def _graph_view_default(self): self.on_trait_event(self.update_graph_view, 'model.graph_changed_event') gv = GraphView(graph = self.model.graph) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gv._graph_changed = _graph_changed gv._graph_changed(gv, self.model.graph) #Either this or the three lines above can be used; #which one is better though?# #GraphView._graph_changed = _graph_changed #gv = GraphView(graph = self.model.graph) #gv._graph_changed(self.model.graph) classes_available = self.model.classes_available, variables_available = self.model.variables, class_views = self.component_views, component=gv._canvas ) ) return gv
def __init__(self, parent=None): GraphView.__init__(self, parent) self.horizontalScrollBar().setRange(0, 0) self.verticalScrollBar().setRange(0, 0) self.margin = 8 self.totalSize = 200 self.histogramSize = self.totalSize - 2*self.margin self.selectionRect = QRect() self.is_value = False
######################### ## Setup hotkeys for the following actions. deleteShortcut = QtWidgets.QShortcut( QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete), self) deleteShortcut.activated.connect(self.graphView.deleteSelectedNodes) frameShortcut = QtWidgets.QShortcut( QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_F), self) frameShortcut.activated.connect(self.graphView.frameSelectedNodes) frameShortcut = QtWidgets.QShortcut( QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_A), self) frameShortcut.activated.connect(self.graphView.frameAllNodes) def getGraphView(self): return self.graphView #print __name__ if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) widget = GraphViewWidget() graph = GraphView(parent=widget) widget.setGraphView(graph) print __file__, "GraphViewWidget" sys.exit(app.exec_())
QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_F), self) frameShortcut.activated.connect(self.graphView.frameSelectedNodes) frameShortcut = QtWidgets.QShortcut( QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_A), self) frameShortcut.activated.connect(self.graphView.frameAllNodes) def getGraphView(self): return self.graphView if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) widget = GraphViewWidget() graph = GraphView(parent=widget) from node import Node from port import InputPort, OutputPort, IOPort node1 = Node(graph, 'Short') node1.addPort( InputPort(node1, graph, 'InPort1', QtGui.QColor(128, 170, 170, 255), 'MyDataX')) node1.addPort( InputPort(node1, graph, 'InPort2', QtGui.QColor(128, 170, 170, 255), 'MyDataX')) node1.addPort( OutputPort(node1, graph, 'OutPort', QtGui.QColor(32, 255, 32, 255), 'MyDataY')) node1.addPort(
frameShortcut.activated.connect(self.graphView.frameSelectedNodes) frameShortcut = QtGui.QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.Key_A), self) frameShortcut.activated.connect(self.graphView.frameAllNodes) def getGraphView(self): return self.graphView if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) widget = GraphViewWidget() graph = GraphView(parent=widget) from node import Node from port import InputPort, OutputPort, IOPort node1 = Node(graph, 'Short') node1.addPort(InputPort(node1, graph, 'InPort1', QtGui.QColor(128, 170, 170, 255), 'MyDataX')) node1.addPort(InputPort(node1, graph, 'InPort2', QtGui.QColor(128, 170, 170, 255), 'MyDataX')) node1.addPort(OutputPort(node1, graph, 'OutPort', QtGui.QColor(32, 255, 32, 255), 'MyDataY')) node1.addPort(IOPort(node1, graph, 'IOPort1', QtGui.QColor(32, 255, 32, 255), 'MyDataY')) node1.addPort(IOPort(node1, graph, 'IOPort2', QtGui.QColor(32, 255, 32, 255), 'MyDataY')) node1.setGraphPos(QtCore.QPointF( -100, 0 )) graph.addNode(node1) node2 = Node(graph, 'ReallyLongLabel')
def __init_widgets(self): # Loads the user interface from the main.ui file and connects buttons, checkboxes etc. to the functionality loader = QUiLoader() file = QFile(self.__resource("main.ui")) self.ui = loader.load(file, None) file.close() # initializing graphics views for graph and distribution pg.setConfigOption("background", "w") pg.setConfigOption("foreground", "k") g_frame = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "g_view_frame") self.g_view = GraphView("graph") self.g_view.setParent(g_frame) d_frame = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "d_view_frame") self.d_view = GraphView("distribution") self.d_view.setParent(d_frame) # regression checkbox regr_button = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "regr_button") regr_button.stateChanged.connect(self.regression_pressed) # length combobox length_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "length_cbox") length_cbox.textChanged.connect(self.length_changed) length_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.length_changed) # sd combobox sd_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "sd_cbox") sd_cbox.textChanged.connect(self.sd_changed) sd_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.sd_changed) # Medianus t combobox med_t_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "med_t_cbox") med_t_cbox.textChanged.connect(self.med_t_changed) med_t_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.med_t_changed) # X axis combobox x_coord_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "x_coord_cbox") # example values