Beispiel #1
def sharma1998ext(precedents):
    Generates a AOA graph (PERT) from successors table
    Algorithm sharma1998 extended
    returns: pert.Pert() graph data structure
    pert_graph = pert.Pert()
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(precedents)

    # Close the graph (not in sharma1998)
    origin = pert_graph.nextNodeNumber()
    dest = pert_graph.nextNodeNumber()
    begin_act = graph.begining_activities(successors)
    end_act = graph.ending_activities(successors)
    begin_end_act = begin_act.intersection(end_act)

    #  -Creates a common node for starting activities
    for act in begin_act - begin_end_act:
        pert_graph.addActivity(act, origin)

    #  -Creates a common node for ending activities
    for act in end_act - begin_end_act:
        pert_graph.addActivity(act, origin=None, destination=dest)

    #  -Deals with begin-end activities
    if begin_end_act:
        act = begin_end_act.pop()
        pert_graph.addActivity(act, origin, dest)
        for act in begin_end_act:
            o, d = pert_graph.addActivity(act, origin)
            pert_graph.addActivity("seDummy", d, dest, dummy=True)

    # Sharma1998 algorithm
    for act in successors:
        #print "Processing", act, pert_graph
        #window.images.append( graph.pert2image(pert_graph) )
        if not pert_graph.activityArc(act):
            #window.images.append( graph.pert2image(pert_graph) )
        a_origin, a_dest = pert_graph.activityArc(act)
        #print '(', a_origin, a_dest, ')'
        for pre in precedents[act]:
            #print pert_graph.successors
            #print pre, pre in pert_graph.inActivitiesR(graph.reversed_prelation_table(pert_graph.successors), a_origin)
            if pre not in pert_graph.inActivitiesR(a_origin):
                if not pert_graph.activityArc(pre):
                    #window.images.append( graph.pert2image(pert_graph) )
                pert_graph.makePrelation(pre, act)
                a_origin, a_dest = pert_graph.activityArc(act)

    return pert_graph.renumerar()
Beispiel #2
def cohen_sadeh(prelations):
    Build graph PERT using Cohen-Sadeh algorithm
    Note: the original algorithm does not consider parallel activities (creates a multigraph)

    prelations = {'activity': ['predecesor1', 'predecesor2'...}

    return graph pert.Pert()
    # Adaptation to avoid multiple end nodes
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(prelations)
    end_act = graph.ending_activities(successors)

    #Step 1. Construct work table with Immediate Predecessors
    Columns = namedlist.namedlist('Columns', ['pre', 'blocked', 'dummy', 'suc', 'start_node', 'end_node'])
                            # [0 Predecesors,   1 Blocked, 2 Dummy, 3 Successors, 4 Start node, 5 End node]
                            #   Blocked = (False or Activity with same precedents)
    work_table = {}
    for act, predecessors in prelations.items():
        work_table[act] = Columns(set(predecessors), False, False, None, None, None)

#    print "\n--- Step 1 ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    #Step 2. Identify Identical Precedence Constraint of Diferent Activities
    visited_pred = {}
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        pred = frozenset(columns.pre)
        if pred not in visited_pred:
            visited_pred[pred] = act
            columns.blocked = visited_pred[pred]

#    print "\n--- Step 2 ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    #Step 3. Identify Necessary Dummy Arcs
    dups = set()
    visited_act = set()
    for columns in work_table.values():
        if not columns.blocked:
            for act in columns.pre:
                if act in visited_act:

#    print "\n--- Step 3.1 ---"
#    print dups

    #Step 3.2, 3.3 and 4. Create rows and information for Dummy Arcs
    dummy_counter = collections.Counter()
    for _, columns in work_table.items():
        # Avoid blocked
        if not columns.blocked:
            predecessors = columns.pre
            if len(predecessors) > 1:
                for pre in list(predecessors):
                    if pre in dups:
                        dummy_name = pre + '-d' + str(dummy_counter[pre])
                        dummy_counter[pre] += 1
                        work_table[dummy_name] = Columns(set([pre]), False, True, None, None, None)

#    print "\n--- Step 4 ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    #Step 5. Creating nodes
    node = 0 # instead of 0, can start at 100 to avoid confusion with activities named with numbers when debugging
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if not columns.dummy and not columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = node
            node += 1

#    print "\n--- Step 5a ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if not columns.dummy and columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = work_table[columns.blocked].start_node

#    print "\n--- Step 5b ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    #Step 6. Associate activities with their end nodes
    # (a) find one non-dummy successor for each activity
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        for suc, suc_columns in work_table.items():
            if not suc_columns.dummy and not suc_columns.blocked:
                if act in suc_columns.pre:
                    columns.suc = suc

#    print "\n--- Step 6a ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    # (b) find end nodes
    graph_end_node = node # Reserve one node for graph end 
    node += 1
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        suc = columns.suc
        if suc:
            columns.end_node = work_table[suc].start_node
            # Create needed end nodes, avoiding multiple graph end nodes (adaptation)
            if act in end_act:
                columns.end_node = graph_end_node
                columns.end_node = node 
                node += 1

#    print "\n--- Step 6b ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    #Step 7. Associate dummy arcs with start nodes
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if columns.dummy:
            pred = iter(columns.pre).next()
            start_node = work_table[pred].end_node
            columns.start_node = start_node

