def random_budget_graphs(n, p):
    max_utilities = []
    x_list = []
    y_list_MILP = []
    y_list_SIM = []
    y_list_MODSIM = []
    y_list_KNAPSACK = []
    y_list_GREEDY = []
    y_list_ACYCLIC_GREEDY = []

    iterations_list_SIM = []
    #     iterations_list_MODSIM = []
    iterations_list_MODSIM = iterations_list_SIM

    # random wattage energy list
    rand_cost = random_energy(n)
    # random utility array
    rand_utility = random_utility(n)
    # maximum utility of the current graph
    current_max_utility = sum(rand_utility)

    for b in range_budget():
        # it creates one random graph
        g = new_random_graph(n, p)

        # this function create another graph (functional graph) from the graph g
        funct_g, pref_g = two_graphs(g)

        # compute the dependencies arrays
        y_p = depend_vector(pref_g)
        y_f = bsf_depend_vector(funct_g, n)
        Y_p = successors_number(y_p)
        Y_f = successors_number(y_f)

        # list of maximum utilities

        # list of probability values (AXIS X)
        """  ********  MILP  ********  """
        #         print('milp')
        # to call the milp algortihm
        m_milp, milp_sol = complete_milp(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, rand_cost, b,
                                         rand_utility, n)
        # to get the objective function value (AXIS Y)
        obj = m_milp.getObjective()
        """  ********  SIMULATED ANNEALING  ********  """
        print('regular sim ann')
        sol = np.zeros(n)  # it starts with an empty subset

        #        sol = list(np.zeros(n))
        #        cost = 0
        #        while(cost > b):
        #            sol = list(np.random.randint(2, size = n))
        #            cost = cost_function(sol, rand_cost)

        solution, u_val, iterations = simulated_annealing(
            y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, sol, rand_cost, rand_utility, b)

        #         """  ********  MODIFIED SIMULATED ANNEALING  ********  """
        #         print('modified sim ann')
        #         sol = list(np.zeros(n)) # it starts with an empty subset
        #         solution, u_val, iterations = modified_simulated_annealing(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, sol, rand_cost, rand_utility, b)
        #         y_list_MODSIM.append(u_val)
        #         iterations_list_MODSIM.append(iterations)
        """  ******* KNAPSACK  ********  """
        #         print('knapsack')
        knapsack_utility, m, knap_sol = knapsack(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, rand_cost,
                                                 b, rand_utility, n)
        """  ******* GREEDY  ********  """
        #         print('greedy')
        greedy_solution, greedy_utility, greedy_cost, sorted_select_set = greedy_alg(
            y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, sol, rand_cost, rand_utility, b)
        """  ******* ACYCLIC GREEDY  ********  """
        #         print('acyclic greedy')
        Acyclic_solution, Acyclic_utility, Acyclic_cost = acyclic_greedy_alg(
            funct_g, y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, sol, rand_cost, rand_utility, b)

    # convert lists into arrays to compute division
    y_array_MILP = np.array(y_list_MILP)
    y_array_SIM = np.array(y_list_SIM)
    y_array_MODSIM = np.array(y_list_MODSIM)
    y_array_KNAPSACK = np.array(y_list_KNAPSACK)
    y_array_GREEDY = np.array(y_list_GREEDY)
    y_array_ACYCLIC_GREEDY = np.array(y_list_ACYCLIC_GREEDY)
    max_utilities_array = np.array(max_utilities)

    # compute the percentage utility
    final_y_MILP = 100 * (y_array_MILP / max_utilities_array)
    final_y_SIM = 100 * (y_array_SIM / max_utilities_array)
    #     final_y_MODSIM = 100 * (y_array_MODSIM / max_utilities_array)
    final_y_MODSIM = final_y_SIM
    final_y_KNAPSACK = 100 * (y_array_KNAPSACK / max_utilities_array)
    final_y_GREEDY = 100 * (y_array_GREEDY / max_utilities_array)
    final_y_ACYCLIC_GREEDY = 100 * (y_array_ACYCLIC_GREEDY /