x_coord_cbox.addItem(u"Ikä") x_coord_cbox.addItem("Pituus") x_coord_cbox.addItem("Medianus_T") x_coord_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.x_axis_changed) # lin log radio buttons (only one of these are needed for the functionality) graph_lin_radio = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "graph_lin_radio") graph_lin_radio.toggled.connect(self.linlog_changed) # removing texts from patient data labels p_age = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_age") p_age.setText("") p_length = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_length") p_length.setText("") meas_name = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "m_name") meas_name.setText("") # Measurements actionMCV = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "MCV_button") actionMCV.clicked.connect(self.pressMCV) actionSCV = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "SCV_button") actionSCV.clicked.connect(self.pressSCV) # TODO: Add the rest of the measurements the same way later... # Patient data patientSSN = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_ssn") patientSSN.textChanged.connect(self.pSsnChanged) # Nerve changebox nerveCombobox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "nerve_box") # Example how to add nerves nerveCombobox.insertItem(0, "Summary") nerveCombobox.insertItem(1, "SinDex") nerveCombobox.activated[str].connect(self.nerveChanged) # Date changebox dateCombobox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "date") # inserting test data dateCombobox.insertItem(0, "12.4.2013") dateCombobox.insertItem(1, "10.4.2013") dateCombobox.activated[str].connect(self.dateChanged) return
class NephyApp(QObject): """ Main application code of the Nephy program """ patient_chosen = False meas_blocks_shown = False patient_ssn = "" current_measurement = None # MCV, SCV, ... def __init__(self): super(NephyApp, self).__init__() self.ui = None self.resourcedir = "../ui/" self.patient_chosen = True self.__init_widgets() def show(self): self.ui.raise_() def __resource(self, filename): if self.resourcedir != "": return os.path.join(self.resourcedir, filename) return filename def __init_widgets(self): # Loads the user interface from the main.ui file and connects buttons, checkboxes etc. to the functionality loader = QUiLoader() file = QFile(self.__resource("main.ui")) self.ui = loader.load(file, None) file.close() # initializing graphics views for graph and distribution pg.setConfigOption("background", "w") pg.setConfigOption("foreground", "k") g_frame = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "g_view_frame") self.g_view = GraphView("graph") self.g_view.setParent(g_frame) d_frame = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "d_view_frame") self.d_view = GraphView("distribution") self.d_view.setParent(d_frame) # regression checkbox regr_button = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "regr_button") regr_button.stateChanged.connect(self.regression_pressed) # length combobox length_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "length_cbox") length_cbox.textChanged.connect(self.length_changed) length_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.length_changed) # sd combobox sd_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "sd_cbox") sd_cbox.textChanged.connect(self.sd_changed) sd_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.sd_changed) # Medianus t combobox med_t_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "med_t_cbox") med_t_cbox.textChanged.connect(self.med_t_changed) med_t_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.med_t_changed) # X axis combobox x_coord_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "x_coord_cbox") # example values x_coord_cbox.addItem(u"Ikä") x_coord_cbox.addItem("Pituus") x_coord_cbox.addItem("Medianus_T") x_coord_cbox.activated[str].connect(self.x_axis_changed) # lin log radio buttons (only one of these are needed for the functionality) graph_lin_radio = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "graph_lin_radio") graph_lin_radio.toggled.connect(self.linlog_changed) # removing texts from patient data labels p_age = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_age") p_age.setText("") p_length = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_length") p_length.setText("") meas_name = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "m_name") meas_name.setText("") # Measurements actionMCV = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "MCV_button") actionMCV.clicked.connect(self.pressMCV) actionSCV = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "SCV_button") actionSCV.clicked.connect(self.pressSCV) # TODO: Add the rest of the measurements the same way later... # Patient data patientSSN = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_ssn") patientSSN.textChanged.connect(self.pSsnChanged) # Nerve changebox nerveCombobox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "nerve_box") # Example how to add nerves nerveCombobox.insertItem(0, "Summary") nerveCombobox.insertItem(1, "SinDex") nerveCombobox.activated[str].connect(self.nerveChanged) # Date changebox dateCombobox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "date") # inserting test data dateCombobox.insertItem(0, "12.4.2013") dateCombobox.insertItem(1, "10.4.2013") dateCombobox.activated[str].connect(self.dateChanged) return