#    print "\n--- Step 7 ---"
#    __print_work_table(work_table)

    #Step 8. Generate the graph
    pm_graph = pert.PertMultigraph()
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        _, _, dummy, _, start, end = columns
        pm_graph.add_arc((start, end), (act, dummy))

    p_graph = pm_graph.to_directed_graph()
    return p_graph.renumerar()
Beispiel #3
        return data[0]
    except IOError:
        print 'Error reading file:', filename

if len(sys.argv)==3:
    repeticiones= int(sys.argv[2])

    data = openProject(filename)
    successors = {}

    for i in data:

    prelaciones1 = graph.reversed_prelation_table(successors)
    prelaciones = {
        'B': [], 
        'A': [], 
        'D': ['B'], 
        'C': [], 
        'F': ['C'], 
        'E': ['D'], 
        'H': ['B'], 
        'G': ['F'], 
        'J': ['F'], 
        'I': ['A'], 
        'L': ['C', 'E'], 
        'K': ['I'], 
        'N': ['B'], 
        'M': ['H'], 
Beispiel #4
def sysloOptimal(prelations):
    Build a PERT graph using Syslo algorithm

    return p_graph pert.PertMultigraph()
    # Adaptation to avoid multiple end nodes
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(prelations)
    end_act = graph.ending_activities(successors)
    prela = successors.copy()

    Columns = namedlist.namedlist('Columns', ['pre', 'blocked', 'dummy', 'suc', 'start_node', 'end_node'])
                            # [0 Predecesors,   1 Blocked, 2 Dummy, 3 Successors, 4 Start node, 5 End node]
                           #   Blocked = (False or Activity with same precedents)  

    #Step 0.
    grafo = {}
    alt = graph.successors2precedents(successors)
    grafo = graph.successors2precedents(syslo_table.syslo(prela, grafo, alt))

    #Step 1. Save the new prelation table in a work table
    work_table = {}
    for act, pre in grafo.items():
        if not act in prelations:
            work_table[act] = Columns(pre, False, True, None, None, None)
            work_table[act] = Columns(pre, False, False, None, None, None)

    #Step 2. Identify Dummy Activities And Identical Precedence Constraint of Diferent Activities
    visited_pred = {}
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        pred = frozenset(columns.pre)
        if pred not in visited_pred:
            visited_pred[pred] = act
            columns.blocked = visited_pred[pred]

    #Step 3. Creating nodes
    # (a) find start nodes
    node = 0 # instead of 0, can start at 100 to avoid confusion with activities named with numbers when debugging
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if not columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = node
            node += 1
        if columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = work_table[columns.blocked].start_node
        # Associate activities with their end nodes
        for suc, suc_columns in work_table.items():
            if not suc_columns.blocked:
                if act in suc_columns.pre:
                    columns.suc = suc

    # (b) find end nodes
    graph_end_node = node # Reserve one node for graph end 
    node += 1
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        suc = columns.suc
        if suc:
            columns.end_node = work_table[suc].start_node
            # Create needed end nodes, avoiding multiple graph end nodes (adaptation)
            if act in end_act:
                columns.end_node = graph_end_node
                columns.end_node = node 
                node += 1
    # Step 4. Remove redundancy of dummy activities
    vis = []
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if columns.dummy == False:
            for q in work_table[act].pre:
                    for w in work_table[act].pre:
                        if q in work_table and w in work_table:
                            if q != w and work_table[q].pre == work_table[w].pre and work_table[q].dummy==True and work_table[w].dummy==True:
                                if w not in vis:
                                    del work_table[w]
    #Step 5. Generate the graph
    pm_graph = pert.PertMultigraph()
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        _, _, dummy, _, start, end = columns
        pm_graph.add_arc((start, end), (act, dummy))

    p_graph = pm_graph.to_directed_graph()
    return p_graph

    return p_graph
def sysloPolynomial(prelations):

    # Adaptation to avoid multiple end nodes
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(prelations)
    end_act = graph.ending_activities(successors)

    # Step 0. Construct work table with Immediate Predecessors
    Columns = namedlist.namedlist("Columns", ["pre", "blocked", "dummy", "suc", "start_node", "end_node"])
    # [0 Predecesors,   1 Blocked, 2 Dummy, 3 Successors, 4 Start node, 5 End node]
    #   Blocked = (False or Activity with same precedents)

    # Step 1. Create the improper covers
    work_table_pol = makeCover(prelations, successors)

    # Step 2. Syslo Polynomial algorithm
    final = successors.copy()
    visited = []

    for act, pred in prelations.items():
        for v in pred:
            for u in pred:
                if u != v and successors[v] != successors[u] and act not in visited:
                    # Find activity in the improper cover table
                    for key, value in work_table_pol.items():
                        if act in value.w:
                            w = value.w

                    # Find each row that belongs to the predecessors of activity
                    for key, value in work_table_pol.items():
                        if set(value.u).issubset(prelations[act]) and value.u:
                            vertex = set(value.u).pop()
                            # Compare successors of a row with the improper cover of the activity
                            if successors[vertex] != w:
                                for q in value.u:
                                    if final.has_key(q):
                                        final[q] = list(
                                            (set(final[q]) - set(w) | set([str(vertex) + separator + str(act)]))
                                            - set([act])
                                        final[q] = list(
                                            set(successors[q]) - set(w) | set([str(vertex) + separator + str(act)])
                                final[str(vertex) + separator + str(act)] = [act]

