Beispiel #1
 def get_client_uuid(self, name_or_uuid):
     if is_uuid(name_or_uuid):
         return name_or_uuid
         # hostname used
         for uuid in self.__client:
             if self.__client[uuid]["name"] == name_or_uuid:
                 return uuid
     return name_or_uuid
Beispiel #2
 def get_client_uuid(self, name_or_uuid):
     if is_uuid(name_or_uuid):
         return name_or_uuid
         # hostname used
         for uuid in self.__client:
             if self.__client[uuid]["name"] == name_or_uuid:
                 return uuid
     return name_or_uuid
Beispiel #3
    def exists(self, misc, needed=None):
        Check whether the given uuid or dn exists
        json = self.__load()
        if is_uuid(misc):
            return misc in json['objects']
            for uuid in json:
                for obj in json[uuid]:
                    if "dn" in json[uuid][obj] and json[uuid][obj]["dn"] == misc:
                        return True

        return False
Beispiel #4
    def exists(self, misc, needed=None):
        Check whether the given uuid or dn exists
        json = self.__load()
        if is_uuid(misc):
            return misc in json['objects']
            for uuid in json:
                for obj in json[uuid]:
                    if "dn" in json[uuid][obj] and json[uuid][obj][
                            "dn"] == misc:
                        return True

        return False
Beispiel #5
    def exists(self, misc):
        if is_uuid(misc):
            fltr_tpl = "%s=%%s" % self.uuid_entry
            fltr = ldap.filter.filter_format(fltr_tpl, [misc])

            res = self.con.search_s(self.lh.get_base(), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                    fltr, [self.uuid_entry])

            res = []
                res = self.con.search_s(misc, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectClass=*)',
            except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

        if not res:
            return False

        return len(res) == 1
Beispiel #6
    def get_method_from_user(self, user):
        Get the currently used two-factor authentication method of the given user

        :param user: User to check
        :type user: ObjectProxy
        :return: the two-factor method of the user
        :rtype: string or None
        if isinstance(user, str):
            if not is_uuid(user):
                user = self.__dn_to_uuid(user)
        elif isinstance(user, ObjectProxy):
            user = user.uuid
        if user in self.__settings:
            if 'otp_secret' in self.__settings[user]:
                return "otp"
            elif '_u2f_devices_' in self.__settings[user]:
                return "u2f"

        return None
Beispiel #7
    def get_method_from_user(self, user):
        Get the currently used two-factor authentication method of the given user

        :param user: User to check
        :type user: ObjectProxy
        :return: the two-factor method of the user
        :rtype: string or None
        if isinstance(user, str):
            if not is_uuid(user):
                user = self.__dn_to_uuid(user)
        elif isinstance(user, ObjectProxy):
            user = user.uuid
        if user in self.__settings:
            if 'otp_secret' in self.__settings[user]:
                return "otp"
            elif '_u2f_devices_' in self.__settings[user]:
                return "u2f"

        return None
Beispiel #8
    def removeObject(self, user, oid, *args, **kwargs):
        Open object on the agent side and calls its remove method

        ================= ==========================
        Parameter         Description
        ================= ==========================
        oid               OID of the object to create
        args/kwargs       Arguments to be used when getting an object instance
        ================= ==========================

        ``Return``: True

        # In case of "object" we want to check the lock
        if oid == 'object':
            lck = self.__get_lock(args[0])
            if lck:
                raise Exception(C.make_error("OBJECT_LOCKED", object=args[0],
                    when=lck['created'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d (%H:%M:%S)")

        # Use oid to find the object type
        obj_type = self.__get_object_type(oid)

        # Make object instance and store it
        kwargs['user'] = user
            obj = obj_type(*args, **kwargs)
        except ProxyException as e:
            if e.status == 404 and is_uuid(args[0]):
                return True
                raise e
        return True
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, _id, what=None, user=None, session_id=None):
        self.__env = Environment.getInstance()
        self.__log = getLogger(__name__)
        self.__factory = ObjectFactory.getInstance()
        self.__base = None
        self.__extensions = {}
        self.__initial_extension_state = {}
        self.__retractions = {}
        self.__attribute_map = {}
        self.__method_map = {}
        self.__current_user = user
        self.__current_session_id = session_id
        self.__acl_resolver = PluginRegistry.getInstance("ACLResolver")
        self.__attribute_type_map = {}
        self.__attributes = []
        self.__method_type_map = {}
        self.__property_map = {}
        self.__foreign_attrs = []
        self.__all_method_names = []

