Beispiel #1
    def get_html(self, crawl_candidate, parsing_candidate):
        # we got a raw_tml
        # no need to fetch remote content
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return crawl_candidate.raw_html

        # fetch HTML
        fetcher = HtmlFetcher(self.config, parsing_candidate.url)
        html = fetcher.get_html()
        #html = HtmlFetcher().get_html(self.config, parsing_candidate.url)
        return html
Beispiel #2
class Crawler(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        # config
        self.config = config
        # parser
        self.parser = self.config.get_parser()

        # article
        self.article = Article()

        # init the extractor
        self.extractor = self.get_extractor()

        # init the document cleaner
        self.cleaner = self.get_cleaner()

        # init the output formatter
        self.formatter = self.get_formatter()

        # metas extractor
        self.metas_extractor = self.get_metas_extractor()

        # publishdate extractor
        self.publishdate_extractor = self.get_publishdate_extractor()

        # opengraph extractor
        self.opengraph_extractor = self.get_opengraph_extractor()

        # tags extractor
        self.tags_extractor = self.get_tags_extractor()

        # authors extractor
        self.authors_extractor = self.get_authors_extractor()

        # tweets extractor
        self.tweets_extractor = self.get_tweets_extractor()

        # links extractor
        self.links_extractor = self.get_links_extractor()

        # video extractor
        self.video_extractor = self.get_video_extractor()

        # title extractor
        self.title_extractor = self.get_title_extractor()

        # image extrator
        self.image_extractor = self.get_image_extractor()

        # html fetcher
        self.htmlfetcher = HtmlFetcher(self.config)

        # TODO : log prefix
        self.logPrefix = "crawler:"

    def crawl(self, crawl_candidate):

        # parser candidate
        parse_candidate = self.get_parse_candidate(crawl_candidate)

        # raw html
        raw_html = self.get_html(crawl_candidate, parse_candidate)

        if raw_html is None:
            return self.article

        # create document
        doc = self.get_document(raw_html)

        # article
        self.article.final_url = parse_candidate.url
        self.article.link_hash = parse_candidate.link_hash
        self.article.raw_html = raw_html
        self.article.doc = doc
        self.article.raw_doc = deepcopy(doc)

        # open graph
        self.article.opengraph = self.opengraph_extractor.extract()

        # publishdate
        self.article.publish_date = self.publishdate_extractor.extract()

        # meta
        metas = self.metas_extractor.extract()
        self.article.meta_lang = metas['lang']
        self.article.meta_favicon = metas['favicon']
        self.article.meta_description = metas['description']
        self.article.meta_keywords = metas['keywords']
        self.article.canonical_link = metas['canonical']
        self.article.domain = metas['domain']

        # tags
        self.article.tags = self.tags_extractor.extract()

        # authors
        self.article.authors = self.authors_extractor.extract()

        # title
        self.article.title = self.title_extractor.extract()

        # check for known node as content body
        # if we find one force the article.doc to be the found node
        # this will prevent the cleaner to remove unwanted text content
        article_body = self.extractor.get_known_article_tags()
        if article_body is not None:
            self.article.doc = article_body

        # before we do any calcs on the body itself let's clean up the document
        self.article.doc = self.cleaner.clean()

        # big stuff
        self.article.top_node = self.extractor.calculate_best_node()

        # if we have a top node
        # let's process it
        if self.article.top_node is not None:

            # article links
            self.article.links = self.links_extractor.extract()

            # tweets
            self.article.tweets = self.tweets_extractor.extract()

            # video handling

            # image handling
            if self.config.enable_image_fetching:

            # post cleanup
            self.article.top_node = self.extractor.post_cleanup()

            # clean_text
            self.article.cleaned_text = self.formatter.get_formatted_text()

        # cleanup tmp file

        # return the article
        return self.article

    def get_parse_candidate(self, crawl_candidate):
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return RawHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url, crawl_candidate.raw_html)
        return URLHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url)

    def get_image(self):
        doc = self.article.raw_doc
        top_node = self.article.top_node
        self.article.top_image = self.image_extractor.get_best_image(doc, top_node)

    def get_html(self, crawl_candidate, parsing_candidate):
        # we got a raw_tml
        # no need to fetch remote content
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return crawl_candidate.raw_html