                                for l in w:

    final = graph.successors2precedents(final)
    work_table = {}

    for act, pred in final.items():
        work_table[act] = Columns(pred, False, False, None, None, None)
        if act not in prelations:
            work_table[act].dummy = True

    # Step 3. Identify Dummy Activities And Identical Precedence Constraint of Diferent Activities
    visited_pred = {}
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        pred = frozenset(columns.pre)
        if pred not in visited_pred:
            visited_pred[pred] = act
            columns.blocked = visited_pred[pred]

    # Step 4. Creating nodes
    # (a) find start nodes
    node = 0  # instead of 0, can start at 100 to avoid confusion with activities named with numbers when debugging
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if not columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = node
            node += 1
        if columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = work_table[columns.blocked].start_node

        # Associate activities with their end nodes
        for suc, suc_columns in work_table.items():
            if not suc_columns.blocked:
                if act in suc_columns.pre:
                    columns.suc = suc

    # (b) find end nodes
    graph_end_node = node  # Reserve one node for graph end
    node += 1
    pm_graph = pert.PertMultigraph()
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        suc = columns.suc
        if suc:
            columns.end_node = work_table[suc].start_node
            # Create needed end nodes, avoiding multiple graph end nodes (adaptation)
            if act in end_act:
                columns.end_node = node
                columns.end_node = graph_end_node
                node += 1
        # Generate the graph
        _, _, dummy, _, start, end = columns
        pm_graph.add_arc((start, end), (act, dummy))

    p_graph = pm_graph.to_directed_graph()

    return p_graph
Beispiel #6
    except IOError:
        print 'Error reading file:', filename

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    repeticiones = int(sys.argv[2])
    filename = sys.argv[1]

    data = openProject(filename)
    successors = {}

    for i in data:
        successors[i[1]] = i[2]

    prelaciones1 = graph.reversed_prelation_table(successors)
    prelaciones = {
        'B': [],
        'A': [],
        'D': ['B'],
        'C': [],
        'F': ['C'],
        'E': ['D'],
        'H': ['B'],
        'G': ['F'],
        'J': ['F'],
        'I': ['A'],
        'L': ['C', 'E'],
        'K': ['I'],
        'N': ['B'],
        'M': ['H'],
Beispiel #7
def sysloPolynomial(prelations):

    # Adaptation to avoid multiple end nodes
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(prelations)
    end_act = graph.ending_activities(successors)

    #Step 0. Construct work table with Immediate Predecessors
    Columns = namedlist.namedlist('Columns', ['pre', 'blocked', 'dummy', 'suc', 'start_node', 'end_node'])
                            # [0 Predecesors,   1 Blocked, 2 Dummy, 3 Successors, 4 Start node, 5 End node]
                            #   Blocked = (False or Activity with same precedents)

    #Step 1. Create the improper covers
    work_table_pol = makeCover(prelations, successors)
    # Step 2. Syslo Polynomial algorithm
    final = successors.copy()
    visited = []
    for act, pred in prelations.items():
        for v in pred:
            for u in pred:
                if u != v and successors[v] != successors[u] and act not in visited:
                    # Find activity in the improper cover table
                    for key, value in work_table_pol.items():
                        if act in value.w:
                            w = value.w
                    # Find each row that belongs to the predecessors of activity
                    for key, value in work_table_pol.items():
                        if set(value.u).issubset(prelations[act]) and value.u:
                            vertex = set(value.u).pop()
                            # Compare successors of a row with the improper cover of the activity
                            if successors[vertex] != w:
                                for q in value.u: 
                                    if final.has_key(q):
                                        final[q] = list((set(final[q]) - set(w) | set([str(vertex) + separator + str(act)])) - set([act]))       
                                        final[q] = list(set(successors[q]) - set(w) | set([str(vertex) + separator + str(act)]))
                                final[str(vertex) + separator + str(act)] = [act]

                                for l in w:
    final = graph.successors2precedents(final)
    work_table = {}
    for act, pred in final.items():
        work_table[act] = Columns(pred, False, False, None, None, None)
        if act not in prelations:
            work_table[act].dummy = True

    #Step 3. Identify Dummy Activities And Identical Precedence Constraint of Diferent Activities
    visited_pred = {}
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        pred = frozenset(columns.pre)
        if pred not in visited_pred:
            visited_pred[pred] = act
            columns.blocked = visited_pred[pred]

    #Step 4. Creating nodes
    # (a) find start nodes
    node = 0 # instead of 0, can start at 100 to avoid confusion with activities named with numbers when debugging
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if not columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = node
            node += 1
        if columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = work_table[columns.blocked].start_node
        # Associate activities with their end nodes
        for suc, suc_columns in work_table.items():
            if not suc_columns.blocked:
                if act in suc_columns.pre:
                    columns.suc = suc

