Beispiel #1
def check_args(args, iam="gaperture"):
    """Checks validity of command line arguments and, in some cases
    massages them a little bit.
    args = gargs.check_common_args(args, iam)
    args = check_radius(args)
    args = check_annulus(args)
    return args
Beispiel #2
def check_args(args,iam='gmap'):
	args = gargs.check_common_args(args,iam)

	# Check that either skypos _or_ (raangle _and_ decangle) are defined.
	if (not args.skyrange and not (args.raangle and args.decangle)
															and not args.angle):
		raise SystemExit('Must specify either skyrange or ra/dec angle.')
	if ((args.raangle and not args.decangle) or
										(not args.raangle and args.decangle)):
		raise SystemExit('Must specify both raangle and deangle or neither.')

	# --angle overwrites everything
	if args.angle:
		args.skyrange = [args.angle,args.angle]

	# --skryange overwrites everything else
	if args.skyrange:
		if np.array(args.skyrange).shape==(2,):
			args.raangle, args.decangle = args.skyrange
			gPhotonArgsError("Invalid --skyrange: {s}".format(s=args.skyrange))

	# use --angle to fill in missing subtend angles
	if args.angle and not args.raangle:
		args.raangle = args.angle
	if args.angle and not args.decangle:
		args.decangle = args.angle

	# check that requested image subtend angles are positive
	for i,a in enumerate([args.angle,args.raangle,args.decangle]):
		if not a:
		if a<=0:
			raise SystemExit("Subtended angles must be > 0 degrees.")

	args.skyrange = [args.raangle,args.decangle]

	if args.detsize and args.detsize <= 0.:
		raise SystemExit("Mask radius must be > 0 degrees.")
	if args.memlight and args.memlight <= 0.:
		raise SystemExit("Maximum data chunk per must be > 0 seconds.")

	for image in [args.cntfile, args.intfile]:#, args.rrfile]:
		# Check for overwriting existing images.
		if image and os.path.exists(image) and not args.overwrite:
			raise SystemExit("{f} already exists.".format(f=image))
		# Check if you need to create a new directory and create it
		#if image and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(image)):
		#	print 'Creating directory: {d}'.format(
		#							d=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(image)))
		#	os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(image)),0755)

	return args
Beispiel #3
def check_args(args,iam='gfind'):
	args = gargs.check_common_args(args,iam)
	return args
Beispiel #4
def check_args(args,iam='gfind', allow_no_coords=False):
	args = gargs.check_common_args(args,iam,
	return args