    # convert array into list
    final_y_MILP = list(final_y_MILP)
    final_y_SIM = list(final_y_SIM)
    final_y_MODSIM = list(final_y_MODSIM)
    final_y_KNAPSACK = list(final_y_KNAPSACK)
    final_y_GREEDY = list(final_y_GREEDY)
    final_y_ACYCLIC_GREEDY = list(final_y_ACYCLIC_GREEDY)

    return x_list, final_y_MILP, final_y_SIM, final_y_MODSIM, final_y_KNAPSACK, final_y_GREEDY, final_y_ACYCLIC_GREEDY, iterations_list_SIM, iterations_list_MODSIM
def acyclic_greedy_alg(g_f, y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, solution, cost_vector, u, B):    # zero outdegree
    n = len(solution)
    current_utility = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, solution, u)
    current_cost=cost_function(solution, cost_vector)
    Selected_appliances = []
    Selected_Super_nodes = []
    final_sol = [0]*n

    g_f_reduced_2, Super_nodes = make_acyclic_scc(g_f)
    Cost_of_Super_nodes = Super_Costs(Super_nodes,cost_vector)
    Utility_of_Super_nodes = Super_Utilities(Super_nodes,u)

    L = len(Super_nodes)
    y_f2 = bsf_depend_vector_2(g_f_reduced_2, L)
    Y_f2 = successors_number(y_f2)
    # search_set = np.arange(L)
    G = copy.copy(g_f_reduced_2)

    current_solution = np.zeros(L)
    for i in range(L):
        out_d = list(G.out_degree())
    #     print('out_d = '+str(out_d))
        zero_out_d = []
        for i in range(len(out_d)):
            if out_d[i][1]==0:
        search_set = copy.copy(zero_out_d)
    #     print('search_set = '+str(search_set))

        select_set = list()
        for l in search_set:
            temp_solution = copy.copy(current_solution)
            Potential_appliances = []
            x_temp = [0]*n
            for k in range(L):
                if temp_solution[k]:
            for k in range(n):
                if k in Potential_appliances:
                    x_temp[k] = 1
            ll = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, x_temp, u)/ (Cost_of_Super_nodes[l])
            select_set.append((ll, l))

        A=sorted(select_set, reverse=True)
    #     print('A = '+str(A))
        j = A[0][1]
    #     print('j = '+str(j))
        new_solution = copy.copy(current_solution)
    #     new_solution = np.logical_or(new_solution, y_f2[j])*1
        new_solution[j] = 1
        Potential_appliances = []
        x = [0]*n
        for k in range(L):
            if new_solution[k]:
        for k in range(n):
            if k in Potential_appliances:
                x[k] = 1
        new_utility = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, x, u)
        new_cost = cost_function(x, cost_vector)

    #     b = np.array([j])
    #     search_set = np.setdiff1d(search_set,b)

        if new_cost <= B:
    #         print('Yes! Picked '+str(Super_nodes[j]))
            current_solution = copy.copy(new_solution)
    #         print([int(i) for i in current_solution])
            current_utility = new_utility
            current_cost = new_cost
            final_sol = x
    print('CODY \n'+ 'Utility: ' + str(current_utility))# + '\n' + 'Cost: ' + str(current_cost))
#     return Super_nodes, Cost_of_Super_nodes, g_fr_inverse, Selected_appliances, Selected_Super_nodes
    return final_sol, current_utility, current_cost

# n = 30             #nodes_number
# p = 0.3            #probability

# # random wattage energy list
# rand_cost = random_energy(n)
# # random utility array
# rand_utility = random_utility(n)
# # maximum utility of the current graph 
# current_max_utility = sum(rand_utility)

# # for b in range_budget():
# # it creates one random graph
# g = new_random_graph(n, p)

# # this function create another graph (functional graph) from the graph g
# funct_g, pref_g = two_graphs(g)     

# # compute the dependencies arrays 
# y_p = depend_vector(pref_g)       
# y_f = bsf_depend_vector(funct_g, n)    
# Y_p = successors_number(y_p)
# Y_f = successors_number(y_f)

# sol = list(np.zeros(n))
# B = 40000

# # current_solution, current_utility, current_cost, select_set = greedy_alg(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, sol, rand_cost, rand_utility, B)

# # Appliances = list(np.where(current_solution))
# # Appliances = [x+1 for x in Appliances]

# # print('Greedy Approach \n Solution: ' + str(current_solution) + '\n' + 'Utility: ' + str(current_utility) + '\n' + 'Cost: ' + str(current_cost))