    # (b) find end nodes
    graph_end_node = node # Reserve one node for graph end 
    node += 1
    pm_graph = pert.PertMultigraph()
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        suc = columns.suc
        if suc:
            columns.end_node = work_table[suc].start_node
            # Create needed end nodes, avoiding multiple graph end nodes (adaptation)
            if act in end_act:
                columns.end_node = node 
                columns.end_node = graph_end_node
                node += 1 
        # Generate the graph
        _, _, dummy, _, start, end = columns
        pm_graph.add_arc((start, end), (act, dummy))

    p_graph = pm_graph.to_directed_graph()
    return p_graph
def gento_municio(predecessors):
    Creates a PERT graph usign the algorithm defined in:
        Gento-Municio, Angel M. “Un Algoritmo Para La Realización de Grafos Con Las Actividades En Los Arcos, Grafos
        PERT.” Cuadernos Del CIMBAGE, no. 7 (2004): 103.
    nodes = NodeList(predecessors.keys())
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(predecessors)

    # Generate precedences/successors matrix
    matrix = scipy.zeros([nodes.num_real_activities, nodes.num_real_activities], dtype=int)
    for activity, successor in successors.items():
        for suc in successor:
            matrix[nodes.activity_names.index(activity)][nodes.activity_names.index(suc)] = 1
#    print "MATRIX filled: \n", matrix
    # sum each column
    sum_predecessors = scipy.sum(matrix, axis=0)
#    print "SUM_PREDECESSORS: ", sum_predecessors
    # sum each row
    sum_successors = scipy.sum(matrix, axis=1)
#    print "SUM_SUCCCESSORS: ", sum_successors

    # Step 1. Search initial activities (have no predecessors) [3.1]
    beginning, = numpy.nonzero(sum_predecessors == 0)
#    print "Beginning: ", beginning

    # add begin node to activities that begin at initial node
    begin_node = nodes.next_node()
    for node_activity in beginning:
        nodes[node_activity][0] = begin_node

    # Step 2. Search endings activities (have no successors) [3.2]
    ending, = numpy.nonzero(sum_successors == 0)
#    print "Ending: ", ending
    # add end node to activities that end in final node
    # note: this step may be replaced by handling them in steps 3 and 4 as stI and stII
    end_node = nodes.next_node()
    for node_activity in ending:
        nodes[node_activity][1] = end_node
#    print nodes

    # Step 3. Search standard type I (Activity have unique successors) [3.3]
    act_one_predeccessor, = numpy.nonzero(sum_predecessors == 1)
    stI = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for i in act_one_predeccessor:
        pred = numpy.nonzero((matrix[:,i]))[0][0]
        if (sum_successors[pred] == 1 # this condition is redundant but faster than the following check
            or sum_successors[pred] == scipy.sum(matrix[:,numpy.nonzero(matrix[pred])])):
#    print "stI: ", stI
    #Add the same end node of activities to the begin node of its successors activities
    for node_activity in stI:
        stI_node = nodes.next_node()
        nodes[node_activity][1] = stI_node
        for successor in stI[node_activity]:
            nodes[successor][0] = stI_node
#    print nodes

    #Step 4. Search standard II(Full) and standard II(Incomplete) [3.4]
#    print "--- Step 4 ---"
    # dictionary with key: equal successors; value: mother activities
    stII = collections.defaultdict(list)

    for act in range(nodes.num_real_activities):

    # remove ending activities and those included in type I
    del(stII[ frozenset([]) ])
    for pred, succs in stI.items():
        del(stII[ frozenset(succs) ])

    # assigns nodes to type II as indicated in figure 8
    mark_complete = []
    for succs, preds in stII.items():
        u = len(preds)
        # if NP[succs] != u (complete)
#        print preds, '->', succs,
        if not [ i for i in succs if sum_predecessors[i] != u ]:
#            print 'complete'
            node = nodes.next_node()
            for act in preds:
                nodes[act][1] = node
            for act in succs:
                nodes[act][0] = node
        else: # (incomplete)
#            print 'incomplete'
            node = nodes.next_node()
            for act in preds:
                nodes[act][1] = node
#    print nodes

    # Step 5. Search for matching successors [3.5]
#    print "--- Step 5 ---"
    # remove type II complete so that stII becomes MASC
    for succs in mark_complete:
        del stII[succs]
    masc = stII

#    print "MASC"
#    for succs, preds in stII.items():
#        print preds, succs

    npc = scipy.zeros([nodes.num_real_activities], dtype=int)
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
        num_preds = len(preds)
        for succ in succs:
            npc[succ] += num_preds
#    print npc

    # Step 6. Identifying start nodes on matching successors
#    print "--- Step 6 ---"
    act_no_initial = [i for i in range(nodes.num_real_activities) if nodes[i][0] == None]
#    print act_no_initial, "<- No initial node"
    num_no_initial = len(act_no_initial)

    mra = scipy.zeros([num_no_initial, num_no_initial], dtype=int)
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
        num_preds = len(preds)
        for act_i, act_j in itertools.combinations(succs, 2):
            mra[act_no_initial.index(act_i), act_no_initial.index(act_j)] += num_preds
            mra[act_no_initial.index(act_j), act_no_initial.index(act_i)] += num_preds # Symmetry, any succ order
#    print 'MRA'
#    print mra

    # check matching successors and assign them initial nodes
    for i in range(num_no_initial):
        for j in range(i+1, num_no_initial):
            if mra[i,j] == npc[act_no_initial[i]] and mra[i,j] == npc[act_no_initial[j]]:
#                print 'coincidencia', i, j, "(", act_no_initial[i], act_no_initial[j], ")"
                if nodes[act_no_initial[i]][0] != None:
                    node = nodes[act_no_initial[i]][0]
                    node = nodes.next_node()
                    nodes[act_no_initial[i]][0] = node
                nodes[act_no_initial[j]][0] = node

