def matches(glider, x, y):
  for i in range(0, len(glider.clist), 2):
    if g.getcell(glider.clist[i]+x, glider.clist[i+1]+y) == 0: return 0
  bkg = glider.background
  for i in range(0, len(bkg), 2):
    if g.getcell(bkg[i]+x, bkg[i+1]+y) == 1:  return 0
  return 1
def checkneighbor(x, y):
   # first check if x,y is outside bounded grid
   if g.getwidth() > 0 and (x < gridl or x > gridr): return
   if g.getheight() > 0 and (y < gridt or y > gridb): return
   if g.getcell(x, y) == 0: return
   # no need for next test because we kill cell after adding it to ncells
   # if (x, y) in ncells: return False
   ncells.append( (x, y, g.getcell(x,y)) )
   g.setcell(x, y, 0)
def checkneighbor(x, y):
    # first check if x,y is outside bounded grid
    if g.getwidth() > 0 and (x < gridl or x > gridr): return
    if g.getheight() > 0 and (y < gridt or y > gridb): return
    if g.getcell(x, y) == 0: return
    # no need for next test because we kill cell after adding it to ncells
    # if (x, y) in ncells: return False
    ncells.append( (x, y, g.getcell(x,y)) )
    g.setcell(x, y, 0)
def rules(x, y, u):
    i = neighborcount(x, y)
    if i == 3 and g.getcell(x, y) == 0:
        u[x][y] = 1
    if i > 3 and g.getcell(x, y) == 1:
        u[x][y] = 0
    if i < 2 and g.getcell(x, y) == 1:
        u[x][y] = 0
    if i == (2 | 3) and g.getcell(x, y) == 1:
        u[x][y] = g.getcell(x, y)
    return u
Beispiel #5
def scanXY(x, y, islast, lines):
    res = ""
    for i in range(10):
        for j in range(10):
            if g.getcell(x + i, y + j) != 0:
                if not islast:
                    add_rule(lines, XY_toline(x + i, y + j))

            elif g.getcell(x + i + 10, y + j) != 0:
                add_rule(lines, XY_toline(x + i, y + j))

    return res
Beispiel #6
def XY_toline(x, y):
    global variables
    ids = {}

    for i in variables:
        ids[i] = 0

    res = ""

    for i, j, in idxs:
        res += cell_to_string(g.getcell(x + i, y + j), ids) + ","

    res += cell_to_string(g.getcell(x + 10, y), ids, g.getcell(x, y)) + "\n"

    return res
def findlivecell(x, y):
    if g.getcell(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]

    # spiral outwards from x,y looking for a nearby live cell;
    # the smaller the scale the smaller the area searched
    maxd = 10
    mag = g.getmag()
    if mag > 0:
        # mag can be 1..5 (ie. scales 1:2 to 1:32)
        maxd = 2 * (6 - mag)    # 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
    d = 1
    while d <= maxd:
        x -= 1
        y -= 1
        for i in range(2*d):
            x += 1   # move east
            if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
        for i in range(2*d):
            y += 1   # move south
            if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
        for i in range(2*d):
            x -= 1   # move west
            if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
        for i in range(2*d):
            y -= 1   # move north
            if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
        d += 1

    return []   # failed to find a live cell
def bruteForceSearch(searchPatt):
    cols = len(searchPatt[0])
    rows = len(searchPatt)
    matches = list()

    wd = golly.getwidth()
    ht = golly.getheight()

    [startWd, endWd] = getIndices(wd)
    [startHt, endHt] = getIndices(ht)
    #formatStr = 'Width: {0}   Height: {1}\nStart Pos: ({2},{3})\nEnd Pos:{4},{5}\np,q = {6} {7} ' 