        # Do we have a uuid when opening?
        dn_or_base = _id
        if is_uuid(_id):
            index = PluginRegistry.getInstance("ObjectIndex")
            res ={'uuid': _id}, {'dn': 1})
            if len(res) == 1:
                dn_or_base = res[0]['dn']
                raise ProxyException(C.make_error('OBJECT_NOT_FOUND', id=_id))

        # Load available object types
        object_types = self.__factory.getObjectTypes()

        base_mode = "update"
        base, extensions = self.__factory.identifyObject(dn_or_base)
        if what:
            if what not in object_types:
                raise ProxyException(C.make_error('OBJECT_UNKNOWN_TYPE', type=type))

            start_dn = dn_or_base
            dn_or_base = self.find_dn_for_object(what, base, start_dn, []) if base else dn_or_base
            self.create_missing_containers(dn_or_base, start_dn, base)
            base = what
            base_mode = "create"
            extensions = []

        if not base:
            raise ProxyException(C.make_error('OBJECT_NOT_FOUND', id=dn_or_base))

        # Get available extensions
        self.__log.debug("loading %s base object for %s" % (base, dn_or_base))
        all_extensions = object_types[base]['extended_by']

        # Load base object and extensions
        self.__base = self.__factory.getObject(base, dn_or_base, mode=base_mode)
        self.__base._owner = self.__current_user
        self.__base._session_id = self.__current_session_id
        self.__base.parent = self
        self.__base_type = base
        self.__base_mode = base_mode
        for extension in extensions:
            self.__log.debug("loading %s extension for %s" % (extension, dn_or_base))
            self.__extensions[extension] = self.__factory.getObject(extension, self.__base.uuid)
            self.__extensions[extension].dn = self.__base.dn
            self.__extensions[extension].parent = self
            self.__extensions[extension]._owner = self.__current_user
            self.__extensions[extension]._session_id = self.__current_session_id
            self.__initial_extension_state[extension] = True
        for extension in all_extensions:
            if extension not in self.__extensions:
                self.__extensions[extension] = None
                self.__initial_extension_state[extension] = False

        # Collect all method names (also not available due to deactivated extension)
        for obj in [base] + all_extensions:
            self.__all_method_names = self.__all_method_names + self.__factory.getObjectMethods(obj)

        # Generate method mapping
        for obj in [base] + extensions:
            for method in object_types[obj]['methods']:
                if obj == self.__base.__class__.__name__:
                    self.__method_map[method] = getattr(self.__base, method)
                    self.__method_type_map[method] = self.__base_type
                if obj in self.__extensions:
                    self.__method_map[method] = getattr(self.__extensions[obj], method)
                    self.__method_type_map[method] = obj

        for ext in all_extensions:
            if self.__extensions[ext]:
                props = self.__extensions[ext].getProperties()
                props = self.__factory.getObjectProperties(ext)

        # Generate read and write mapping for attributes
        self.__attribute_map = self.__factory.get_attributes_by_object(self.__base_type)

        # Generate attribute to object-type mapping
        for attr in [n for n, o in self.__base.getProperties().items() if not o['foreign']]:
        self.__property_map = self.__base.getProperties()
        for ext in all_extensions:
            if self.__extensions[ext]:
                props = self.__extensions[ext].getProperties()
                props = self.__factory.getObjectProperties(ext)

            for attr in props:
                if not props[attr]['foreign']:
                    self.__property_map[attr] = props[attr]

                    # Remember foreign properties to be able to the correct
                    # values to them after we have finished building up all classes
                    self.__foreign_attrs.append((attr, ext))

        # Get attribute to object-type mapping
        self.__attribute_type_map = self.__factory.getAttributeTypeMap(self.__base_type)
        self.uuid = self.__base.uuid
        self.dn = self.__base.dn