        # fetch HTML
        html = self.htmlfetcher.get_html(parsing_candidate.url)
            'request': self.htmlfetcher.request,
            'result': self.htmlfetcher.result,
        return html

    def get_metas_extractor(self):
        return MetasExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_publishdate_extractor(self):
        return PublishDateExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_opengraph_extractor(self):
        return OpenGraphExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_tags_extractor(self):
        return TagsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_authors_extractor(self):
        return AuthorsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_tweets_extractor(self):
        return TweetsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_links_extractor(self):
        return LinksExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_title_extractor(self):
        return TitleExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_image_extractor(self):
        return ImageExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_video_extractor(self):
        return VideoExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_formatter(self):
        return StandardOutputFormatter(self.config, self.article)

    def get_cleaner(self):
        return StandardDocumentCleaner(self.config, self.article)

    def get_document(self, raw_html):
        doc = self.parser.fromstring(raw_html)
        return doc

    def get_extractor(self):
        return StandardContentExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def relase_resources(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.config.local_storage_path, '%s_*' % self.article.link_hash)
        for fname in glob.glob(path):
            except OSError:
                # TODO better log handeling
Beispiel #3
class Crawler(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        # config
        self.config = config
        # parser
        self.parser = self.config.get_parser()

        # article
        self.article = Article()

        # init the extractor
        self.extractor = self.get_extractor()

        # init the document cleaner
        self.cleaner = self.get_cleaner()

        # init the output formatter
        self.formatter = self.get_formatter()

        # video extractor
        self.video_extractor = self.get_video_extractor()

        # image extrator
        self.image_extractor = self.get_image_extractor()

        # html fetcher
        self.htmlfetcher = HtmlFetcher(self.config)

        # TODO : log prefix
        self.logPrefix = "crawler:"

    def crawl(self, crawl_candidate):

        # parser candidate
        parse_candidate = self.get_parse_candidate(crawl_candidate)

        # raw html
        raw_html = self.get_html(crawl_candidate, parse_candidate)

        if raw_html is None:
            return self.article

        # create document
        doc = self.get_document(raw_html)

        # article
        self.article.final_url = parse_candidate.url
        self.article.link_hash = parse_candidate.link_hash
        self.article.raw_html = raw_html
        self.article.doc = doc
        self.article.raw_doc = deepcopy(doc)
        # TODO
        # self.article.publish_date = config.publishDateExtractor.extract(doc)
        # self.article.additional_data = config.get_additionaldata_extractor.extract(doc)
        self.article.title = self.extractor.get_title()
        self.article.meta_lang = self.extractor.get_meta_lang()
        self.article.meta_favicon = self.extractor.get_favicon()
        self.article.meta_description = self.extractor.get_meta_description()
        self.article.meta_keywords = self.extractor.get_meta_keywords()
        self.article.canonical_link = self.extractor.get_canonical_link()
        self.article.domain = self.extractor.get_domain()
        self.article.tags = self.extractor.extract_tags()

        # before we do any calcs on the body itself let's clean up the document
        self.article.doc = self.cleaner.clean()

        # big stuff
        self.article.top_node = self.extractor.calculate_best_node()

        # if we have a top node
        # let's process it
        if self.article.top_node is not None:

            # video handeling

            # image handeling
            if self.config.enable_image_fetching:

            # post cleanup
            self.article.top_node = self.extractor.post_cleanup()

            # clean_text
            self.article.cleaned_text = self.formatter.get_formatted_text()

        # cleanup tmp file

        # return the article
        return self.article

    def get_parse_candidate(self, crawl_candidate):
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return RawHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url, crawl_candidate.raw_html)
        return URLHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url)

    def get_image(self):
        doc = self.article.raw_doc
        top_node = self.article.top_node
        self.article.top_image = self.image_extractor.get_best_image(doc, top_node)

    def get_all_images(self):
        top_node = self.article.top_node
        self.article.images = self.image_extractor.get_all_images(top_node)

    def get_html(self, crawl_candidate, parsing_candidate):
        # we got a raw_tml
        # no need to fetch remote content
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return crawl_candidate.raw_html

