Beispiel #1
 def set_mnemonic(self, mnemonic):
     mnemonic = MnemonicOnDisk.normalize_mnemonic(mnemonic)
     words = mnemonic.split()
     is_encrypted = len(words) == 27
     logging.debug("mnemonic: '{}'".format(mnemonic))
     # For now no validation of encrypted mnemonic
     if not is_encrypted:
         if not gdk.validate_mnemonic(mnemonic):
             raise click.ClickException("Invalid mnemonic")
     self._mnemonic = mnemonic
Beispiel #2
 def setmnemonic(self, mnemonic):
     mnemonic = ' '.join(mnemonic.split())
     logging.debug("mnemonic: '{}'".format(mnemonic))
     if not gdk.validate_mnemonic(mnemonic):
         raise click.ClickException("Invalid mnemonic")
     self._mnemonic = mnemonic
Beispiel #3
def main():

    # Our calls to GDK are wrapped in the gdk_wallet class, which should only be
    # created using either create_new_wallet, login_with_mnemonic or
    # login_with_pin methods. The example uses Bitcoin's testnet.

    # Initialize GDK.

    # Wallet creation and login using Mnemonic
    # ========================================

    # To create a wallet with a Managed Assets account, pass a mnemonic
    # into the following. You can generate a 24 word mnemonic yourself or
    # have GDK generate it for you by leaving mnemonic as None.
    # You can choose to create a wallet that's covered by 2FA or not.
    # 2FA can be activated or deactivated at any point in time.
    wallet = gdk_wallet.create_new_wallet(create_with_2fa_enabled=False, mnemonic=None)
    print(f'\nMnemonic: {wallet.mnemonic}')

    # To login to an existing wallet you can either use the mnemonic or pin.
    # Later we'll see how to use a pin, for now we will use the mnemonic.
    mnemonic = 'your twenty four word mnemonic goes here with single spaced words'
    if not gdk.validate_mnemonic(mnemonic):
        raise Exception("Invalid mnemonic.")

    # Login to a GDK wallet session using the mnemonic.
    wallet = gdk_wallet.login_with_mnemonic(mnemonic)

    # We can now perform calls against the session, such as get balance for
    # the logged in wallet.
    balance = wallet.get_balance()
    print(f'\n{json.dumps(balance, indent=4)}')

    # Using a pin to encrypt the mnemonic and login
    # =============================================

    # You can also login using a pin. Setting the pin for the wallet returns
    # encrypted data that is saved to file. When you login with the pin, the
    # server will give you the key to decrypt the mnemonic which it uses to
    # login. If the pin is entered incorrectly 3 times the server will delete
    # the key and you must use the mnemonic to login.
    # Before setting the pin, login with the wallet's mnemonic.
    wallet = gdk_wallet.login_with_mnemonic(mnemonic)
    # Then set the pin for the wallet, this saves encrypted data to file.
    # Don't use the example value below, set you own.
    pin = 123456
    # You only need to set the pin data once.
    wallet.set_pin(mnemonic, pin)
    # After setting the pin you can then login using pin and do not have to
    # enter the mnemonic again. The pin is used to decrypt the local file.

    # Two factor authorization
    # ========================

    # You can add Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to a wallet when you create
    # it or enable or disable 2FA at a later date.
    # Check the current 2FA status for the wallet.
    twofactor_status = wallet.get_current_2fa_status()
    print(f'\n{json.dumps(twofactor_status, indent=4)}')

    # The example below will enable 2FA on an existing wallet and uses email by
    # default, which you can amend if you want.
    except RuntimeError as e:
        # Will error if 2FA is already enabled
        print(f'\nError: {e}\n')

    # Getting notification data from GDK to obtain the last block height
    # ==================================================================

    # The fetch_block_height example shows how to handle notification events
    # from Green by processing the notifications queue.
    block_height = wallet.fetch_block_height()
    print(f'\nCurrent Bitcoin block height: {block_height}')

    # Getting a new address
    # =====================

    address_info = wallet.get_new_address()
    print(f'Address: {address_info["address"]}')

    # Getting transaction data from Green using GDK
    # =============================================

    txs = wallet.get_wallet_transactions()
    for tx in txs:
        print(f'TRANSACTION ID      : {tx["txhash"]}')
        print(f'CONFIRMATION STATUS : {tx["confirmation_status"]}')
        print(f'BLOCK HEIGHT        : {tx["block_height"]}')
        print(f'TYPE                : {tx["type"]}')
        print(f'INPUT COUNT         : {len(tx["inputs"])}')
        print(f'OUTPUT COUNT        : {len(tx["outputs"])}\n')

    # Sending assets
    # ==============
    amount_sat = 1001
    address = 'destination address here'
    txid = wallet.send_to_address(amount_sat, address)
    if txid:
        print(f'\nTransaction sent. Txid: {txid}')
        print(f'\nTransaction failed. See error logging.')
Beispiel #4
def main():

    # Our calls to GDK are wrapped in the gdk_wallet class, which should only be
    # created using either create_new_wallet, login_with_mnemonic or
    # login_with_pin methods. The example uses the live Liquid network.

