Beispiel #1
 def parse_and_save(self, formalism : str, input_file : str, output_file: str) -> None:
     Parses an input file and saves it to some given output file. Old content will be overwritten.
     :param input_file:
     :param formalism: the name of the formalism of the input_file
     :param output_file:
     assert self.model, "model must be given, either to the constructor or to set_model"
     instances =[[formalism, input_file]]) #we need to give the formalism to amconll dataset_reader
     prev_training_status =
     predictions = self.dataset_reader.restore_order(forward_on_instances(self.model, instances,self.data_iterator))
     self.model.train(prev_training_status) #reset training status to whatever it was before
     i2edge_label = [ self.model.vocab.get_token_from_index(i,namespace=formalism+"_head_tags") for i in range(self.model.vocab.get_vocab_size(formalism+"_head_tags"))]
     decoder = AMDecoder(output_file,i2edge_label)
     for pred in predictions:
         attributes = pred["attributes"]
         attributes["batch_size"] = pred["batch_size"]
         attributes["normalized_nn_time"] = pred["batch_time"] / pred["batch_size"]
         attributes["normalized_prepare_ftd_time"] = pred["normalized_prepare_ftd_time"]
         attributes["host"] = socket.gethostname()
         attributes["parser"] = "ftd"
         am_sentence = AMSentence(pred["words"],attributes) #(form,replacement,lemma,pos,ne)
         sentence = list(zip(am_sentence.get_tokens(shadow_art_root=False),am_sentence.get_replacements(), am_sentence.get_lemmas(), am_sentence.get_pos(), am_sentence.get_ner(), am_sentence.get_ranges()))
         decoder.add_sentence(pred["root"],pred["predicted_heads"],pred["label_logits"],pred["lexlabels"],pred["supertags"], sentence, am_sentence.attributes_to_list())
Beispiel #2
def get_tree_type(sent: AMSentence) -> Optional[AMType]:
    Get the term type at the root of sent, or None if not well-typed.
    :param sent:
    root = sent.get_root()
    if root is None:
        return None

    term_types = get_term_types(sent)
    return term_types[root]
Beispiel #3
    def text_to_instance(self,  # type: ignore
                         formalism: str,
                         position_in_corpus : int,
                         am_sentence: AMSentence) -> Instance:
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        formalism : str.
            The formalism of this instance (e.g. DM, PSD, ...)
        position_in_corpus : ``int``, required.
            The index of this sentence in the corpus.
        am_sentence : ``AMSentence``, required.
            The words in the sentence to be encoded.

        An instance containing words, pos tags, dependency edge labels, head
        indices, supertags and lexical labels as fields.
        fields: Dict[str, Field] = {}

        tokens = TextField([Token(w) for w in am_sentence.get_tokens(shadow_art_root=True)], self._token_indexers)
        fields["words"] = tokens
        fields["pos_tags"] = SequenceLabelField(am_sentence.get_pos(), tokens, label_namespace="pos")
        fields["ner_tags"] = SequenceLabelField(am_sentence.get_ner(), tokens, label_namespace="ner_labels")
        fields["lemmas"] = SequenceLabelField(am_sentence.get_lemmas(), tokens, label_namespace="lemmas")
        fields["supertags"] = SequenceLabelField(am_sentence.get_supertags(), tokens, label_namespace=formalism+"_supertag_labels")
        fields["lexlabels"] = SequenceLabelField(am_sentence.get_lexlabels(), tokens, label_namespace=formalism+"_lex_labels")
        fields["head_tags"] = SequenceLabelField(am_sentence.get_edge_labels(),tokens, label_namespace=formalism+"_head_tags") #edge labels
        fields["head_indices"] = SequenceLabelField(am_sentence.get_heads(),tokens,label_namespace="head_index_tags")

        fields["metadata"] = MetadataField({"words": am_sentence.words, "attributes": am_sentence.attributes,
                                            "formalism": formalism, "position_in_corpus" : position_in_corpus,
                                            "token_ranges" : am_sentence.get_ranges(),
                                            "is_annotated" : am_sentence.is_annotated()})
        return Instance(fields)
Beispiel #4
def is_interesting(instance: AMSentence) -> bool:
    Define what to filter for.

    :param instance: AMSentence
    # todo [enhancement] possible to compute graph props like #edges, #nodes..?
    # todo [enhancement] fscore with other graph as criterium
    # what if different length due to one with ART-root different tokeniz?
    # better call normalize_toks, split whitespace and count
    tokens = normalize_toks(instance.get_tokens(shadow_art_root=False))
    newtokens = ' '.join(tokens).split(" ")
    if 5 < len(newtokens) < 15:
        return True
    # if 5 < len(instance) < 10:
    #     return True
    return False
Beispiel #5
    def prepare_for_ftd(self, output_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]):
        This function does not perform the decoding but only prepares it.
        Therefore, we take the result of forward and perform the following steps (for each sentence in batch):
        - remove padding
        - identify the root of the sentence, group other root-candidates under the proper root
        - collect a selection of supertags to speed up computation (top k selection is done later)
        :param output_dict: result of forward
        :return: output_dict with the following keys added:
            - lexlabels: nested list: contains for each sentence, for each word the most likely lexical label (w/o artificial root)
            - supertags: nested list: contains for each sentence, for each word the most likely lexical label (w/o artificial root)
        t0 = time()
        best_supertags = output_dict.pop(
        supertag_scores = output_dict.pop(
            "supertag_scores")  # shape (batch_size, seq_len, num supertags)
        full_label_logits = output_dict.pop("full_label_logits").cpu().detach(
        ).numpy()  #shape (batch size, seq len, seq len, num edge labels)
        edge_existence_scores = output_dict.pop(
            )  #shape (batch size, seq len, seq len, num edge labels)
        k = 10
        if self.validation_evaluator:  #retrieve k supertags from validation evaluator.
            if isinstance(self.validation_evaluator.predictor,
                k = self.validation_evaluator.predictor.k
        k += 10  # perhaps there are some ill-formed supertags, make that very unlikely that there are not enough left after filtering.
        top_k_supertags = Supertagger.top_k_supertags(
            k).cpu().detach().numpy()  # shape (batch_size, seq_len, k)
        supertag_scores = supertag_scores.cpu().detach().numpy()
        lexlabels = output_dict.pop(
            "lexlabels").cpu().detach().numpy()  #shape (batch_size, seq_len)
        heads = output_dict.pop("heads")
        heads_cpu = heads.cpu().detach().numpy()
        mask = output_dict.pop("mask")
        edge_label_logits = output_dict.pop("label_logits").cpu().detach(
        ).numpy()  # shape (batch_size, seq_len, num edge labels)
        encoded_text_parsing = output_dict.pop("encoded_text_parsing")
        output_dict.pop("encoded_text_tagging")  #don't need that
        lengths = get_lengths_from_binary_sequence_mask(mask)

