Beispiel #1
    def perform(self, root):
        global basis_size, T, current_config
        if current_config is not None and current_config.conf_file != self.conf_file:
            current_config = None
        if current_config is None:
            current_config = config(self.conf_file)

        c = None
        vcj = [
            g.vcolor(current_config.l_exact.U_grid) for jr in range(basis_size)
        for vcjj in vcj:
            vcjj[:] = 0

        for tprime in range(T):
            basis_evec, basis_evals = g.load(self.basis_fmt %
                                             (self.conf, tprime))

            plan = g.copy_plan(vcj[0],
            c = g.coordinates(basis_evec[0])
            plan.destination += vcj[0].view[np.hstack(
                (c, np.ones((len(c), 1), dtype=np.int32) * tprime))]
            plan.source += basis_evec[0].view[c]
            plan = plan()

            for l in range(basis_size):
                plan(vcj[l], basis_evec[l])

        for l in range(basis_size):
            g.message("Check norm:", l, g.norm2(vcj[l]))"{root}/{}/basis", vcj)
Beispiel #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Authors: Christoph Lehner 2020
# Desc.: Illustrate core concepts and features
import gpt as g
import numpy as np

grid = g.grid([8, 8, 8, 8], g.single)
g.default.push_verbose("random", False)
rng = g.random("test")

# outer product and inner product of tensors
lhs = g.vcolor([rng.cnormal() for i in range(3)])
rhs = g.vcolor([rng.cnormal() for i in range(3)])

outer = lhs * g.adj(rhs)
inner = g.adj(lhs) * rhs
inner_comp = 0.0
for i in range(3):
    inner_comp += lhs.array.conjugate()[i] * rhs.array[i]
    for j in range(3):
        assert abs(outer.array[i, j] -
                   lhs.array[i] * rhs.array.conjugate()[j]) < 1e-14
assert abs(inner_comp - inner) < 1e-14
assert abs(inner_comp - g.rank_inner_product(lhs, rhs)) < 1e-14

# TODO: the following is already implemented for vcomplex but should
# be implemented for all vectors
Beispiel #3
src = g.mspincolor(grid)
dst1 = g(V * smear * src)
dst2 = g(smear_transformed * V * src)
eps2 = g.norm2(dst1 - dst2) / g.norm2(dst1)
g.message(f"Covariance test: {eps2}")
assert eps2 < 1e-29

# Test smearing operator on point source over unit gauge field
for dimensions in [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3]]:
    for sigma, steps in [(0.5, 3), (0.16, 2)]:
        smear_unit = g.create.smear.gauss(U_unit,
        src = g.vcolor(grid)
        src[:] = g.vcolor([1, 0, 0])

        # anti-periodic boundary conditions in time mean space and time are
        # differently quantized
        p = 2.0 * np.pi * np.array([1, 2, 3, 4.5]) / L
        src_mom = g(g.exp_ixp(p) * src)

        laplace = sum([2.0 * (np.cos(p[i]) - 1.0) for i in dimensions])
        factor = (1.0 + laplace * sigma**2.0 / steps / 4.0)**steps
        dst = g(smear_unit * src_mom)
        eps2 = g.norm2(dst - factor * src_mom) / g.norm2(dst)
        g.message(f"Gaussian test using eigen representation: {eps2}")
        assert eps2 < 1e-29
Beispiel #4
gre[2, 0, 0, 0] = 4
g.set_cb(gr, gre)





# Calculate U^\dag U
u = U[0][0, 1, 2, 3]

v = g.vcolor([0, 1, 0])

g.message(g.adj(u) * u * v)

gr = g.grid([2, 2, 2, 2], g.single)
g.message(g.mspincolor(gr)[0, 0, 0, 0] * g.vspincolor(gr)[0, 0, 0, 0])

g.message(g.trace(g.mspincolor(gr)[0, 0, 0, 0]))

# Expression including numpy array
r = g.eval(u * U[0] + U[1] * u)

# test inner and outer products
v = g.vspincolor([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
Beispiel #5
# Authors: Christoph Lehner 2020
# Desc.: Test small core features that are not sufficiently complex
#        to require a separate test file.  These tests need to be fast.
import gpt as g
import numpy as np
import sys, cgpt

# grid
L = [16, 16, 16, 32]
grid_dp = g.grid(L, g.double)
grid_sp = g.grid(L, g.single)

# test fields
l_dp = g.random("test").cnormal(g.vcolor(grid_dp))
l_sp = g.convert(l_dp, g.single)

# Test mview
c = g.coordinates(l_dp)
x = l_dp[c]
mv = g.mview(x)
assert mv.itemsize == 1 and mv.shape[0] == len(mv)
assert sys.getrefcount(x) == 3
del mv
assert sys.getrefcount(x) == 2

# Test assignments
Beispiel #6
# Desc.: Test small core features that are not sufficiently complex
#        to require a separate test file.  These tests need to be fast.
import gpt as g
import numpy as np
import sys, cgpt

# grid
L = [16, 12, 12, 24]
grid_dp = g.grid(L, g.double)
grid_sp = g.grid(L, g.single)

# test fields
rng = g.random("test")
l_dp = rng.cnormal(g.vcolor(grid_dp))
l_sp = g.convert(l_dp, g.single)

# and convert precision
l_dp_prime = g.convert(l_sp, g.double)
eps2 = g.norm2(l_dp - l_dp_prime) / g.norm2(l_dp)
assert eps2 < 1e-14
eps2 = g.norm2(l_dp[0, 0, 0, 0] - l_sp[0, 0, 0, 0])
assert eps2 < 1e-14