    # Only search the candidate matrix cells which can contain
    # the matrix we're searching for
    candidates = [(x,y) for x in range(startWd,endWd-cols+2) for y in range(startHt,endHt-rows+2)]
    for (iCol, iRow) in candidates:
        jCol = 0
        jRow = 0 
        while(golly.getcell(iCol + jCol,iRow + jRow) == searchPatt[jRow][jCol]):
            if (jCol == cols-1) and (jRow == rows-1):
                print '        Match = ({0},{1})'.format(iCol,iRow)
            jCol = jCol + 1
            if (jCol > cols - 1):
                jCol = 0
                jRow = jRow + 1
                if (jRow > rows - 1):
                    print '        Break = ({0},{1})'.format(iCol,iRow)
                    break ## End of search space, and no match found
    return [matches, candidates]
Beispiel #9
def outputmatch(outputcells):
    outputmatchflag = 1
    for outcell in range(0, len(outputcells), 3):
        if g.getcell(outputcells[outcell], outputcells[outcell + 1]) != 1:
            outputmatchflag = 0
    return outputmatchflag
Beispiel #10
def count_bits(row, col, value):
    x = col
    total = 0
    while g.getcell(x, row) == value:
        total += 1
        x += 1
    return total
Beispiel #11
def create_smaller_icons(big, small):
    # scale down the big x big bitmaps into small x small bitmaps
    # using a simple sampling algorithm
    global iconinfo15, iconinfo31
    if big == 15:
        numicons = iconinfo15[1] // 15
        ybig = 32
        # big = 31
        numicons = iconinfo31[1] // 31
        ybig = 0
    if small == 7:
        y = 48
        # small = 15
        y = 32
    sample = big // small
    offset = sample // 2
    for i in range(numicons):
        x = i * 32
        for row in range(small):
            for col in range(small):
                state = g.getcell(x + offset + col * sample,
                                  ybig + offset + row * sample)
                if state > 0:
                    g.setcell(x + col, y + row, state)
Beispiel #12
def create31x31icons():
    # scale up the 15x15 bitmaps into 31x31 bitmaps using a simple
    # algorithm that conserves any vertical or horizontal symmetry
    global iconinfo15
    width = 15
    middle = 7  # middle row or column in 15x15 icon
    height = iconinfo15[1]
    numicons = height // width
    for i in range(numicons):
        x = i * 32
        y = 32
        for row in range(width):
            for col in range(width):
                state = g.getcell(x + col, y + row)
                if state > 0:
                    if row == middle and col == middle:
                        # expand middle cell into 9 cells
                        xx = i * 32 + 15
                        yy = 15
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy - 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx - 1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy - 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx - 1, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx - 1, yy - 1, state)
                    elif row == middle:
                        # expand cell in middle row into 6 cells
                        xx = i * 32 + col * 2
                        yy = row * 2
                        if col > middle: xx += 1
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy + 2, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy + 2, state)
                    elif col == middle:
                        # expand cell in middle column into 6 cells
                        xx = i * 32 + col * 2
                        yy = row * 2
                        if row > middle: yy += 1
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 2, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 2, yy + 1, state)
                        # expand all other cells into 4 cells
                        xx = i * 32 + col * 2
                        yy = row * 2
                        if col > middle: xx += 1
                        if row > middle: yy += 1
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy + 1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx + 1, yy + 1, state)
Beispiel #13
def PrepareList(cells):"")
    cells = g.getcells(g.getrect())"")
    g.putcells(cells, -cells[0], -cells[1])
    c = g.getcells(g.getrect())

    result = []

    for i in xrange(0, len(c), 2):
        x = c[i]
        y = c[i + 1]

        for dx in xrange(-1, 2):
            for dy in xrange(-1, 2):
                val = g.getcell(x + dx, y + dy)

                if (x + dx, y + dy, val) in result:

                result.append((x + dx, y + dy, val))


    return result
def recipe():
	res = ""
	i = 0
	prev = 0 
	while True:
		i += 1
		y = int(128 * i) + 1
		cells = g.getcells([-1500+y, y, 2 * 1500, 3])
		if len(cells) == 0:
		x = cells[0]
		y = cells[1]
		cur = x - y 
		if g.getcell(x + 2, y) == 0:
			res += "O" + str(cur) + " "
			res += "E" + str(cur - 1) + " "
		prev = cur 
	return	res
Beispiel #15
def canonise_orientation(length, breadth, ox, oy, a, b, c, d):

    representation = ""

    chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

    for v in xrange(int((breadth-1)/5)+1):
        zeroes = 0
        if (v != 0):
            representation += "z"
        for u in xrange(length):
            baudot = 0
            for w in xrange(5):
                x = ox + a*u + b*(5*v + w)
                y = oy + c*u + d*(5*v + w)
                baudot = (baudot >> 1) + 16*g.getcell(x, y)
            if (baudot == 0):
                zeroes += 1
                if (zeroes > 0):
                    if (zeroes == 1):
                        representation += "0"
                    elif (zeroes == 2):
                        representation += "w"
                    elif (zeroes == 3):
                        representation += "x"
                        representation += "y"
                        representation += chars[zeroes - 4]
                zeroes = 0     
                representation += chars[baudot]
    return representation
def neighborcount(x, y):
    c = 0
    j = x -1
    while j <= x + 1:
        k = y - 1
        while k <= y +1:
            if k == y and j == x:
                k +=1
            if g.getcell(j, k) == 1:
                c +=1
            k +=1
        j +=1
    # if g.getcell(x - 1, y) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    # if g.getcell(x - 1, y - 1) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    # if g.getcell(x, y - 1) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    # if g.getcell(x - 1, y + 1) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    # if g.getcell(x, y + 1) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    # if g.getcell(x + 1, y + 1) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    # if g.getcell(x + 1, y - 1) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    # if g.getcell(x + 1, y) == 1:
    #     c += 1
    return c
Beispiel #17
def create31x31icons():
    # scale up the 15x15 bitmaps into 31x31 bitmaps using a simple
    # algorithm that conserves any vertical or horizontal symmetry
    global iconinfo15
    width = 15
    middle = 7                  # middle row or column in 15x15 icon
    height = iconinfo15[1]
    numicons = height/width
    for i in xrange(numicons):
        x = i*32
        y = 32
        for row in xrange(width):
            for col in xrange(width):
                state = g.getcell(x+col, y+row)
                if state > 0:
                    if row == middle and col == middle:
                        # expand middle cell into 9 cells
                        xx = i*32+15
                        yy = 15
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy-1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx-1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy-1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx-1, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx-1, yy-1, state)
                    elif row == middle:
                        # expand cell in middle row into 6 cells
                        xx = i*32+col*2
                        yy = row*2
                        if col > middle: xx += 1
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy+2, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy+2, state)
                    elif col == middle:
                        # expand cell in middle column into 6 cells
                        xx = i*32+col*2
                        yy = row*2
                        if row > middle: yy += 1
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+2, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+2, yy+1, state)
                        # expand all other cells into 4 cells
                        xx = i*32+col*2
                        yy = row*2
                        if col > middle: xx += 1
                        if row > middle: yy += 1
                        g.setcell(xx, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx, yy+1, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy, state)
                        g.setcell(xx+1, yy+1, state)
Beispiel #18
def create_smaller_icons(big, small):
    # scale down the big x big bitmaps into small x small bitmaps
    # using a simple sampling algorithm
    global iconinfo15, iconinfo31
    if big == 15:
        numicons = iconinfo15[1] / 15
        ybig = 32
        # big = 31
        numicons = iconinfo31[1] / 31
        ybig = 0
    if small == 7:
        y = 48
        # small = 15
        y = 32
    sample = big / small
    offset = sample / 2
    for i in xrange(numicons):
        x = i*32
        for row in xrange(small):
            for col in xrange(small):
                state = g.getcell(x + offset + col*sample, ybig + offset + row*sample)
                if state > 0:
                    g.setcell(x+col, y+row, state)
Beispiel #19
def sof_representation(length, breadth, ox, oy, a, b, c, d):
    sof = ''

