def __init__(self, designation, port=None, startaddr=None
    ,       primary_ip_addr=None, domain=CMAconsts.globaldomain
    ,       status= '(unknown)', reason='(initialization)', roles=None, key_id=''):
        '''Initialization function for the Drone class.
        We mainly initialize a few attributes from parameters as noted above...

        The first time around we also initialize a couple of class-wide query
        strings for a few queries we know we'll need later.

        We also behave as though we're a dict from the perspective of JSON attributes.
        These discovery strings are converted into pyConfigContext objects and are
        then searchable like dicts themselves - however updating these dicts has
        no direct impact on the underlying JSON strings stored in the database.

        The reason for treating these as a dict is so we can easily change
        the implementation to put JSON strings in separate nodes, or perhaps
        eventually in a separate data store.

        This is necessary because the performance of putting lots of really large
        strings in Neo4j is absolutely horrible. Putting large strings in is dumb
        and what Neo4j does with them is even dumber...
        The result is at least DUMB^2 -not 2*DUMB ;-)
        SystemNode.__init__(self, domain=domain, designation=designation)
        if roles is None:
            roles = ['host', 'drone']
        self._io =
        self.lastjoin = 'None'
        self.status = status
        self.reason = reason
        self.key_id = key_id
        self.startaddr = str(startaddr)
        self.primary_ip_addr = str(primary_ip_addr)
        self.time_status_ms = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        self.time_status_iso8601 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        if port is not None:
            self.port = int(port)
            self.port = None

        self.monitors_activated = False

        if Drone.IPownerquery_1 is None:
            Drone.IPownerquery_1 = (Drone.IPownerquery_1_txt
                                    % (CMAconsts.REL_ipowner, CMAconsts.REL_nicowner))
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt = (Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_txt    \
                                          % (CMAconsts.REL_nicowner, CMAconsts.REL_ipowner))
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery =  Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt
        if Store.is_abstract(self) and not
            #print 'Creating BP rules for', self.designation
            from bestpractices import BestPractices
            bprules =['bprulesbydomain']
            rulesetname = bprules[domain] if domain in bprules else bprules[CMAconsts.globaldomain]
            for rule in BestPractices.gen_bp_rules_by_ruleset(, rulesetname):
                #print >> sys.stderr, 'ADDING RELATED RULE SET for', \
                    #self.designation, rule.bp_class, rule
      , CMAconsts.REL_bprulefor, rule,
                                   properties={'bp_class': rule.bp_class})
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, designation, port=None, startaddr=None
    ,       primary_ip_addr=None, domain=CMAconsts.globaldomain
    ,       status= '(unknown)', reason='(initialization)', roles=None, key_id=''):
        '''Initialization function for the Drone class.
        We mainly initialize a few attributes from parameters as noted above...

        The first time around we also initialize a couple of class-wide CypherQuery
        objects for a couple of queries we know we'll need later.
        SystemNode.__init__(self, domain=domain, designation=designation)
        if roles is None:
            roles = ['host', 'drone']
        self._io =
        self.lastjoin = 'None'
        self.status = status
        self.reason = reason
        self.key_id = key_id
        self.startaddr = str(startaddr)
        self.primary_ip_addr = str(primary_ip_addr)
        self.time_status_ms = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        self.time_status_iso8601 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        if port is not None:
            self.port = int(port)
            self.port = None

        self.monitors_activated = False

        if Drone.IPownerquery_1 is None:
            Drone.IPownerquery_1 =  neo4j.CypherQuery(CMAdb.cdb.db, Drone.IPownerquery_1_txt
            % (CMAconsts.REL_ipowner, CMAconsts.REL_nicowner))
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt = Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_txt    \
            %       (CMAconsts.REL_nicowner, CMAconsts.REL_ipowner)
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery =  neo4j.CypherQuery(CMAdb.cdb.db, Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt)
        if Store.is_abstract(self) and not
            from bestpractices import BestPractices
            bprules =['bprulesbydomain']
            rulesetname = bprules[domain] if domain in bprules else bprules[CMAconsts.globaldomain]
            for rule in BestPractices.gen_bp_rules_by_ruleset(, rulesetname):
      , CMAconsts.REL_bprulefor, rule,
                                   properties={'bp_class': rule.bp_class})
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, designation, port=None, startaddr=None
    ,       primary_ip_addr=None, domain=CMAconsts.globaldomain
    ,       status= '(unknown)', reason='(initialization)', roles=None, key_id=''):
        '''Initialization function for the Drone class.
        We mainly initialize a few attributes from parameters as noted above...