    # assign initial node to the remaining activities (they must be alone, interpreted, not clear on paper)
    for node in nodes:
        if node[0] == None:
            node[0] = nodes.next_node()

#    print nodes

    # Step 7. String search
    # create MNS (to avoid counting matching successors twice)
    mns = {}
    unconnected = set() # all nodes in MNS
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
        succ_nodes = set([nodes[succ][0] for succ in succs])
        mns[ nodes[preds[0]][1] ] = succ_nodes  # as all preds have same successors they will be usign just one node

#    print 'MNS'
#    for pred, succs in mns.items():
#        print pred, '-', succs

    # create MRN
    unconnected = list(unconnected)
    num_unconnected = len(unconnected)
#    print unconnected, '<-Unconnected'

    appear = scipy.zeros([num_unconnected], dtype=int)
    mrn = scipy.zeros([num_unconnected, num_unconnected], dtype=int)
    for pred, u_nodes in mns.items():
        for node in u_nodes:
            appear[ unconnected.index(node) ] += 1
        for node_a, node_b in itertools.combinations(u_nodes, 2):
            mrn[unconnected.index(node_a), unconnected.index(node_b)] += 1
            mrn[unconnected.index(node_b), unconnected.index(node_a)] += 1
#    print 'MRN'
#    print mrn
#    print 'Appear'
#    print appear

    # create MC
    mc = []
    for i in range(num_unconnected):
        mc.append([j for j in range(num_unconnected) if mrn[i,j] == appear[i] ])

#    print 'MC'
#    for i in range(num_unconnected):
#        print i, '-', mc[i]

    # use strings to connect nodes
    for i in range(num_unconnected):
        following_nodes = sorted(mc[i], key=lambda x : len(mc[x]))
        while following_nodes:
#            print following_nodes
            follower = following_nodes.pop()
#            print 'extracted:', follower

            # Create dummy i -> follower (unconnected to real)
            nodes.append_dummy(unconnected[i], unconnected[follower])
            for fol_follower in mc[follower]:
#                print 'remove:', fol_follower
                except ValueError:
                    pass # if it has already been connected, it will not be in list now
#    print nodes

    # Step 8. Final nodes and dummies
    # (note: contrary to what paper says, we have already set final nodes for all
    #  activities in step 4 as indicated in figure 8. Nevertheless, these nodes are
    #  unconnected so we replace them here if necessary. Not assigning nodes in step 4
    #  would break step 7)
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
#        print "Studying:", preds, '->', succs
        if len(succs) == 1: # Case I
#            print "Case I"
            for pred in preds:
                nodes[pred][1] = nodes[next(iter(succs))][0]
            # Get follower with lower npc
            min_follower = None
            min_npc = None
            for succ in succs:
                if min_npc == None or min_npc > npc[succ]:
                    min_follower = succ
                    min_npc = npc[succ]
#            print min_follower, 'npc:', min_npc

            # Count the number of masc rows containing our successor activities
            count = 0
            for others in masc:
                if succs.issubset(others):
                    count += len(masc[others])

            if count >= min_npc: # Case II (if min_npc==1) and Case III
#                print "Case II or III"
                for pred in preds:
                    nodes[pred][1] = nodes[min_follower][0]
                for succ in succs:
                    # note: if there are several predecessors, they have the same end node assigned in step 4
                    nodes.append_dummy(nodes[next(iter(preds))][1], nodes[succ][0])

    # Step 9. Final nodes for type II incomplete
    # (note: final nodes have already been assigned in step 8. We think section 3.9 of paper is unnecessary)
    return nodes.to_pert_graph().renumerar()
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self, pert=None):
     super(Pert, self).__init__()
     self.construct = algoritmoSharma.sharma1998ext
     if pert != None:
         self.successors, self.arcs = pert
         self.predecessors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(self.successors)
Beispiel #10
def mouhoub(prelations):
    Build a PERT graph using Mouhoub algorithm
    prelations = {'activity': ['predecesor1', 'predecesor2'...}

    return p_graph pert.PertMultigraph()
    Columns = namedlist.namedlist('Columns', ['pre', 'su', 'blocked', 'dummy', 'suc', 'start_node', 'end_node', 'aux'])
                            # [0 Predecesors, 1 Successors, 2 Blocked, 3 Dummy, 4 Blocked successor, 5 Start node, 6 End node, 7 Auxiliar ]
                            # Blocked = (False or Activity with same precedents) 

    # Adaptation to avoid multiple end nodes
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(prelations)
    successors_copy = graph.reversed_prelation_table(prelations.copy())
    end_act = graph.ending_activities(successors)