    for v in range(breadth):
        value = 1
        run = 0
        blank = True
        if (v != 0):
            sof += '-'
        for u in range(length + 1):
            x = ox + a * u + b * v
            y = oy + c * u + d * v

            if (g.getcell(x, y) == value):
                # Continue the run
                run += 1
                # Encode the run, unless a run of zeros reaches the boundary
                if (u < length or value == 1):
                    while (run > 78):
                        run -= 78
                        sof += '~0'
                    sof += chr(run + 48)  # ord('0') = 48
                run = 1
                value = 1 - value  # Toggle value
            if (value == 1):
                blank = False
        if (blank == True):
            # Remove unnecessary '0'
            sof = sof[:-2] + '-'
    sof += '.'
    return sof
Beispiel #20
def PrepareList(cells):"")
	cells = g.getcells(g.getrect())"")
	g.putcells(cells, -cells[0], -cells[1])
	c = g.getcells(g.getrect())
	result = []
	for i in xrange(0, len(c), 2):
		x = c[i]
		y = c[i + 1]
		for dx in xrange(-1,2):
			for dy in xrange(-1, 2):
				val = g.getcell(x + dx, y + dy)
				if (x + dx, y + dy, val) in result:
				result.append((x + dx, y + dy, val))

	return result
def findlivecell(x, y):
   if g.getcell(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
   # spiral outwards from x,y looking for a nearby live cell;
   # the smaller the scale the smaller the area searched
   maxd = 10
   mag = g.getmag()
   if mag > 0:
      # mag can be 1..4 (ie. scales 1:2 to 1:16)
      maxd = 2 * (5 - mag)    # 8, 6, 4, 2
   d = 1
   while d <= maxd:
      x -= 1
      y -= 1
      for i in xrange(2*d):
         x += 1   # move east
         if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
      for i in xrange(2*d):
         y += 1   # move south
         if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
      for i in xrange(2*d):
         x -= 1   # move west
         if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
      for i in xrange(2*d):
         y -= 1   # move north
         if getstate(x, y) > 0: return [x, y]
      d += 1
   return []   # failed to find a live cell
Beispiel #22
def SnakeReader(let):"")
	cl = let2cells[let][0]

	emptyline = True
	dir = 1
	rect = g.getrect()
	y0 = 0
	h = rect[1]  + rect[3] + 2
	l = rect[0] + rect[2] + 3
	x0 = rect[0] - 1
	y = y0
	x = x0 
	code = "" 
	while True: 
		y += dir 
		if y < y0:
			if emptyline == True:
				code += "Y+;"
			dir = 1
			y += dir
			code += "Y+;"
			x += 1
			emptyline = True 
		elif y >= y0 + h:
			dir = -1
			y += dir 
			code += "Y+;"
			x += 1
			emptyline = True
			if dir == -1:
				code += "X-;"
				code += "X+;"

		if g.getcell(x, y) != 0:
			code += "SET;"
			emptyline = False
		if x >= x0 + l:
	for i in range(h):		
		code = code.replace("X+;Y+;X-;", "Y+;")
		code = code.replace("X-;Y+;X+;", "Y+;")
	return code 
Beispiel #23
def randfill_mash(rectcoords, amt, statemap):
    newstate = g.getoption("drawingstate")
    #	g.note('%s'%statemap)
    for i in range(rectcoords[0], rectcoords[0] + rectcoords[2]):
        for j in range(rectcoords[1], rectcoords[1] + rectcoords[3]):
            if (100 * random.random() < amt):
          'processing %i,%i' % (i, j))
                    g.setcell(i, j, statemap[g.getcell(i, j)])
                    dict_lc = [1] * g.numstates()
                    dict_lc[0] = 0
                    dict_lc[1:3] = [2, 2]
                    g.setcell(i, j, dict_lc[g.getcell(i, j)])
                # g.setcell(i, j, 0)
Beispiel #24
def scanX(y, lines, stage, vars):