        The first time around we also initialize a couple of class-wide CypherQuery
        objects for a couple of queries we know we'll need later.
        SystemNode.__init__(self, domain=domain, designation=designation)
        if roles is None:
            roles = ['host', 'drone']
        self._io =
        self.lastjoin = 'None'
        self.status = status
        self.reason = reason
        self.key_id = key_id
        self.startaddr = str(startaddr)
        self.primary_ip_addr = str(primary_ip_addr)
        self.time_status_ms = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        self.time_status_iso8601 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        if port is not None:
            self.port = int(port)
            self.port = None

        self.monitors_activated = False

        if Drone.IPownerquery_1 is None:
            Drone.IPownerquery_1 =  neo4j.CypherQuery(CMAdb.cdb.db, Drone.IPownerquery_1_txt
            % (CMAconsts.REL_ipowner, CMAconsts.REL_nicowner))
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt = Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_txt    \
            %       (CMAconsts.REL_nicowner, CMAconsts.REL_ipowner)
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery =  neo4j.CypherQuery(CMAdb.cdb.db, Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt)
    def __init__(self, designation, port=None, startaddr=None
    ,       primary_ip_addr=None, domain=CMAconsts.globaldomain
    ,       status= '(unknown)', reason='(initialization)', roles=None, key_id=''):
        '''Initialization function for the Drone class.
        We mainly initialize a few attributes from parameters as noted above...

        The first time around we also initialize a couple of class-wide query
        strings for a few queries we know we'll need later.

        We also behave as though we're a dict from the perspective of JSON attributes.
        These discovery strings are converted into pyConfigContext objects and are
        then searchable like dicts themselves - however updating these dicts has
        no direct impact on the underlying JSON strings stored in the database.

        The reason for treating these as a dict is so we can easily change
        the implementation to put JSON strings in separate nodes, or perhaps
        eventually in a separate data store.

        This is necessary because the performance of putting lots of really large
        strings in Neo4j is absolutely horrible. Putting large strings in is dumb
        and what Neo4j does with them is even dumber...
        The result is at least DUMB^2 -not 2*DUMB ;-)
        SystemNode.__init__(self, domain=domain, designation=designation)
        if roles is None:
            roles = ['host', 'drone']
        self._io =
        self.lastjoin = 'None'
        self._active_nic_count = None
        self.status = status
        self.reason = reason
        self.key_id = key_id
        self.startaddr = str(startaddr)
        self.primary_ip_addr = str(primary_ip_addr)
        self.time_status_ms = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
        self.time_status_iso8601 = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())
        if port is not None:
            self.port = int(port)
            self.port = None

        self.monitors_activated = False

        if Drone.IPownerquery_1 is None:
            Drone.IPownerquery_1 = (Drone.IPownerquery_1_txt
                                    % (CMAconsts.REL_ipowner, CMAconsts.REL_nicowner))
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt = (Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_txt    \
                                          % (CMAconsts.REL_nicowner, CMAconsts.REL_ipowner))
            Drone.OwnedIPsQuery =  Drone.OwnedIPsQuery_subtxt
        if Store.is_abstract(self) and not
            #print 'Creating BP rules for', self.designation
            from bestpractices import BestPractices
            bprules =['bprulesbydomain']
            rulesetname = bprules[domain] if domain in bprules else bprules[CMAconsts.globaldomain]
            for rule in BestPractices.gen_bp_rules_by_ruleset(, rulesetname):
                #print >> sys.stderr, 'ADDING RELATED RULE SET for', \
                    #self.designation, rule.bp_class, rule
      , CMAconsts.REL_bprulefor, rule,
                                   properties={'bp_class': rule.bp_class})