# # print('Appliances: ' + str(Appliances))

# # # # Super_nodes, Cost_of_Super_nodes, g_fr_inverse, Selected_appliances,Selected_Super_nodes = acyclic_greedy_alg(funct_g, y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, sol, rand_cost, rand_utility, B)

# Acyclic_solution, Acyclic_utility, Acyclic_cost= acyclic_greedy_alg(funct_g, y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, sol, rand_cost, rand_utility, B)
Beispiel #3
appliance_dict = {}
appliance_index = 0

# add nodes
for i in my_nodes_list:

f_df = pd.read_csv('real_appliances/Dependency_Graph.csv', sep=',')
# f_df = pd.read_csv('real_appliances/Dependency_Graph_with_fridge_freezer.csv', sep = ',')
# p_df = pd.read_csv('real_appliances/preference_graph.csv', sep = ',')

for i in f_df.iterrows():
    x = i[1]
    fg.add_edge(x['Source'], x['Target'])

Appliance_dict = {}
for i in range(n):
    Appliance_dict[my_nodes_list[i]] = i
func_g = nx.relabel_nodes(fg, Appliance_dict, copy=True)

y_p = depend_vector(pg)
y_f = bsf_depend_vector(func_g, n)

Y_p = successors_number(y_p)
Y_f = successors_number(y_f)

nx.draw(func_g, with_labels=True)

reduced, Super_nodes = make_acyclic_scc(fg)
# print(str(Super_nodes))
def acyclic_greedy_alg_2(g_f, y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, solution, cost_vector, u, B):
    n = len(solution)
    current_utility = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, solution, u)
    current_cost=cost_function(solution, cost_vector)
    Selected_appliances = []
    Selected_Super_nodes = []
    final_sol = [0]*n

    g_f_reduced_2, Super_nodes = make_acyclic_scc(g_f)
    Cost_of_Super_nodes = Super_Costs(Super_nodes,cost_vector)
    Utility_of_Super_nodes = Super_Utilities(Super_nodes,u)

    L = len(Super_nodes)
    y_f2 = bsf_depend_vector_2(g_f_reduced_2, L)
    Y_f2 = successors_number(y_f2)
    search_set = np.arange(L)
    current_solution = np.zeros(L)
    for i in range(L):
        for l in search_set:
            temp_solution = copy.copy(current_solution)
            Potential_appliances = []
            x_temp = [0]*n
            for k in range(L):
                if temp_solution[k]:
            for k in range(n):
                if k in Potential_appliances:
                    x_temp[k] = 1
#             ll = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, x_temp, u)/ cost_function(x_temp, cost_vector)
#             ll = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, x_temp, u)/ Cost_of_Super_nodes[l]
            ll = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, x_temp, u)/ (Cost_of_Super_nodes[l]+sum(y_f2[l]*list(Cost_of_Super_nodes.values())))
#             ll = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, x_temp, u)
            select_set.append((ll, l))

        A=sorted(select_set, reverse=True)
        j = A[0][1]
#         print('j='+str(j))
        new_solution = copy.copy(current_solution)
        new_solution = np.logical_or(new_solution, y_f2[j])*1
        new_solution[j] = 1
        Potential_appliances = []
        x = [0]*n
        for k in range(L):
            if new_solution[k]:
        for k in range(n):
            if k in Potential_appliances:
                x[k] = 1
        new_utility = compute_utility(y_p, y_f, Y_p, Y_f, x, u)
        new_cost = cost_function(x, cost_vector)
        b = np.array([j])
        search_set = np.setdiff1d(search_set,b)
#         print(search_set)
#         search_set = np.delete(search_set,j)
#         print(current_solution)
        if new_cost <= B:
            current_solution = copy.copy(new_solution)
#             print([int(i) for i in current_solution])
            current_utility = new_utility
            current_cost = new_cost
            final_sol = x

    print('Acyclic Greedy Approach \n'+ 'Utility: ' + str(current_utility))# + '\n' + 'Cost: ' + str(current_cost))
#     return Super_nodes, Cost_of_Super_nodes, g_fr_inverse, Selected_appliances, Selected_Super_nodes
    return final_sol, current_utility, current_cost