    if stage == 0:
        if g.getcell(0, y) == 0:
            if len(g.getcells([0, y, 10, 1])) != 0:
                stage = 2
                return 0
            stage = 1

    if stage == 1:
        if g.getcell(0, y) == 0:
            stage = 2
            vars[g.getcell(0, y)] = [g.getcell(10, y)]

            dx = 20
            while g.getcell(dx, y) != 0:
                vars[g.getcell(0, y)].append(g.getcell(dx, y))
                dx += 10

            return stage

    stage = 2

    dx = 0
    while len(g.getcells([dx, y, 10, 10])) != 0:
        dx += 10

    for i in range(0, dx, 10):
        scanXY(i, y, i == dx - 10, lines)

    return stage
Beispiel #25
def drawline(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    # draw a line of cells from x1,y1 to x2,y2 using Bresenham's algorithm;
    # we also return the old cells in the line so we can erase line later
    oldcells = []
    # note that x1,y1 has already been drawn
    # oldcells.append( (x1, y1, g.getcell(x1, y1)) )
    # g.setcell(x1, y1, drawstate)
    if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
        return oldcells

    dx = x2 - x1
    ax = abs(dx) * 2
    sx = 1
    if dx < 0: sx = -1
    dy = y2 - y1
    ay = abs(dy) * 2
    sy = 1
    if dy < 0: sy = -1

    if ax > ay:
        d = ay - (ax / 2)
        while x1 != x2:
            oldcells.append( (x1, y1, g.getcell(x1, y1)) )
            g.setcell(x1, y1, drawstate)
            if d >= 0:
                y1 += sy
                d -= ax
            x1 += sx
            d += ay
        d = ax - (ay / 2)
        while y1 != y2:
            oldcells.append( (x1, y1, g.getcell(x1, y1)) )
            g.setcell(x1, y1, drawstate)
            if d >= 0:
                x1 += sx
                d -= ay
            y1 += sy
            d += ax

    oldcells.append( (x2, y2, g.getcell(x2, y2)) )
    g.setcell(x2, y2, drawstate)
    return oldcells
Beispiel #26
def drawline(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    # draw a line of cells from x1,y1 to x2,y2 using Bresenham's algorithm;
    # we also return the old cells in the line so we can erase line later
    oldcells = []
    # note that x1,y1 has already been drawn
    # oldcells.append( (x1, y1, g.getcell(x1, y1)) )
    # g.setcell(x1, y1, drawstate)
    if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
        return oldcells

    dx = x2 - x1
    ax = abs(dx) * 2
    sx = 1
    if dx < 0: sx = -1
    dy = y2 - y1
    ay = abs(dy) * 2
    sy = 1
    if dy < 0: sy = -1

    if ax > ay:
        d = ay - (ax / 2)
        while x1 != x2:
            oldcells.append( (x1, y1, g.getcell(x1, y1)) )
            g.setcell(x1, y1, drawstate)
            if d >= 0:
                y1 += sy
                d -= ax
            x1 += sx
            d += ay
        d = ax - (ay / 2)
        while y1 != y2:
            oldcells.append( (x1, y1, g.getcell(x1, y1)) )
            g.setcell(x1, y1, drawstate)
            if d >= 0:
                x1 += sx
                d -= ay
            y1 += sy
            d += ax

    oldcells.append( (x2, y2, g.getcell(x2, y2)) )
    g.setcell(x2, y2, drawstate)
    return oldcells
Beispiel #27
def randfill_mash(rectcoords, amt):
    newstate = g.getoption("drawingstate")
    for i in range(rectcoords[0], rectcoords[0] + rectcoords[2]):
        for j in range(rectcoords[1], rectcoords[1] + rectcoords[3]):
            if (100 * random.random() < amt):
                g.setcell(i, j, dict_fill[rule][g.getcell(i, j)])
                # g.setcell(i, j, 0)
Beispiel #28
def censusgen():
    neighbor_list = []
    bbox = g.getrect()
    for y in range(bbox[1], bbox[1] + bbox[3]):
        for x in range(bbox[0], bbox[0] + bbox[2]):
            numneighs = sum([
                g.getcell(x, y - 1),
                g.getcell(x + 1, y - 1),
                g.getcell(x + 1, y),
                g.getcell(x + 1, y + 1),
                g.getcell(x, y + 1),
                g.getcell(x - 1, y + 1),
                g.getcell(x - 1, y),
                g.getcell(x - 1, y - 1)
            neighbor_census[9 * g.getcell(x, y) + numneighs][1] += 1
Beispiel #29
def matches(pat, x, y):
    for i in range(0, len(pat), 2):
        if g.getcell(pat[i] + x, pat[i + 1] + y) % 2 == 0:
            return 0

