Beispiel #1
def _SplitArgFileAndGroup(file_and_group_str):
    """Parses an ARGSPEC and returns the arg filename and arg group name."""
    index = file_and_group_str.rfind(':')
    if index < 0 or (index == 2 and file_and_group_str.startswith('gs://')):
        raise arg_validate.InvalidArgException(
            'arg-spec', 'Format must be ARG_FILE:ARG_GROUP_NAME')
    return file_and_group_str[:index], file_and_group_str[index + 1:]
Beispiel #2
def _MergeArgGroupIntoArgs(
    args_from_file, group_name, all_arg_groups, all_test_args_set,
  """Merges args from an arg group into the given args_from_file dictionary.

    args_from_file: dict of arg:value pairs already loaded from the arg-file.
    group_name: str, the name of the arg-group to merge into args_from_file.
    all_arg_groups: dict containing all arg-groups loaded from the arg-file.
    all_test_args_set: set of str, all possible test arg names.
    already_included_set: set of str, all group names which were already
      included. Used to detect 'include:' cycles.

    BadFileException: an undefined arg-group name was encountered.
    InvalidArgException: a valid argument name has an invalid value, or
      use of include: led to cyclic references.
    InvalidTestArgError: an undefined argument name was encountered.
  if already_included_set is None:
    already_included_set = set()
  elif group_name in already_included_set:
    raise arg_validate.InvalidArgException(
        'Detected cyclic reference to arg group [{g}]'.format(g=group_name))
  if group_name not in all_arg_groups:
    raise calliope_exceptions.BadFileException(
        'Could not find argument group [{g}] in argument file.'

  arg_group = all_arg_groups[group_name]
  if not arg_group:
    log.warning('Argument group [{0}] is empty.'.format(group_name))

  for arg_name in arg_group:
    arg = arg_validate.InternalArgNameFrom(arg_name)
    # Must process include: groups last in order to follow precedence rules.
    if arg == _INCLUDE:

    if arg not in all_test_args_set:
      raise exceptions.InvalidTestArgError(arg_name)
    if arg in args_from_file:
          'Skipping include: of arg [{0}] because it already had value [{1}].'
          .format(arg_name, args_from_file[arg]))
      args_from_file[arg] = arg_validate.ValidateArgFromFile(
          arg, arg_group[arg_name])

  already_included_set.add(group_name)  # Prevent "include:" cycles

  if _INCLUDE in arg_group:
    included_groups = arg_validate.ValidateStringList(_INCLUDE,
    for included_group in included_groups:
      _MergeArgGroupIntoArgs(args_from_file, included_group, all_arg_groups,
                             all_test_args_set, already_included_set)