        #here we collect things, in the end we will have one entry for each sentence:
        all_edge_label_logits = []
        all_supertags = []
        head_indices = []
        roots = []
        all_predicted_lex_labels = []
        all_full_label_logits = []
        all_edge_existence_scores = []
        all_supertag_scores = []

        #we need the following to identify the root
        root_edge_label_id = self.vocab.get_token_index("ROOT",
        bot_id = self.vocab.get_token_index(AMSentence.get_bottom_supertag(),

        for i, length in enumerate(lengths):
            instance_heads_cpu = list(heads_cpu[i, 1:length])
            #Postprocess heads and find root of sentence:
            instance_heads_cpu, root = find_root(
                best_supertags[i, 1:length],
                edge_label_logits[i, 1:length, :],
            #apply changes to instance_heads tensor:
            instance_heads = heads[i, :]
            for j, x in enumerate(instance_heads_cpu):
                instance_heads[j + 1] = torch.tensor(
                )  #+1 because we removed the first position from instance_heads_cpu

            # re-calculate edge label logits since heads might have changed:
            label_logits = self.edge_model.label_scores(
            #(un)squeeze: fake batch dimension
            all_edge_label_logits.append(label_logits[1:length, :])

                full_label_logits[i, :length, :length, :])
                edge_existence_scores[i, :length, :length])

            #calculate supertags for this sentence:
                i, 1:length, :])  #new shape (sent length, num supertags)
            supertags_for_this_sentence = []
            for word in range(1, length):
                supertags_for_this_word = []
                for top_k in top_k_supertags[i, word]:
                    fragment, typ = AMSentence.split_supertag(
                    score = supertag_scores[i, word, top_k]
                    supertags_for_this_word.append((score, fragment, typ))
                if bot_id not in top_k_supertags[
                        word]:  #\bot is not in the top k, but we have to add it anyway in order for the decoder to work properly.
                    fragment, typ = AMSentence.split_supertag(
                        (supertag_scores[i, word, bot_id], fragment, typ))
                for label in lexlabels[i, 1:length]

        t1 = time()
        normalized_diff = (t1 - t0) / len(lengths)
        output_dict["normalized_prepare_ftd_time"] = [
            normalized_diff for _ in range(len(lengths))
        output_dict["lexlabels"] = all_predicted_lex_labels
        output_dict["supertags"] = all_supertags
        output_dict["root"] = roots
        output_dict["label_logits"] = all_edge_label_logits
        output_dict["predicted_heads"] = head_indices
        output_dict["full_label_logits"] = all_full_label_logits
        output_dict["edge_existence_scores"] = all_edge_existence_scores
        output_dict["supertag_scores"] = all_supertag_scores
        return output_dict
i2supertag = [model.vocab.get_token_from_index(i, namespace=formalism+"_supertag_labels")
              for i in range(model.vocab.get_vocab_size(formalism+"_supertag_labels"))]

lexlabel2i = { model.vocab.get_token_from_index(i, namespace=formalism+"_lex_labels") : i
              for i in range(model.vocab.get_vocab_size(formalism+"_lex_labels"))}

def dump_tags(score, fragment, type):
    if type == "_": #\bot
        x = "NULL"
        x = fragment.replace("  "," ").replace(" ","__ALTO_WS__")+"--TYPE--"+str(type).replace(" ","")
    return x+"|"+str(round(score,5))

top_k_labels = 30
top_k_supertags = 15
bot_id = model.vocab.get_token_index(AMSentence.get_bottom_supertag(),namespace=formalism+"_supertag_labels")

with zipfile.ZipFile(args.output_path + "/","w",compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=7) as myzip:
    tagprobs = []
    modified_conll_sentences = []
    with"opProbs.txt","w") as fp:
        for sentence_id,pred in enumerate(predictions):
            attributes = pred["attributes"]

            all_supertag_scores = F.log_softmax(torch.from_numpy(pred["supertag_scores"]),1) #shape (sent length, num supertags)
            top_k_supertag_indices = torch.argsort(all_supertag_scores, descending=True, dim=1)[:, :top_k_supertags].numpy()
            all_supertag_scores = all_supertag_scores.numpy()

            edge_scores = np.transpose(pred["edge_existence_scores"],[1,0]) #shape (sent len+1 (from), sent len+1 (to))
            mask = 1e9*np.eye(edge_scores.shape[0])