#   bkg = getbackground(pat)
#   for i in range(0, len(bkg), 2):
#      if g.getcell(bkg[i]+x, bkg[i+1]+y) % 2 == 1:
#         return 0
    return 1
Beispiel #30
def add_shooter(cost, inserter_cells, left_g, right_g=[], flip=True):

   global shoot_defs'')
   reaction_cells = g.getcells([-150,-150,300,300])

   if not all(g.getcell(x, y) for x, y in gld_pairs):

   stable_cells = set(zip(reaction_cells[::2], reaction_cells[1::2]))
   for _ in range(4):
      for i in range(0, len(reaction_cells), 2):
         tup = reaction_cells[i], reaction_cells[i+1]
         if tup in stable_cells and not g.getcell(*tup):

   stable_cells2 = []
   for x, y in stable_cells:
   stable_cells = stable_cells2

   tup = (cost, inserter_cells, left_g, right_g, reaction_cells, stable_cells)

   if flip:
Beispiel #31
def test(pat, gen, loc, x, y):

    global results

    if not all(g.getcell(x + loc, y) for x, y in on_cells):

    if any(g.getcell(x + loc, y) for x, y in off_cells):

    begin = start_cells + g.evolve(g.transform(pat, -x, -y), gen)

    if finalpop >= 0 and len(g.evolve(begin, 100)) != 2 * finalpop:

    results += 1
    g.putcells(g.evolve(pat, gen % 8), 50 * results - x, -y)
    g.putcells(begin, 50 * results, 50)
    g.putcells(g.evolve(begin, delay), 50 * results, 100)
Beispiel #32
def is_there(x, y, gl):
   l = len(gl)
   for i in range(1, l, 2):
      xg = gl[i - 1]
      yg = gl[i]
      if g.getcell(x + xg, y + yg) == 0:
         return False
   for i in range(1, l, 2):
      xg = gl[i - 1]
      yg = gl[i]
      g.setcell(x + xg, y + yg, 0)
   return True
Beispiel #33
def FindConnected(listXY):
   result = copy(listXY)
   for xy in listXY:
      x = xy[0]
      y = xy[1]
      for i in xrange(-1, 2): 
         for j in xrange(-1, 2): 
            if g.getcell(x + i, y + j) > 0 and len([i for t in listXY if (t[0] == x + i and t[1] == y + j)]) == 0:
				if len([i for t in result if (t[0] == x + i and t[1] == y + j)]) == 0:
					result.append([x + i, y + j])
   return result
def add(d, idx):
	new_str = "" 
	for i in range(10):
		for j in range(10):
			if g.getcell(i + d, j) == 1:
				dx = i 
				dy = j 
	for i in range(10):
		for j in range(10):
			if g.getcell(i + d, j) == 1:
				new_str += "locators[%d].locations.push_back(locatorbit(%d,%d,false));\n" % (idx, i - dx, j - dy)
	for i in range(10):
		for j in range(10):
			if g.getcell(i + d, j) == 2:
				new_str += "locators[%d].locations.push_back(locatorbit(%d,%d,true));\n" % (idx, i - dx, j - dy)
	return new_str
def FindConnected(listXY):
   result = copy.copy(listXY)
   for xy in listXY:
      x = xy[0]
      y = xy[1]
      for i in xrange(-1, 2): 
         for j in xrange(-1, 2): 
            if g.getcell(x + i, y + j) > 0 and len([i for t in listXY if (t[0] == x + i and t[1] == y + j)]) == 0:
				if len([i for t in result if (t[0] == x + i and t[1] == y + j)]) == 0:
					result.append([x + i, y + j])
   return result
	def CanApplyRecipe(self, recipe, expected):"")
		for r in self.recipe:
			g.putcells(gld, 80, 80 + r)
			g.step()[self.block0[0], self.block0[1], 2, 2])
		cells = g.getcells(g.getrect())
		g.putcells(blck, self.block0[0], self.block0[1])
		delta = self.block0[1] - self.block0[0]
		for r in recipe:
			g.putcells(gld, 80, 80 + r + delta)
		for i in xrange(0, len(cells), 2):
			x = cells[i]
			y = cells[i + 1]
			if g.getcell(x, y) == 0:
				return False
		for i in xrange(0, len(expected), 2):
			x = expected[i] + self.block0[0]
			y = expected[i + 1] + self.block0[1]
			if g.getcell(x, y) == 0:
				return False
		return True
	def UpdateState(self, newPat, dx, dy):
		self.under = []
		self.curPat = newPat
		self.dx = dx
		self.dy = dy
		for i in xrange(0, len(self.curPat), 2):
			if g.getcell(self.curPat[i] + self.dx, self.curPat[i + 1] + self.dy) == 1:
				self.under.append(self.curPat[i] + self.dx)
				self.under.append(self.curPat[i + 1] + self.dy)
			g.setcell(self.curPat[i] + self.dx, self.curPat[i + 1] + self.dy, 1)
Beispiel #38
def encode_row(row):
    result = ''

