Beispiel #1
    def updateCatalog (self, masterCat, other):
        newResources = []

        master = GraysonUtil.readFile (masterCat)
        masterLines = master.split ('\n')

        for line in masterLines:
            logger.debug ("  __ _ _ _ _ _ _____: %s", line)

        sub    = GraysonUtil.readFile (other)
        subLines = sub.split ('\n')

        masterMap = {}
        for line in masterLines:
            parts = line.split (' ')
            if len (parts) > 0:
                resource = parts [0]
                if resource:
                    masterMap [resource] = resource
                    logger.debug ("     resource : %s", resource)

        for line in subLines:
            parts = line.split (' ')
            if len (parts) > 0:
                resource = parts [0]
                if resource and not resource in masterMap:
                    newResources.append (line)
                    logger.debug ("     new resource: %s", resource)

        GraysonUtil.writeFile (masterCat, "%s\n%s" % (master, '\n'.join (newResources)))
Beispiel #2
 def readFlows (self, root):
     fileName = self.flowPath (root)
     text = GraysonUtil.readFile (fileName)
     flows = []
     if text:
         flows = json.loads (text)
     return flows
Beispiel #3
    def examineWorkflow (self):

        jobstatelog = os.path.join (self.workdir, 'jobstate.log')

        sched_id = 0
        def process (line):
            finishedTag = 'DAGMAN_FINISHED'
            schedIdTag = 'DAGMAN STARTED'
            index = line.find (schedIdTag)
            if index > -1:
                sched_id = line.split (' ')[-2]
            index = line.find (finishedTag)
            if index > -1:
                self.isComplete = True
        text = GraysonUtil.readFile (jobstatelog, process)

        output = []
        executor = Executor ({
                'condorHome' : os.environ ['CONDOR_HOME'],
                'sched_id'   : sched_id
        executor.execute (command   = "${condorHome}/bin/condor_q ${sched_id} -format '%s' JobStatus",
                          pipe      = True,
                          processor = lambda n : output.append (n))

        self.isRunning = ''.join (output) == WorkflowStatus.CONDOR_JOB_STATUS__RUNNING        

        logger.debug ("WorkflowMonitor - isRunning=%s, isComplete=%s", self.isRunning, self.isComplete) 
Beispiel #4
 def get_job_status(self, path):
     value = ""
     status = os.path.join(path, "jobstate.log")
         text = GraysonUtil.readFile(status)
         text = text.split("\n")
         if len(text) > 2:
             for line in text[len(text) - 3 :]:
                 logger.debug("line: %s", line)
                 if "DAGMAN_FINISHED" in line and "0 ***" in line:
                     value = "0"
                 elif "DAGMAN_FINISHED" in line and "1 ***" in line:
                     value = "1"
     except IOError as e:
     return value
Beispiel #5
def get_job_output (request):
    user = ViewUtil.get_user (request)
    workdir = request.REQUEST ['workdir']
    workflow_id = request.REQUEST ['workflowid']
    job_id = request.REQUEST ['jobid']
    run_id = request.REQUEST ['runid']
    if not run_id:
        run_id = ""
    if not workflow_id:
        workflow_id = ""
    logger.debug ("getting job output: workdir=%s, workflowid: %s, runid: %s, jobid: %s", workdir, workflow_id, run_id, job_id)
    process_username = ViewUtil.get_os_username ()
    workdirPath = GraysonUtil.form_workdir_path (workdir, process_username, workflow_id, run_id)

    workdirPath = ViewUtil.form_workflow_path (user, workdirPath)

    logger.debug ("workdirPath: %s", workdirPath)

    text = ""