        # fetch HTML
        html = self.htmlfetcher.get_html(parsing_candidate.url)
            'request': self.htmlfetcher.request,
            'result': self.htmlfetcher.result,
        return html

    def get_image_extractor(self):
        return UpgradedImageIExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_video_extractor(self):
        return VideoExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_formatter(self):
        return StandardOutputFormatter(self.config, self.article)

    def get_cleaner(self):
        return StandardDocumentCleaner(self.config, self.article)

    def get_document(self, raw_html):
        doc = self.parser.fromstring(raw_html)
        return doc

    def get_extractor(self):
        return StandardContentExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def relase_resources(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.config.local_storage_path, '%s_*' % self.article.link_hash)
        for fname in glob.glob(path):
            except OSError:
                # TODO better log handeling
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        # config
        self.config = config
        # parser
        self.parser = self.config.get_parser()

        # article
        self.article = Article()

        # init the extractor
        self.extractor = self.get_extractor()

        # init the document cleaner
        self.cleaner = self.get_cleaner()

        # init the output formatter
        self.formatter = self.get_formatter()

        # metas extractor
        self.metas_extractor = self.get_metas_extractor()

        # publishdate extractor
        self.publishdate_extractor = self.get_publishdate_extractor()

        # opengraph extractor
        self.opengraph_extractor = self.get_opengraph_extractor()

        # tags extractor
        self.tags_extractor = self.get_tags_extractor()

        # authors extractor
        self.authors_extractor = self.get_authors_extractor()

        # tweets extractor
        self.tweets_extractor = self.get_tweets_extractor()

        # links extractor
        self.links_extractor = self.get_links_extractor()

        # video extractor
        self.video_extractor = self.get_video_extractor()

        # title extractor
        self.title_extractor = self.get_title_extractor()

        # image extrator
        self.image_extractor = self.get_image_extractor()

        # html fetcher
        self.htmlfetcher = HtmlFetcher(self.config)

        # TODO : log prefix
        self.logPrefix = "crawler:"

    def crawl(self, crawl_candidate):
        # parser candidate
        parse_candidate = self.get_parse_candidate(crawl_candidate)

        # raw html
        raw_html = self.get_html(crawl_candidate, parse_candidate)

        if raw_html is None:
            return self.article

        # create document
        doc = self.get_document(raw_html)

        # article
        self.article.final_url = parse_candidate.url
        self.article.link_hash = parse_candidate.link_hash
        self.article.raw_html = raw_html
        self.article.doc = doc
        self.article.raw_doc = deepcopy(doc)

        # open graph
        self.article.opengraph = self.opengraph_extractor.extract()

        # publishdate
        self.article.publish_date = self.publishdate_extractor.extract()

        # meta
        metas = self.metas_extractor.extract()
        self.article.meta_lang = metas['lang']
        self.article.meta_favicon = metas['favicon']
        self.article.meta_description = metas['description']
        self.article.meta_keywords = metas['keywords']
        self.article.canonical_link = metas['canonical']
        self.article.domain = metas['domain']

        # tags
        self.article.tags = self.tags_extractor.extract()

        # authors
        self.article.authors = self.authors_extractor.extract()

        # title
        self.article.title = self.title_extractor.extract()
        # handle encoding issue
        print("goose: crawler: crawl: self.article.title : ",

        # check for known node as content body
        # if we find one force the article.doc to be the found node
        # this will prevent the cleaner to remove unwanted text content

        article_body = self.extractor.get_known_article_tags()
        print("goose: crawler: crawl: article_body : ", article_body)

        if article_body is not None:
            self.article.doc = article_body

        # before we do any calcs on the body itself let's clean up the document
        ### TODO Improve
        self.article.doc = self.cleaner.clean()
        print("goose: crawler: crawl: self.article.doc : ",
              self.cleaner.clean(), " self.article.top_node :",