    # find te rightmost 1 bit in this row
    far_right = x + width - 1
    while g.getcell(far_right, row) == 0:
        far_right -= 1
        if far_right < x:
            g.exit('Empty rows forbidden: ' + str(row))

    col = x
    while col <= far_right:
        cell_value = g.getcell(col, row)
        num_consecutive = count_bits(row, col, cell_value)

        if cell_value == 1:  # next cell 1?
            col += num_consecutive
            result += encode_consecutive_ones(num_consecutive)
            col += num_consecutive + 1
            result += encode_consecutive_zeros(num_consecutive)

    result += '0' * (chunk_size // 2 + 3)  # end of row
    return result
Beispiel #39
def IsObjectExists(objectArray, x, y):
   for obj, objName, t, p in objectArray:
      found = True
      for i in xrange(0, len(obj), 2):
         dx = obj[i]
         dy = obj[i + 1]
         if g.getcell(x + dx, y + dy) == 0:
            found = False

      if found:
         return [obj, objName, x, y, t, p]
   return None
Beispiel #40
    def SignalAt(self, x, y):

        for s in self.signals:
            found = True

            for i in xrange(0, len(s), 2):
                xs = s[i]
                ys = s[i + 1]

                if g.getcell(x + xs, y + ys) == 0:
                    found = False

            if found:
                return s

        return None
Beispiel #41
def getinp(s):
    temp = g.getcell(x, y)
    g.setcell(x, y, 5) + "Ptr:" + str(ptr) + " x:" + str(x) + " y:" + str(y))
    g.setcell(x, y, temp)
    # return
    k = g.getevent()
    count = 0
    while k == "":
        k = g.getevent()
        count += 1
    if k == "key q none": g.exit()
Beispiel #42
def drawlines():
    global oldline, firstcell
    started = False
    oldmouse = ""
    while True:
        event = g.getevent()
        if event.startswith("click"):
            # event is a string like "click 10 20 left altctrlshift"
            evt, x, y, butt, mods = event.split()
            oldmouse = x + ' ' + y
            if started:
                # draw permanent line from start pos to end pos
                endx = int(x)
                endy = int(y)
                drawline(startx, starty, endx, endy)
                # this is also the start of another line
                startx = endx
                starty = endy
                oldline = []
                firstcell = []
                # start first line
                startx = int(x)
                starty = int(y)
                firstcell = [ startx, starty, g.getcell(startx, starty) ]
                g.setcell(startx, starty, drawstate)
                started = True
      "Click where to end this line (and start another line)...")
            # event might be "" or "key m none"
            if len(event) > 0: g.doevent(event)
            mousepos = g.getxy()
            if started and len(mousepos) == 0:
                # erase old line if mouse is not over grid
                if len(oldline) > 0:
                    oldline = []
            elif started and len(mousepos) > 0 and mousepos != oldmouse:
                # mouse has moved, so erase old line (if any) and draw new line
                if len(oldline) > 0: eraseline(oldline)
                x, y = mousepos.split()
                oldline = drawline(startx, starty, int(x), int(y))
                oldmouse = mousepos
def underneath(object):
   # return list of live cells underneath given object (a multi-state list)
   cells = []
   objlen = len(object)
   if objlen % 3 == 1: objlen -= 1    # ignore padding int
   i = 0
   while i < objlen:
      x = object[i]
      y = object[i+1]
      s = g.getcell(x, y)
      if s > 0:
      i += 3
   # append padding int if necessary
   if len(cells) > 0 and (len(cells) & 1) == 0: cells.append(0)
   return cells
	def SignalAt(self, x, y):
		for s in self.signals:
			found = True
			for i in xrange(0, len(s), 2):
				xs = s[i]
				ys = s[i + 1]
				if g.getcell(x + xs, y + ys) == 0:
					found = False
			if found:
				return s
		return None
def main():

	# get selection and set to boundary
	bound = g.getselrect()
	if len( bound ) == 0:
		g.note( "No selection." )

	# get current Golly states
	left   = bound[ 0 ]
	top    = bound[ 1 ]
	width  = bound[ 2 ]
	height = bound[ 3 ]

	for y in xrange( 0, height ):
		for x in xrange( 0, width ):

			state = g.getcell( left + x, top + y )
			g.setcell( height - y - 600, x - 600, state )
def EdgeGlider():
	for i in xrange(0, 4):
		rect = g.getrect()
		x0 = rect[0] + rect[2] - 3
		y0 = rect[1] + rect[3] - 3
		gldFound = True
		for j in xrange(0, len(gld), 2):
			if g.getcell(x0 + gld[j], y0 + gld[j + 1]) == 0:
				gldFound = False
		if gldFound:
			return g.getcells([x0, y0, 3, 3])
	return -1
def PerformDelete(glider, gunPeriod):

	initCells = g.getcells(g.getrect())
	for j in xrange(0, len(glider), 2):
		if g.getcell(glider[j], glider[j + 1]) != 1:
			return False
	rect = g.getrect()
	cells = g.getcells(rect)
	if str(g.getcells(rect)) == str(cells):"")
		return True
		return False
Beispiel #48
def FindObj(objData, idx):
	c = g.getcells(g.getrect())
	result = []
	for i in xrange(2, len(c), 3): + "/" + str(len(c)))
		x = c[i - 2]
		y = c[i - 1]
		found = True
		for r in objData:
			dx, dy, v = r
			if g.getcell(x + dx, y + dy) != v:
				found = False
		if found:
			result.append((x, y, idx))
	return result 
def getobject(x, y):
   object = []
   ncells.append( (x, y, g.getcell(x,y)) )
   g.setcell(x, y, 0)
   while len(ncells) > 0:
      # remove cell from end of ncells and append to object
      x, y, s = ncells.pop()
      # add any live neighbors to ncells
      checkneighbor(x  , y+1)
      checkneighbor(x  , y-1)
      checkneighbor(x+1, y  )
      checkneighbor(x-1, y  )
      checkneighbor(x+1, y+1)
      checkneighbor(x+1, y-1)
      checkneighbor(x-1, y+1)
      checkneighbor(x-1, y-1)
   # append padding int if necessary
   if len(object) > 0 and (len(object) & 1) == 0: object.append(0)
   return object
	def Main(self):"left click on a pattern to change, 'h' for help")
		gollyMode = False
		while True:
			event = g.getevent()
			if ("key" in event and "return" in event) or (gollyMode and " a " in event):
				gollyMode = not gollyMode
				if gollyMode:"In golly mode")