# Test mview
c = g.coordinates(l_dp)
x = l_dp[c]
Beispiel #7
    def perform(self, root):
        global basis_size, sloppy_per_job, T, current_config
        if current_config is not None and current_config.conf_file != self.conf_file:
            current_config = None
        if current_config is None:
            current_config = config(self.conf_file)

        output_correlator = g.corr_io.writer(f"{root}/{}/head.dat")

        vcj = g.load(f"{root}/{self.conf}/pm_basis/basis")

        for i0 in range(0, basis_size, sloppy_per_job):
            half_peramb = {}
            for l in g.load(
                for x in l:
                    half_peramb[x] = l[x]


            vc = g.vcolor(vcj[0].grid)
            c = g.coordinates(vc)
            prec = {"sloppy": 0, "exact": 1}[self.solver]

            for spin_prime in range(4):

                plan = None

                for spin in range(4):

                    for i in range(i0, i0 + sloppy_per_job):
                        hp = half_peramb[f"t{self.t}s{spin}c{i}_{self.solver}"]

                        if plan is None:
                            plan = g.copy_plan(vc, hp)
                            plan.destination += vc.view[c]
                            plan.source += hp.view[c, spin_prime, :]
                            plan = plan()

                        plan(vc, hp)

                        t0 = g.time()
                        slc_j = [
                            g(g.adj(vcj[j]) * vc) for j in range(basis_size)
                        t1 = g.time()
                        slc = g.slice(slc_j, 3)
                        t2 = g.time()

                        for j in range(basis_size):

                        t3 = g.time()
                        if i % 50 == 0:
                            g.message(spin_prime, spin, i, "Timing", t1 - t0,
                                      t2 - t1, t3 - t2)

Beispiel #8
    g.message(f"Laplace basis for time-slice {t}")

    U3_t = [u[t] for u in U3]
    grid = U3_t[0].grid

    lap = g.create.smear.laplace(
        g.covariant.shift(U3_t, boundary_phases=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0]),
        dimensions=[0, 1, 2],

    def _slap(dst, src):
        dst @= -1.0 / 6.0 * lap * src

    slap = g.matrix_operator(_slap)

    start = g.vcolor(grid)
    start[:] = g.vcolor([1, 1, 1])

    if t == 0:
            "Power iteration spectrum test",
            g.algorithms.eigen.power_iteration(eps=1e-7, maxiter=200)(slap,

    evec, ev = irl(c(slap), start)
    evals, eps2 = g.algorithms.eigen.evals(slap, evec)
    assert all([e2 < 0.1 for e2 in eps2])"{destination}/basis_t{t}", [evec, evals])
Beispiel #9
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Authors: Christoph Lehner 2020
# Desc.: Illustrate core concepts and features
import gpt as g
import numpy as np

grid = g.grid([2, 2, 2, 2], g.single)

cm = g.mcolor(grid)
cv = g.vcolor(grid)

cv[:] = 0
cv[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] = 1
cv[0, 0, 0, 0, 1] = 2

cm @= cv * g.adj(cv)


res = g.eval(cv * g.adj(cv) * cm * cv)


sc = g.vspincolor(grid)
sc[:] = 0
sc[0, 0, 0, 0] = g.vspincolor([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])
scA = g.eval(g.gamma[0] * g.gamma[1] * sc)
scB = g.eval(g.gamma[0] * g.eval(g.gamma[1] * sc))
Beispiel #10
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Authors: Christoph Lehner 2020
# Desc.: Illustrate core concepts and features
import gpt as g
import numpy as np
import sys

# grid
grid = g.grid([2, 2, 2, 2], g.single)

# test different lattice types
vc = g.vcolor(grid)

vz30 = g.vcomplex(grid, 30)

vz30c = g.lattice(grid, vz30.describe())
vz30c[:] = g.vcomplex([1] * 15 + [0.5] * 15, 30)

vz30b = g.lattice(vz30c)
vz30b[:] = g.vcomplex([0.5] * 5 + [1.0] * 20 + [0.2] * 5, 30)

g.message(g.eval(vz30c + 0.3 * vz30b))

# perform a barrier
Beispiel #11
                f"Iteration {it}, group_policy = {group_policy.__name__}")
            src_unsplit = [g.lattice(x) for x in src]
            t0 = g.time()
            src_split = g.split(src, split_grid, None if it == 0 else cache,
            t1 = g.time()
            g.unsplit(src_unsplit, src_split, None if it == 0 else cache,
            t2 = g.time()
            g.message(f"Timing: {t1-t0}s for split and {t2-t1}s for unsplit")
            for i in range(len(src)):
                eps2 = g.norm2(src_unsplit[i] - src[i]) / g.norm2(src[i])
                g.message(f"Split test {i} / {len(src)}: {eps2}")
                assert eps2 == 0.0

# Test scale per coordinate
grid_rb = g.grid([12, 8, 8, 8, 8], g.double, g.redblack)
a = rng.cnormal(g.vcolor(grid_rb))
b = g.lattice(a)
sc = np.array([rng.cnormal() for i in range(12)], np.complex128)
g.scale_per_coordinate(b, a, sc, 0)
a_s = g.separate(a, 0)
b_s = g.separate(b, 0)
for i in range(len(a_s)):
    eps2 = g.norm2(sc[i] * a_s[i] - b_s[i]) / g.norm2(b_s[i])
    assert eps2 < 1e-28