Beispiel #1
def show_golf_course_par5_holes(database_name):
    Show a list of golf course names with the total par
    and the hole number and par for each hole where the
    par is equal to 5: 

    print("\nShow the Par 5 Hole Numbers For Each Golf Course\n")

    # Get a cursor for the connection

    dbhelper = GolfTourDatabaseHelper(database_name)
    database_connection = dbhelper.get_connection(database_name)
    c = database_connection.cursor()

    # Create SQL query

    sql = '''
        select course_name, course_total_par,
              hole_number, hole_par
        from GolfCourse join Hole
        on course_id = hole_course_id
        where hole_par = 5

    # Execute query and display results
    for row in c.execute(sql):

    # Close the cursor and the database connection
Beispiel #2
def show_tournaments_for_golfer_Jo(database_name):
    Show a list of tournaments and golfer names played by golfers
    whose name begins with Jo: 

    print("\nTournaments Played by Golfer's Whose Name Begins With Jo\n")
    # Get a cursor for the connection
    dbhelper = GolfTourDatabaseHelper(database_name)
    database_connection = dbhelper.get_connection(database_name)
    c = database_connection.cursor()

    # Create SQL query
    sql = '''
    select golfer_name, tourn_name
        from TournGolfer
            join Tournament on 
                tg_tourn_id = tourn_id
            join Golfer on 
                tg_golfer_id = golfer_id
        where golfer_name like 'Jo%'
        order by golfer_name

    # Execute query and display results
    for row in c.execute(sql):

    # Close the cursor and the database connection
Beispiel #3
def show_my_query(database_name):
    Show data from the golf tour database

    print("\nData from my query\n")
    # Get a cursor for the connection
    dbhelper = GolfTourDatabaseHelper(database_name)
    database_connection = dbhelper.get_connection(database_name)
    c = database_connection.cursor()

    # Create SQL query
    sql = '''
        select tourn_name, golfer_name, golfer_city
                from Tournament
                join TournGolfer on tourn_id = tg_tourn_id
                join Golfer on  tg_golfer_id = golfer_id
                where golfer_city != 'Raleigh' and tourn_name = 'Raleigh 1'

    # Execute query and display results
    for row in c.execute(sql):

    # Close the cursor and the database connection
Beispiel #4
def show_my_query(database_name):
    Show data from the golf tour database

    print("\nData from my query\n")

    # Please provide your code here from Discussion Board Assignment
    dbhelper = GolfTourDatabaseHelper(database_name)
    database_connection = dbhelper.get_connection(database_name)
    c = database_connection.cursor()

    sql = '''
                select distinct golfer_name, tourn_name
                   from GolferRoundScores
                      join TournGolfer on
                           grs_tourn_golfer_id = tg_id
                      join Golfer on
                           tg_golfer_id = golfer_id
                      join Tournament on
                           tg_tourn_id = tourn_id
                   where tourn_name LIKE 'WTCC%'
                   order by tourn_name

    for row in c.execute(sql):

    # Close the cursor and the database connection
Beispiel #5
def show_tourn_scores_top5_Apex3(database_name):
    Show the total tournament scores for the top
    five golfers, who played the 'Apex 3' tournament

    print("\nTotal Scores For Top 5 Golfers in Apex 3 Tournament\n")

    # Get a cursor for the connection

    dbhelper = GolfTourDatabaseHelper(database_name)
    database_connection = dbhelper.get_connection(database_name)
    c = database_connection.cursor()

    # Create SQL query

    sql = '''
        select golfer_name, tourn_name, sum (grs_total_score) as total
           from GolferRoundScores
              join TournGolfer on
                   grs_tourn_golfer_id = tg_id
              join Golfer on
                   tg_golfer_id = golfer_id
              join Tournament on
                   tg_tourn_id = tourn_id
           where tourn_name = 'Apex 3'
           group by grs_tourn_golfer_id
           order by tourn_name, total
           limit 5

    # Execute query and display results
    for row in c.execute(sql):

    # Close the cursor and the database connection
Beispiel #6
def main():
    1.  Initialize the input and output file names
    2.  Initialize the database and table names for output
    3.  Call create_golf_courses function, passing in the the input
        file name, and retrieving the returned golf_course_list,
        a list of GolfCourse objects containing information for 5 golf courses
    4.  Call create_holes function, passing in the golf_course_holes_dict
        and retrieving the returned holes_list,
        a list of Hole objects containing information for 90 golf course holes
    5.  Call create_golfers function, passing in the input
        file name, and retrieving the returned golfer_list,
        a list of Golfer objects containing information for 30 golfers
    6.  Write out the class objects to files from:
        crate_golf_courses, create_holes, create_golfers
    7.  Call create_tournaments function, passing in the input
        file name, and retrieving the returned tournament_list,
        a list of Tournament objects containing information for 15 tournaments
        and a tournament golfers dictionary, tournament_golfers_dict,
        whose key is the tourn_id and the value is the list of golfers
        playing in that tournament
    8.  Call create_rounds function, passing in the tournament_list from above,
        and retrieving the returned rounds_list,
        a list of Round objects containing information for 45 tournament rounds
    9.  Call create_tourn_golfers function, using the tournament_golfers_dict
        and the golfer_list from above, retrieving the returned tourn_golfers_list
        a list of TournGolfer objects containing information for 225 tournament golfers
    10. Write out the class objects to files from:
        create_tournaments, create_rounds, create_tourn_golfers
    11. Call create_golfer_scores function, passing in the round scores input
        file name, golfer_list returned from the create_golfers
        function, tournament_list returned from the create_tournaments
        function, and tourn_golfers_list returned from the
        create_tourn_golfers function, and retrieving the
        returned golfer_scores_list
    12. Write out the class objects to files from:
    13. Remove the database, if it already exists
    14. Create a GolfTourDatabaseHelper object
    15. Use the GolfTourDatabaseHelper object to create
        the database and to create the tables.
    16. Use the GolfTourDatabaseHelper object to populate database tables
    17. Close the database connection
    18. Write the following functions to query the database
        show_golf_course_last3_holes (database_name)
        show_tourn_scores_top5_Apex3 (database_name)
        show_golf_course_par5_holes (database_name)
        show_tournaments_for_golfer_Jo (database_name)

    print("Wake Golf Tour Project 1")