        # big stuff
        self.article.top_node = self.extractor.calculate_best_node()

        # if we have a top node
        # let's process it
        if self.article.top_node is not None:

            # article links
            self.article.links = self.links_extractor.extract()

            # tweets
            self.article.tweets = self.tweets_extractor.extract()

            # video handling

            # image handling
            if self.config.enable_image_fetching:

            # post cleanup
            self.article.top_node = self.extractor.post_cleanup()

            # clean_text
            self.article.cleaned_text = self.formatter.get_formatted_text()

        # cleanup tmp file
        # return the article
        print("\ngoose: crawler: crawl: self.article.title : ",
        return self.article

    def ascii_only(self):
        # remove non ascii
            self.article.cleaned_text = self.article.cleaned_text.encode(
                'ascii', errors='ignore').decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
            self.article.cleaned_text = self.remove_punctuation(
            self.article.title = self.article.title.encode(
                'ascii', errors='ignore').decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
            self.article.title = self.remove_punctuation(self.article.title)
        except Exception as e:
            print("goose: crawler: crawl: ascii_only : Exception :", e)

        # next ditch punctuations
    def remove_punctuation(self, content):
        # code taken form
        # The opposite method of bytes.decode() is
        # str.encode(), which returns a bytes representation
        # of the Unicode string, encoded in the requested encoding.
        # content = content.encode('utf-8')
        # content = content.decode("utf-8", "strict")
        for c in string.punctuation:
            content = content.replace(c, "")

        return content

    def get_parse_candidate(self, crawl_candidate):
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return RawHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url,
        return URLHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url)

    def get_image(self):
        doc = self.article.raw_doc
        top_node = self.article.top_node
        self.article.top_image = self.image_extractor.get_best_image(
            doc, top_node)

    def get_html(self, crawl_candidate, parsing_candidate):
        # we got a raw_tml
        # no need to fetch remote content
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return crawl_candidate.raw_html

        # fetch HTML
        html = self.htmlfetcher.get_html(parsing_candidate.url)
            'request': self.htmlfetcher.request,
            'result': self.htmlfetcher.result,
        return html

    def get_metas_extractor(self):
        return MetasExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_publishdate_extractor(self):
        return PublishDateExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_opengraph_extractor(self):
        return OpenGraphExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_tags_extractor(self):
        return TagsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_authors_extractor(self):
        return AuthorsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_tweets_extractor(self):
        return TweetsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_links_extractor(self):
        return LinksExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_title_extractor(self):
        return TitleExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_image_extractor(self):
        return ImageExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_video_extractor(self):
        return VideoExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_formatter(self):
        return StandardOutputFormatter(self.config, self.article)

    def get_cleaner(self):
        return StandardDocumentCleaner(self.config, self.article)

    def get_document(self, raw_html):
        doc = self.parser.fromstring(raw_html)
        return doc

    def get_extractor(self):
        return StandardContentExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def relase_resources(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.config.local_storage_path,
                            '%s_*' % self.article.link_hash)
        for fname in glob.glob(path):
            except OSError:
                # TODO better log handeling
Beispiel #5
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        # config
        self.config = config
        # parser
        self.parser = self.config.get_parser()

        # article
        self.article = Article()

        # init the extractor
        self.extractor = self.get_extractor()

        # init the document cleaner
        self.cleaner = self.get_cleaner()

        # init the output formatter
        self.formatter = self.get_formatter()

        # video extractor
        self.video_extractor = self.get_video_extractor()

        # image extrator
        self.image_extractor = self.get_image_extractor()

        # html fetcher
        self.htmlfetcher = HtmlFetcher(self.config)

        # TODO : log prefix
        self.logPrefix = "crawler:"

    def crawl(self, crawl_candidate):