				else:"left click on a pattern, right click to finish")
			if gollyMode:
				if " delete " in event: 
				if "click" in event and "ctrl" in event and g.getxy() != "":
					x, y = g.getxy().split()
					cell = g.getcell(int(x), int(y))
					if cell >= 0 and cell <= 1:
						g.setcell(int(x), int(y), 1 - cell)
				if " c " in event and "ctrl" in event and g.getselrect() != []:	
				if " v " in event and "ctrl" in event and g.getxy() != "":
					x, y = g.getxy().split()
					g.paste(int(x), int(y), "or")
				if " space " in event:	
					if "ctrl" in event:
			if "click" in event:
				if "left" in event:
					if self.ExistinCircuitHandler() == None:
						if self.SignalClickHandler(event) == None:"left click on a pattern, h for help")
			elif "key" in event:
				if " space " in event:
					for i in xrange(0, 30):
				if " a " in event:
					if g.getrule() == "Perrier":
						for key in self.smarCells:
							x, y = key.split(":")
							g.setcell(int(x), int(y),  self.smarCells[key] + 2)
						gollyMode = True"In golly mode")
				if " s " in event:
					fname = os.path.join(g.getdir("data"), "MetadataManager.json")
				if " h " in event:
					noteMessage = "Viewing and Selecting\n\n"
					noteMessage += "'left click' to chose gun or glider\n"
					noteMessage += "'a' to see in colors, a to go back \n"
					noteMessage += "'space' see ahead 1800 generations \n"
					noteMessage += "'enter' gollyMode, stays in the script \n"
					noteMessage += "\n Editing Gun \n\n"
					noteMessage += "'left click' to place\n"
					noteMessage += "'right click' to switch gun/orientation \n"
					noteMessage += "'delete' to delete the gun \n"
					noteMessage += "'left-right arrow' - one step adjustment\n"
					noteMessage += "\n In Golly Mode \n\n"
					noteMessage += "'delete' to clear selection\n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' + 'click' to draw \n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' + 'c' to copy selection \n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' + 'v' to paste in mouse location \n"
					noteMessage += "'space' + to run 1 generation \n"
					noteMessage += "'ctrl' +'space' to run 10 generations \n"
Beispiel #51
# write the cells that are in state 1 (can ignore the zeros)
# (still plenty of room for optimisation here)
tape = '11'
for row in xrange(, + r.height):
   # if large selection then give some indication of progress
   newsecs = time()
   if newsecs - oldsecs >= 1.0:
      oldsecs = newsecs

   # also allow keyboard interaction
   g.dokey( g.getkey() )

   for col in xrange(r.left, r.left + r.width):
      if g.getcell(col, row)==1:
         tape += extend*(4+col-r.left) + extend_left + extend*(
         tape += mark
         tape += retract*( + retract_left + retract*(4+col-r.left)
      elif g.getcell(col,row)!=0:
	     g.exit('Cells in the selected area must be in states 0 or 1 only.')
# finally we sheath and trigger and retract
tape += extend_left + extend*4 + extend_right + extend
tape += inject_sheath + '1'*50 + inject_trigger
tape += retract*2 + retract_right + retract*4 + retract_left
# now write the tape out
x = r.left+r.width+10
y =
Beispiel #52
def checkneighbor(x, y, oldstate):
    # first check if x,y is outside fill limits
    if x < minx or x > maxx: return False
    if y < miny or y > maxy: return False
    return g.getcell(x, y) == oldstate
Beispiel #53
def floodfill():
    newstate = g.getoption("drawingstate")
    oldstate = newstate

    # wait for user to click a cell"Click the region you wish to fill... (hit escape to abort)")
    while oldstate == newstate:
        event = g.getevent()
        if event.startswith("click"):
            # event is a string like "click 10 20 left none"
            evt, xstr, ystr, butt, mods = event.split()
            x = int(xstr)
            y = int(ystr)
            if x < minx or x > maxx or y < miny or y > maxy:
                # click is outside pattern's bounding box in unbounded universe
                g.warn("Click within the pattern's bounding box\n"+
                       "otherwise the fill will be unbounded.")
                # note that user might have changed drawing state
                newstate = g.getoption("drawingstate")
                oldstate = g.getcell(x, y)
                if oldstate == newstate:
                    g.warn("The clicked cell must have a different state\n"+
                           "to the current drawing state.")

