.message except KeyError: # Action not found, do nothing pass
def main(): # Get arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Starts a game of go in the terminal.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', type=int, default=19, help='size of board') parser.add_argument("-a", "--ai", action="store_true", help='whether to play against the AI') # have argument for playing again AI... # have method to get a move from the AI, given the current board # have AI play, then draw board args = parser.parse_args() if args.size < 7 or args.size > 19: sys.stdout.write('Board size must be between 7 and 19!\n') sys.exit(0) # Initialize board and view board = Board(args.size) view = View(board) ai = Random_AI() err = None def _do_ai_move(): """ Gets a position to play from AI until the play results in a valid move. """ valid_move = False while not valid_move: ai_move = ai.get_move(board) try: board.move(*ai_move) valid_move = True except BoardError as be: print "AI made invalid move! Moving again: " + be.message # User actions def move(): """ Makes a move at the current position of the cursor for the current turn. If the AI is enabled, also performs the AI move, returning to the player's turn. """ board.move(*view.cursor) if _do_ai_move() view.redraw() def undo(): """ Undoes the last move. """ board.undo() view.redraw() def redo(): """ Redoes an undone move. """ board.redo() view.redraw() def exit(): """ Exits the game. """ sys.exit(0) # Action keymap KEYS = { 'w': view.cursor_up, 's': view.cursor_down, 'a': view.cursor_left, 'd': view.cursor_right, ' ': move, 'u': undo, 'r': redo, '\x1b': exit, } # Main loop while True: # Print board clear() sys.stdout.write('{0}\n'.format(view)) sys.stdout.write('Black: {black} <===> White: {white}\n'.format(**board.score)) sys.stdout.write('{0}\'s move... '.format(board.turn)) if err: sys.stdout.write('\n' + err + '\n') err = None # Get action key c = getch() try: # Execute selected action KEYS[c]() except BoardError as be: # Board error (move on top of other piece, suicidal move, etc.) err = be.message except KeyError: # Action not found, do nothing pass
def main(moves_to_play = 3): # Get arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Starts a game of go in the terminal.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', type=int, default=19, help='size of board') args = parser.parse_args() if args.size < 7 or args.size > 19: sys.stdout.write('Board size must be between 7 and 19!\n') sys.exit(0) # Initialize board and view board = Board(args.size) view = View(board) err = None global move_count, prev_move_count, dm, mm, npboard, pred pred = (1,1) dm = data_manager.data_manager() dm.load_popularity_boards() mm = model_manager.model_manager() mm.load_many_models(1,moves_to_play) move_count = 0 prev_move_count = move_count #actions def goboard_to_npboard(goboard): global move_count goboard_np = np.array(goboard) goboard_array = [] for i in range(19): goboard_array.append([.5]*19) i,j=0,0 for row in goboard: if j >18: j=0 for col in row: if i >18: i=0 if col._type == 'white': goboard_array[i][j] = 1.0 elif col._type == 'black': goboard_array[i][j] = 0.0 else: goboard_array[i][j] = 0.5 i+=1 j+=1 for i in range(len(goboard_array)): goboard_array[i] = goboard_array[i][::-1] goboard_array = np.array(goboard_array).T return np.concatenate(goboard_array) #return npboard def cpu_play(): global mm, move_count, npboard global pred if move_count > 0: if (move_count % 2) == 0: color = 'b' else: color = 'w' predictions = mm.guess_list(npboard, move_count, dm) x, y = predictions[0] pred = predictions[0] move = (y+1, 18-x+1) board.move(move[0], move[1]) view.redraw() def move(): """ Makes a move at the current position of the cursor for the current turn. """ board.move(*view.cursor) view.redraw() def undo(): """ Undoes the last move. """ board.undo() view.redraw() def redo(): """ Redoes an undone move. """ board.redo() view.redraw() def exit(): """ Exits the game. """ sys.exit(0) # Action keymap KEYS = { 'w': view.cursor_up, 's': view.cursor_down, 'a': view.cursor_left, 'd': view.cursor_right, ' ': move, 'u': undo, 'r': redo, 'c': cpu_play, '\x1b': exit, } # Main loop while True: clear() global pred sys.stdout.write('{0}\n'.format(view)) print "move #:", move_count sys.stdout.write('Black: {black} <===> White: {white}\n'.format(**board.score)) sys.stdout.write('{0}\'s prediction '.format(pred)) sys.stdout.write('{0}\'s '.format(mm.most_popular_moves)) sys.stdout.write('{0}\'s move... '.format(board.turn)) if err: sys.stdout.write('\n' + err + '\n') err = None # Get action key c = getch() global move_count, prev_move_count change_flag = 0 try: # Execute selected action KEYS[c]() prev_move_count = move_count if c == ' ' or c == 'r' or c == 'c': move_count += 1 change_flag = 1 elif c == 'u': move_count = max( [0, move_count-1] ) change_flag = 1 except BoardError as be: # Board error (move on top of other piece, suicidal move, etc.) if change_flag == 1: move_count = prev_move_count change_flag = 1 err = be.message except KeyError: # Action not found, do nothing pass if change_flag == 1: # update global npboard global npboard npboard = goboard_to_npboard(board._state.board)