        # parser candidate
        parse_candidate = self.get_parse_candidate(crawl_candidate)

        # raw html
        raw_html = self.get_html(crawl_candidate, parse_candidate)

        if raw_html is None:
            return self.article

        # create document
        doc = self.get_document(raw_html)

        # article
        self.article.final_url = parse_candidate.url
        self.article.link_hash = parse_candidate.link_hash
        self.article.raw_html = raw_html
        self.article.doc = doc
        self.article.raw_doc = deepcopy(doc)
        # TODO
        # self.article.publish_date = config.publishDateExtractor.extract(doc)
        # self.article.additional_data = config.get_additionaldata_extractor.extract(doc)
        self.article.title = self.extractor.get_title()
        self.article.meta_lang = self.extractor.get_meta_lang()
        self.article.meta_favicon = self.extractor.get_favicon()
        self.article.meta_description = self.extractor.get_meta_description()
        self.article.meta_keywords = self.extractor.get_meta_keywords()
        self.article.canonical_link = self.extractor.get_canonical_link()
        self.article.domain = self.extractor.get_domain()
        self.article.tags = self.extractor.extract_tags()

        # before we do any calcs on the body itself let's clean up the document
        self.article.doc = self.cleaner.clean()

        # big stuff
        self.article.top_node = self.extractor.calculate_best_node()

        # if we have a top node
        # let's process it
        if self.article.top_node is not None:

            # video handeling

            # image handeling
            if self.config.enable_image_fetching:

            # post cleanup
            self.article.top_node = self.extractor.post_cleanup()

            # clean_text
            self.article.cleaned_text = self.formatter.get_formatted_text()

        # cleanup tmp file

        # return the article
        return self.article

    def get_parse_candidate(self, crawl_candidate):
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return RawHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url,
        return URLHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url)

    def get_image(self):
        doc = self.article.raw_doc
        top_node = self.article.top_node
        self.article.top_image = self.image_extractor.get_best_image(
            doc, top_node)

    def get_all_images(self):
        top_node = self.article.top_node
        self.article.images = self.image_extractor.get_all_images(top_node)

    def get_html(self, crawl_candidate, parsing_candidate):
        # we got a raw_tml
        # no need to fetch remote content
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return crawl_candidate.raw_html

        # fetch HTML
        html = self.htmlfetcher.get_html(parsing_candidate.url)
            'request': self.htmlfetcher.request,
            'result': self.htmlfetcher.result,
        return html

    def get_image_extractor(self):
        return UpgradedImageIExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_video_extractor(self):
        return VideoExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_formatter(self):
        return StandardOutputFormatter(self.config, self.article)

    def get_cleaner(self):
        return StandardDocumentCleaner(self.config, self.article)

    def get_document(self, raw_html):
        doc = self.parser.fromstring(raw_html)
        return doc

    def get_extractor(self):
        return StandardContentExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def relase_resources(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.config.local_storage_path,
                            '%s_*' % self.article.link_hash)
        for fname in glob.glob(path):
            except OSError:
                # TODO better log handeling
Beispiel #6
class Crawler(object):
    def __init__(self, config):
        # config
        self.config = config
        # parser
        self.parser = self.config.get_parser()

        # article
        self.article = Article()

        # init the extractor
        self.extractor = self.get_extractor()

        # init the document cleaner
        self.cleaner = self.get_cleaner()

        # init the output formatter
        self.formatter = self.get_formatter()

        # metas extractor
        self.metas_extractor = self.get_metas_extractor()

        # publishdate extractor
        self.publishdate_extractor = self.get_publishdate_extractor()

        # opengraph extractor
        self.opengraph_extractor = self.get_opengraph_extractor()

        # tags extractor
        self.tags_extractor = self.get_tags_extractor()

        # authors extractor
        self.authors_extractor = self.get_authors_extractor()

        # tweets extractor
        self.tweets_extractor = self.get_tweets_extractor()

        # links extractor
        self.links_extractor = self.get_links_extractor()

        # video extractor
        self.video_extractor = self.get_video_extractor()

        # title extractor
        self.title_extractor = self.get_title_extractor()

        # image extrator
        self.image_extractor = self.get_image_extractor()

        # html fetcher
        self.htmlfetcher = HtmlFetcher(self.config)

        # TODO : log prefix
        self.logPrefix = "crawler:"

    def crawl(self, crawl_candidate):

