def main(args=None): args = parse_args(args) zettels = parse_zettels(args.zettel_paths) # Fail in case we didn't find a zettel if not zettels: raise FileNotFoundError("I'm sorry, I couldn't find any files.") if args.use_graphviz: from zkviz.graphviz import NetworkGraphviz import graphviz try: graphviz.version() except graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: raise FileNotFoundError( fill("The Graphviz application must be installed for the" " --use-graphviz option to work. Please see" " for installation" " instructions.")) graph = NetworkGraphviz() else: from network_plotly import NetworkPlotly graph = NetworkPlotly() graph = create_graph( zettels, graph, include_self_references=args.include_self_references, only_listed=args.only_listed, ) graph.render(args.output)
def test_version_parsefail_mocked(mock_run): mock_run.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess( _common.INVALID_CMD, returncode=0, stdout='nonversioninfo', stderr=None) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r'nonversioninfo'): graphviz.version() mock_run.assert_called_once_with([_common.EXPECTED_DOT_BINARY, '-V'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, startupinfo=_common.StartupinfoMatcher(), encoding='ascii')
def visualize(metadata, path=None, names=True, details=True): """Plot metadata usign graphviz. Try to generate a plot using graphviz. If a ``path`` is provided save the output into a file. Args: metadata (Metadata): Metadata object to plot. path (str): Output file path to save the plot, it requires a graphviz supported extension. If ``None`` do not save the plot. Defaults to ``None``. """ filename, graphviz_extension = _get_graphviz_extension(path) digraph = graphviz.Digraph( 'Metadata', format=graphviz_extension, node_attr={ "shape": "Mrecord", "fillcolor": "lightgoldenrod1", "style": "filled" }, ) _add_nodes(metadata, digraph, names, details) _add_edges(metadata, digraph, names, details) if filename: digraph.render(filename=filename, cleanup=True, format=graphviz_extension) else: try: graphviz.version() except graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: warning_message = ( 'Graphviz does not seem to be installed on this system. For full ' 'metadata visualization capabilities, please make sure to have its ' 'binaries propertly installed:' ) warnings.warn(warning_message, RuntimeWarning) return digraph
def test_version_mocked(mock_run, stdout, expected): mock_run.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(_common.INVALID_CMD, returncode=0, stdout=stdout, stderr=None) assert graphviz.version() == expected mock_run.assert_called_once_with([_common.EXPECTED_DOT_BINARY, '-V'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, startupinfo=_common.StartupinfoMatcher(), encoding='ascii')
def render(board,adp,filename): print(graphviz.version()) graph = graphviz.Digraph('adp-viz', \ filename=filename, \ graph_attr={ "overlap":'false', "splines":'true', \ }) for cfg in adp.configs: render_instance(board,graph,cfg,scale=True,source=True) render_config_info(board,graph,cfg) for conn in adp.conns: render_conn(graph,conn) graph.node("time_const", "tau:%f" % adp.tau) graph.render()
class TestPlot: """ test that the graph structures are plotted when graphviz """ # skip these test cases if graphviz is not installed pytest.importorskip("graphviz", "you gotta install graphviz bro") import graphviz # checks for python graphviz try: graphviz.version() # checks for C library except graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: pytest.skip("graphviz is not installed") file_name = ".deleteme" # fixtures @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def cleanup_pdf(self): """ delete pdf file """ yield if os.path.exists(self.file_name): os.remove(self.file_name) def test_plot_all_pypes(self, pype_object): """ test that all the valid pypes can be plotted """ pype_object.plot(view=False) def test_basic_plot(self, forked_aggregated_pype): """ensure calling plot creates the expected pdf from graphviz """ forked_aggregated_pype.plot(file_name=self.file_name, view=False) def test_if_plot(self, iff_pype): """ ensure the conditional pype get plotted """ iff_pype.plot(file_name=self.file_name, view=False) def test_fan_plot(self): """ plots a simple fan """ pype = pype_input << add1 pype.plot(file_name=self.file_name, view=False) def test_aggregate_plot(self): """ plot an aggregate pype """ pype = pype_input << add1 | forward >> add1 pype.plot(file_name=self.file_name, view=False) def test_fan_aggregate_plot(self, fan_aggregate_pype): """ plots a pype that usses aggregations """ fan_aggregate_pype.plot(file_name=self.file_name, view=False)
def render(vadp, filename): print(graphviz.version()) graph = graphviz.Digraph('vadp-viz', \ filename=filename, \ graph_attr={ "overlap":'scale', \ "nodesep":'1', \ "splines":'curved', \ }, node_attr={'shape':'record'}) for idx, stmt in enumerate(vadp): if isinstance(stmt, vadplib.VADPConfig): render_config(graph, stmt) elif isinstance(stmt, vadplib.VADPConn): src_id = "%s%s:%s" % (, stmt.source.ident, sink_id = "%s%s:%s" % (, stmt.sink.ident, graph.edge(src_id, sink_id) elif isinstance(stmt, vadplib.VADPSink): port_id = "%s%s:%s" % (,, sink_id = "sink%d" % idx graph.node(sink_id, "sink:" + str(stmt.dsexpr)) graph.edge(sink_id, port_id) elif isinstance(stmt, vadplib.VADPSource): port_id = "%s%s:%s" % (,, source_id = "src%d" % idx graph.node(source_id, "source: " + str(stmt.dsexpr)) graph.edge(port_id, source_id) graph.render()
import graphviz import mxnet import numpy import scipy import sklearn, sklearn.ensemble import xgboost if sys.version_info.major == 2: import backports.tempfile as tempfile else: import tempfile if sys.maxsize != 2**63 - 1: raise Exception("This script must be ran on Python 64-bit.") gv_major, gv_minor, _ = graphviz.version() if not (gv_major == 2 and gv_minor >= 38): raise Exception( "This script must be ran with a separate installation of graphviz version 2.38 or higher." ) s3_model_path, s3_dir_path = sys.argv[1:3] class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Special json encoder for numpy types """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, (numpy.ndarray, )): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, (mxnet.ndarray.ndarray.NDArray, )): return obj.asnumpy().tolist()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'ipetrash' # pip install graphviz import graphviz print(graphviz.version())
def test_version(capsys): result = graphviz.version() assert isinstance(result, tuple) and result assert all(isinstance(d, int) for d in result) assert capsys.readouterr() == ('', '')