Beispiel #1
def main():
    In this method we ask the user if they want to enter a show, and if they
    type 'N' the program defaults to Family Guy and American Dad. Due to an
    error in the IMDb PY data base, whenever Family Guy is searched the first
    output is "The Sorpranos". After testing we found that, this error does not
    happen on most tv shows. To fix this we coded in an index feature for
    each of the data sets. if the user wants to put in their own TV show the
    are prompted to selct theirapportare show from a list. From there we create
    the dataset and graph them 3 different ways.
    reader = GetCSV()
    if input("Do you want to input TV shows? Y or N : ") == "Y":
        string1 = input("Enter 1st TV show: ")
        string2 = input("Enter 2nd TV show: ")
        list1 = reader.get_ttcode_list(string1)
        print("Top 5 Search Results for ", string1, " :")
        # print(list1)
        for i in range(5):
            print((i + 1), ". ", list1[i])
        print('Select which show you prefer by their number.')
        # print('Index goes up by one after every line. Start from the top.')
        index1 = input("Select the index you prefer: ")
        index1 = str(int(index1) - 1)
        # index1 -= 1
        list2 = reader.get_ttcode_list(string2)
        # print(list2)
        print("Top 5 Search Results for ", string2, " :")
        # print(list2)
        for i in range(5):
            print((i + 1), ". ", list2[i])
        print('Select the show that you prefer by their number.')
        # print('Index goes up by one after every line. Start from the top.')
        index2 = input("Select the index you prefer: ")
        index2 = str(int(index2) - 1)
        # index2 -= 1
        string1 = "Family Guy"
        string2 = "American Dad"
        index1 = 1
        index2 = 0
    print("Please hold while we scrape your data")
    graphs = Graphs()
    tt_string1 = reader.get_ttcode(string1, index1)
    season_length1 = reader.get_season_length(tt_string1)
    # print(tt_string1, season_length1)
    data1 = reader.get_csv(tt_string1, season_length1, string1)

    tt_string2 = reader.get_ttcode(string2, index2)
    season_length2 = reader.get_season_length(tt_string2)
    data2 = reader.get_csv(tt_string2, season_length2, string2)
    graphs.testing(data1, data2, string1, string2)
    graphs.scatterplot(data1, data2, string1, string2)
    graphs.boxplot(data1, data2, string1, string2)
    graphs.multi(data1, data2, string1, string2)