Beispiel #1
def getGoalsString():
    value = ""
    latSpan = 2* metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngSpan = 2* metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)

    global mapGoals
    if goalAmount<5:
        goalSpanID = random.sample([0,2,6,8],goalAmount)
    if goalAmount>4:
        goalSpanID = [0,2,6,8] + random.sample([1,3,5,7],goalAmount-4)
    for x in range(goalAmount):
 #       lat = areaBottom + (0.1 +0.8*random())*latSpan
  #      lng = areaLeft + (0.1 +0.8*random())*lngSpan
        lat = areaBottom + (0.05 +0.3*random.random()+0.3*(goalSpanID[x]/3))*latSpan
        lng = areaLeft + (0.05 +0.3*random.random()+0.3*(goalSpanID[x]%3))*lngSpan   
        goal = Item(int(lat*float(10**6)), int( lng*float(10**6)), 0, "I'm a goal state!")
        goal.crownClaimRadius = crownClaimRadius
        value = value + goal.toString()+ ","
        #Add the item to the list of items
        mapGoals[] = goal
    return value[0:-2]
Beispiel #2
def getItemsString():
    value = ""
    latSpan = 2* metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngSpan = 2* metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    global mapItems
    global itemSpanID 
    for x in range(int(itemAmount/9)):
        itemSpanID = itemSpanID + spanID
    itemSpanID = itemSpanID + random.sample(spanID,itemAmount%9)
    for x in range(itemAmount):
   #     lat = areaBottom + (0.1 +0.8*random())*latSpan
    #    lng = areaLeft + (0.1 +0.8*random())*lngSpan
        lat = areaBottom + (0.05 +0.3*random.random()+0.3*(itemSpanID[x]/3))*latSpan
        lng = areaLeft + (0.05 +0.3*random.random()+0.3*(itemSpanID[x]%3))*lngSpan
        item = Item(int(lat*float(10**6)), int( lng*float(10**6)), 1+int(random.random()*6), "I'm an item!")
        #item = Item(int(lat*float(10**6)), int( lng*float(10**6)),5, "I'm an item!")
        value = value + item.toString()+ ","
        #Add the item to the list of items
        mapItems[] = item
    return value[0:-2]
Beispiel #3
def getGoalsString():
    value = ""
    latSpan = 2 * metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngSpan = 2 * metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)

    global mapGoals

    if goalAmount < 5:
        goalSpanID = random.sample([0, 2, 6, 8], goalAmount)
    if goalAmount > 4:
        goalSpanID = [0, 2, 6, 8] + random.sample([1, 3, 5, 7], goalAmount - 4)

    for x in range(goalAmount):
        #       lat = areaBottom + (0.1 +0.8*random())*latSpan
        #      lng = areaLeft + (0.1 +0.8*random())*lngSpan
        lat = areaBottom + (0.05 + 0.3 * random.random() + 0.3 *
                            (goalSpanID[x] / 3)) * latSpan
        lng = areaLeft + (0.05 + 0.3 * random.random() + 0.3 *
                          (goalSpanID[x] % 3)) * lngSpan
        goal = Item(int(lat * float(10**6)), int(lng * float(10**6)), 0,
                    "I'm a goal state!")
        goal.crownClaimRadius = crownClaimRadius
        value = value + goal.toString() + ","

        #Add the item to the list of items
        mapGoals[] = goal

    return value[0:-2]
Beispiel #4
def getItemsString():
    value = ""
    latSpan = 2 * metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngSpan = 2 * metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    global mapItems

    global itemSpanID

    for x in range(int(itemAmount / 9)):
        itemSpanID = itemSpanID + spanID

    itemSpanID = itemSpanID + random.sample(spanID, itemAmount % 9)

    for x in range(itemAmount):
        #     lat = areaBottom + (0.1 +0.8*random())*latSpan
        #    lng = areaLeft + (0.1 +0.8*random())*lngSpan
        lat = areaBottom + (0.05 + 0.3 * random.random() + 0.3 *
                            (itemSpanID[x] / 3)) * latSpan
        lng = areaLeft + (0.05 + 0.3 * random.random() + 0.3 *
                          (itemSpanID[x] % 3)) * lngSpan

        item = Item(int(lat * float(10**6)), int(lng * float(10**6)),
                    1 + int(random.random() * 6), "I'm an item!")
        #item = Item(int(lat*float(10**6)), int( lng*float(10**6)),5, "I'm an item!")
        value = value + item.toString() + ","

        #Add the item to the list of items
        mapItems[] = item

    return value[0:-2]
Beispiel #5
def calculateAreaBounds():
    latDelta = metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngDelta = metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize) 
    global areaLeft, areaRight, areaTop, areaBottom  
    areaLeft = centerLng - lngDelta
    areaRight = centerLng + lngDelta
    areaTop = centerLat + latDelta
    areaBottom = centerLat - latDelta
Beispiel #6
def calculateAreaBounds():
    latDelta = metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngDelta = metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    global areaLeft, areaRight, areaTop, areaBottom
    areaLeft = centerLng - lngDelta
    areaRight = centerLng + lngDelta
    areaTop = centerLat + latDelta
    areaBottom = centerLat - latDelta
Beispiel #7
def teleportItem(itemId):
    latSpan = 2* metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngSpan = 2* metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    global mapItems
    lat = areaBottom + (0.05 +0.9*random.random())*latSpan
    lng = areaLeft + (0.05 +0.9*random.random())*lngSpan
    mapItems[itemId].lat = int(lat*float(10**6))
    mapItems[itemId].lng = int(lng*float(10**6))
    return mapItems[itemId]
Beispiel #8
def teleportItem(itemId):
    latSpan = 2 * metricDistanceToLatitudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    lngSpan = 2 * metricDistanceToLongditudeDistance(centerLat, halfAreaSize)
    global mapItems
    lat = areaBottom + (0.05 + 0.9 * random.random()) * latSpan
    lng = areaLeft + (0.05 + 0.9 * random.random()) * lngSpan
    mapItems[itemId].lat = int(lat * float(10**6))
    mapItems[itemId].lng = int(lng * float(10**6))

    return mapItems[itemId]