def pressMCV(self): """ Displays the MCV information and patient's data if one is selected. """ m_name = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "m_name") m_name.setText("Motorinen neurografia") print "MCV button pressed" # update graph and distribution # o set parameters to defaults (length, sd, medianus T) # o clear regression checkbox # o draw the MCV verrokki graph and distribution (set graph as default tab) # set comboboxes back to the default state # Default: summary of the patient MCV data if self.patient_chosen: print "showing patient MCV data" self.current_measurement = "MCV" return def pressSCV(self): """ Prints the SCV nerve information to the screen if the corresponding button is pressed. If there's a patient selected, his/her SCV data is printed too""" m_name = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "m_name") m_name.setText("Sensorinen neurografia") print "SCV button pressed" # Make a database query and draw a graph and distribution # set every checkbox back to the initial state if self.patient_chosen: # Make a database query which fetches the patient's SCV data. print "showing patient SCV data" self.current_measurement = "SCV" return def pNameChanged(self): """ Checks the current name written in the space and searchs if there's a patient with that name. If the patient is found from the database, his/her data is fetched and shown in the screen. NOTE: this code isn't ready and used in the initial version of the program """ pn_widget = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_name") patient_name = pn_widget.toPlainText() print patient_name # Make a database query to check if the current name exists # note: query with "like" so that similar names can be suggested # if patient can be found, updating following things: # - SSN field next to patient name # - name, age, etc. # - clearing nerve_info field (sinister&dexter) to correspond summary # o set CCombobox to "Summary" db_query = True if db_query: # Patient with the given name has been found, setting patient data to summary view nerve_combo_box = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "nerve_box") nerve_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(0) self.nerveChanged() def pSsnChanged(self): """ This method is triggered when SSN is changed. If it matches to patient SSN, the patient data is fetched from the database. """ ssn_widget = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_ssn") ssn = ssn_widget.toPlainText() if len(ssn) == 11: p_name = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_name") p_age = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_age") p_length = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "p_length") # Make database query with SSN and see if there's a match # --> update p_name, p_ssn, p_age, p_length QueryMatch = True if QueryMatch: # Test data if ssn == "080290-123X": p_name.setText("Tauno Testi") p_age.setText("27") p_length.setText("175 cm") elif ssn == "120487-831C": p_name.setText("Marjo Testelias") p_age.setText("31") p_length.setText("165 cm") self.patient_ssn = ssn self.patient_chosen = True else: # no match, clear data and set flag to False p_name.setText("") p_age.setText("") p_length.setText("") self.patient_chosen = False def nerveChanged(self): """ This method is triggered when the nerve is changed in the upper right corner """ nervebox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "nerve_box") if nervebox.currentText() == "Summary" and self.meas_blocks_shown == True: # NOTE: Summary is not implemented in the initial version # delete sinister and dexter fields from the nerve_info_field nerve_info = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "nerve_info_field") nerve_layout = nerve_info.layout() if nerve_layout != None: l_child = nerve_layout.takeAt(0) if l_child != None: l_child.widget().deleteLater() l_child = nerve_layout.takeAt(0) if l_child != None: l_child.widget().deleteLater() # clear graph and distribution # ... # g_view = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "graph_view") # g_view.scene().clear() # d_view = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "distr_view") # d_view.scene().clear() # if patient is chosen, generate the summary display from the nerve values # ... self.meas_blocks_shown = False elif nervebox.currentText() != "Summary" and self.meas_blocks_shown == False: # Fetching patient data of the specified nervers and calculating values for measurement blocks # If the patient isn't chosen, showing measurement blocks without patient data if self.patient_chosen: # Not a summary field so loading fields for sinister and dexter nerve_info = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "nerve_info_field") # Fetching widget from the ui file """ loader = QUiLoader() file = QFile(self.