Beispiel #1
def test_unquote_bad():
    testv = (
        # in            error
        ('x"zzz"', 'no starting "'),
        ('"zzz', 'no closing "'),
        ('"\\', 'unexpected EOL after \\'),
        ('"\\x', 'unexpected EOL after \\x'),
        ('"\\x0', 'unexpected EOL after \\x'),
        ('"\\z"', 'invalid escape \\z'),

    for tin, err in testv:
        with raises(ValueError) as exc:
        assert exc.value.args == (err, )
Beispiel #2
def test_unquote_noncanon():
    testv = (
        # quoted w/o "      unquoted
        (r'\a', "\x07"),
        (r'\b', "\x08"),
        (r'\v', "\x0b"),
        (r'\f', "\x0c"),

    for tquoted, tunquoted in testv:
        q = '"' + tquoted + '"'
        assert unquote(q) == tunquoted
Beispiel #3
def test_quote():
    testv = (
        # in                quoted without leading/trailing "
        ('', r""),
        (byterange(0, 32),
        ('\'', r"'"),
        ('"', r"\""),
        ('ab c\ndef', r"ab c\ndef"),
        ('a\'c\ndef', r"a'c\ndef"),
        ('a\"c\ndef', r"a\"c\ndef"),
        (u'a\"c\ndef', u"a\\\"c\\ndef"),
        (b'a\"c\ndef', br'a\"c\ndef'),
        ('привет\nмир', r"привет\nмир"),
        (u'привет\nмир', u"привет\\nмир"),

        # invalid utf-8
        (b"\xd0a", br"\xd0a"),

        # non-printable utf-8

    for tin, tquoted in testv:
        # quote(in) == quoted
        # in = unquote(quoted)
        q = b'"' if isinstance(tquoted, bytes) else '"'
        tail = b'123' if isinstance(tquoted, bytes) else '123'
        tquoted = q + tquoted + q  # add lead/trail "

        assert quote(tin) == tquoted
        assert unquote(tquoted) == tin
        assert unquote_next(tquoted) == (tin, type(tin)())
        assert unquote_next(tquoted + tail) == (tin, tail)
        with raises(ValueError):
            unquote(tquoted + tail)

        # qq always gives str
        assert qq(tin) == asstr(tquoted)

        # also check how it works on complementary unicode/bytes input type
        if isinstance(tin, bytes):
                tin = tin.decode('utf-8')
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                # some inputs are not valid UTF-8
            tquoted = tquoted.decode('utf-8')
            tail = tail.decode('utf-8')
            # tin was unicode
            tin = tin.encode('utf-8')
            tquoted = tquoted.encode('utf-8')
            tail = tail.encode('utf-8')

        assert quote(tin) == tquoted
        assert unquote(tquoted) == tin
        assert unquote_next(tquoted) == (tin, type(tin)())
        assert unquote_next(tquoted + tail) == (tin, tail)
        with raises(ValueError):
            unquote(tquoted + tail)

        # qq always gives str
        assert qq(tin) == asstr(tquoted)
Beispiel #4
        def get(name):
            l = self._readline()
            if l is None or not l.startswith(b'%s ' % name):
                self._badline('no %s' % name)

            return strconv.unquote(l[len(name) + 1:])