    # Step 0. Remove Z Configuration. Update the prelation table in complete_bipartite dictionary
    complete_bipartite = successors
    #Step 1. Save the prelations in the work table
    complete_bipartite = graph.successors2precedents(complete_bipartite) 
    work_table = {}
    for act, sucesores in complete_bipartite.items():
        work_table[act] = Columns(set(sucesores), successors[act], None, False, None, None, None, None)
        if act not in prelations:
            work_table[act].dummy = True
    #Step 2. Identify Identical Precedence Constraint of Diferent Activities
    visited_pred = {}
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        pred = frozenset(columns.pre)
        if pred not in visited_pred:
            visited_pred[pred] = act
            columns.blocked = visited_pred[pred]
    #Step 3. Creating nodes
    # (a) Find start nodes
    node = 0 # instead of 0, can start at 100 to avoid confusion with activities named with numbers when debugging
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        if not columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = node
            node += 1
        if columns.blocked:
            columns.start_node = work_table[columns.blocked].start_node
        # Associate activities with their end nodes
        for suc, suc_columns in work_table.items():
            if not suc_columns.blocked:
                if act in suc_columns.pre:
                    columns.suc = suc


    # (b) Find end nodes
    graph_end_node = node # Reserve one node for graph end 
    node += 1
    for act, columns in work_table.items():
        suc = columns.suc
        if suc:
            columns.end_node = work_table[suc].start_node
            # Create needed end nodes, avoiding multiple graph end nodes (adaptation)
            if act in end_act:
                columns.end_node = graph_end_node 
                columns.end_node = node
                node += 1   

    #Step 4. MOUHOUB algorithm rules to remove extra dummy activities
    mouhoubRules.rule_1(successors_copy, work_table)
    G2 = mouhoubRules.rule_2(prelations, work_table)
    G3 = mouhoubRules.rule_3(G2, work_table)
    G4 = mouhoubRules.rule_4(G3, work_table)
    G5_6 = mouhoubRules.rule_5_6(successors_copy, work_table, G4)
    G3a = mouhoubRules.rule_3(G5_6, work_table)
    G4a = mouhoubRules.rule_4(G3a, work_table)
    G7 =  mouhoubRules.rule_7(successors_copy, successors, G4a, node)
    work_table_final = {}
    for act, sucesores in G7.items():
        work_table_final[act] = Columns([], [], [], sucesores.dummy, sucesores.suc, sucesores.start_node, sucesores.end_node, [])
    #Step 5. Delete Dummy Cycles
    for act, sucesores in work_table_final.items():
        for act2, sucesores2 in work_table_final.items():
            if act != act2:
                if sucesores.end_node == sucesores2.end_node and sucesores.start_node == sucesores2.start_node:
                    if act not in successors:
                        del work_table_final[act]
    #Step 6. Generate the graph
    pm_graph = pert.PertMultigraph()
    for act, columns in work_table_final.items():
        _, _, _, dummy, _, start, end, _ = columns
        pm_graph.add_arc((start, end), (act, dummy))
    p_graph = pm_graph.to_directed_graph()
    return p_graph
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self, pert=None):
     super(Pert, self).__init__()
     self.construct = algoritmoSharma.sharma1998ext
     if pert != None:
         self.successors, self.arcs = pert
         self.predecessors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(self.successors)
Beispiel #12
def main():
    Test AOA (PERT) network generation algorithms with some given project files
    # Parse arguments and options
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Test AOA graph generation algorithms with given files')
    parser.add_argument('infiles', nargs='*', help='Project files to test')
        'Name of file to append test results in CSV format (default: resultados.csv)'
                        help='Number of repetitions (default: 1)')
                        help='Draw the graph in a SVG file')
                        help='Do not stop when an algorithm fails')

                        help='Test Cohen Sadeh algorithm')
                        help='Test Sharma algorithm')
                        help='Test Lorenzo Salas algorithm')
                        help='Test Gento Municio algorithm')
                        help='Test set based optimal algorithm')
                        help='Test Mouhoub algorithm')
                        help='Test Syslo Polynomial algorithm')
                        help='Test Syslo Optimal algorithm')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.repeat < 1:
        print 'Number of repetitions must be > 0'
        return 1

        f_csv = open(args.table_file, "a")
    except IOError:
        print 'Can not open table file (%s) to append results in CSV format' % (
            args.table_file, )
        return 1

    # List of name and function of each algorithm to test
    algorithms = []
    if args.CohenSadeh:
        algorithms.append(('CohenSadeh', algoritmoCohenSadeh.cohen_sadeh))
    if args.Sharma:
        algorithms.append(('Sharma', algoritmoSharma.sharma1998ext))
    if args.Optimal:
        algorithms.append(('Conjuntos', algoritmoConjuntos.algoritmoN))
    if args.GentoMunicio:
            ('GentoMunicio', algoritmoGentoMunicio.gento_municio))
    if args.Salas:
        algorithms.append(('Salas', algoritmoSalas.salas))
    if args.Mouhoub:
        algorithms.append(('Mouhoub', algoritmoMouhoub.mouhoub))
    if args.Syslo_Polynomial:
            ('Syslo Polinomico', algoritmoSysloPolynomial.sysloPolynomial))
    if args.Syslo_Optimal:
        algorithms.append(('Syslo Optimo', algoritmoSysloOptimal.sysloOptimal))
    # Perform tests on each file
    for filename in args.infiles:
        print "\nFilename: ", filename
        data = openProject(filename)
        if not data:
            print 'Can not read or understand file'
            # XXX Aqui habria que cortar si falla el checkeo del fichero

            # Test each algorithm
            for name, alg in algorithms:
                print name

                # Get successors from activities table
                successors = {}
                for i in data:
                    successors[i[1]] = i[2]

                # Count prelations
                list_of_predecessors = successors.values()
                num_of_predecessors = 0
                for predecessors in list_of_predecessors:
                    num_of_predecessors += len(predecessors)