__resource("sindex_field.ui")) sindex_field = loader.load(file, None) file.close() """ # sin_field = sindex_field.findChild(QWidget, "sinister") # dex_field = sindex_field.findChild(QWidget, "dexter") sin_field = SinDexFrame("Sinister") dex_field = SinDexFrame("Dexter") sin_field.setParent(nerve_info) dex_field.setParent(nerve_info) sin_field.move(10, 10) dex_field.move(420, 10) example_data1 = { "p_value": 0.0045, "t_value": 0.5, "std_dev": 2, "corresp_min": 0, "corresp_max": 10, "corresp_default": 5, "meas_value": 3.7, } example_data2 = { "p_value": 0.0030, "t_value": 1.2, "std_dev": 3, "corresp_min": 4, "corresp_max": 12, "corresp_default": 8, "meas_value": 3.7, } # when adding a new measurement block, add 110 pixels to the y coordinate meas_ampl = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Lat", example_data1) # meas_ampl.setParent(sin_field) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl) # meas_ampl.move(18, 80) meas_ampl2 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl2) # meas_ampl2.setParent(sin_field) # meas_ampl2.move(18, 190) # Test Data """ meas_ampl3 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) meas_ampl4 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) meas_ampl5 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) meas_ampl6 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) meas_ampl7 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) meas_ampl8 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) meas_ampl9 = MeasurementField(self, "ra_apb", "Ampl", example_data2) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl3) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl4) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl5) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl6) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl7) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl8) sin_field.add_measurement_field(meas_ampl9) """ layout = nerve_info.layout() if layout == None: layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(sin_field) layout.addWidget(dex_field) # showing the layout nerve_info.setLayout(layout) self.meas_blocks_shown = True def dateChanged(self): # This method is triggered when changing the date of measurements # TODO: # o Fetch the measurements of the changed date # o update patient measurement fields datebox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "date") print datebox.currentText() def fetchPatientData(self): # Makes a database query based on the patients SSN and current measurement (MCV, SCV, ...) # TODO: # o Construct the query # o fetch the dates and update date combobox # o fetch the newest measurements print "stub" def changeMeasureGraph(self, meas_id): """ Changes the graph to correspond the clicked measurement. Function is executed when one of the MeasurementFields is pressed """ # TODO: # o construct proper database query with the help of MCV/SCV/... and meas_id # o set sd-level and others back to default state # o draw the graph # test data unit_x = {"name": "ika", "unit": "vuosi"} unit_y = {"name": "MCV: Medianus ra_APB Lat", "unit": "V"} test_data_x = [10, 20, 30, 40] test_data_y = [1, 45, 32, 60] test_scatter_x = [5, 53, 23, 54] test_scatter_y = [12, 67, 21, 31] self.g_view.setUnits(unit_x, unit_y) if meas_id == "Lat": self.g_view.addRegressionLines(test_scatter_x, test_scatter_y) self.g_view.addReferenceData(test_data_x, test_data_y) elif meas_id == "Ampl": self.g_view.addRegressionLines(test_data_x, test_data_y) self.g_view.addReferenceData(test_scatter_x, test_scatter_y) def regression_pressed(self): """ User has pressed the regression button, drawing regression lines or disabling them""" regr_button = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "regr_button") if regr_button.checkState(): print "regression activated" else: print "regression deactivated" def sd_changed(self): """ User has changed the sd level, calculating new values""" print "sd changed" sd_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "sd_cbox") new_sd = sd_cbox.currentText() # todo: calculate new values def length_changed(self): """ Length of the graph has changed, calculating new values """ print "length changed" length_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "length_cbox") new_length = length_cbox.currentText() # todo: calculate new values def med_t_changed(self): """ The value of medianus T is changed, calculating new values """ print "medianus t changed" med_t_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "med_t_cbox") new_med_t = med_t_cbox.currentText() # todo: calculate new values def linlog_changed(self): """ The linear graph has been changed to logarithmic or vice versa, changing the graph""" graph_lin_radio = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "graph_lin_radio") if graph_lin_radio.isChecked(): print "linear graph" else: print "logarithmic graph" def x_axis_changed(self): """ The unit of x axis has been changed, redrawing the graph with current unit """ x_coord_cbox = self.ui.findChild(QWidget, "x_coord_cbox") new_axis = x_coord_cbox.currentText() print new_axis
def __init__(self, parent=None): GraphView.__init__(self, parent) self.margin = 8 self.totalSize = 200 self.pieSize = self.totalSize - 2*self.margin self.selectionRect = QRect()