    # Initialize GDK.

    # Wallet creation and login using Mnemonic
    # ========================================

    # To create a wallet with a Managed Assets account, pass a mnemonic
    # into the following. You can generate a 24 word mnemonic yourself or
    # have GDK generate it for you by leaving mnemonic as None.
    # You can choose to create a wallet that's covered by 2FA or not.
    # 2FA can be activated or deactivated at any point in time.
    wallet = gdk_wallet.create_new_wallet(create_with_2fa_enabled=False, mnemonic=None)
    print(f'\nMnemonic: {wallet.mnemonic}')
    # To login to an existing wallet you can either use the mnemonic or pin.
    # Later we'll see how to use a pin, for now we will use the mnemonic.
    mnemonic = 'your twenty four word mnemonic goes here with single spaced words'
    if not gdk.validate_mnemonic(mnemonic):
        raise Exception("Invalid mnemonic.")

    # Login to a GDK wallet session using the mnemonic.
    wallet = gdk_wallet.login_with_mnemonic(mnemonic)

    # We can now perform calls against the session, such as get balance for
    # the logged in Blockstream AMP Managed Assets account.
    balance = wallet.get_balance()
    print(f'\n{json.dumps(balance, indent=4)}')

    # Using a pin to encrypt the mnemonic and login
    # =============================================

    # You can also login using a pin. Setting the pin for the wallet returns
    # encrypted data that is saved to file. When you login with the pin, the
    # server will give you the key to decrypt the mnemonic which it uses to
    # login. If the pin is entered incorrectly 3 times the server will delete
    # the key and you must use the mnemonic to login.

    # Before setting the pin, login with the wallet's mnemonic.
    wallet = gdk_wallet.login_with_mnemonic(mnemonic)
    # Then set the pin for the wallet, this saves encrypted data to file.
    # Don't use the example value below, set you own.
    pin = 123456
    # You only need to set the pin data once.
    wallet.set_pin(mnemonic, pin)
    # After setting the pin you can then login using pin and do not have to
    # enter the mnemonic again. The pin is used to decrypt the local file.

    # Two factor authorization
    # ========================

    # You can add Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to a wallet when you create
    # it or enable or disable 2FA at a later date.
    # Check the current 2FA status for the wallet.
    twofactor_status = wallet.get_current_2fa_status()
    print(f'\n{json.dumps(twofactor_status, indent=4)}')

    # The example below will enable 2FA on an existing wallet and uses email by
    # default, which you can amend if you want.
    except RuntimeError as e:
        # Will error if 2FA is already enabled
        print(f'\nError: {e}\n')

    # Getting notification data from GDK to obtain the last block height
    # ==================================================================

    # The fetch_block_height example shows how to handle notification events
    # from Green by processing the notifications queue.
    block_height = wallet.fetch_block_height()
    print(f'\nCurrent Liquid block height: {block_height}')

    # Getting a new address and understanding pointers
    # ================================================

    # The new address returned will be confidential, whereas GDK transactions
    # will show the unconfidential address. For this reason, use the address
    # 'pointer' to identify it in transactions. The pointer plus sub account
    # index maps to a derivation path so you can use pointers within each
    # sub account to link confidential and unconfidential addresses. Be sure
    # to note that you must consider which sub account you are using when
    # using the pointer as an identifier like this.
    address_info = wallet.get_new_address()
    print(f'Address: {address_info["address"]}')
    print(f'Address pointer: {address_info["pointer"]}')

    # Each call creates a new address/pointer pair for the user.
    address_info = wallet.get_new_address()
    print(f'Address: {address_info["address"]}')
    print(f'Address pointer: {address_info["pointer"]}')

    # Getting transaction data from Green using GDK
    # =============================================

    txs = wallet.get_wallet_transactions()
    for tx in txs:
        print(f'TRANSACTION ID      : {tx["txhash"]}')
        print(f'CONFIRMATION STATUS : {tx["confirmation_status"]}')
        print(f'BLOCK HEIGHT        : {tx["block_height"]}')
        print(f'TYPE                : {tx["type"]}')
        print(f'INPUT COUNT         : {len(tx["inputs"])}')
        print(f'OUTPUT COUNT        : {len(tx["outputs"])}\n')

    # Sending assets
    # ==============

    # Please be aware that AMP issued assets are issued with a precision
    # that affects how the number of sats sent are converted to the number
    # of units of the asset itself. Please refer to the examples under
    # 'precision' on the following page for more details and examples:
    # If the asset is registered with the Liquid Assets Registry you can
    # check the precision using the following link, or check with the
    # asset's issuer:
    amount_sat = 1
    asset_id = 'asset id here'
    address = 'destination address here'
    txid = wallet.send_to_address(amount_sat, asset_id, address)
    if txid:
        print(f'\nTransaction sent. Txid: {txid}')
        print(f'\nTransaction failed. See error logging.')