                # Get predecessors from successors
                prelaciones = graph.reversed_prelation_table(successors)

                # Run algorithm
                pert_graph = None
                itime = os.times()
                for i in range(args.repeat):
                        pert_graph = alg(prelaciones)
                    except Exception:
                        print traceback.format_exc()
                        print " --- Algorithm failed! --- "
                        if not args.no_stop:
                            return 1

                if pert_graph:
                    ftime = os.times()
                    utime = ftime[0] - itime[0]

                    # Print test results
                    print "utime %.4f" % (utime)
                    print "utime: ", utime
                    print "numero de nodos: ", pert_graph.number_of_nodes()
                    print "numero de arcos: ", pert_graph.number_of_arcs()
                    print "numero de arcos reales: ", pert_graph.numArcsReales(
                    print "numero de arcos ficticios: ", pert_graph.numArcsFicticios(
                    print "numero de predecesors/sucesores: ", num_of_predecessors
                    print "Validation: "
                    if not validation.check_validation(
                            successors, pert_graph) and not args.no_stop:
                        return 1
                    print ""

                    # XXX ??Falta incluir aqui el numero de actividades??
                    result_line = '"' + filename + '",' + '"' + name + '",' + str(len(data)) + ',' + str(num_of_predecessors) + ',' + \
                        str(pert_graph.number_of_nodes()) + ',' + str(pert_graph.number_of_arcs()) + ',' + \
                        str(pert_graph.numArcsReales()) + ',' + str(pert_graph.numArcsFicticios()) + ',' + "%.4f"%(utime)
                    f_csv.write(result_line + "\n")

                if pert_graph == 1:
                    print "No hay resultados que mostrar"

                    # Draw graph and save in a file (*.svg)
                    if args.SVG:
                        image_text = graph.pert2image(pert_graph)
                        fsalida = open(
                            os.path.split(filename)[1] + '_' + name + '.svg',

    return 0
Beispiel #13
def gento_municio(predecessors):
    Creates a PERT graph usign the algorithm defined in:
        Gento-Municio, Angel M. “Un Algoritmo Para La Realización de Grafos Con Las Actividades En Los Arcos, Grafos
        PERT.” Cuadernos Del CIMBAGE, no. 7 (2004): 103.
    nodes = NodeList(predecessors.keys())
    successors = graph.reversed_prelation_table(predecessors)

    # Generate precedences/successors matrix
    matrix = scipy.zeros(
        [nodes.num_real_activities, nodes.num_real_activities], dtype=int)
    for activity, successor in successors.items():
        for suc in successor:
                nodes.activity_names.index(suc)] = 1
#    print "MATRIX filled: \n", matrix
# sum each column
    sum_predecessors = scipy.sum(matrix, axis=0)
    #    print "SUM_PREDECESSORS: ", sum_predecessors
    # sum each row
    sum_successors = scipy.sum(matrix, axis=1)
    #    print "SUM_SUCCCESSORS: ", sum_successors

    # Step 1. Search initial activities (have no predecessors) [3.1]
    beginning, = numpy.nonzero(sum_predecessors == 0)
    #    print "Beginning: ", beginning

    # add begin node to activities that begin at initial node
    begin_node = nodes.next_node()
    for node_activity in beginning:
        nodes[node_activity][0] = begin_node

    # Step 2. Search endings activities (have no successors) [3.2]
    ending, = numpy.nonzero(sum_successors == 0)
    #    print "Ending: ", ending
    # add end node to activities that end in final node
    # note: this step may be replaced by handling them in steps 3 and 4 as stI and stII
    end_node = nodes.next_node()
    for node_activity in ending:
        nodes[node_activity][1] = end_node
#    print nodes

# Step 3. Search standard type I (Activity have unique successors) [3.3]
    act_one_predeccessor, = numpy.nonzero(sum_predecessors == 1)
    stI = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for i in act_one_predeccessor:
        pred = numpy.nonzero((matrix[:, i]))[0][0]
        if (sum_successors[pred] ==
                1  # this condition is redundant but faster than the following check
                or sum_successors[pred] == scipy.sum(
                    matrix[:, numpy.nonzero(matrix[pred])])):
#    print "stI: ", stI
#Add the same end node of activities to the begin node of its successors activities
    for node_activity in stI:
        stI_node = nodes.next_node()
        nodes[node_activity][1] = stI_node
        for successor in stI[node_activity]:
            nodes[successor][0] = stI_node
#    print nodes

#Step 4. Search standard II(Full) and standard II(Incomplete) [3.4]
#    print "--- Step 4 ---"
# dictionary with key: equal successors; value: mother activities
    stII = collections.defaultdict(list)

    for act in range(nodes.num_real_activities):

    # remove ending activities and those included in type I
    del (stII[frozenset([])])
    for pred, succs in stI.items():
        del (stII[frozenset(succs)])

    # assigns nodes to type II as indicated in figure 8
    mark_complete = []
    for succs, preds in stII.items():
        u = len(preds)
        # if NP[succs] != u (complete)
        #        print preds, '->', succs,
        if not [i for i in succs if sum_predecessors[i] != u]:
            #            print 'complete'
            node = nodes.next_node()
            for act in preds:
                nodes[act][1] = node
            for act in succs:
                nodes[act][0] = node
        else:  # (incomplete)
            #            print 'incomplete'
            node = nodes.next_node()
            for act in preds:
                nodes[act][1] = node
#    print nodes