    # tell Golly to handle all further keyboard/mouse events

    # do flood fill starting with clicked cell"Filling clicked region... (hit escape to stop)")
    clist = [ (x,y) ]
    g.setcell(x, y, newstate)
    oldsecs = time()
    while len(clist) > 0:
        # remove cell from start of clist
        x, y = clist.pop(0)
        newsecs = time()
        if newsecs - oldsecs >= 0.5:     # show changed pattern every half second
            oldsecs = newsecs

        # check if any orthogonal neighboring cells are in oldstate
        if checkneighbor(  x, y-1, oldstate):
            g.setcell(     x, y-1, newstate)
            clist.append( (x, y-1) )
        if checkneighbor(  x, y+1, oldstate):
            g.setcell(     x, y+1, newstate)
            clist.append( (x, y+1) )
        if checkneighbor(  x+1, y, oldstate):
            g.setcell(     x+1, y, newstate)
            clist.append( (x+1, y) )
        if checkneighbor(  x-1, y, oldstate):
            g.setcell(     x-1, y, newstate)
            clist.append( (x-1, y) )

        # diagonal neighbors are more complicated because we don't
        # want to cross a diagonal line of live cells
        if checkneighbor(  x+1, y+1, oldstate) and (g.getcell(x, y+1) == 0 or
                                                   g.getcell(x+1, y) == 0):
            g.setcell(     x+1, y+1, newstate)
            clist.append( (x+1, y+1) )
        if checkneighbor(  x+1, y-1, oldstate) and (g.getcell(x, y-1) == 0 or
                                                   g.getcell(x+1, y) == 0):
            g.setcell(     x+1, y-1, newstate)
            clist.append( (x+1, y-1) )
        if checkneighbor(  x-1, y+1, oldstate) and (g.getcell(x, y+1) == 0 or
                                                   g.getcell(x-1, y) == 0):
            g.setcell(     x-1, y+1, newstate)
            clist.append( (x-1, y+1) )
        if checkneighbor(  x-1, y-1, oldstate) and (g.getcell(x, y-1) == 0 or
                                                   g.getcell(x-1, y) == 0):
            g.setcell(     x-1, y-1, newstate)
            clist.append( (x-1, y-1) )
Beispiel #54
soupfilepath = "/home/scorbie/Apps/ptbtest/random"
nsoups = int(g.getstring("How many soups?", "1000"))
soupsize = 10  # int(g.getstring('Soup size?', '10'))

if g.getrule() == "LifeHistory":
if g.numstates() > 2:
    g.exit("This script only works with two-state rules.")

soups = []
x, y, w, h = r = [0, 0, soupsize, soupsize]
cellchar = [".", "a"]
while len(soups) < nsoups:"Generating Soups")
    # To avoid 'Empty Pattern!' messages in status bar.
    if int(g.getpop()) == 0:
    if not q.testquiescence(60):
        soupstr = "!".join(
            "".join(cellchar[g.getcell(i, j)] for j in xrange(0, soupsize + 1)) for i in xrange(0, soupsize + 1)
        soups.append(soupstr)"Soup {}/{}".format(len(soups), nsoups))
with open(soupfilepath, "w") as soupfile:
    soupfile.write("\n".join(soups))"Soups successfully saved in {}.".format(soupfilepath))
Beispiel #55
# Invert all cell states in the current selection.
# Author: Andrew Trevorrow ([email protected]), Jun 2006.
# Updated to use exit command, Nov 2006.
# Updated to use numstates command, Jun 2008.

from glife import rect
from time import time
import golly as g

r = rect( g.getselrect() )
if r.empty: g.exit("There is no selection.")

oldsecs = time()
maxstate = g.numstates() - 1

for row in xrange(, + r.height):
   # if large selection then give some indication of progress
   newsecs = time()
   if newsecs - oldsecs >= 1.0:
      oldsecs = newsecs

   # also allow keyboard interaction
   g.dokey( g.getkey() )

   for col in xrange(r.left, r.left + r.width):
      g.setcell(col, row, maxstate - g.getcell(col, row))

if not r.visible(): g.fitsel()
Beispiel #56
# Change the entire pattern from emulated-Margolus states to N-state:

from glife import rect
import golly as g

r = rect( g.getrect() )
if r.empty: g.exit("There is no pattern.")

for row in xrange(, + r.height):
    for col in xrange(r.left, r.left + r.width):
        s = g.getcell(col,row)
        g.setcell(col, row, (s+s%2)/2-1)
def getstate(x, y):
   # first check if x,y is outside bounded grid
   if g.getwidth() > 0 and (x < gridl or x > gridr): return 0
   if g.getheight() > 0 and (y < gridt or y > gridb): return 0
   return g.getcell(x, y)
Beispiel #58
# first we write the program and marker tapes
# then we encode the whole pattern onto the data tape
# (program length is mostly unrelated to machine size, so it all works)

# write the data tape
data_tape = ''
rect = g.getrect()   # copy everything within the bounding rectangle
width = rect[2]
height = rect[3]
x = rect[0]
y = rect[1]
for row in inclusive_range(y+height-1,y):
    far_right = x+width-1
    while g.getcell(far_right,row)==0:
        far_right -= 1
        if far_right<x:
            g.exit('Empty rows forbidden: '+str(row))
    col = x
    while col <= far_right:
        if g.getcell(col,row)==1:
            data_tape+='11' # write 1
            col += 1
            if not g.getcells([col,row,n,1]): # next N cells zero?
                col += n
                data_tape+='10' # write 0
                col += 1