class TestPlanarGraphFactory(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.N = 4  # number of nodes
        self.graph_factory = PlanarGraphFactory(Graph)

    def test_cyclic(self):
        G = self.graph_factory.make_cyclic(n=self.N, directed=False)
        self.assertEqual(G.v(), self.N)
        self.assertEqual(G.e(), self.N)
        aset = set(edge.weight for edge in G.iteredges())
        self.assertEqual(G.e(), len(aset))
        faces = list(G.iterfaces())
        self.assertEqual(G.f(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(faces), 2)
        #print "faces", faces
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_cyclic, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_cyclic, 2)

    def test_wheel(self):
        G = self.graph_factory.make_wheel(n=self.N, directed=False)
        self.assertEqual(G.v(), self.N)
        self.assertEqual(G.e(), 2 * self.N - 2)
        faces = list(G.iterfaces())
        self.assertEqual(G.f(), self.N)
        self.assertEqual(len(faces), self.N)
        #print "faces", faces
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_wheel, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_wheel, 2)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_wheel, 3)

    def tearDown(self):
class TestPlanarGraphFactory(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.N = 4           # number of nodes
        self.graph_factory = PlanarGraphFactory(Graph)

    def test_cyclic(self):
        G = self.graph_factory.make_cyclic(n=self.N)
        self.assertEqual(G.v(), self.N)
        self.assertEqual(G.e(), self.N)
        aset = set(edge.weight for edge in G.iteredges())
        self.assertEqual(G.e(), len(aset))
        faces = list(G.iterfaces())
        self.assertEqual(G.f(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(faces), 2)
        #print "faces", faces
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_cyclic, 1)
        # For n=1 and the Graph class we have
        # ValueError("loops are forbidden")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_cyclic, 2)
        # For n=2 and the Graph class we have
        # ValueError("parallel edges are forbidden")

    def test_wheel(self):
        G = self.graph_factory.make_wheel(n=self.N)
        self.assertEqual(G.v(), self.N)
        self.assertEqual(G.e(), 2 * self.N - 2)
        faces = list(G.iterfaces())
        self.assertEqual(G.f(), self.N)
        self.assertEqual(len(faces), self.N)
        #print "faces", faces
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_wheel, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_wheel, 2)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph_factory.make_wheel, 3)

    def tearDown(self): pass
Beispiel #3
from graphtheory.structures.edges import Edge
from graphtheory.structures.graphs import Graph
from graphtheory.planarity.planarfactory import PlanarGraphFactory

gf = PlanarGraphFactory(Graph)

G = gf.make_cyclic(n=10)  # cyclic topological graph
G = gf.make_wheel(n=10)  # wheel topological graph

print(G.v())  # the number of nodes
print(G.e())  # the number of edges
print(G.f())  # the number of faces
for face in G.iterfaces():

from alltests import run_all_tests
from graphtheory.structures.graphs import Graph
from graphtheory.structures.factory import GraphFactory

gf = GraphFactory(Graph)
G = gf.make_random(n=10, directed=True)
from pprint import pprint 
pprint(G)  # adjacency matrix equivalent 

from graphtheory.shortestpaths.dijkstra import Dijkstra
algo = Dijkstra(G)  
source = 5