# Step 5. Search for matching successors [3.5]
#    print "--- Step 5 ---"
# remove type II complete so that stII becomes MASC
    for succs in mark_complete:
        del stII[succs]
    masc = stII

    #    print "MASC"
    #    for succs, preds in stII.items():
    #        print preds, succs

    npc = scipy.zeros([nodes.num_real_activities], dtype=int)
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
        num_preds = len(preds)
        for succ in succs:
            npc[succ] += num_preds
#    print npc

# Step 6. Identifying start nodes on matching successors
#    print "--- Step 6 ---"
    act_no_initial = [
        i for i in range(nodes.num_real_activities) if nodes[i][0] == None
    #    print act_no_initial, "<- No initial node"
    num_no_initial = len(act_no_initial)

    mra = scipy.zeros([num_no_initial, num_no_initial], dtype=int)
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
        num_preds = len(preds)
        for act_i, act_j in itertools.combinations(succs, 2):
                act_no_initial.index(act_j)] += num_preds
                index(act_i)] += num_preds  # Symmetry, any succ order
#    print 'MRA'
#    print mra

# check matching successors and assign them initial nodes
    for i in range(num_no_initial):
        for j in range(i + 1, num_no_initial):
            if mra[i, j] == npc[act_no_initial[i]] and mra[i, j] == npc[
                #                print 'coincidencia', i, j, "(", act_no_initial[i], act_no_initial[j], ")"
                if nodes[act_no_initial[i]][0] != None:
                    node = nodes[act_no_initial[i]][0]
                    node = nodes.next_node()
                    nodes[act_no_initial[i]][0] = node
                nodes[act_no_initial[j]][0] = node

    # assign initial node to the remaining activities (they must be alone, interpreted, not clear on paper)
    for node in nodes:
        if node[0] == None:
            node[0] = nodes.next_node()

#    print nodes

# Step 7. String search
# create MNS (to avoid counting matching successors twice)
    mns = {}
    unconnected = set()  # all nodes in MNS
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
        succ_nodes = set([nodes[succ][0] for succ in succs])
            1]] = succ_nodes  # as all preds have same successors they will be usign just one node

#    print 'MNS'
#    for pred, succs in mns.items():
#        print pred, '-', succs

# create MRN
    unconnected = list(unconnected)
    num_unconnected = len(unconnected)
    #    print unconnected, '<-Unconnected'

    appear = scipy.zeros([num_unconnected], dtype=int)
    mrn = scipy.zeros([num_unconnected, num_unconnected], dtype=int)
    for pred, u_nodes in mns.items():
        for node in u_nodes:
            appear[unconnected.index(node)] += 1
        for node_a, node_b in itertools.combinations(u_nodes, 2):
            mrn[unconnected.index(node_a), unconnected.index(node_b)] += 1
            mrn[unconnected.index(node_b), unconnected.index(node_a)] += 1
#    print 'MRN'
#    print mrn
#    print 'Appear'
#    print appear

# create MC
    mc = []
    for i in range(num_unconnected):
            [j for j in range(num_unconnected) if mrn[i, j] == appear[i]])

#    print 'MC'
#    for i in range(num_unconnected):
#        print i, '-', mc[i]

# use strings to connect nodes
    for i in range(num_unconnected):
        following_nodes = sorted(mc[i], key=lambda x: len(mc[x]))
        while following_nodes:
            #            print following_nodes
            follower = following_nodes.pop()
            #            print 'extracted:', follower

            # Create dummy i -> follower (unconnected to real)
            nodes.append_dummy(unconnected[i], unconnected[follower])
            for fol_follower in mc[follower]:
                #                print 'remove:', fol_follower
                except ValueError:
                    pass  # if it has already been connected, it will not be in list now
#    print nodes

# Step 8. Final nodes and dummies
# (note: contrary to what paper says, we have already set final nodes for all
#  activities in step 4 as indicated in figure 8. Nevertheless, these nodes are
#  unconnected so we replace them here if necessary. Not assigning nodes in step 4
#  would break step 7)
    for succs, preds in masc.items():
        #        print "Studying:", preds, '->', succs
        if len(succs) == 1:  # Case I
            #            print "Case I"
            for pred in preds:
                nodes[pred][1] = nodes[next(iter(succs))][0]
            # Get follower with lower npc
            min_follower = None
            min_npc = None
            for succ in succs:
                if min_npc == None or min_npc > npc[succ]:
                    min_follower = succ
                    min_npc = npc[succ]
#            print min_follower, 'npc:', min_npc

# Count the number of masc rows containing our successor activities
            count = 0
            for others in masc:
                if succs.issubset(others):
                    count += len(masc[others])

            if count >= min_npc:  # Case II (if min_npc==1) and Case III
                #                print "Case II or III"
                for pred in preds:
                    nodes[pred][1] = nodes[min_follower][0]
                for succ in succs:
                    # note: if there are several predecessors, they have the same end node assigned in step 4

    # Step 9. Final nodes for type II incomplete
    # (note: final nodes have already been assigned in step 8. We think section 3.9 of paper is unnecessary)

    return nodes.to_pert_graph().renumerar()