def _ConvertOldTable(self, i):
        """Detects and converts a sequence of markdown table lines.

    This method will consume multiple input lines if the current line is a
    table heading. The table markdown sequence is:

       <blank line ends table>

      i: The current character index in self._line.

      -1 if the input lines are table markdown, i otherwise.
        if (self._line[0] != '[' or self._line[-1] != ']'
                or 'format="csv"' not in self._line):
            return i
        line = self._ReadLine()
        if not line:
            return i
        if not line.startswith('|===='):
            return i

        rows = []
        while True:
            self._buf = self._ReadLine()
            if not self._buf:
            self._buf = self._buf.rstrip()
            if self._buf.startswith('|===='):
        self._buf = ''

        table = renderer.TableAttributes()
        if len(rows) > 1:
            for label in rows[0]:
            rows = rows[1:]
        if table.columns and rows:
            self._renderer.Table(table, rows)
        return -1
    def _ConvertTable(self, i):
        """Detects and converts a sequence of markdown table lines.

    Markdown attributes are not supported in headings or column data.

    This method will consume multiple input lines if the current line is a
    table heading or separator line. The table markdown sequence is:

      heading line

        heading-1 | ... | heading-n
          OR for boxed table
        | heading-1 | ... | heading-n |

      separator line

        --- | ... | ---
          OR for boxed table
        | --- | ... | --- |
        :---  align left
        :---: align center
        ---:  align right
        ----* length >= fixed_width_length sets column fixed width

      row data lines

        col-1-data-item | ... | col-n-data-item

      blank line ends table

      i: The current character index in self._line.

      -1 if the input lines are table markdown, i otherwise.
        fixed_width_length = 8

        if ' | ' not in self._line:
            return self._ConvertOldTable(i)
        if '---' in self._line:
            head = False
            line = self._line
            head = True
            line = self._ReadLine()
        if not line or '---' not in line:
            if line is not self._line:
            return self._ConvertOldTable(i)

        # Parse the heading and separator lines.

        box = False
        if head:
            heading = re.split(r' *\| *', self._line.strip())
            if not heading[0] and not heading[-1]:
                heading = heading[1:-1]
                box = True
            heading = []
        sep = re.split(r' *\| *', line.strip())
        if not sep[0] and not sep[-1]:
            sep = sep[1:-1]
            box = True
        if heading and len(heading) != len(sep):
            if line is not self._line:
            return self._ConvertOldTable(i)

        # Committed to table markdown now.

        table = renderer.TableAttributes(box=box)

        # Determine the column attributes.

        for index in range(len(sep)):
            align = 'left'
            s = sep[index]
            if s.startswith(':'):
                if s.endswith(':'):
                    align = 'center'
            elif s.endswith(':'):
                align = 'right'
            label = heading[index] if index < len(heading) else None
            width = len(s) if len(s) >= fixed_width_length else 0
            table.AddColumn(align=align, label=label, width=width)

        # Collect the column data by rows. Blank or + line terminates the data.

        rows = []
        while True:
            line = self._ReadLine()
            if line in (None, '', '\n', '+\n'):
            row = re.split(r' *\| *', line.rstrip())

        if rows:
            self._renderer.Table(table, rows)
        self._buf = ''
        return -1