Beispiel #1
def data_get():
    """ Get data from graphite """

    shinken_contact = current_user.shinken_contact
    permissions= utils.get_contact_permissions(shinken_contact)
    reg= re.compile(r'\W')
    probes = json.loads(request.args.get('probes'))
    start = request.args.get('from') or time() - 3600 * 24 * 28
    end = request.args.get('until') or time()
    start = int(start)
    end = int(end)
    data = {}
    for probe in probes:
        #check if the current user is allowed to retreive probe's data
        tmp= probe.split('.')
        checkHost= next((i for i in permissions['hosts'] if reg.sub('_',i) == tmp[0]), False)
        checkService= next((i for i in permissions['services'] if reg.sub('_',i) == tmp[1]), False)
        if not checkHost or not checkService:
            data[probe] = {
                'error': 'Shinken contact %s is not allowed to retreive data from %s.%s'%(shinken_contact,tmp[0],tmp[1]),
                'code': 403

        results= query.query(**{'target': probe, 'from': _format_time(start), 'until': _format_time(end)})
            data[probe] = _parse_query_result(results[0])
            data[probe] = {
                'error': 'No data found for %s'%probe,
                'code': 404

    return jsonify(data);
    def test_old_whisper_data(self):
        wsp_file = os.path.join(settings.WHISPER_DIR, 'test.wsp')
        current_time = os.stat(wsp_file).st_mtime

        # Now, modify the modification time to be one day old
        old_time = current_time - 60*60*24
        os.utime(wsp_file, (old_time, old_time))
        data = query.query(**{'target': 'test'})
        # This test fails on purpose, as it's unsure whether it's a bug or
        # a feature
        self.assertNotEqual(data, [])
 def test_change_STANDARD_DIRS(self):
     " A test against a bug that was found in StandardFinder.directories "
     # This sets up whatever was the default storage directory layout
     # We remove the default storage dir
     shutil.rmtree(settings.STORAGE_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
     # Now change the storage directory
     STORAGE_DIR_new = settings.STORAGE_DIR + '_new'
     # Remove if exists
     shutil.rmtree(STORAGE_DIR_new, ignore_errors=True)
     settings.setup_storage_variables(STORAGE_DIR_new, create_directories=True)
     data = query.query(**{'target': 'test'})
 def test_generate_and_query_data(self):
     data = query.query(**{'target': 'test'})
     end = data[0]#[-4:]
     match = False
     # We iterate through all values and check
     # _test_data against 3 consecutive values
     # because sometimes whisper adds None
     # value(s) to the end (depending on time)
     for i, value in enumerate(end):
         if value == self._test_data[0]:
             self.assertEqual(end[i:i+3], self._test_data)
             match = True
Beispiel #5
def data_get():
    """ Get data from graphite """

    shinken_contact = current_user.shinken_contact
    permissions = utils.get_contact_permissions(shinken_contact)
    probes = json.loads(request.args.get('probes'))
    start = request.args.get('from') or time() - 3600 * 24 * 28
    end = request.args.get('until') or time()
    start = int(start)
    end = int(end)
    data = {}
    separator = getattr(app.config, 'GRAPHITE_SEP', '[SEP]')
    for probe in probes:
        #check if the current user is allowed to retreive probe's data
        tmp = probe.split(separator)
        checkHost = next((i for i in permissions['hosts'] if i == tmp[0]),
        checkService = next(
            (i for i in permissions['services'] if i == tmp[1]), False)
        if ('__HOST__' == tmp[1]):
            if tmp[0] not in permissions['hosts_with_services']:
                checkService = '__HOST__'
        if not checkHost or not checkService:
            data[probe] = {
                'Shinken contact %s is not allowed to retreive data from %s.%s'
                % (shinken_contact, tmp[0], tmp[1]),

        reg = re.compile(r'\W')
        tmp = [reg.sub('_', t) for t in tmp]
        results = query.query(
                'target': '.'.join(tmp),
                'from': _format_time(start),
                'until': _format_time(end)
        if (len(results)):
            data[probe] = _parse_query_result(results[0])
            data[probe] = {
                'error': 'No data found for %s' % probe,
                'code': 404

    return jsonify(data)
Beispiel #6
    def get_graphite_data(metric_name,
        Returns the data stored in graphite for the period between now and N hours ago

        If expand is True, then the function will add None values to fill areas of time that 
        are required but not returned by Graphite

        If remove_nones is True, the all None values in the series will be replaced by the previous value.
        If the first value is None, it will be set to zero.

        The function returns a set containing :
        - The step interval (in seconds)
        - The list of values
        If no data was found, the step will be 0 and the values will be an empty list

        now = time.time()

        results = query.query(target=metric_name,
                              from_time='-' + str(from_hours) + 'h')

        if len(results):
            data = results[0].getInfo()['values']
            step = results[0].step
            end_data = results[0].end
            start_data = results[0].start
            # TODO : No data found for this target... What do ?
            data = []
            step = 0
            end_data = 0
            start_data = 0

        if len(data) > 0 and expand:
            end_ts = now
            start_ts = now - (from_hours * 3600)

            start_diff = start_data - start_ts
            end_diff = end_ts - end_data

            start_diff = int(start_diff / step)
            end_diff = int(end_diff / step)

            if start_diff > 0:
                data = [None for i in xrange(start_diff)] + data
                start_data -= (start_diff * step)

            if end_diff > 0:
                data = data + [None for i in xrange(end_diff)]
                end_data += (end_diff * step)

        if remove_nones:
            # So we have to get sure that no unknown value is left in the data
            # TODO : Make sure that the array returned enough values to cover the entire requested period
            last_state = 0
            for i in xrange(len(data)):
                if data[i] is None:
                    data[i] = last_state
                    last_state = data[i]

        return (start_data, end_data, step, data)
Beispiel #7
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from graphitequery import query
from datetime import datetime
import argparse

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    args = parser.parse_args()

    print 'Fetching path ' + args.path

    results = query.query(target=args.path, from_time='-31d')

    if len(results) == 0:
        print 'Not found'

        current = results[0].start

        for val in results[0].getInfo()['values']:
            current = current + results[0].step
            if val:
                print "%s %d" % (str(datetime.fromtimestamp(current)), val)

        print 'Starting: %s' % str(datetime.fromtimestamp(results[0].start))
        print 'Ending: ' + str(datetime.fromtimestamp(results[0].end))
        print 'Step: ' + str(results[0].step)
Beispiel #8
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from graphitequery import query
from datetime import datetime
import argparse

if __name__ == '__main__':
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  args = parser.parse_args()

  print 'Fetching path ' + args.path

  results = query.query(target=args.path, from_time='-31d')

  if len(results) == 0:
    print 'Not found'

    current = results[0].start

    for val in results[0].getInfo()['values']:
      current = current + results[0].step
      if val:
        print "%s %d"%(str(datetime.fromtimestamp(current)),val)

    print 'Starting: %s'% str(datetime.fromtimestamp(results[0].start))
    print 'Ending: ' + str(datetime.fromtimestamp(results[0].end))
    print 'Step: ' + str(results[0].step)
 def test_all_None(self):
     whisper.create(os.path.join(settings.WHISPER_DIR, 'test_all_None.wsp'), [(1, 60)])
     data = query.query(**{'target': 'test_all_None'})
     self.assertNotEqual(data, [])
Beispiel #10
 def test_eval_qs(self):