        # parser candidate
        parse_candidate = self.get_parse_candidate(crawl_candidate)

        # raw html
        raw_html = self.get_html(crawl_candidate, parse_candidate)

        if raw_html is None:
            return self.article

        # create document
        doc = self.get_document(raw_html)

        # article
        self.article.final_url = parse_candidate.url
        self.article.link_hash = parse_candidate.link_hash
        self.article.raw_html = raw_html
        self.article.doc = doc
        self.article.raw_doc = deepcopy(doc)

        # open graph
        self.article.opengraph = self.opengraph_extractor.extract()

        # publishdate
        self.article.publish_date = self.publishdate_extractor.extract()

        # meta
        metas = self.metas_extractor.extract()
        self.article.meta_lang = metas['lang']
        self.article.meta_favicon = metas['favicon']
        self.article.meta_description = metas['description']
        self.article.meta_keywords = metas['keywords']
        self.article.canonical_link = metas['canonical']
        self.article.domain = metas['domain']

        # tags
        self.article.tags = self.tags_extractor.extract()

        # authors
        self.article.authors = self.authors_extractor.extract()

        # title
        self.article.title = self.title_extractor.extract()

        # check for known node as content body
        # if we find one force the article.doc to be the found node
        # this will prevent the cleaner to remove unwanted text content
        article_body = self.extractor.get_known_article_tags()
        if article_body is not None:
            self.article.doc = article_body

        # before we do any calcs on the body itself let's clean up the document
        self.article.doc = self.cleaner.clean()

        # big stuff
        self.article.top_node = self.extractor.calculate_best_node()

        # if we have a top node
        # let's process it
        if self.article.top_node is not None:

            # article links
            self.article.links = self.links_extractor.extract()

            # tweets
            self.article.tweets = self.tweets_extractor.extract()

            # video handling

            # image handling
            if self.config.enable_image_fetching:
                self.image_extractor = self.get_image_extractor()

            # post cleanup
            self.article.top_node = self.extractor.post_cleanup()

            # clean_text
            self.article.cleaned_text = self.formatter.get_formatted_text()

        # cleanup tmp file

        # return the article
        return self.article

    def get_parse_candidate(self, crawl_candidate):
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return RawHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url,
        return URLHelper.get_parsing_candidate(crawl_candidate.url)

    def get_image(self):
        doc = self.article.raw_doc
        top_node = self.article.top_node
        self.article.top_image = self.image_extractor.get_best_image(
            doc, top_node)

    def get_html(self, crawl_candidate, parsing_candidate):
        # we got a raw_tml
        # no need to fetch remote content
        if crawl_candidate.raw_html:
            return crawl_candidate.raw_html

        # fetch HTML
        html = self.htmlfetcher.get_html(parsing_candidate.url)
            'request': self.htmlfetcher.request,
            'result': self.htmlfetcher.result,
        return html

    def get_metas_extractor(self):
        return MetasExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_publishdate_extractor(self):
        return PublishDateExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_opengraph_extractor(self):
        return OpenGraphExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_tags_extractor(self):
        return TagsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_authors_extractor(self):
        return AuthorsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_tweets_extractor(self):
        return TweetsExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_links_extractor(self):
        return LinksExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_title_extractor(self):
        return TitleExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_image_extractor(self):
        return ImageExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_video_extractor(self):
        return VideoExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def get_formatter(self):
        return StandardOutputFormatter(self.config, self.article)

    def get_cleaner(self):
        return StandardDocumentCleaner(self.config, self.article)

    def get_document(self, raw_html):
        doc = self.parser.fromstring(raw_html)
        return doc

    def get_extractor(self):
        return StandardContentExtractor(self.config, self.article)

    def relase_resources(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.config.local_storage_path,
                            '%s_*' % self.article.link_hash)
        for fname in glob.glob(path):
            except OSError:
                # TODO better log handeling