    if job_id.startswith ('/'):
        job_id = job_id [1:]
    concrete = os.path.join (workdirPath, job_id)
    logger.debug ('concrete: --- %s', concrete)
    if os.path.exists (concrete):
        logger.debug ("concrete --- : %s", concrete)
        text = GraysonUtil.readFile (concrete)
        logger.debug ("regex: --- : %s", concrete)
        workflow = GridWorkflow (workdirPath)
        outputs = workflow.getOutputFiles (subworkflows = [ workdirPath ], item = job_id) 
        jobOutput = None
        if outputs and len (outputs) > 0:
            jobOutput = outputs [0]
        logger.debug ("got job output: %s \n for job_id: %s", jobOutput, job_id)
        if jobOutput:
            text = GraysonUtil.readFileAsString (jobOutput)
    return ViewUtil.get_text_response (text)
Beispiel #6
def getfile (request):
    # TODO: construct path dynamically and selectively for security purposes.
    return ViewUtil.get_text_response (GraysonUtil.readFile (request.REQUEST ['file']))
Beispiel #7
    def detectEventDetails (self, event, logdir, status):
        jobId =
        aux = { 'sched_id' : event.sched_id }

        if not logdir:
            return aux

        if jobId.startswith ('stage_in') or jobId.startswith ('stage_out'):
            path = os.path.join (logdir, "" % jobId)
            #logger.debug ("opening path: %s", path)
            text = GraysonUtil.readFile (path)
            lines = text.split ('\n')
            if lines:
                transfers = []
                pair = 0
                while len (lines) > ((pair * 4) + 4):
                    for line in lines:
                        logger.debug ("line: %s", line)
                    offset = pair * 4
                    transfer = {
                        "sourceSite" : lines [offset + 0],
                        "sourceFile" : lines [offset + 1],
                        "destSite"   : lines [offset + 2],
                        "destFile"   : lines [offset + 3],
                    pair += 1
                    execution = self.getExecutionData (logdir, jobId)
                    if execution:
                        stdout = execution ['stdout']
                        transferred = GraysonUtil.getPrecompiledPattern (self.transferBytesPattern, stdout)
                        duration = GraysonUtil.getPrecompiledPattern (self.transferDurationPattern, stdout)
                        rateUp = GraysonUtil.getPrecompiledPattern (self.transferRateUpPattern, stdout)
                        rateDown = GraysonUtil.getPrecompiledPattern (self.transferRateDownPattern, stdout)
                        transfer ["bytes"] = transferred
                        transfer ["time"] = duration
                        transfer ["up"] = rateUp
                        transfer ["down"] = rateDown
                        logger.debug ("kickstart stdout/err: %s" + json.dumps (execution, indent=4))
                        logger.debug ("     transferred: %s duration: %s rateUp: %s rateDown: %s", transferred, duration, rateUp, rateDown)
                        transfers.append (transfer)
                aux ['transfer'] = transfers

        if status == WorkflowStatus.STATUS_FAILED:
            execution = self.getExecutionData (logdir, jobId)
            if execution:
                aux ["detail"] = {
                    "stdout" : GraysonUtil.ceilingString (execution ["stdout"], maxLength=500, fromEnd=True),
                    "stderr" : GraysonUtil.ceilingString (execution ["stderr"], maxLength=500, fromEnd=True)

        dagLog = glob.glob (os.path.join (logdir, '*.dag.dagman.out'))
        dax = glob.glob (os.path.join (logdir, 'dax', '*.dax'))
        if len(dagLog) > 0 or len (dax) > 0:
            log = {}
            aux ['log'] = log
            if len (dagLog) > 0:
                log ['daglog'] = os.path.basename (dagLog [0])
            if len (dax) > 0:
                log ['dax'] = os.path.basename (dax [0])

        return aux
Beispiel #8
 def updateCatalog (self, master, other):
     masterText = GraysonUtil.readFile (master)
     text = GraysonUtil.readFile (other)
     GraysonUtil.writeFile (master, "%s\n%s" % (masterText, text))        
Beispiel #9
 def getFileLines (self, fileName):
     return GraysonUtil.readFile (fileName).split ('\n')