    # 1. Initialize the input and output file names

    golf_courses_infile = "golfCoursesInput.csv"
    golfers_infile = "golfersInput.csv"
    tournaments_infile = "tournamentsInput.csv"
    golfer_scores_infile = "roundScoresInput.csv"

    golf_courses_file = "golfCourses.csv"
    holes_file = "holes.csv"
    golfers_file = "golfers.csv"
    tournaments_file = "tournaments.csv"
    tourn_golfers_file = "tournGolfers.csv"
    rounds_file = "rounds.csv"
    golfer_scores_file = "golferRoundScores.csv"

    # 2. Initialize the database and table names for output

    database_name = "WakeGolfTour.db"
    golf_courses_table = "GolfCourse"
    holes_table = "Hole"
    golfers_table = "Golfer"
    tournaments_table = "Tournament"
    tourn_golfers_table = "TournGolfer"
    rounds_table = "Round"
    golfer_scores_table = "GolferRoundScores"

    # 3. Call create_golf_courses function, passing in the input
    #    file name, and retrieving the returned golf_courses_list,
    #    a list of 5 golf course objects and the golf_course_holes_dict,
    #    containing information about the holes for each of the golf courses

    golf_course_list, golf_course_holes_dict = create_golf_courses(

    # 4. Call create_holes function, passing in the golf_course_holes_dict
    #    and retrieving the returned holes_list,
    #    a list of Hole objects containing information for 90 golf course holes

    holes_list = create_holes(golf_course_holes_dict)

    # 5. Call create_golfers function, passing in the input
    #    file name, and retrieving the returned golfer_list,
    #    a list of 30 golfer objects

    golfer_list = create_golfers(golfers_infile)

    # 6. Write out the lists returned from the create functions:
    #    create_golf_courses, create_golfers, create_tournaments

    write_objs_to_file(golf_courses_file, golf_course_list)
    write_objs_to_file(holes_file, holes_list)
    write_objs_to_file(golfers_file, golfer_list)

    # 7. Call create_tournaments function, passing in the input
    #    file name and golf_course_list, retrieving the returned tournament_list,
    #    a list of 15 tournament objects, and a dictionary with the tourn_id as the key
    #    and a list of golfers for that tournament as the value

    tournament_list, tourn_golfers_dict = create_tournaments(
        tournaments_infile, golf_course_list)

    # 8. Call create_rounds function, passing in the input
    #    file name and the tournament_list, retrieving the returned rounds_list,
    #    a list of Round objects

    rounds_list = create_rounds(tournament_list)

    # 9. Call create_tourn_golfers function, using tourn_golfers_dict
    #    and the golfers_list, retrieving the returned tourn_golfers_list,
    #    a list of TournGolfer objects

    tourn_golfers_list = create_tourn_golfers(tourn_golfers_dict, golfer_list)

    # 10. Write out the lists returned from the create functions:
    #    create_holes, create_rounds, create_tourn_golfers

    write_objs_to_file(tournaments_file, tournament_list)
    write_objs_to_file(rounds_file, rounds_list)
    write_objs_to_file(tourn_golfers_file, tourn_golfers_list)

    # 11. Call create_golfer_scores function, passing in the
    #     golfer_scores_list returned from the read_golfer_scores
    #     function, golfers_list returned from the read_golfers
    #     function, tourns_list returned from the create_tournaments
    #     function, rounds_list returned from the create_rounds
    #     function, and the tourn_golfers_list returned from the
    #     create_tourn_golfers function, and retrieving the
    #     returned golfer_scores_list

    golfer_scores_list = create_golfer_scores(golfer_scores_infile,
                                              golfer_list, tournament_list,
                                              rounds_list, tourn_golfers_list)

    # 12. Write out the class objects to a file from:
    #     create_golfer_scores

    write_objs_to_file(golfer_scores_file, golfer_scores_list)

    # 13. Remove the database, if it already exists

    if os.path.exists(database_name):

    # 14. Create a GolfTourDatabaseHelper object

    db_helper = GolfTourDatabaseHelper(database_name)

    # 15. Use the GolfTourDatabaseHelper object to create
    #     the database and to create the tables.


    # 16. Use the GolfTourDatabaseHelper object to populate database tables

    db_helper.save_to_database(golf_courses_table, golf_courses_file)
    db_helper.save_to_database(holes_table, holes_file)
    db_helper.save_to_database(golfers_table, golfers_file)
    db_helper.save_to_database(tournaments_table, tournaments_file)
    db_helper.save_to_database(tourn_golfers_table, tourn_golfers_file)
    db_helper.save_to_database(rounds_table, rounds_file)
    db_helper.save_to_database(golfer_scores_table, golfer_scores_file)

    # 17. Close the database connection


    # 18. Write the following functions to query the database