def __init__(self, state, device): super().__init__() self.state = state self.close_requested = False self.score_manager = None self.device = device = QNetworkAccessManager() self.minimize = False self.mouse_hover = False = Detector() self.mid = Detector() self.bottom = Detector() self.mid.enter.connect(self.leave) self.bottom.enter.connect(self.leave) self.last_score = None self.counter = 0 # Setup UI self.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.Tool | Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus | Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.label = QLabel("...") self.graph_view = GraphView() self.layout = QVBoxLayout() # layout.addWidget(self.label) self.layout.addWidget(self.graph_view) self.update_size() self.frame = QWidget() self.frame.setLayout(self.layout) self.frame.setProperty("class", "overlay") main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addWidget(self.frame) main_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(main_layout) self.setProperty("class", "root") self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.opacity = QGraphicsOpacityEffect() self.opacity.setOpacity(0.8) self.setGraphicsEffect(self.opacity) self.device.connectedChanged.connect(self.graph_view.connected_changed) self.device.updateNumber.connect(self.sensor_update) self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(1000 / 30) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.graph_view.update_screen) self.timer.start()
class PopupWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self, state, device): super().__init__() self.state = state self.close_requested = False self.score_manager = None self.device = device = QNetworkAccessManager() self.minimize = False self.mouse_hover = False = Detector() self.mid = Detector() self.bottom = Detector() self.mid.enter.connect(self.leave) self.bottom.enter.connect(self.leave) self.last_score = None self.counter = 0 # Setup UI self.setWindowFlags(Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.Tool | Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus | Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.label = QLabel("...") self.graph_view = GraphView() self.layout = QVBoxLayout() # layout.addWidget(self.label) self.layout.addWidget(self.graph_view) self.update_size() self.frame = QWidget() self.frame.setLayout(self.layout) self.frame.setProperty("class", "overlay") main_layout = QVBoxLayout() main_layout.addWidget(self.frame) main_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(main_layout) self.setProperty("class", "root") self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.opacity = QGraphicsOpacityEffect() self.opacity.setOpacity(0.8) self.setGraphicsEffect(self.opacity) self.device.connectedChanged.connect(self.graph_view.connected_changed) self.device.updateNumber.connect(self.sensor_update) self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(1000 / 30) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.graph_view.update_screen) self.timer.start() def update_size(self): if self.minimize: width, height = 150, 80 self.layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) else: width, height = 450, 300 self.layout.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) desktop: QDesktopWidget = QApplication.instance().desktop() desktop_rect = desktop.availableGeometry() popup_size = QSize(width, height) rect = QStyle.alignedRect(Qt.RightToLeft, Qt.AlignVCenter, popup_size, desktop_rect) self.setGeometry(rect) return desktop_rect, rect def start(self): self.score_manager = ScoreManager(self.state.score, self.state.sensor_values) self.graph_view.start(self.state.score) self.last_score = self.state.score self.counter = 0 # Connect self.device.updateNumber.connect(self.score_manager.score_update) self.score_manager.updateScore.connect(self.score_update) def set_minimized(self, minimize): self.minimize = minimize self.update_size() self.graph_view.size_changed(minimize) if minimize: self.frame.setStyleSheet("border-radius: 10px;") else: self.frame.setStyleSheet("border-radius: 30px;") def score_update(self, score, msg, sitting_time): if not self.state.is_logged_in(): return if msg == "바른 자세" and not self.mouse_hover: self.set_minimized(True) else: self.set_minimized(False) self.graph_view.update_score(score, msg, sitting_time, self.minimize) self.counter += 1 if self.counter == 50: self.send_data(self.counter / 10, score - self.last_score) self.last_score = score self.counter = 0 def sensor_update(self, score): self.label.setText(str(score)) def send_data(self, duration, dscore): print("send data") data = { "email": self.state.user_email, "duration": duration, "dscore": dscore } req = QNetworkRequest( QUrl(SERVER_BASE_ADDR + "/api/device/update_score")) req.setRawHeader("Content-Type".encode('utf-8'), "application/json".encode('utf-8')), json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')) def closeEvent(self, event: QCloseEvent): if not self.close_requested: event.ignore() self.close_requested = False def enterEvent(self, event: QEvent): if self.minimize: self.set_minimized(False) else: self.opacity.setOpacity(0.1) self.mouse_hover = True self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowTransparentForInput, True) desktop, rect = self.update_size(), 0, desktop.width(), self.mid.setGeometry(QRect(0,, rect.left(), rect.height())) self.bottom.setGeometry( QRect(0, rect.bottom(), desktop.width(), desktop.height() - rect.bottom())) def leave(self): self.mouse_hover = False self.mid.hide() self.bottom.hide() self.opacity.setOpacity(0.8) self.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowTransparentForInput, False) def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent): event.setAccepted(False) def logout(self): self.close_requested = True self.close()